🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th August 2023
Aug 15, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th August 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Archangel Oracle 🤩
Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Career Transition. Archangel Chamuel. ‘Your Life Purpose is triggering a blessed career change.’
Phew! Do you know it! And it’s been pretty… ahhhh, HARD actually! Right?! You’ve given your all, you’ve kept at it for what you’ve known it to be true and you’re not questioning everything - BUT - you’ve been questioning for SO long right?! You are transitioning and so is your Career. Not always do you need to throw the baby out with the bathwater - in fact, it is coming back to basics and moving, growing and evolving with the times - that - is what to do, if you were looking for ‘that’ answer. The baby grows and so does reality and life and it is you who must keep up with it for lest it be left in the past. Right now there is something you need to let go of, drop into deep trust, anchor the new and hold the line for this new phase. I am also getting movement, is this moving your body, moving house - or is this just the career change for you? It almost feels like ‘all at once for you’ and that is coming very soon, if that has not already happened. I am also getting the sense that there may be a lot of grief or just confusion about what you are doing, because it was all working so well and now you’re just still going but - in this old paradigm!? (I was talking a lot about this old paradigm in the Intuitive Channel yesterday!). It simply can’t come with you. You either evolve with it or get lost in the past. I am also getting the message that you may know it is time to walk away OR and this is So important - OR you pivot, grow, change and allow your baby to grow up - what does that now get to look like? Successful people will always tell you they went through hard times, but they didn’t give it up - they changed, grew and evolved. They ten times their revenue and amplified the different avenues of income. They GREW. They did not throw it away. And I feel that for you, sure, as I said, trust your intuition over what I am saying, but this if this is truly your baby, you will know you’re just getting started; are speaking with your business/company/career, just like you would a partner in relationship and asking it for it’s advice, you’ll be pushing yourself outside your comfort zone, hiring mentors with their expertise to help you get to where you want to go and moving to the next level. ‘What?! Hire mentors when I am already stretching it by faith and that alone!?’ Yeah, it’s kinda how it works! The Universe doesn’t move until you do. If you want big change, you must make big moves and that requires a shifting to the next level, stretching yourself and evolving yourself to the next evolution of your path - because you’re - you guessed it, trying to bring the old into the new! Think about it, the next level version of you, leads a very different life to you right now, she/he doesn’t stress like you are now, you’ve made big moves and are sharing about your successes! This…. is a journey, it is knowing how to ride the ebbs and flows in business and coming out on top, getting savvy with each turn, stretching yourself and coming full circle when it comes to nurturing your baby to grow into a healthy adult. That is your Career/Business I am talking about here. I know you know, right? Love xxx Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
Card #2: Moon Cycles. Archangel Haniel. ‘Notice how the Moon affects your energy and manifestations and capitalise upon these cycles.’
Please, please PLEASE keep your eye on the Moon Cycles! It is HUGE energies right now and these huge feelings are only going to amplify over this coming 4 months - so know where and what the Moon is doing, as if you have pulled this card, it is truly having an affect on your life. It is not that we rule our life, nor blame the Moon, this is about acknowledging the ebbs and flows of life and how important it is to stay in tune, so you can work with the cycles and their power, rather than against the grain and end up feeling like you’re losing your mind! Also, this is about riding the ebs and the flows - of life. In relationships, in energy of self and others, of finances, of life changes - there is a constant eb and flow - notice which end of the scale that you are on and know that it always comes back around just like the Moon Cycles - the New Moon and the Full Moon - cycles around each month, so whatever eb you’re in, know the flow is coming back around yes? I am also getting something about your rest/sleeping - notice where the moon is when you’re not feeling 100%, what solar flares are around, whose energy you’re picking up and what the current status of your life is. Are you… happy? If not, what is it that you are not happy about? And… most important - what are you doing to change it? The Moon, as we know can make us very emotional. This card is so connected to the water and emotions, so if you have been feeling like you can’t stop crying, know you are defrosting right now - all your feelings that have been bottling up, you don’t need to hold it in anymore. Something huge is shifting in your energy at this time and these tears are a big massive melting of the ice around your Heart - and…. because Heart Chakra Consciousness is mainly Feminine - you are also releasing that hard masculine shell. When this happens, you suddenly feel old, look old and haggard. This.. is the masculine shell disintegrating. You are coming back home to your heart, to your feminine self. She has been tucked away, hiding, hidden and shunned away. But whatever you have been working towards, shifting and clearing - this… Her, is coming out now. Archangel Haniel is deeply connected to Self Love, seeing who you truly are and making things beautiful again. It is the soft feminine glow, it is the deep solidarity of your intuitive self who deeply backs herself 100% of the way and goes all in once a decision is made. Whether you’re male or female reading this, we all have a feminine side. The Feminine in you, is healing. This can show up as unexpected windfalls of abundance, opportunities appearing where they were once closed to you and new avenues of receiving that you just hadn’t even thought of before. Trust this path, for you have done the healing work and are doing the healing work for this to come to fruition. Love xxx Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
Card #3: Breathe. Archangel Raphael. ‘Take several deep breaths and exhale slowly to awaken your energy and to release old patterns.’
