🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 14th July 2020 🔮
Jul 14, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 14th July 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you from the Ascended Masters for you today.
These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability.
Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world.
That, can be tricky to let go of right?
You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes?
A healthier way?
A more supportive and stable way?
One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen?
I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level.
Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you.
Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Serapis Bay: Go Now
Walk away, walk away from anything that is draining your energy immediately! You do not need to endure or continue on in a space that is making you feel less than your best self - EVER! Now - I feel that this situation is something that was going on in your immediate past with this card coming up for you today. I feel like you have indeed just walked away from something or someone that was draining your energy. I am also feeling like it was a huge deal for you and something that is a huge step up and shift for you - to walk away from this thing that… actually has been in your life for a long time yes? I am also getting the message that this card may be coming to you as you are ABOUT to walk away from something that is same, this draining energy and has been in your life for quite some time - now remember, until you let go of what is draining you in your life, usually the next thing can’t come in, majority of the time - you need space to be able to do that, to allow space for it to come in. Now the thing may be gone physically yes - but have you energetically and emotionally let go of the thing, or is it still clogging up and taking up this valuable energy and time of you rehashing it? (Are you receiving help from a Healer/Counsellor/Mentor that can support you to energetically let this go and for through it, to create space for what you do want in your life? Which can also mean letting go of the pain, so the love can be felt once again?) I am also getting the message for you that you have let go of something recently, what we’ve been referring to, but there is also something else that you are still untangling yourself from that is almost like ‘gah, another thing, another knock’ - and yet, the sense that I am getting is that you are more consciously choosing to ‘not let it knock you’ - you still feel the waves, this isn’t about denying or masking your pain with substances to make you feel better in the interim, but about consciously choosing to deal with it, in a way that ‘doesn’t affect your vibe’ - again, this isn’t about denial of feelings nor pretending it doesn’t affect you, but this is a conscious choosing of how you are responding to the situation that has been presented in front of you. And this? Is showing you how much you’ve shifted, how much you’ve grown to be able to see and experience what is right in front of you, with deep, full awareness of self - dealing with situations in the Mastery way that you’ve been working towards for some time. This card for you today, Go Now - Serapis Bay - is also acknowledging your growth and your conscious decisions of how to deal with situations, in a way you have never done before. Congratulate yourself beautiful one and know that of course, you are doing the right thing in continuing to move away from situations that are only draining you, dragging and pulling you done. Let it completely go and experience yourself pinging up like a rubber band being let go of, to the highest version of yourself that is where you know you’ve meant to be, all along. That’s why, it feels better. Keep following that feeling, you’ve got this. Love xxx These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability. Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world. That, can be tricky to let go of right? You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes? A healthier way? A more supportive and stable way? One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen? I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level. Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #2: Pan: Fertility
Ah - have you been looking for a sign that now is the right time? To say yes to something? To start something new? To jump right in and take that leap of faith? Then, you just got your yes of confirming what you already know! So - JUMP - SAY YES! Now is the time, YES! Pan, the ancient deity of nature, mirth, music and fertility is showing you that now is the time, 100% it is. There is no better time to say yes other than now. It feels like there is a huge gateway and portal open for you right now and as Pan says, ‘Everything you touch turns to gold’. With these higher frequencies entering our planet over this past 6 weeks of Eclipses and as Pam Gregory Astrologer said that it hasn’t just been a 6 week portal of eclipses, but the next 6 months are going to be in this energy. Which is the similar message I received in our last Full Moon Ceremony, that the energies from January have been about - so whatever you began in January and then maybe was ‘stopped’ because of World Events, now is the time to pursue that endeavour - however, I feel like you never stopped. But - you doubted, questioned everything and then pivoted and shifted right? And now - the portal gateway that you