🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th December 2020
Dec 15, 2020
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th December 2020
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Wisdom of Avalon cards for you 🕊❤️🔮
Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things!
‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’
You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home.
You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality.
Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Truth.
Hmmm, have you been doubting yourself lately? Or looking at others with a screwed up face that is exalted in what did you just say!? Trying to figure out what they mean, and yet, you are confused because you know that is not right, not what you believe but something just.. isn’t sitting right with what they have shared and said? It makes you question yourself? But.. something is just… off? I am getting the message here for you today that - your intuition is on point. But you already know that ;) don’t you? This card has come as a sign to shake other peoples belief systems off. It is time to reclaim your power, shake of what they think and then tune back into your intuition - because.. it is right for you and that is what you need to follow - whole heartedly. If you been feeling confused or somewhat panicky lately - all you need to do to return to centre, is to return to your heart. We get confused when we take on somebody else’s energy, somebody else’s words and they confuse aka fuse with ours. The other thing that happens here is that we try and swallow somebody else’s truth over our truth. You hear them, you swallow it, you try to live it, it confuses you, you don’t feel right and just blergh feeling and not really knowing why. You have just tried to fit into their box, tried to be like them - that is all, tried to implement their lifestyle, their teachings when… it just isn’t you. So shake it off, disconnect for a while and reconnect to you.. to what your heart wants YOU to do, not what you think you should do, not what you feel you need to do - just… what you WANT to do. That is all. That is ALL that is needed to reconnect to you and remember your TRUTH. Big Throat Chakra stuff here for you today… speaking your truth - but LIVING it - YOUR truth, not somebody else’s truth. Trust Your Intuition of what is right for you. You are feeling something is ‘off’ - because it is. Trust this. Trust you. Shake it off and you will begin to feel better again. Trust in your Truth, it has always shown you the way and will continue to do so. Disconnect, Reconnect and Realign to your Truth. That is all. Trust… your Truth. It is your powerful wisdom from all that you are. Love xxx Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things! ‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’ You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home. You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality. Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Card #2: The Water Faery. Feelings and Emotions.
Have you been extra emotional lately? Extra sensitive? Extra snappy? Extra, at Peace? There are strong portals of energy happening right now and come in waves. As I always say, learn to ride them. However, I feel you have been doing that quite a bit and getting good and supporting yourself when they come… I am also getting the message for you, that this card is about stopping. Stop trying to figure it out, stop trying to make it happen, stop forcing it, stop pushing, stop in general - like REST. Get some REST. You have been go, go, go for WEEKS - months even if you look at the last few months, it has been FULL ON to say the least right? Give yourself permission to stop…. And let those emotions flow… whether that is elation and joy at how far you’ve come, alongside the tears of relief and all the pain and suffering, just… how much you’ve been through to get where you are today. Or if you’re letting go of a situation - you thought you would be in for the rest of your life, let your emotions flow. It is okay, to feel this way. It is okay to be leaving a relationship and still loving them, knowing you have to do this, but… grieving it, even though you didn’t think you’d feel upset about it, because you know it is the best to leave this situation after all these years - it is normal to feel grieve and upset about it. Please let those emotions come as they go, ride them, with ease, knowing it is all normal to feel exactly what you’re feeling right now. I am also getting the message for this card as well, that… your emotions are teaching you something. What is it that you are angry about? Anger teaches us, that something in our life is out of alignment. Depression - is the anger has been suppressed and is depressing you - pressing it down is tiring and exhausting and that is what depression feels like, past exhaustion. Lifeless. Have you been feeling this way? Under there.. in there, is emotions, stagnant emotions that need motion to move them… need movement. If you feel stuck - exercise, commit to a new exercise routine that works for you. But not once or twice, the consistency is what will shift the deep stuck, stagnant stuff. How can you support yourself today, by moving your body, or deeply stopping and allowing space… for all that you have created, for all that you are… for.. you? Love xxx Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things! ‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’ You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home. You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality. Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Card #3: The Deer. Gentleness, Diplomacy.