it is okay for you to take a break. Stop and rest, don’t throw it away all together. What have you been thinking about that ‘it is not working’? Honey, you’re going through a massive change and the old paradigm ain’t coming along anymore. There is a releasing of threads as you focus on the new, old relationships or people might rear their head as you move forward - but move forward anyway - those old threads will just make your new clothes look tacky ;) I feel like you’re ‘losing something’ or feeling - mmmm, realising that you cannot get back what you’ve lost. I know this sounds obvious, but it is almost like you’ve woken up to a place that you have just been living your life and now, now it has ‘hit’ you, this dawning realisation that you cannot get back what you lost, what you’ve stayed away from and that even though you didn’t consciously realise you were doing this, you have realised you have been living your life because of that without even realising it. Now you are realising you can’t go back, get it back or even want it back and this honey, is the dawning wake up out of unhealthy toxic relationship dynamics that are clearing at a deep Soul level for you. This doesn’t feel pretty and almost such a deep well of grief about ‘what on earth have I been doing with my life’ - almost like you’ve been living in a daze and now you’re consciously awake to… well what DO I want my life to be like? And the grief that you were subconsciously ‘waiting’ or ‘hoping’ you could go back and just realise how much that isn’t…. a thing anymore. Let the grief come as it goes. This… has all come on the back of you also wondering/waiting/curiously considering and asking… for your dreams to come true, even though you may or may not have known ‘what that is’ - you’ve been asking for MORE and this… is the clear out. You have always known there is MORE to your life than where you are at now and… that is being answered now. Let this grief come as it goes as you release the old past patterning, old family relationship dynamics that are clearing a magical path of wondrous dreams come true for you. Love xxx Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
Card #4: Brilliant Idea. Archangel Uriel. ‘Yes, your idea is divinely guided, please take action to bring your idea to fruition.’
YES YES YES! If you needed an answer to what you are planning on, thinking on or WANT to do, the answer is always YES! Archangel Uriel comes in those ‘out of the blue ideas’ or those thoughts and ideas that are so brilliant, you catch yourself saying, ‘Omg that is brilliant! Why didn’t I think of that?!’ type feeling - those ones! I also feel that this idea has come to you (or several) have come to you, when you were feeling quite a lull or quite a space of almost nothingness, a space of emptiness, of ‘not sure what to do next’ - there was quite a lot of space in this feeling before the idea dropped in. I also feel it is something you have spoken about before or thought of doing, but you didn’t implement it for whatever reason, but now you are and it feels good right? I am also getting the message that there is also another idea that you keep seeing other people do or keep thinking about but keep stopping yourself or you don’t even ‘go there’ because the current reality is your stopping point - you need x-y-z before you can do the thing - but… the message here, is find a way you can do it without what you think you need to do the thing. Now… that might be like, ‘Yeah right Hannah!’ but I feel there is a message here, something you a ‘missing’ or think you can’t do or - actually, you have done it in the past, maybe a few years ago?! You’ve done this before, you can do it again. Or, researching these ideas further will spark something else and put you on a path you hadn’t thought of before. Hmmm, perhaps it isn’t so much ‘what you did in the past’ - but the next level of what you did in the past - odes that make sense? What you did in the past, was ‘because that is what you could do at the time’ - but you’re not at that level anymore - you’ve shifted, grown, changed and now you can go to the next level of this - what is that for you? What is your next level in - what you did before but are now ‘here’ and can do this with - it almost feels like - go for your highest dreams right now - you can have it - but you have to choose it to make it happen. Sometimes we try and re-create the past, because it was amazing back then, but that isn’t - what you want to do now right? So, the thing you want to do now - is different, but the same and definitely comes in the next level you - so what is that? Let it come, and go for it. The main message here, is follow these thoughts, these ideas that come to you ‘out of the blue’ or from following the feeling and following one idea after another. Even if it seems like it ‘leads to a dead end’ - it feels like there is something here from the pathway of following this and it will ‘simmer’ if you may and something else will come out of it. I am also getting the message, which almost sounds a bit contradictory - don’t get distracted. Don’t get distracted and pulled off path from the main goal you have right now. It also feels like let yourself be shown the way by following the next idea, the next idea - because you KNOW when it is a YES and I feel the main thing you’re questioning right now - is you’ve been thinking about this for quite some time and the answer to your question is YES YES YES. So, follow it. Know if you see yellow sparkles, yellow/orange or blue or Lion’s Unicorns and sparkles of light, or glitter somewhere - this is your confirmation from Archangel Uriel it is a big YES and you’ve made the right choice - you wouldn’t have been thinking about it for this long if it wasn’t supposed to be YES! Love xxx Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
Card #5: Archangel Raphael. Healthy Lifestyle. “Eat a healthful diet, get adequate sleep and exercise regularly for optimal health.”