have aligned to because of that? IS your gift, your birth right - you have not only aligned to an energy vortex that has shifted you and is propelling you to your highest destiny, but in fact, something has opened up for you that you didn’t expect. A new pathway, a new person, a new opportunity for growth, something has come into your life in the past 2-6 weeks that - has a tail end affect from January energies and events, in a sense that whatever you were ‘wrapping up/finalising’ in January that was going to allow you to start this new venture - it is like there are ties to the January wrapping up, but now, you are also in the environment or person has entered your life that is the gateway guidance in a way to this new energy. This new opportunity, energy, event, person, not only can accelerate this new portal/gateway for you I am getting the strong message for you to acknowledge yourself and how far you’ve come. You’ve gone through a tonne to get where you are today and now, this portal that you have stepped through is because you haven’t given up even though you have felt like you want to, you’ve kept going and done the work and this success, joy and happiness that you’re feeling and that you at times, feel guilty for because of what people are going through in the world - this light, this joy, this happiness IS what the world needs right now - so shine it brightly, own it and let this high Frequncy portal energy that you have stepped into, IS your gift to the world. The answer is YES and for you to own, acknowledge and accept your Divine Light - because the more you do, even more rapid acceleration will occur for you. Expand bigger, expand deeper and continue. You’re definitely on the right path and the answer to your question is a big YES. Do it. Love xxx These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability. Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world. That, can be tricky to let go of right? You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes? A healthier way? A more supportive and stable way? One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen? I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level. Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #3: Avalokitesvara: See the Other Person’s Point Of View
Hmmm, are you feeling stuck? Like you won’t budge and this is making you frustrated and angry? I feel this, what I am sensing going on for you is different to standing your ground. I feel you are so upset, triggered or somewhat ‘I can’t believe they are’ - is because there is a part of you slightly out of alignment with the situation. In a sense of where are you needing to ‘humble yourself down’ and admit you are wrong or have contributed to this space of the current event right now? Maybe you have done that and then expected everything to go back to normal after you admitted that? And now you are cut with grief about it and nothing you can do covers up that feeling of grief and remorse of the entire situation that you wish you could go back in time and change? Argh, the worst feeling ever right!? Like you just want to sink and hide away from the world, but you have to show up, grit your teeth, bare it and smile, all the whilst you are dying inside?! Argh, HUGS!! I KNOW!!! There is a part of me that is nervous writing this for this card - are you really feeling like this? HUGS if you are because... gosh I know that feeling, - well. IN a sense too - is because we take actions and choices, that feel right at the time and the key here is remembering you have done nothing wrong - which I know contradicts what I just said before but bare with me here. This, following your Heart, doing what feels right IS what we do. Then something happens and we ‘defend’ our position, because we truly believe and are correct in everything that we’ve done. Except some things happen and then with the events that unfold that usually break our Heart open in a space of no repair and such death we feel we can never come back from - it is these spaces that are the ‘broken open’ not ‘broken hearted’ as I always say. It is here - that we wake up in the most unpleasant ways. Then we think about things, even get help from mentors and counsellors or healers and then we start to realised f*&k yep, I f*&ked up in a big way. And we regret it, feel deep remorse and want to change it and usually try and we do change everything and do everything to change it back to the way it was. But as anyone knows, once we are woke, we can’t go back to sleep - on any subject. Once something is done, it never goes back to the way it was. This can be heart breaking all over again right? Talk about excruciating pain! However, what comes from this is deep growth (not that you care in the moment about that when your world has collapsed all over again!). You may be gritting your teeth and baring it, but you don’t have to do it alone beautiful one and I trust that you are not. There is a way to shift that deep pain so you can be free again. Seeing the Other Person’s Point of View is also seeing a different side of yourself, seeing the parts of yourself reflected in others and the way you treat other people and how they are treating you. I also feel that this is a deep reflection time for you today and almost like a huge awakening for you, well, I feel it is - seeing yourself in other people, seeing the ‘old’ parts of you, but also seeing parts of you that you may not necessarily ‘like’ but are waking up to the reality of. I am really getting the message for you, to soften, be gentle with yourself and others. Let yourself feel the pain of the heartbreak and release the grief of the huge changes you are going through right now. It’s not easy, but you’re getting there. HUGS! You WILL come out the other side of this, even though it might seem like there isn’t any Light at the end of the tunnel, know that, from now on, there is. Love xxx These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability. Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world. That, can be tricky to let go of right? You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes? A healthier way? A more supportive and stable way? One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen? I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level. Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #4: Maitraya. Power of Joy
Ah, this card reminds me of Buddha 🥰 Maitraya did live as a Buddhist Monk. Maitraya - I feel has come to you today, because even though the world is in chaos and there is this huge upside down feeling that many are feeling in todays world, because of all these world changes, I sense you are feeling such a big undertone of Joy, a deep sense of Peace and that everything is on the right path. This doesn’t necessarily mean it hasn’t been easy or that at times you are in fact bawling your eyes out crying at times for sure, but 99% of the time, you are feeling in a good space and on track with what you are meant to be doing in the world, what you are doing in the world and what your current ‘position’ is in the world. I feel like you are constantly growing and shifting internally and externally but that you also have this steady pace of expansion that, you have awoken now and there is no turning back, which you are really starting to step into and live this way in a deep, fulling way. I am also getting the message that it seems like there is thing after thing after thing ‘coming at you’ in a way, that you wonder when this is going to end, and yet, you are become stronger each time, in a way that it almost doesn’t knock you anymore. Yes, you feel all the emotions, but you don’t ‘become’ them, and in essence, you are ‘responding’ rather than ‘reacting’ and this is a powerful space to be in. I am also getting the message - about rainbows, as the rainbow is jumping out at me on the card. I had a lot of rainbows surrounding me this morning as well and rainbows are significant in the ‘light in the darkness’ and also deeply associated with Archangel Raziel, who is the ‘transformer’ Archangel and is powerful in transforming base matter to gold. I am sensing this is a sign for you at whatever you are pursuing will be very successful - just keep at it. I am also hearing ‘faith’ for you and there will be twists and turns coming up as we move to the Lion’s Gate portal, however - your Faith is your ‘anchor’ so to speak - your anchor into the highest vibration energy that as everything falls away beneath your feet, you are able to ‘land’ where your destiny is leading you right now. I am sensing another big change coming up for you shortly, that perhaps you have already started implementing the logistics of that change (what just came to mind for you as you read that?) And I feel that this will be the ‘final’ big change for some time that you can settle into and ground into your next level that is coming from this change. I am also getting the message too, that during this change, it will feel mighty uncomfortable at times, but there is a deep part of you that is holding this space for a smooth transition. I feel you have a lot of self awareness on board that enables you do this and this… creates this undertone of ‘Joy’ the space that creates miracles, no matter what is going on in the world. Also, last bit, is - have you ‘lost’ a bit of your Joy these past few years? I am sensing a recalibration into finding your true joy now - this deeply embodied Joy that is lasting and sustainable in filling your Soul, not just the temporal joy that makes you feel connected and then wears off - but the deeply fulfilling Soul fulfilling Joy. Do you know what they are for you? If not, time to recalibrate into them. If you do - live it baby and shine your Joy in the world - because that is what people need now, to come.. with you, with us, to the Higher Dimension portals that are available to all, but only some are choosing to walk through. The way you shine, invites people to step into this realm… you just have to be you. All of you. Your fulfilling, Heart expanding destiny you - so are you? Love xxx These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability. Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world. That, can be tricky to let go of right? You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes? A healthier way? A more supportive and stable way? One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen? I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level. Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #5: Quan Yin: Let It Go