Ah, this card - I am getting the sense for you that you need to step right back right now. Woah, hold your horses! Pull up! Wait, just… pull right back. This may mean pulling all your energy back into you, taking a break, just… not saying anything right now. I am getting the sense for you to, at this moment, just let it all unfold as will be right now. Just… let the Universe take care of it all. Yes, keep your goals, yes, keep doing your thing, but just… pull back a moment. It is all happening but ‘the timing is off’. Trust the timing in this situation and I am sensing you don’t even need to say anything right now - this situation will resolve itself ‘all on it’s own’ in a way. It feels that you have bene pushing for something, or have been running around and… ultimately nothing you could’ve done differently would’ve made it happen faster anyway, or made it happen, because I am sensing there are other factors involved, that are out of your control that are somewhat forcing you to stop. I feel you have ‘just gotten this message’ too and this is more confirmation for you that you can ‘Let go and let God’ so to speak. I feel that everything is working out in a fair and just manner and actually better than you expect or could imagine/perceive it to even be right now. So step back, and let the Universe do it’s thing. You are in alignment, just work with what is right in front of you right now, for now. I am also getting something about the Ocean and the/your Father. Spending time at the ocean or listening to the Ocean waves would be super beneficial for your healing process right now and.. helping you to stop and let go at this time. It feels like the Ocean, even the dolphins and whales, listening to their sounds can soothe your Soul and activate you too. The Father/Your Father - have you spoken to him recently? Is there something that needs to be said? Even if they are not in physical existence anymore, their Soul is, and they can hear you - and are by your side awaiting you to connect with them. There is a healing that needs to take place and the issue… has already been on your mind recently. Even just acknowledging that yes, there is something there, can shift the entire thing on it’s own. Perhaps you need to speak to them, perhaps you need to work on the anger release from the situation, perhaps it is simply.. connecting with them, that will bring the healing in itself. Reconnection is powerful and not to be underestimated. You may feel like you’re alone, but you’re not. Your Dad is there (even from the other side) and the Universe has your back. Everything is working out. Trust this. Love xxx Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things! ‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’ You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home. You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality. Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Card #4: The Wind Faery. Thoughts, Words, Intellectual, Analysis.
Your voice wants to be heard. Your Soul wants to be heard. Someone needs to hear your words and your Soul needs you to get them out. There are two messages here… one is there is someone on your mind, that you have been holding back. You go to reach out, to message… then stop yourself. Why is that? Do you know that it is best not open that door again? Is it fear holding you back? Have you, thought that, you are sensing them too? I am getting the message that the door is best left closed, but that Soul connection… is strong right? I am wondering if you have gone back to something and wish you hadn’t or… wish you hadn’t behaved in some way that, maybe it would be different now? However, if your intuition is guiding you to reach out, that is important too - trust yourself yes? Make sure you are clear on your intentions when reaching out, to keep energy and communication clear. If you are not, just don’t reach out. And grieve the loss of the relationship instead. I am also getting the message, on a different note, that you’ve also been getting the message to walk away from something, now is your time. I feel that you’ve become clear on that, but you’ve been.. somewhat ignoring that? Your intuition is correct on this one, so let it go. The other message… is about a book, or a blog… have you begun one and then, put it away, haven’t written it, put it.. back in it’s box? Now is not the time for delaying this any longer. Or… are you reading a book? Time to finish it? Lots of ‘finishing’ things in this card for you today. The Thought, Intellect, Words… we can analyse many, many things and will feel like that on overload (or overwhelm!) When we have lots of unfinished projects on the go at once. It is important to stop getting new things and to allow yourself to finish what you have, finish one thing to completion, then move into the next. Ticking them off, will not only give you a sense of satisfaction, but it grounds your energy and enables you to feel whole and complete, rather than scattered, overwhelmed and exhausted and stops you from going into avoidance techniques (addictions). So, what tasks do you need to, finish? Now? Love xxx Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things! ‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’ You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home. You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality. Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Card #5: Joy.