I am getting the message first of all, so strongly - to watch the sunrises and sunsets - everyday for a time. I am not saying you have to drive to whoop whoop and sit upon a mountain top, I mean i you have that pleasure, then go for it. But what I am saying is - even out your kitchen or office window or stand in your backyard (preferably shoes off!) for even 5 minutes, watching the sunrise and sunset will greatly benefit you. You may not even be able to ‘see’ the sun as such - but you can DEFINITELY see the colours of the sky change from dark to light and light to dark and it is THIS that is important for you right now. Sure, if you can see the sun directly - awesome, sun gaze away baby - but this is sunset and sunrise message for you right now is so important because it is resetting your circadian rhythm. It might not seem like it does much for you - to watch the skies change on dusk and dawn, but it is so important for you right now. To reset your health, to reset your mind, to come back into DEEP connection with your SELF - because you have some huge decisions coming up right?! There is a big change you’ve been thinking about making on the horizon and it is so important for you right now to be sooo connected to your SELF and deeply allowing your Soul to speak without any influence from those around you at this time. Also - energetic cleanliness, connection and - as often (or more) times than you shower in a day you should be cleaning your energy - are you doing this? it feels again a strong message right now and the message of ‘you’ve been influenced by those around you’ - is really quite strong at this time. For example, if those around you have felt stuck - you’ve been feeling stuck. Sure collective energy etc, check in of course - but this particular message for you, is that you’ve been influenced by people around you - so reconnect back to yourself before making any big decisions - or more so, the big decisions have come back into your awareness right?! This/these big decisions are - I wonder if you’ve been asking, ‘yeah but how?!’All you need to do right now is reconnect back to yourself. Sunset and Sunrise is a big one right now - even if it is laying in bed from dark to light and watching the sky change - just watch it. Or if you’re driving to work on dawn to day - be conscious of the light change. This reconnects you back to the Earth, back to the rhythmic cycles, it reconnects you back to the Heart of the matter and back to yourself, because you are nature, you are of this Earth and when we’ve been in less than satisfying situations, we can lose that reconnection of self which allows us to be heavily influenced by others, even when we don’t realise it and this can cause all sorts of dramas. You don’t want that right? No, didn’t think so. This is your sign to reconnect back to self - perhaps it is long meditation stints - whatever it is that reconnects you back to you. Strengthen your energy clearing practises and get anything and anyone out of your field that is not you, be vigilant of this over the coming days and weeks it feels and let your decisions be yours, truly connected to your Heart’s calling and know that so as long as it your heartfelt decision - the ‘how’ will become clear if you’d only take the leap of faith, follow that heartfelt dream, feeling and calling and the Universe will show up to meet you every step of the way. The final message here is - tune in, where do you want to be in 5 years time? When you look back in 5 years time, what do you wish you’d decided now? Does this decision support that path way there? Love xxx Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel
Card #6: Prosperity. Archangel Ariel. “Your material needs are provided for as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.” & Spread Your Wings. Archangel Ariel. “Do not hold back right now. The timing is perfect, and you are ready to soar.”
Hold the line. Hold the line. Hold the line. Remember - where you are going and what you want to create in the world because these cards coming to you today is telling you to Spread Your Wings and Soar!! Two cards actually were stuck together when I pulled out Card #6 and so happens they are both Archangel Ariel! Following Your Dreams, Living Your Dreams and being Abundantly supported by your dreams. 'Your material needs are provided for as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.’ - If you have literally been asking about ‘how’ to create more abundance in your life the answer is clear: ‘Your material needs are provided for as you follow your intuition and manifest your dreams into reality.’. It couldn’t stand more true and the only reason it ‘hasn’t happened yet’ is because you have put your dreams on the back burner. You got comfortable where you are and haven’t pushed yourself beyond your edges for… like ever it seems and your Soul is oh so bored right now! #yawn. Give me adventure, give me challenge, give me new goals, new mindsets and new horizons to venture, follow ignite and shine the light on. It feels like you have settled for less than your worth, less than your time and less that your Soul desires. You have stopped putting yourself out there and most importantly you have stopped sharing your heart and soul and what is most important to you and this - MATTERS! It all matters because your heart flutters with excitement and ripples into the cosmos and beyond and back and this… is what creates the ripple affect of your excitement, your happiness and.. your abundance. Your abundance, prosperity and all your material needs being provided for, comes from you showing up - not hiding! It comes from sharing your message and stretching and pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone! Take that leap of faith, stretch your wings - Archangel Ariel has come to you - twice in one card today - that this is such a doubly strong message for you. Now is the time to open your heart and spread your wings and fly with your message, leaving no stone unturned, not continue the path you’ve done in the past that you know feels old outdated, outworn and is just not a yes anymore! FIND the YES and follow that all the way home. Follow your heart, it knows the way. Is so true for you right now. There is such a deep trust that comes with following your heart and that is the only thing there for you, has never left you and is awaiting you to return to it, to come back to your truth, your magic and manifest your dreams to reality - your Heart, has the power to do that - the question is - do you trust that level of power that you can literally wield your dreams into reality? Love xxx Oh YES! Intuitive Channel is your personal daily message delivered to you every day, just like a personal psychic reading from me to you that you can listen to everyday to stay motivated, in the loop of world energy cray cray so you stay connected to your Soul instead of getting sucked into the vortex of muggle life and shift and shine to rise to the Service of your Unique Life Purpose you were born for. Click here for all the details, Intuitive Channel is now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/intuitive-channel