🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th December 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Dec 13, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th December 2022

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids Oracle Cards 🧜‍♀️

Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way.

If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: The Present. ‘Gift, treasure, revelation of own value, now-ness.’

The running, the frantic hurrying has gone - ceased - you are whole new person and you value yourself more than you’ve ever done before. You do not need to concern yourself with any of the past, nor the future at this point in time, you’re just… here. Very present, doing what you need to do, doing what you want to do and listening deep within about the next step that is right now. That… this card, feels like deep confirmation for you at this time. You are exactly where you need to be, learning exactly what you need to learn, you are correct to continue trusting this ‘nowness’ energy. You have cleared a lot of trauma, you have released your past and you have come into a place where you are free to choose and decide what you want to do - because you WANT to do it. You literally can do anything you want to do and create anything you want to create, but you’re not doing it from a place of lack right now - you’re in deep trust and this… is where the magic is. I am getting the message to increase your meditation routine but also - what is the project you’re working on? This is all that is required at this time AND - Christmas time? Is a time for Presence, not presents. But we can be present with the presents too! I am also feeling that there is a lot of power in this right nowness for you at this time and you are learning lots about yourself. Be okay with the space, be okay with the not knowing, be okay with the void. You have ended up here, because you trusted yourself each step, to focus on your healing, your self development, walking away from situations that have pulled you down and you have had to run from…. but you don’t need to run anymore. There is a huge rewiring going on for you at this time and it is important to be gentle with yourself and ‘just be with it’ whilst this recalibration, rewiring of your whole being is changing. You are changing vibration, you are changing thought patterns, you are changing so many essences of who you are and that… is creating an entire paradigm shift for you. ‘In the mean time’ whilst it is changing, be here now. Enjoy this space and time, because this is your life and your life is now. We are always looking forward and creating something for the future and rarely enjoying being present with what is right now AND creating something for the future. Whilst it is important to be in both worlds, I also feel you’re doing this more and more - this, The Present focus… and it is here, that not only the magic, power and essence of your being is found, but is where your power is, where your worth is. For it is right now that you are whole, complete and deeply aware of your present moment, your present surroundings - you are in your heart when you ‘here’ and…. there is a lot of love here… to receive this level of love… you must be present in this moment. This… is showing you, how much you are receiving love, how much you are receiving life, how much you are allowing yourself to be filled with love - that you value yourself enough to believe you are worthy of these things. This… is a huge ‘achievement’ to be acknowledged. Achievement isn’t the right word… but the main message is - realise how far you’ve come, realise how much you’ve worked through that you can be so present to be allowing your heart to receive this amount of love of the right now. It is here, that everything is found, there is no lacking, no loss, everything just is… and it is amazing. Deeply acknowledge this for yourself. Love xxx Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way. If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #2: Yemaya. ‘Yemaya, Grandmother Ocean, primordial.’ 

You honey, have such a deep, deep connection to the Earth, to Nature, to all things not seen with the human eyes, but felt with the heart. This is your gift and I am getting a strong message to truly drop in and honour just how sensitive you are. It feels like you have been longing for something recently? It feels like there is a part of you wondering why you are here, what you are doing - but then you fast come back to this now moment and know you’re doing exactly what you’re meant to do. But… there is that something missing feeling? I wonder if this is a ‘new’ feeling, or it feels like it has been there for quite some time? Of course this is the Mermaid Oracle, so for this card too - I am getting for you spending time at the Ocean or listening to Ocean waves is very healing for you at this time. I wonder what has been activated in you recently? Something has been missing, but you’ve been getting signs it is close and I feel this is your ‘have faith’ card. I am also wondering if there is a training or study or information that has also been drawing you to learn more about? This ‘primordial’ spirit energy is so strong - in a sense that this a deep part of who you are and… maybe this ‘missing’ part… is this. Awaiting to be awoken, to be activated in her/his slumber, to step into the next phase of who you are and what you are doing in your life. It feels like this has been surfacing in little bursts, little waves and then you feel like all is lost and gone again, because it literally disappears again….. but it is like a lid, or a jack in a box - it keeps bursting out - but - is it you that puts it’s lid on again? Are you shutting her/him back in the box because you’re scared of ‘falling’ again? Of burning out again? You do realise - you have changed and rewired your entire system right? That you might have experienced hardship in the past - but that is not who you are anymore right? You’ve learnt, you’ve grown, you’ve broken through the hardest paradigms - you do realise you can just enjoy it now right? And.. this jack in the box, doesn’t have to be a jack in the box now… it is, you are safe, to stabilise this ‘feeling’ as your new reality. Your past is your past, but it doesn’t have to define your future, it is okay for you to hold this as your highest self, as your new grounded sense of awareness - this primordial spirit as the potent everyday reality that you are. As this is a Mother Mermaid and her Merbaby, this card also represents new beginnings and new start for you - and it feels like not just a chapter is closed - but an entirely new book is being written right now. New life, new energy and you will never be the same again. Welcome it, embrace it and know that you are safe, stabilised and you can come out of your shell, out of the box and never have to go back in again… yes? Love xxx Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way. If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #3: Sacrifice. ‘There are those worth making, there are those that will destroy you.’