Joy is deeply related to the Sacral Chakra. That deep, sustained joy. That Buddha belly contented joy. That deep, long lasting joy that keeps you fulfilled, happy, no matter what the circumstances and a deep knowingness that you are on the right path. As I write this, Geese fly over, making their presence known with their sound. Geese are deeply connected with ancient value systems, family traditions, connecting to your ancestors, plus ‘a time of good fortune’ - which deeply ties back into the Joy card that has come to you today. I am wondering if, there is a piece of the ancient value systems or family traditions - are they serving or hindering you? Have you been doing deep ancestral clearing work recently? When we work wth clearing generational ties, it isn’t that we never speak to them ever again, or all the memories are lost. On the contrary, the deep valuable lessons, soul memories and feelings are still there, they are part of you. However, the hectic somewhat discording energy of the traumas and pains, are what is cleared. Then those pieces are not interfering with the current day to day reality. I am wondering if you need to reconnect to your family lineage, or work with shifting aspects of it that are outdated and somewhat holding you back from moving forward? Have you just begun working deeply on clearing your ancestral lineage? This, is deeply connected to your Sacral Chakra - which is where you are born in your Mother’s Womb and where that deep ancestral lineage lays. Womb, within womb, within womb, within womb - there is a lot that is stored and can be worked with deeply to clear the ancestral lineage - whether you are male or female, we all have Sacral Chakras. Our Sacral Chakra is where our Life Purpose gestates. If you are working on your Life Purpose and feel blocked, work with clearing your generational lineage that is stored deeply here and you shall move forward again. Clear any past relationship baggage, as it is all stored here. You can’t birth a baby in that womb, when all the grief of your past or hanging onto a past lover is still tied to your womb space. Likewise, you can’t birth your Life Purpose when all of that is still in there. Birthing a baby and birthing your purpose is the same, it is where realities are birthed, new beginnings are birthed. Our Sacral is also where the deep, sustained joy lives. It is always in there, as it is your connection to Source - that umbilical cord connection again - the lineage Home. Sometimes it is just buried in there, under all the pain, loss of relationships of your past sitting on top. Work with clearing this to get your Joy back, or take your Joy to the next level, take your purpose to the next level. Geese symbolising the deep level of abundance awaiting you, that is ever-present for you. I feel this card is deeply acknowledging the work you have done and to hang in there - because it feels like you are about to break through to an entirely new reality, full of abundance and deeper, sustainable levels of joy - that you are already feeling as your new reality is trickling, manifesting into reality, from the ethers to physical form. Life is now, you are receiving it now. Acknowledge and celebrate how far you’ve come - much abundance is on it’s way and here for you now. Love xxx Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things! ‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’ You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home. You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality. Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman
Card #6: The Butterfly. Beauty.
Ah - have you been getting the message to bring more beauty into your life? Or you have been noticing, and even feeling more beautiful? The need for beauty - we all take that deeper breath when we see a beautiful sunrise or sunset, or a beautiful face, or a beautiful smile, or something that is beautiful to our eyes. It opens our heart, it warms our heart, our body, mind, spirit and it shifts our energy to levels of beauty, kindness and deeply keeps us connected in our heart vibration. If you haven’t been already, this is a message to make your space, your heart, your life - beautiful. How can you make your life more beautiful? Our environment has a big impact on how we feel. What is around you? Who is around you? Start with your bedroom, does it make you feel at home, warm and does it make your heart open and expand with beauty and like a big hug when you walk in there? Or is it cluttered and dusty and feels old? It doesn’t take much to clean up, get rid of old clothes that are no longer who you are and no, you don’t need to hang on to those ‘maybe one day clothes’ because you can always buy new ones ‘if that day comes’ and right now, hanging onto them is energetically blocking the flow, let alone your energy and feelings about how you feel when you walk in there. Sometimes we don’t even realise it, because it is just normal, but then wonder why we are depressed and lethargic and wake up with anger or resentment, let alone tired. Of course there are many other reasons that can contribute to that, however, you’ve drawn this card today, so there is a big impact your bedroom, let alone the rest of your house environment is having upon you. If it is good, clean and… beautiful, then this card is confirmation to remind yourself of this beauty, if you have forgotten, or perhaps upgrade some items and freshen the energy. Write a gratitude list - minimum 10 things that you are grateful for that has occurred that day before you go to sleep, so you are sleeping with a grateful open heart. What, makes your body feel beautiful? Sometimes we can be doing all the things, nails, hair and make up, but if you are still feeling blergh by the end of the day - are you exercising? I am getting the message that exercise is your next step to add to your daily routine. This shift in energy, moves it out of your body, let alone the chemicals that are released when you exercise. If you already do - what is the other exercise piece that has already been on your mind? Strength training? Yoga? Something else? This is your confirmation that yes, time to incorporate that now. Don’t let finances stop you. The move and shift in energy in your body will be the thing that attracts it to support you. Remember, leap first, be the person first, do the thing first, the Universe has your back. Movement creates movement and you.. have to go first. Create beauty, choose beauty. Notice beauty, and watch how your life shifts gears, just. Like. Magic. And magic… is beautiful. Love xxx Animal Shaman Activation has arrived. If you’re ready to take your intuitive & psychic gifts to the next level, if you’re ready to embody the grounded, deep Shamanic roots that are your blood, your life line, so deep, that you feel quite on the outskirts, with just how deeply you feel things! ‘Doesn’t anybody else feel this?!!? Isn’t this normal?!?!’ You have a gift beautiful one, and your Animal Shaman Activation deeply guides you, shows you and allows you to embody, activate and take your gifts to acute accuracy with a feeling that you have come home. You don’t feel alone anymore, when you realise, who you truly are, how unique you are - and what your gifts are even meant to help you with your everyday reality. Click here for all the details, this is the guiding light through our December 21st Portal and throughout next year, let your Animal Shaman Self, guide your every breath: https://www.realityawareness.com/animal-shaman