🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 12th May 2020 🔮
May 12, 2020🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 12th May 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Magical Messages from the Fairies 🧚🏻♀️🧚♂️
Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Travel. ‘An upcoming trip proves to be life-changing in positive ways.’
Now - whilst this card has it’s obvious meaning, which I will talk about in more details shortly - the first strong message coming through for this card - is about the Inner Journey. I am hearing the message ‘clean out’ - it is time for you to let your past go, in a big, big way. Perhaps you have already been doing this recently and this is confirmation for you but this strong message is more about what you are cleaning out FOR - this new path, this new life that has already opened up and is about to in a big, big way - is coming in thick, fast and strong for you. Perhaps you have already felt the ‘release’ of the strong hold of energy that whatever that was ‘had over you’ and now it is ‘go time’ - however, this message for you - with this ‘Travel’ and the Inner Journey message - the underground, - the power from the Earth - meaning, synchronistic events, people, places and things ‘turning up’ in your environment, in your life - people crossing your path in ‘unexpected’ ways with information that is valuable that you realise perhaps afterwards - is a strong part of your Life Purpose and what you are putting together right now. I am sensing this ‘underground’ - is yes, the Earth’s power -have you been calling upon Her for strength? Asking for help? - She has heard you - have you noticed signs of this lately from Nature? Is Nature stronger than ever for you? Even signs from the ‘Underground’ world - like Earth Spirits, Nature Spirits, Crows, Eagles or even certain types of plants that you have previously had an aversion to, or they have just not been in your awareness, but have been ‘coming up from the underground’ (like mushrooms for example?! I know they have for me personally!). I am getting the strong message that your Life Purpose is building in such deep, grounded strength right now and to breath a sigh of relief knowing that even though you don’t know - to just continue to trust and turn up to the next step that feels right for you. I am also getting the message about this ‘Stag’ on the card in the picture here - Stag is deep in the forest of Faery and the deep connection to the Divine Union of Masculine and Feminine Balance. There is a deep part of you that has called forth your Divine Union of Self into physicality - which can feel like a deep sense of inner peace with where your life is at right now, even though you may want ‘more’ - you deeply feel internally at Peace. The Stag is also deeply connected to the Masculine and feeling the deep inner strength that is solid fuel for the fruition of your Life Purpose. The Stag on this card, is also confirming the ‘clean out’ message I got at the start of this card for you too - this letting go of your past - the other message here, is even though you may be cleaning out whether physically, energetically or both - that now is the time to continue this clean out and this ‘underground’ clean out - what I can see for you, is the energetic cleaning that we do when we do the inner work with specific meditations or healing modalities. We may heal wounds and trauma - but do we clean the wound up? A bit like when there is a physical cut, we don’t just stick a bandage on top, we clean the wound, make sure it is clean of debris and whatnot and then bandage/stitch it up. I feel this Travel card for you is indicating some clean up of wounds that you have ‘healed’ - and this may just be as simple as a Chakra Clearing or it may be deeper like an advanced healing modality to help shift the debris stuck/lodged deep in your auric field, remnants of cleaning up. (Send me a message if you are not sure about this!). As for physical and ‘obvious travel’ coming up for you - have you just travelled somewhere? Perhaps you have physically left your old reality behind? If you haven’t, I feel there is some significant travel coming up for you and to be prepared for this. If you had to up and leave in two weeks - what needs to be organised and taken care of? Perhaps you are not physically going anywhere, but you will become super busy like you are travelling - so again, what needs to be prepared for this? What support do you need in place? What do you need to ‘have done’ - so you can leave and travel when this comes to you? I feel like this card is deep, deep confirmation for you of all you’ve been feeling recently - so if you’ve been doubting any part of it - please don’t. You’re right on path beautiful one. Be strong, like the Stag 😉 and let your journey continue to guide you, deep into the forest of this unique trust of your intuition you have - because you’re right on track. Trust. Love xxx Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Holiday. ‘The answer you’re looking for can be found during a vacation, retreat or holiday getaway.’
