🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th April 2022
Apr 12, 2022🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 12th April 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are waiting there from The Starseed Oracle for you 🌟
Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend.
Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Trust the Timing. "Trust The Wave You Came In On, Time Is Not Running Out."
You may feel this way but you have plenty of time, it just doesn’t feel like it because you’ve shifted and ALIGNED and stepped into the fast lane of your Life Purpose that’s all! But it’s not ‘fast’ it’s just a higher frequency of your Life Purpose. High frequency is ‘fast’ and ‘light’ but it’s not frantic and in flight or fight, it has a different energy behind it - and this feeling - you may experience as anxiety or ‘so much flow’ or like a ‘heavy pressure’ around or behind you - but it is pushing you forward. You’re getting a lot done, you’re getting a HUGE influx of ideas about creating things in your life. The piece here - do not delay these ideas, do not, not act on them. Do not delay - that would be simply pulling you off path if you did not act right away on the ideas you are receiving - about your purpose, your path and your mission - or life in general - which is your Life Purpose 😉 that would be what they call sabotage if you did not act on them! So, you’re not feeling anything but your alignment of your purpose coming in. It’s time to act, not write lists because we know they never get done, but it’s time to just do the thing that is next calling your Soul. Big movement creates big movement and it’s important to trust the steps your Soul is guiding you to take right now. Time is not running out - but you’ve just stepped into the energy of your Purpose, hence why everything is opening for you - ideas, opportunities, magical doorways you once thought was closed, it’s time baby. Your Life Purpose train has arrived - get to it 🙌🏻😍 Love xxx Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend. Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence
Card #2: A New Earth. “It’s Happening. Keep Holding The Vision.”
Despite the world chaos - you’re creating Heaven on Earth right? You are very aware that even when outside circumstances say otherwise, you’re still available for the life that is within you and the life you choose - is a completely different reality yes? You still stock up, get prepared and organised - but that’s just you - you’re prepared for anything right? You’re the one that always brings extra water rot the festival so you can share it because, well why wouldn’t you? You’re the one that thinks of everything that is so no brainer and common sense that ‘regular’ people just don’t seem to think about. You’re the one that just gets things and it all makes sense very quickly for you. Why? Because you’re a way shower, a Lightworker, a Leader - of our New Earth. The new way, the truth and integrity way. When you feel deflated because it seems like things are so far away from where you know in your heart they should be or could be, know that you feel this way because it’s ‘coming for you’ - meaning - you wouldn’t be feeling this way if it wasn’t on its way to you. In a sense that you wouldn’t even be ‘deflated’ if it wasn’t on its way to you - you new life, the new Earth, all of it, is edging closer to you, or you would just be in ‘normal’ reality not even worrying or thinking about it, if that makes sense? So know, that your desires for a New Earth are real (I know you know this!) you’re not in delusion - you can just feel, a whole new Earth rapidly coming into reality! So, continue your ‘New Earth’ practises, do not give up hope and let yourself feel the pull and continued to be guided in yoru choices and actions. You’re definitely on the right path. Love xxx Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend. Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence
Card #3: Your Life Is A Canvas. “Artist. Manifestation. Creative Accountability.”
Oooh a few things flowing through here - first of all - do you see yourself as an Artist? You might think of Artist as someone with a paint brush and canvas - whilst this is true I am getting the message that it is important to see yourself as an Artist of voice, of written word, of one of the talented ones who is ‘different to society’ because your message, your being, who you are - is complete Art! I feel this is an important shift for you to have in ‘seeing who you are’. Your words and our energy have great power and can change your environment, your life and the world. And I feel this card has come to you to start owning that gift. I feel you’ve been looking to a mentor to ‘do it for you’ in a way or - show me how to do x-y-z instead of trusting yourself to do the thing and trust that the mentor you’re drawn to work with is more about being in their space and knowing that the elevation, energy and shifts that take place are because you’re trusting yourself and following through on your ART! You’re the one that paints the canvas of your life and I know you know this but I feel this card has come to you to stop waiting around and just take action on it. I also feel that you may be reading this - because this is the shift you’ve just had too - and your life feels way more productive or aligned or - like you are learning lots right now, but you’ve never felt more aligned than ever before yes? Even through the hard times yes? This ‘Creative Accountability’ is exactly this about just doing the thing and trusting yourself because you know what to do - it’s the tweaking and fine tuning a mentor helps you with but also the frequency bandwidth of where you deliver it to of what comes through you - the five closest people to you right? See yourself as an Artist. Know that you’re painting the script of reality as each word is uttered from your lips, as you write each word, as you stay the course and following your Soul through your Art - which is simply an expression of your Soul in whichever way that wants to be released from your vessel. Let your Art paint the canvas of your Life. Let your Soul, speak reality into existence through your expression and watch your manifestations come to Life. Love xxx Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend. Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence
Card #4: All Paths Lead Home. “Inner Authority. Intuition. Turn Your Gaze Within.”
Strong - trust your intuition card on this one! Meaning - don’t listen to any outside authority if it is overriding your internal guidance system. It feels like you’ve been getting a message about something and so look to others to get advice but then when it comes to it - you’re scared or don’t listen or get confused at what to do? That’s because - you already know what to do. Take yourself back to the starting point you first asked them - you knew this is your next step. But when it actually arrives to ‘pull the trigger and go for it’ for example, you back out. And yet, your Soul led you there right? Turn your gaze inward - to what your Soul has led you to - and trust yourself enough to back yourself with the next leap that you’re doing - especially because your Soul led you there! That ‘fear/scared’ or even ‘terror barrier’ is your sign you’re busting through to the reality you’ve been working so hard and dreaming for - is now here. ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway’ as they say. But you know these messages right? Your intuition has led you here and is leading the way. I am wondering if there is some legal documents too, that you need to tidy up or get clear on? Is there other documents that you’ve been working on or waiting on? It feels like there is also ‘many balls up on the air’ right now for you and even though you’re a Master at doing many things at once and achieving all you desire, I feel you feel more ‘organised’ with it all or something - or have you dropped into a ‘slower’ pace (not technically slow) but there is a deeper trust in the unfoldment of all that is happening for you - happening for you? It feels like all of these will ‘land at once’ for you and it won’t be overwhelming, it will feel like your new life has ‘landed in your lap’ and right now… you can feel the tangible reality of it all and it’s helping you to relax into it right? It’s all working out, it’s all leading you to your ‘destination’, it’s just balancing the faith with the actions and deeply trusting yourself where your Soul is leading you to ‘leap next’ right? And those leaps? That the ones you’ve taken in the past? They e led you ‘here’ right? And that, you wouldn’t be where you are without them right? And that… is why continuing on trusting your ‘next leap’ is required right now. But you already knew this 😉 Love xxx Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend. Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence
Card #5: Child of the Cosmos. “The Intelligence Of The Universe Lies Within You.”
This card feels like a follow on from Card #4 with trusting your intuition. However, I feel this card is about you owning your gift and who you are, what you are here to do (have you already begun filming/creating/singing?) and shining your light bright into the world. Have you just come out of the closet and then doubting yourself? Are you doubting yourself about what you’re doing? Don’t! You’re a “Child of the Cosmos!” You have a magical quality about you that is unlike any other and whilst it is true that you can do anything you want to do - it feels like you’re being called to a very specific task right now and it is important to prioritise this in your ‘already busy’ schedule because do you know what will happen? You suddenly won’t feel so ‘full and overwhelmed’ - do you know why? Because you are completing/working on what you’re supposed to be working on! That heavy weight and that doubt is simply because you’re keeping busy and doing everything else that is keeping you on the hamster wheel instead of the things that are going to propel you forward. “You are a Child of the Cosmos.” And your message is important to share. Everything else isn’t important but getting your message out to the world is all that matters right now. When you’re dead and gone that pile of paperwork, the dishes and sleeping ain’t going to be the gift you leave to the world. Your message is. That’s why you left the Cosmos to come here. Don’t take it back with you, without leaving your stamp on the world, your message - your Legacy. Love xxx Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend. Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence
Card #6: Star Keeper. “Cosmic Ancestor. Seed The Light.”
Aannnnddddd then this card, is a stream off Card #5! These are very ‘dreamy’ cards, very ‘starry’ cards 🤩 they deeply connect into our ‘ground roots’ in the stars. This card is similar to #5 in about owning your gift and mission and purpose here to bring your gifts to Earth. This card, I feel is how you support yourself on your mission. In a very physical reality sense. Very Base Chakra sense. How are your finances? How are you managing your finances? How are you taking care of your Health? How are you taking care of your relationships in your life? And whilst you might be 100% on these and ‘of course’ I am good with these Hannah - then - how do you balance this with actually getting your purpose work done? Are you actually working on what you need to be working on or is life coming first? Whilst this isn’t about negating life for work - this is about knowing where the fine line balance is, and when to block everything out and get your purpose work done and vice versa. Also - boundaries coming through in this very strongly. Are you distracted whilst you’re working out? Are you taking a zillion steps to get a task done when it should be done in no time? Sometimes when this occurs - there is something else more needing your attention and it is important to give it to this to then allow and trust flow rather than forcing something. However, this again, comes into knowing if you’re sabotaging and distracting from the real thing that needs to be done. You’ll know because it will #1 tap you on the shoulder until you do and #2 won’t feel as good as when you do, do it, and then all your problems fade away because you’re doing what you’re really meant to be doing. It’s a same, similar and repeating message right? So, you can do it so the message changes? 🤣 and, also hearing about money and finances - are you needing to sort this out? Get clear on things? Learn and understand different ways of investing? Paying off debts? Learning crypto or another form of decentralised system? Something about money - and prioritising the balance and/or blocking things out to work on things. You will know from reading this… but… you also already knew right? Nothing new here until you do it 😉 Love xxx Our 3 Day Masterclass starts tomorrow! Unthread old ties, stories and anchors to your past in Health, Wealth and Love and activate what you truly desire with this portal of our Eclipses coming up and our Full Moon this Easter weekend. Super excited to bring Past Life Presence for you starting tomorrow, Health, Wealth and Love and abundance coming right up! Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/past-life-presence