🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th March 2023
Mar 14, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 14th March 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids & Dolphins 🧜♀️🐬
My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it?
The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again.
I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
It is the Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle that was used today, you can click here to get your own oracle deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kCqJFK
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Have Faith. “Your prayers are manifesting. Remain positive and follow your guidance!”
What you are doing right now, may not - most probably not make logical sense! Because you can’t because of a zillion reasons your mind can come up with right now, I am sure you could write an essay to me of all the reasons why you can’t or why you shouldn’t and yet…. your heart tells you something different. Your heart says YES when it doesn’t make logical sense because you have no idea how it will work out or - all the zillion reasons why x-y-z. 100%. Lucky for you, you’re someone who follows your heart no matter what. And yet, we can feel crazy at times when you are stepping into letting your heart take the reigns and do what you know you want to do - and the crazy is your mind having all the things to say and yet your heart is like, no, we are doing this. Follow this. Trust this. Stay with this. This… is what you’re meant to do - you know this, that is a no brainer. So, have faith. Have Faith that you’re doing the right thing. Because the other thing? No matter how hard this is right now - you will get through this. You will come out the other side, you will find a way, you will; get through and not just get through? You will THRIVE. But, it might seem like the hardest road to get there - but you are on the road. You are on the path you are meant to be on. You are doing exactly what you’re meant to be doing when you’re meant to be doing it. You are doing the right thing. You are. Does that make sense? Are you hearing the message? It might seem like you’re regretting choices in the past, but reality is, you wouldn’t be where you are today, with the clarity you have today if you did not make all those choices that have allowed you to arrive where you are today. So - there is nothing to regret right? I do think you have moved past that phase, but it is dropping in every now and again - but you’re more ‘here’ solid in where you are and focused on your future more than your past, so this is good, but just…. have more faith that you do regret yes? And hey, it is normal and you should grieve the past - or you’ll never let it go, but also, this is your space to move forward now, so - that heart calling that doesn’t make sense? Go… do that. Love xxx My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it? The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again. I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #2: Yes. “Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.”
This feels - a big YES to your LIFE. This feels like saying no to others so you can say yes to you. This feels like a HUGE swing of ALIGNMENT coming running towards you in YOUR LIFE because you are finally putting yourself first and more and more - everything is starting to happen quite fast, because you are saying yes to you. I am also hearing about ‘space’ and it feels like it is important for you to honour the ‘space in between’ - the ‘transition’ because it will feel weird for a time, when you say no, when you set boundaries and then it will become liberating to say no to others because you KNOW what that feeling feels like when you say yes to you and you will protect that like a mother protects her new born child. This feels like the more you can fill up your life with the things you love, the more your life comes to LIFE. It is like you’ve been trying and trying to manifest this thing or be happy doing what you love, but it hasn’t working because you’re so focused on the work you kinda forgot about your own life and what makes you truly internally happy and now… you’re reclaiming that, you’re remembering that, you’re coming back into YOU and remembering who you are amongst all the things you’ve worked so hard to create in your life, because ultimately? You got so busy creating freedom, you dine’t realise the cage you put yourself in and yet? You also needed to do that (not necessarily the cage!) but in essence - it isn’t a cage - you were just doing life in that way - because you knew and know what true freedom is and that… required you to sacrifice things for a while… the time you used to spend with friends you drove into your business, and you found this new life, this new stability and now that is ‘done’ and ‘stabilised’ - you are coming into the next phase. And that is all it is. Not to undermine it - but to take the, “I got burnt out, I did this wrong, I regret this aspect of my life.” - No. Just no. You just experienced certain things, learnt a fuckload in the process and are coming out the other side of it and that? That… is liberating.. that… is freedom honey. That.. is YES to your life again - just like you used to - but at a whole other level right now. It is safe for you to experience and enjoy - ENJOY - this level of freedom, this level of JOY - this level of SUCCESS (whatever success means to you) - because you have created this new level - which was always the plan… so… life is now - enjoy it. Because you’ve arrived. Love xxx My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it? The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again. I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #3: Blessed Change. “A major life change brings you great blessings.”