Hmmm are you putting yourself first? Have you shifted into this recently? And/or is it that you are needing to be mindful of how much you have on your shoulders right now? Hmmm, the sense that I am getting is that you DO have a lot on your shoulders, you ARE putting - or have - a lot of pressure on your shoulders and I feel that this self-imposed stress is unnecessary. In a sense that - the reason you did this in the first place, the reason that you begun what you did, and did what you did, is because you KNEW you could do better, turn this around, make more, increase everything and create the magic you KNOW you can create - but in a better than ever form this time, right now. So, my questions is, honey, have you forgotten this? Perhaps you are reaching a place where you are just starting to shift into this and really stepping into this truth now. There comes a time and a point where we just let it all go, where we are tired of talking about the same old shit anymore and whilst there is nothing wrong with what or where or how you are right now and where this got you to, because you are/were healing - the healing is done now - and/or you are ready to truly heal from it and not be stuck in ‘telling the story’ anymore and that… is such a liberating and freeing place to be in and I am deeply celebrating this with you right now! How special, exciting and just… life begins now! I am also getting the sense here, so with this new found sense of freedom and life path that you have before you now - that is free of the pain and hurt of the past, you ‘need’ something else to focus on. So, before all that crap happened to you, what did you want in life? What did you want to do? What did you want to create? How did you want to live your life? This… is what is coming up now - to create this. You have a clean slate ahead of you and so moving forward, what is the ‘new sacrifices’ you are to make? Sacrifices are not always a bad thing, they can be beneficial when you are wanting to work towards a goal. For example, not going out drinking on Friday and Saturday nights anymore, so you can get healthy, work and save for something you are creating, a house, investment or otherwise. Or, not spending up big on things that are ‘trivial’ so you can save for that holiday, investment in a mentor or otherwise that has been on your mind. So, what ‘sacrifices’ are you making in the next 12 months, that can keep you focused on your goals and in this wonderful space now that you have ahead of you because the worst is now behind you? Love xxx Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way. If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #4: Visions. ‘Psychic images, clairvoyance, seeing, out of body travel.’ 

Hmmm, have you not felt yourself lately? I feel that your body has been undergoing huge DNA cellular coding and restructure. Have you gone off food in waves, lost motivation and then had spurts of it and can’t eat enough food?? These are signs you are receiving cosmic and galactic upgrades. There is a high crystalline light coding streaming into our realm at this time as a cosmic ‘collision’ that is merging with our system and also streaming in from a portal to the north ‘above’ us. This happened every year from around mid October to April is is ‘covered up’ by events like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s almost each month for every culture, Easter to keep us ‘busy’ and missing these important and incredible crystalline upgrades that can heal and change your life. This time of year can be super hard and the ‘worst’ time for so many people, as these energies, when not ‘allocated and received’ ‘correctly’ - can cause havoc, mayhem and chaos - the exact recipe for crazy making. The point of sharing this with you and ‘why’ it is coming through is because you are receiving these upgrades - there is nothing wrong with you. You may be experiencing dizziness, weird feelings in your body and feeling very ‘out of time’ and like you’re in two worlds at once. Your visions are increasing, you’re dreaming more and your day dreaming is next level - catch these ‘daydreams’ - for they are just like night time dreams and give you definite intuition, ideas, inspiration and information about things going on in your life. It is a training and a skill to ‘catch’ them and decipher them for sure, but this card has come to you as confirmation, no, you’re not going crazy, your skills are increasing and you are becoming more confident in who you are - your old life has ended and you’re learning who you are in this ‘new world’, so to speak. A lot has changed for you and a lot is still the same also. So, if you are not already honing your skills in this area, now is the time, because this wouldn’t be happening for you, if you weren’t to increase your awareness and fine tune this, for the next chapter of your life. Trust them. Hone them. Use them. Practise, practise, practise. Love xxx Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way. If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #5: Conchomancy. ‘Seashell divination, wisdom of shells.’ 