Ah - even though this is about the Holiday - the first thing I heard when I saw this card for you is, ‘Time for holiday is over sunny Jim!’ Well - not quite! 😉 - But the holiday is over is the sense I was getting for you and whilst that might seem depressing - it is more about - okay, time to buckle down and get this Soul Purpose Work done beautiful one! NO more mucking about! No more distractions! Just say NO! And if you are struggling to say no to demands on your time and energy - ask the Angels of 100% light to take care of those distractions and ask for help with focusing - so you can get it done! If you are not sure where to start, just start with the next thing that feels right (in alignment with your Soul’s work) and do minimum one piece every single day. It only need to take 15mins to start with and that tiny little bit (especially if you are busy!) - will FUEL you. Working on your Soul Purpose Work GIVES you energy! So if you’re feeling sluggish and depressed - place your hand on your Heart and ask your Soul (just ask the question out loud or in your mind) What is the next thing that my Soul is guiding me to do? And take action on what that is, even if it doesn’t make logical sense. Turn up to minimum 15 mins (set a timer) of your Soul’s Purpose work everyday - even if you don’t feel like it, as this is disciplinary flow and once you commit to this, even just 15 mins - you start to create MOMENTUM and then this MOMENTUM carries you. Plus, 99% of the time, if you just do 15 mins - when the timer goes off, you’ll likely want to keep going and the beauty about this is that those 15 mins usually have the most distractions and ‘don’t want to do’ feelings in it and once you bust past this 15mins - you step into disciplinary FLOW that CARRIES YOU! The other message I am getting here for you about this card - is this Fairy is jumping into a big body of water. Has the ocean been calling you lately? Or water? Are there messages in water for you that are calling you to pay attention to, listen to - or is it that you are needing to drink more water? The main message I am getting for you about the water though is the subconscious - what emotions need ‘cleaning out/cleaning up’ or something else? Is there some inner emotional processes you are needing to do (meditation or some other healing modality?) Or is it, that your emotions are speaking to you and you are not paying attention? Have you been ‘giving up’ something recently and have been ‘thrown into the deep end’ - with your life and from this, deep emotions/buried emotions have been surfacing for you? I feel it is this, this card is referring to for you - don’t bury them again - face them and shift them for good, as that will free your physical body to have space thus energy for your Soul’s Purpose work that is trying to come through you. But… you already know this don’t you 😉 Love xxx Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Whom Do You Need To Forgive? ‘As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true.’
Hmmmm, have you been needing to do some sort of healing - but have been too busy? Or you know there is a certain thing you need to work on, but any excuse - it hasn’t happened yet? I feel like you know what it is you need to work on/do, but you have been putting it off - perhaps your own fear of letting it go (which is the old pain, hurt, resentment, anger etc about the situation, whether that be past or present). Some people think the fear of doing the thing, letting it go/healing etc - is that you have to let ‘them’ go - your ex, your lover your pain that has become your normal reality. And the key here is that - your normal reality and the thing you’re most afraid of letting go of? Is your normal reality! Did you just have a realisation this past 24-48hours? Something along the lines of - well, everything is changed, but - actually this stuff is still the damn same?? And yet - this piece here, it’s still surfacing, same pattern, same wound, same - everything (even though some things may have changed physically). The sense I am getting here about this core wounding - I feel like it is OLD for you, it’s very old and the piece that you perhaps haven’t looked at it yet? Is that it is that OLD - that it is a very big piece of who you are, in your identity, in your make up, in your Being, your persona - all of you. To ‘lose’ this - is to lose the person you have known for how many years old you are. I am wondering if you have also been trying to manifest something recently to no avail? ‘As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true.’ This card is literally giving you the answer to manifesting your dream desires (or whatever you’ve been trying to manifest recently). So - what is this wound? What is this hurt that you are carrying around? Perhaps you have been feeling depressed, lethargy and get a wave of okay, let’s get this stuff done, but it is like you freeze, or just lose all motivation for what you are doing? Like you KNOW you have to get this stuff done, but, you just reach a point and ah yep, this other thing that has nothing to do with where I am going seems good! Right? Then you feel worse, because the thing you know you need to do is still not getting done, or is done yes? Gah. So…. If you were to release this thing, this emotional burden weighing you down - and perhaps you don’t even know where it is stemming from, you just feel gah most of the time, or perhaps you are good, but then gah again and this realisation - perhaps you didn’t even know it until someone pointed it out to you? Regardless - the key here is that this - is just a very OLD pattern and to release this? Releases all your life that has held you back to date. Yes you have done a lot of emotional and spiritual work, yes you have done a lot of work on yourself and your life to date - however, this current thing, that this card has drawn your attention to today, is like the biggest weight will be lifted from your life - and without ‘doing’ anything more - all that you’re needing to receive, wanting to receive and have been asking for will come FLOODING in. However, it just depends if you’re willing to sit down with yourself for long enough to do this, bring deep awareness to it, shift it and become the version of yourself you’ve been working for all this time in the first place. For this surfacing - is the answer to your prayers = the life beyond carrying around this wound, is the you, you were born to be. Forgive yourself for holding onto it for any longer, than you needed to. Forgive yourself for thinking this is just how reality is, forgive yourself for even feeling anything but love for yourself, wounds and all. ‘As you release old anger or resentment, you will find that your wishes will come true.’ - If you have found yourself releasing the deepest OLD OLD stuff this past few days, this card is confirmation that your dreams and desires - they’re just around the corner beautiful, you’re onto it! Keep trusting your intuition - you’ve always been on point, nothing has changed now, it only gets stronger from here on in. Love xxx Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: New Home. ‘Moving Is A Step In The Right Direction For You.’
