🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th September 2022
Sep 13, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 13th September 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Archangel Oracle Cards for you. 👼🕊
You’re different.
You’re shifting through something big.
You can feel it.
It’s there.
And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are.
You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this.
You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready.
My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Love Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Passion. Archangel Haniel. “Trust and follow your renewed passion in your love life and career.”
Now that I have fill in the blank I can do fill in the blank. This… enables you to realise what you already have, why you have it and now you can do - what? What is the reason you are wanting to get out of whatever situation you are in? And… where would you even go and why? Then, do you even need to go anywhere and can you just start now with what you have? THAT is #lifepurposerules - Do what you can with what you have - right now. This is how dreams are made, this is how reality is born - by you actually choosing to have this life now, be with what is in front of you and let yourself truly receive it. Most of us want to run away from what is right in front of us - and usually it peaks at certain times, because you are not wanting to face some painful feelings of your reality as it surfaces in front of you. If you are wanting to move house, it can be to get out of facing something that is ‘in your face’. The other part I say frequently to my clients who want to move and can’t is also - yes, it can be that you are needing to move and change your environment 100% this is required, however, what is the intention underneath it that is causing this desire? If it is to get away from something, this needs to be faced otherwise the next place - you will feel EXACTLY the same, the same feelings will eventually surface and you will just want to keep running. However, if you are doing it from a place of expansion and wanting to expand deeper into abundance, love and happiness - then YES. However, if you are not feeling that in your current environment, you have to ask why and do the deep inner work - which is usually feeling a tonne of grief that you do not want to face. Once this shifts out though, do you know what surfaces then? “Renewed passion in your love life and career.” And this… is what you have been searching for, wondering where it has gone, wondering if your drive will ever come back right? And it will, if it hasn’t already… but that… clean out of your Heart (grief), allows for your true Heart’s alignment and desires to come to pass. Always remember this. It is an ebb and a flow… and you can truly have what you desire when your Heart is clear and open. And that, takes some facing some hurtful past pains so they aren’t buried in there anymore subconsciously creating your reality. That is…. Why you are going through exactly what you are going through so trust this phase and know that you WILL come out the other side, better, brighter, more clearer on purpose and path than ever before… because there is no other way. I believe in you. Love xxx You’re different. You’re shifting through something big. You can feel it. It’s there. And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are. You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this. You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready. My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #2: Breathe. Archangel Raphael: “Take several deep breaths and exhale slowly to release old patterns.”
Right now, you are going through a huge phase of clearing out old past patterns. Huge generational linkages of belief systems, ways of doing life, old karmic flames and ties, shifting family system webs are moving out of your consciousness. This is also happening on a collective level as big ripples of the way a structure has held humanity ‘captive’ for a long time - meaning - a consciousness has been trapped - now it is free - is also lifting from your own body/mind/soul as you are ‘setting yourself free’. Have you been trying to create a new reality for yourself? Working diligently at a different way of being that has taken it’s course and you’ve even been wondering if you’ve made the right decision? Has something come ‘out of the blue’ for you and your just… well questioning things? Know that it is important to keep going strongly with your choices, actions and path that you have begun (you wouldn’t do any other path anyway, lets be honest, but you’ve definitely been questioning things) as you are on the right path. You have to remember that as you grow, change, build and create - old patterns WILL come up for clearing because as you grow, your vibration changes and you just can’t wear that consciousness anymore - so everything changes - but it also feels like nothing is changing and yet - everything is changing. I am hearing ‘look for the signs’ - it might feel long, slow and tedious and yet - look for the signs. Just like a pregnant mother’s stomach get’s bigger - you can’t see ALL the changes, but there is definitely a baby growing in there. With your new changes - there IS movement, but like the Oak Tree, who hasn’t popped up from the dark dirt yet - so too are your dreams moving, growing and expanding and this flux of expansion is pushing the dirt out of the way so it can pop through to he surface - your new embodied beliefs and structures of life are pushing out the old systems you grew up in - this is no easy feat that you’re shifting through! So hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel and it is here now for you.. just know to keep choosing what your Heart wants - because that is always the way it is meant to be and has been this entire time. Love xxx You’re different. You’re shifting through something big. You can feel it. It’s there. And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are. You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this. You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready. My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #3: Prioritise. Archangel Metatron. “Focus on your highest priorities. I will help you get organised and motivated.”