This is a similar message to Card #4, however, this one is more focused on ‘hard core’ training of your psychic skills. It feels like now is the time for you to truly step into this work as a career and to stop delaying putting this off. Step up, put yourself out there and know that you are being guided to shift into this direction as ‘full time’. Train, practise and make it happen. It is time to learn the wisdom of shells, nature, oracle and divination of anything that is calling you. You have a gift honey and although you may have been dabbling in and out of it, this card comes as a strong sign for you to listen, pay attention and take your skills and career path more seriously for yourself at this time. You wouldn’t be interested in this stuff, you wouldn’t be keen to learn more of it, you just wouldn’t. There is a reason and there is wisdom in the path you have walked, if you are not sure where to start, start by sharing your story - or - start by sharing the skills that you know you have and teaching this to others via reels or blogs or books or courses - or - what else is it, that is calling you about this? I am also getting the message to trust where and what you are being called to do at this time. Whilst I feel like you do, I also feel like you drop into a fear if you’re doing the right thing and this is ONLY because you have changed what you do, have you not? What you thought you were going to do 3-4 years ago - is very different to the choices and life direction path you now thought you were going to head into yes? There is such a strong sense for you of this card to trust this change whole heartedly, that when any doubt drops in, even for a teency second, to just drop back deeper into trust. This is just like a profound rewire and rewrite going on that is allowing you to let your highest self be the ‘full frontal’ version of you at this time. You’re reclaiming your power and stepping into the complete alignment of your Purpose, know that you are definitely on the right path. Okay? Just… follow that call to learn and fine tune your skills more because it is time to step up and into it - in a big way. Love xxx Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way. If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business


Card #6: Coral’s Wisdom. ‘Colony, delicacy, fragility, works that are created over great periods of time.’ 

This is your strong message - to not give up! You are only just getting started and although it seems like you cannot see you are making great progress at this time - know - you ARE. This is a huge part of who you are stepping into - in actually SEEING who you are. It feels like you do soooo many things, and you actually don’t see how amazing you are (or maybe you are starting to?!). It is all well and good to look at yourself in the mirror and say I love you and do all the mirror work you like, but to actually step into the world and let the world reflect back to you your skills, showing you how amazing you are and how far you’ve come is a whole other side to it. Have you been feeling the pull to explore new places? To get out more? To step outside your comfort zone? I feel like you’re being reminded that you’ve changed and the world has changed, but it is also at a point of ‘some sort’ of normality again and you can once again, do the things you want to do. I feel that you stepping outside your comfort zone, moving into spaces and places and taking paths that you wouldn’t usually take nor do at this time is important for your growth at this time. I feel that you are being guided to things that you didn’t think you’d ever do or follow and there are sparks of interest that are bringing you alive into a place you didn’t think you could - it just wasn’t in your reality before. Have you had this recently? That you’ve had reflections from people that made you SEE more of who you are? That you can truly step into acknowledging how far you’ve come and own what it is you do? The ‘wisdom of shells’ is showing you your unique wisdom, showing you, your unique stance on the world, showing you, who you really are and allowing you to walk this wisdom and share with those that are open to hearing. Don’t give up at this time, you’re about to have the biggest break through of your life and career. ‘Works that are created over great periods of time’ - continue moving forward with your ‘crazy’ ideas that you are working on - they may very well - just work! I am also getting that now is a time for heads down bums up - and maybe, the new environment, stepping outside your comfort zone, is important for this shift, this movement of energy, this fresh energy that will give you the motivation and fresh inspiration to bring it to completion. Protect it, work it and honour the call for movement in the direction that doesn’t make logical sense, but feels soooo right. Love xxx Without the tools I would never have been able to get here where I am today, with Reality Awareness fully supporting us. As a single mum, the biggest aspect for me is being able to spend as much time as I can with my daughter… in the blink of an eye she has grown up and I am grateful that years ago I buckled down and dedicated myself to learning the systems that would not only enable me to homeschool her, live with freedom doing what we want when we want, but also to have the capability to work from anywhere in the world - which was a saviour when the last few years hit. To set my own schedule, to work when I want, to create what I want and to have a system in place to do this - is the financial freedom to live this way. If you are serious about living your life freely without being limited in your capacity to earn, the systems, structures, tools and the inner game mindset that allows you to exponentially earn a living doing what you love - then Manifesting Magic is for you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business