Hmmm, I feel like you have let a lot go recently - almost like, how much more can I let go?! However, I feel that this is deep in allowing yourself to feel inside of you - what can you let go of? I feel yes, you’ve done a lot of work in letting go of external things - but I am sensing this is deeply internal. What internal patterns, behaviours and next level identity shifts, can you embody from the inside out? What are those threads you are hiding inside? What is the face you show to the outside world and then hide inside in your home? If someone was to follow you around your home - what wouldn’t you want them to see? So, why are you hiding that aspect of yourself? What are you, afraid of? I am feeling that this answer to this question - is what will take your power back in ways you couldn’t have imagined. I feel you have taken your power back in so many ways in your life, however, this last piece? Takes you from running on 88% to running on 100% - and it is that - that you have been waiting for right? So, are you truly ready to let yourself receive THAT much? 100% capacity? What would life be like, if you were to run at 100%? What behaviours would be different? I keep hearing the word ‘Embodiment’ for you and I feel that this is such a deep dive into the inside core workings of your physical and emotional embodiment of self - of your whole self. This is the ‘final’ pieces for you to be shifting out the old and recalibrating into the new. Of course, there is always an upgraded version - however, I feel this message from Quan Yin for you today, is deeply grounded in you moving to 100% capacity of being your true self, as until now, there has been pieces missing right? If you’ve been wondering what the missing piece is - it is this, the moving from 88% to 100% and letting go of those internal things you are hiding from the world, those, skeletons in your closet. By shifting this, your entire world is only going to get better again. Love xxx These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability. Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world. That, can be tricky to let go of right? You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes? A healthier way? A more supportive and stable way? One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen? I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level. Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery
Card #6: Paravati: Positive Change.
Mmmm, it feels like you’ve ‘landed’ in a good place. However, there are things under the surface, that are bubbling up at times for you and surfacing, that perhaps you thought you had dealt with? I feel there is one big major thing you are dealing with right now, yes there are and could be many threads that come of this - but ultimately it is this one big major thing under the surface that keeps rearing its head so to speak. I am also wondering - what changes do you need to make, to shift this? It feels like you know what it is, but you just haven’t done it yet. I feel you’ve been through so much recently too - but as hard as it has been at times (most of the time recently right?!) It has been for the best, for this deep positive change. It feels like you’ve been asking for this for so long that what is happening right now, is reality is crumbling and disintegrating so to speak. You can’t build the new with the old still standing! And when everything is falling away, falling apart and disappearing out if your life - let it, because what is really going on, is this new reality you’ve been dreaming of, is starting to come into your life. ‘Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!’ Deal with what you need to deal with, but FOCUS and choose to only focus on those that are going to bring you closer to where you want to be. The only reason we get stuck looking back so to speak, is because we haven’t fully grieved and let our old reality go. Once we do, it is easier to stay focused. If there was one word to take away from this Positive Change from Paravati today - is FOCUS. Focus on the positive - even when the bad is going on - CHOOSE to keep your vibration high, not by denying the grief that comes with the change from your old life to the new - but with the FOCUS on the positive of the change. You can be bawling your eyes out and deeply in alignment with the ENERGY of the positive change that is going on and the entire reason you are bawling your eyes out at the same time so to speak. THIS is what keeps your vibration high, THIS is what shifts you to your next level with as much ease and flow as possible. THIS is what Mastery is about. Honouring all that is, but consciously choosing to stay in alignment with where your Heart is leading you - every step of the way. Love xxx These uncertain times, that are only going to increase over these next six months, now more than ever, it is Mastering your energy in this space of instability. Within you - you create that stability - it doesn’t come from the outside world, or any temporal thing you ingest or acquire from the outside world. That, can be tricky to let go of right? You know you do things that aren’t 100% good for you, or return to pattens and behaviours that are less than supportive, even though you try to shift and change and you do, but some things linger and you know there is a bigger place to play at yes? A healthier way? A more supportive and stable way? One that makes you feel safe and confident in knowing how to navigate your way through this crazy world of the greatest shifts Humanity has ever seen? I have been guided to open - for Queensland, Australia residents/visitors only - Mystic Mastery, work 1:1 with me over 6 months of personalised dedicated, intuitive support, healing and Life Purpose Activations to take your business and life to the next level. Whether you are needing deep healing and clearing or shifting your intuitive gifts to the next level with acute clarity, then Mystic Mastery is for you. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/mystic-mastery