It is now time to stop worrying about anything that is pulling you away from what you KNOW needs to get done. Your highest priority. The thing you keep putting off, the thing you keep worrying about. The thing that every night you go to bed you wish you had done that today but ‘life got in the way’ - NO! That isn’t life! That is a distraction to your purpose because your LIFE is your PURPOSE and I don’t think those household errands are your purpose! NOPE! Everything can wait. Let me put it this way - we are 3.5 months until 2023 - read that again. Now you KNOW how fast month rolls on by…. So - where do you want to be waking up at Christmas time and wishing you had done WHAT? OR - do you want to be waking up at Christmas time and celebrating how much you have achieved of your Purpose and thank FUCK because last year knocked you around nd you were NOT going to see in 2023 with those heavy weights of I wish still on your fucking mind now are you?! NOPE! Okay, okay, ass kicking yes - but are you REALLY going to be happy at Christmas time when you celebrate how many dishes you did this year?! Haha - didn't think so! Soooo…. Don’t even tell me you don’t have time because of life in the way again! NO! Get up earlier. Go to bed later. Make your dreams your priority and let nothing come in between that. You CAN get it all done, but you are simply choosing not to. Cancel Netflix, turn off social media unless you're making money on there and get to WORK. Your Purpose is calling - but how are you REALLY going to wake up on Christmas Day? How do you even want to wake up at the end of the week, let alone Christmas? Today is the day… not tomorrow… today. So - time to get to it - today. Now. Love xxx You’re different. You’re shifting through something big. You can feel it. It’s there. And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are. You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this. You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready. My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #4: Sensitivity. Archangel Haniel. “You are extra-sensitive to energies and emotions right now. Honour yourself and your feelings.”
You’re dealing with A LOT right now. Be gentle with yourself, with your heart, with what you are shifting through and in and out of in your life. You’re moving, you’re changing and that… can feel like the Earth has dropped out from beneath your feet. You don’t know how this situation is going to work out - but you’re sticking it out - because there is no other way and…. something is calling you…. Your Heart, is growing stronger with every purge out of your system even though at times, you do not know how you are going to continue on and keep going… THAT.. is the break through… THAT…. Is how you get through it - you… keep going. Even when your heart is shattered on the floor in a million pieces because you just do not know how to even piece it together so you can not breathe or take another breath and yet… you do… somehow… you take another breath… and another one and you…. Breathe… in and out.. somehow you… do. And you keep going. Because you know… you are sensitive. You know… you are different… you know… you are here to impact the world and through divine timing your time… is grandly coming. No honey, you’re not delusional… you’re not wrong and shouldn’t have made the choices you have in the past, no you should have. And you did. For a reason - because your Heart never leads you astray… you have always done what is right for you and that… is all you should focus your attention on. It is just your heart is extra sensitive right now as this core release from the depths of your Soul is brought to light, as it is shattered where it needs to be shattered, so you can rekindle the truth of who you are and not only pick up the pieces - but call them back from all corners of the inter dimensional universe where you had been scattered to the winds… no more. You are exactly where you need to be right now and soon, the reason for your Heart, the reasons for your sensitivities… will be realised and you will (even though I feel you already are starting to truly see) why you are who you are - but also - why you are exactly where you are meant to be right now. Honour and realise how sensitive you are aka how intuitive you are. Trust yourself, trust your path and be super kind to yourself at this time precious one. Your Heart, Soul and all the profound, proficient and incredible parts of you - are being returned to you. You are coming back together, piece by piece, moment by moment, inspiration by inspiration. Trust. Honour and Rise. Love xxx You’re different. You’re shifting through something big. You can feel it. It’s there. And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are. You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this. You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready. My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #5: Comfort. Archangel Azrael. “I am with you in your time of need, helping your heart to heal.”