Have you just moved or thinking about moving? I am getting the sense for this card too - if you are quite settled where you are - this can be about ‘moving the internal world/reality’ of things going on for you - and I am hearing - shifting what seems like mountains to your entirely new reality. If you were to look back to 4-5 months ago - did you see yourself where you are now? Probably not, and yes, it is ‘tricky to see the right future’ - however, with who you are and what you have right now - you have moved mountains to ‘get here’ right? I am sensing that the ‘Earth is moving beneath your feet’ - I am getting the sense this is is deep in Life Purpose stuff for you in your life - as you take one step forward the Universe moves MOUNTAINS - to support you with that - is that how it has felt for you? Sometimes tricky to turn up to your Life Purpose work yes, but you have been and soooo many doors and opportunities are opening up for you right? The moving of energy is always significant when the ‘Moving’ Card comes up - but of course it can mean physical home too. Have you just moved, or wondering where to or want to, but wondering where ‘home’ even is for you? I am also getting the message of - ‘what is wrong with your current home’ or maybe that isn’t the right questions - have you been unsettled where you are, but know you have to be there? Sometimes the longing for something (a new home) or someone else (so if you’re in a relationship and wondering whether it is right or whether your intuition is telling you to stay or go) are signs that you are avoiding something in your current reality. What is it that you are not facing? So - the outside ‘distraction’ - keeps you in avoidance and not wanting to admit the truth to yourself - because you know what - that can be MIGHTY painful for you! Whether that be admitting you actually don’t like where you are living but have been ‘putting up with it’ because it is just how it is, however, its is like this past few weeks have shifted you - in a way you have never shifted before. No longer are you afraid to lose anything, no longer are you worried about what people think, no longer will you hide your true self, no longer will you tolerate anything that is less than your dreams - no longer will you put yourself last and fuck around waiting for others - you have SHIFTED and this, new you that is emerging - is birthing new realities left, right and centre for you. So, with this card - I ask you what it is you are avoiding in your current reality? Do you push people away then realise you actually want them? Can you see how this breaks threads and strings and nothing is really the same after this? Does this pattern support or hinder you and your current environment? Are you willing to shift it? If not, things may shift out of your field, as they are not in alignment with these old patterns - or YOU - will shift out of your environment and ‘move’ to a new space, a new environment - which, is part of your Life Purpose path and destiny yes? You have been internally longing for a ‘New Home’ and whilst this is pertinent on both sides of this meaning for you with this card, to truly integrate the lessons and shadow of this card and what is surfacing for you, I highly recommend looking at it from both angles and doing some deep inner work to ‘move’ this, as this ‘step in the right direction’ - will be effortless and flow ‘all by itself’ once you ‘move’ this internal space and shift, what you know, you need to and perhaps have been avoiding. It’s time isn’t it? To let life be easy, to let life in and enjoy it, rather than it all being hard work and pain? You are ready for that, aren’t you? Time is now, the window of opportunity is here - a gift from the Gods… are you going to let that in? Love xxx Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Birthday. ‘A Significant Birthday Holds The Answer To Your Question.’