If things are falling apart, it is because they are falling into place. Gah, cue eye roll. Usually in the thick of it, we know this but sometimes in the moment, not helpful to hear that when you are just breaking down in tears because wtf actually is going on?! And sometimes you just need a supportive hug to let you know that everything is going to be okay and I am here, sending you a virtual hug, letting you know that everything is going to be okay. Because it is. It truly is. And do you know what? I think you are already seeing it. This Blessed Change - is that everything that is happening - whether falling apart or starting to come back together is coming back together because you are actually experiencing a good time of your life right now. The card from another deck, “The worst is now behind you,” is coming to mind and it does feel like this and the main message of this card for you? Is that sometimes when we have been through the wringer and some - when things start to get good in our life - yes, you’ve heard of people sabotaging - but the main thing I am sharing here is that - you don’t realise it is good now! We are creatures of habit and when we have started to come out the other side of the darkest time of our life, we are still in freeze mode, still in flight mode, still thinking of back then…. it can take some deep reflective reality checks and some to realise that we are in the good phase now. That can also take some talking to your self with your hand on your heart and other hand on your forehead, saying things gently to yourself like, “It is 2023, it is toady.. you are safe now. Look around, you are in a different environment, you are not back then - you are here, today. You have your shit together (mostly!) more than you ever used to, you’re older, wiser and you feel good most of the time - compared to the past, when you didn’t used to and… that is to be acknowledged, celebrated and honoured. You might still fall apart - but not for months on end like you used to. You are processing things faster, things don’t bother you so much like you used to and people who used to trigger the shit out of you - just don’t anymore. That honey? That.. is a Blessed Change. Acknowledge it. See where you are, who you are and how far you’ve come. It truly is to be witnessed and honoured. The more you acknowledged, the more you celebrate you, the more you stay in this vibration - well, hello all that you’ve asked for and some. Celebrate you and honour how far you’ve come today…. and everyday from now on in. Love xxx My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it? The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again. I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #4: Father Healing. “Your personal power increases as you give any father related issued to Heaven.”
Hmmm, have you been thinking about your Father recently? Do you need to call him, see him or if he is no longer here, do you need to meditate, connect with him that way or hire a Psychic Medium (a good one! Like me even, yes this is what I do ;) ) to communicate with them. What has been the main bug bearer for you recently? It feels like the mechanical structural shifts are occurring in your life at this time and you are being called to change your life quite dramatically and that? Requires Father Healing. We stay stuck in life and not willing to change, because we are subconsciously still awaiting our mother or fathers approval. Sounds ridiculous - but deep down underneath - no matter how any courses or healers you’ve seen and done? That… is what is going on. And no one can make that internal shift except for you and it is you - the inner child you - that needs the TLC and some deep regular connection time that moves this forward for you. To know it is safe to move forward without mummy or daddy’s approval and that you can meet your own needs. There is definitely grief that happens - because you never actually got what you needed from your parents - this, is so important to grieve. Sure, they were doing the best they can, of course, this isn’t about blame - but if you don’t drain the blame and abandonment thread of not being cared for like you needed, then you will continue to stay stuck further. Grief - FEELING grief - lets you heal. FEELING grief, lets you move on. It doesn’t mean you’ll be dancing around happy chap straight away…. .maybe eventually for a moment or two and starting to come back to life again eventually - but FEELING the grief that you haven’t felt about the situation - even if the situation happened 20 or 50 years ago - it is never too late to feel the grief, because reality and everyone knows, time isn’t real - so something that was 50 years ago, can feel like it was yesterday if you haven’t grieved it AND you will be stuck there energetically. Grieving allows you to feel it to heal it and come into the present moment - otherwise you’ll be jaded in your current reality and not even realise that you’re placing your past on your current reality, because it will just be normal to you because you buried that situation, you didn’t actually deal with it and now… well… you can’t bury it anymore can you? Because you’ve been falling apart, more than you’ve been able to hold it together and that? Is a sign, it is just time to heal, that is all. Let the tears flow, let them come. There is a whole new you awaiting to be born and reborn from under that cloud of what happened in the past. Be gentle with yourself, but know that your power in this situation lays in you healing this past issue that is connected with your father, or the masculine in general from way back when. Yes, this is the sort of work I do with my clients, 100%. I say find a trusted healer, but if they don’t understand the depths of these, then come and see me, because this level is deep and this level is only for those that are ready. But Spirit, simply wouldn’t have led you here today, if you weren’t ready to heal this. It is just time. Love xxx My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it? The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again. I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #5: Rest. “You’ve been working hard. Take a nap and get some rest.”
Okay - STOP pushing yourself right now! Seriously. Take time out. Take a break. Book a trip, a holiday or simply STOP at home and give yourself permission to do nothing for a while. Perhaps the ‘nothingness’ is setting up that sacred meditation routine space that you’ve been putting off that has been on your mind again, so set that up and then sit. And sit some more. And connect back with your heart. Connect back with your breath. Connect back to your Soul. Connect back to your Spirit. Connect back to…. you. You are being asked to stop right now, because you are ready to receive the next level of information for this next stage of your Life Purpose, of your Life, but you have… not stopped long enough to receive it. Sure, you may have been busy, you may have had things go on that you didn’t see coming….. but I also feel you’re at a place, where you can make time for it and this is what you are being called forth for now. It feels like a thousand new things have come into your life as well, but this ‘Rest’? This sacred Rest of the vortex of your Soul, is calling you to reconnect to YOU. And this isn’t about receiving specific information as such of course, this is about connecting back to your Soul and hanging out here for a while - constantly for a time. This is a solid, dedicated meditation routine, still mind if you can, to truly allow yourself to come back to you, to reconnect back to the truth of you, to bring the forefront of who you truly are - back to you. Sure, you might receive some specific downloads of information and steps - great! But that isn’t the ‘sole purpose’ if you may, because the sole purpose is more about connecting back into your heart - consciously, connecting back into your Soul - consciously, connecting back into your breath, consciously, connecting back into Spirit - consciously - because that? On a regular basis over long period of time? Is what shifts and raises your entire vibration. You are reading this card today, because you have been asking what your next steps are. You’ve felt a little (or a lot) at a stand still for a time and you’ve recalibrated enough to know you’re ready for anew direction and this? This, Sacred Rest? Is what is going to elevate your entire vibration and shift you to the next phase, stage and aspects of ‘what you’re meant to do’. And if you’re meant to stay in this Sacred Rest for the next 6 months (or pick a timeline) as the ‘only thing’ you do whilst living and tending to your life as you do, then that… is what your Soul is guiding you to do. That.. is where the trust comes in. You know what it feels like for the ‘YES’ of when you’re meant to do something… and until then - Sacred Rest precious one, Sacred Rest. Love xxx My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it? The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again. I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program
Card #6: Dream Big.
This card - yes - Dream Big - but this card for you today? Feels like the message is - Um, time to stop mucking around and bring these dreams to life. Enough thinking about it - you know what to do. Enough asking other people what you should do - you know what needs to be done. Enough… just enough! Enough thinking - more doing! You’ve been thinking about this dream - what, for how long now? Go and get it DONE! Set a goal, set a timeline, set a deadline and….. DO IT. It feels like get the hardest part done first - maybe that is figuring out, maybe that is getting clear on the structure of how best to do it but you know what really? The best thing is to just do it. And to do it messily and without knowing ‘how’ you’re going to do it - because reality is - that it is better to just do it. You know I always say that you will FIND HOW when you are DOING IT. You are shown the way AS you do it. It is like reading a book on how to drive a car - getting in the car is VERY different to drive it and driving it than reading a book about it right?? When you can apply that concept to anything you are learning, or anything you are wanting to create and don’t know ‘how’ it is way more important to just do the thing and you will figure it out ON the way. Yes, this requires trust. However, you’re a person who believes the Universe has their back, lives very differently to society anyway and will always follow what you want to do more than what society tells you to do, so just go and do the thing - now. Yes? Go on then, wha are you waiting for? Love xxx My favourite deck in the world, my very first deck, Mermaids & Dolphins. Because this energy? This crystalline beautiful pouring light energy right now? There is so much beauty available to you right now, but are you truly letting it in? Are you feeling it? The world might be collapsing beneath your feet, but honey... that is so the new life can come in. It is here, at the 21 Day Shifter Program, that I support you, as the Earth of your old reality drops away, so you can find and reclaim who you are - without the trauma, without the shit that happened, and be the light that you came to be, to smile again, open your heart again and feel that love again. I am the Transition Queen and I help you move from one state to the other when life is crumbling and you're crying or feeling like you're losing your mind - you're just going through huge change and I am the Clarity Queen, bringing the light of day back to your life, clearing the darkness and carving the path back to you. Click here for all the details for the 21 Day Shifter Program as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/21-day-shifter-program