How has your Heart been feeling? Have you been feeling like something is missing? Or that you’re just almost like - losing your mind at times? Or feel like you will if you truly were to allow yourself to ‘go there’ with what you can feel is surfacing from deep within? Have you been distracting yourself? Losing it easily? Avoiding and feeling lost? Engaging in behaviours that annoy you almost? Are wondering why and where life has gone for you? Honey, you are at HUGE crossroads right now and you have some BIG decisions to make. You’re moving forward and away from everything and everyone you’ve ever known and let’s be real - they weren’t truly there for you anyway and right now? Recently? They still haven’t been, so why are you holding back on moving forward with your own life when they are not there anyway? The reason we do this is due to subconscious threads that are hanging on - because that is the ONLY form of connection that is available, so…. You’ll take it. Very Inner Child of course, and no, this isn’t a beat up of your Inner Child, this is a deep realisation - exactly how deep this goes and who truly needs the support, love and to be held at this time… is you. The deep little inner you who is screaming out for help and no one can hear her/him and you’re just… left standing there holding it all together - SOMEHOW and still you manage to get through this. You do and do you know why? Because you’re here. You’re the one that gets you through this. You’re the Wolf leading the pack. You’re not the sheep. You’re the Wolf and the Wolf, knows solitary strength and courage like no one else on this Earth and that? That is you. The strength that you’re gaining from this situation is next to ten fold and is a huge aspect of your Purpose on this Earth for what you are here to stand through and up and teach and share in the world. This deep release that is happening for you right now.. is about to be shown ‘why’ and you will get through this precious one. Let your heart grieve, cry and all that surfaces at this time is needed, perfect and divine - honour it is such. Honour… you and all you are, let alone been through. Archangel Azrael is with you. Love xxx You’re different. You’re shifting through something big. You can feel it. It’s there. And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are. You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this. You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready. My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #6: Angel Therapy. Archangel Raphael. “Give your cares and worries to us angels and allow us to take your burdens.”
Is helping you change your life right now and that… might feel a bit tricky and hard. What is happening and this is such a strong message from Archangel Raphael for you is that your gifts, skills, talents and abilities are strengthening. They are not only becoming stronger but they are changing. What you once looked to others and wonder how they did it - you are doing it - but in such a different unique way that you are still ‘landing’ what this is, even though you are starting to get super clear on it. You can feel your intuitive abilities changing - something has definitely changed and you’re starting to get inklings of how, why and what this looks like, even though you’re wondering how on Earth this is also going to land! You know intuitively, but you also don’t know and that can be a bit frustrating! I am getting the sense that Archangel Raphael has been strong by your side recently, if you have been seeing lots of green everywhere, green sparkles, thinking about diet, food, health, body, exercise and lifestyle change, if you have been cleaning up your environment, if you have been thinking about where you’d like to be in 5 years time - especially in regard to how you spend your time and energy, how you spend your days and who with, plus where your health will be. These are all signs Archangel Raphael is near. This next level of your intuitive gifts that are not just downloading - but you are embodying right now - are going to take you on the journey of a lifetime. Get ready for great things to come to pass for you…. You were born for this beautiful Soul. Love xxx You’re different. You’re shifting through something big. You can feel it. It’s there. And there are pieces you’re needing clarity on… and things you feel like you have no idea how they could shift or what they even are. You’re a Light, you’re a powerful Being and you know that you’re different - your family and people alike sure make you know this. You’re ready for clarity, you’re ready to heal, you’re ready to intricately understand your intuition and gain the next steps for your Life Purpose and come into… alignment with the entirety of your life, in all areas, because you’re ready. My 21 Day Shifter Program closes in a few hours. With 21 Days voice and text message, intuitive guidance, psychic surgery healing, past life entanglement release, dream interpretation, psychic readings, psychic development and spiritual leadership in business, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program