What Age comes to mind when you read this? This - age for you - ‘holds the answer to your question.’ When I work with my clients - significant ages have ‘impacted’ the person and this can hold trauma, unresolved hurts, anger, frustrations and other issues in their energetic body, that affects the physical body, let alone relationship patterns, receiving issues and anything else that is going on in their life that is an ‘issues’ - when we work with the Ages of a person, it can really pin point and shift what is going on. So - this age, that intuitively came to mind when I asked that question - what was going on around that time in your life? What were the main feelings that were strong for you most of the time at that age? Did you feel supported? Did you know what you want? What direction you were going in? What else was happening then? Who was around you in your life? Did you feel loved? Accepted and appreciated? What were the issues/feelings and key question - how does that scenario from back then - relate to the current feelings of now - are they the same feelings? The same energies? If yes then here is your key healing. When we can see the correlated patterns and feelings from that pin point time in your life - forget about current reality right now and the issue or right now. Your key to healing your current reality - is back in your past at this pin point age that you have just become aware of right now. Work on this - heal this part of you (You can use my Inner Child Meditation to do this, no matter what ‘age’ came to mind for you) and your current reality will shift - without even ‘moving’ - because what is actually coming up for you is this situation/scenario from back then. Whatever is happening, has triggered these old feelings and perhaps you won’t have to repeat the pattern that happened back then now, when you shift this yes? Take heed of this ‘Birthday’ age and you can use this example, this ‘healing tool’ - anytime anything surfaces for you as a ‘check in’ to shift your current reality, for our current reality, is a direct reflection of everything we have been through, worked to achieve and work through to date. What is ‘right in front of you’ - can be transformed by cleaning out the past. Just like a cupboard where we take everything out, throw out the old things and put back only what we want, so too, does this apply to our inner world and suddenly a different energy is emitted from your body, creating a new vibration rippling out into your reality, which changes everything, without ‘doing a thing’ on the outside world. It is from here, that we then re-assess current reality and notice how much is changed, because we are not dragging our baggage from the past, into our future. So, are you ready to do this? Love xxx Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Your Desire Is Within Reach. ‘Have Faith as Everything is Working In Your Favour.’
Oh honey, if you’ve been doubting yourself - please don’t! This card is a big sign for you - that even though it feels like you haven’t been able to do all your normal things that keep you sane, or even a routine that supports you or even… space for you - that you are exactly where you need to be, learning exactly what you need to be learning right now. I am also getting the message - are you longing for something? I am hearing for you, ‘Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs.’ - I feel like you are sooooo close to busting through to a new reality that you haven’t experienced physically before - but it is sooo normal for you now, this is what you’ve always dreamed of right? Please don’t give up right before this miracle occurs! ‘Your Desire Is Within Reach’ - I feel like you are almost at your end, at your… is it really happening - although that isn’t really the question for you, as you know it is inevitable, but it is more of the ‘Gosh is all of this really happening to get me to there??’ And yes, breaking through to new realities - if it were easy - there would be more people doing it, living their dreams and creating their reality yes? I am also getting the message for you - what is it, that you are craving? Not necessarily food cravings! But Soul longing cravings? I am also getting the message that, if you were to look in your current reality, like really SEE what is in front of you - are you still longing for that other thing? I am getting the message for you to really let in, what is in your current reality. And the other message is - do you need to have conscious communication to clear the energetic air, to get super clear? I feel that this is almost ‘holding you back’ in a way and that this - is the piece making you doubt your desires and dreams in a sense, if that makes sense? Like it is this ‘getting in the way’. It is not that you doubt your dreams/desires or whatever you are about to break through to - but this other piece, that you need to have a conscious communication about is, what is ‘interfering’ and making you doubt the current situation (that isn’t your desires/dreams) - but infiltrating into it, if that makes sense? So, what conscious communication do you need to have, to shift this energy, to clear the space, so you can be free to move forward in the direction you need to go? I feel like you already know very clearly what to do and if you’re having difficulties with that conversation, issue or what you need to do - ask the Angels of 100% Light, to help orchestrate that conversation, so you can move forward freely, in the direction of your dreams once again, because… ‘Your Desire Is Within Reach’ - don’t give up now beautiful one, you’re about to break through to a new reality you haven’t been in before - keep going, no matter how uncomfortable right now - you’ve got this and you’re soooooooo close, know this precious Soul, know it, feel it, be it. It’s already yours. Love xxx Applications are closing soon for Life Purpose Accelerator - The Inner Circle for Rising Lightworkers & Ancient Blooded Healers, the place where you rise into your greatness, shining the light of your Life Purpose - the divine unfoldment of the reason you were born on our dear Planet. It's time to rise beautiful Soul, click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator