🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th March 2022
Mar 15, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th March 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting for you from the Beyond Lumeria Oracle 🔮🐬🧜🏻♀️
Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Evolution.
There is something deeply changing for you - in every single area of your life. Like 100% completely. I am also wondering if at the same time you feel stuck? I am also getting the sense that it is so important for you to ‘not forget the foundations’. What is it, that got you this far? What is it, that you used to do that you’ve stopped thinking you need to do something else other than… what you do? Nothing needs to change - but everything is changing. However it feels so significant for you because it’s a huge internal change going on for you right now at this time. But there is something you are not saying or voicing or… have forgotten who you are on some level. Saying what you really think and feel is going to shift everything for you at this time. Do not hide, do not dim your light for fear of not being liked. Now, more than ever we need leaders like you sharing your whole heart and truth. There is a big shift coming for you when you commit to this - on a regular basis - what is it, that used to be a regular basis for you, that you’ve stopped? Let go of? Don’t do anymore but… it made you ‘successful’? Is it your kind caring nature? Is it a disciplined routine of? This is going to awaken something in you by committing to this again at this time. If there is a problem that you don’t see the way out of at this time, know that your ‘routine’ or the ‘thing you used to do’ that has evolved to the next level IS the solution for you. It may be the ‘stick’ feeling is simply that you need to take action of the next thing your intuition has been nudging you to do for like two weeks now. Do the next step your intuition is guiding you to do and notice how the floodgates open for you. You have grown, changed and things that you once loved - have been taken away from you? (It seems 🤔) or you’ve chosen to walk away from thinking, feeling and knowing that something better was waiting for you. If it seems hard right now… the answer lays in what you used to do - in its now evolved state. The answer is you precious one. Love xxx Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #2: Realm Bridger - upside down.
This card was upside down when I pulled it out. This can mean a block or a new perspective is required for this situation right now. Where are you needing to change the point of view you have about a certain topic? What story do you keep telling yourself over and over again and are you ready to start telling yourself a new story? What is the story? Are you even aware of it? It’s what you ‘complain’ about to other people, it’s the issue you tell yourself you can’t do x-y-z because of fill in the blank. Did you know if you change your story, you change the game of your life? You change your reality and you can do what your heart is longing for? I am getting the message that you’re a Healer in some way shape or form and you are a Guide, Mentor, Coach, or some form of Leader. Realm Bridger has come to you today to let you know that your Life Purpose involves this realm of Leadership in some way shape or form. Now, you may already know this or be living it, but you are also learning exactly ‘how’ that is for you. You ‘bridge the gap’ of knowledge for people, you ‘know the missing link’ for people. Whether that is humanity as a whole or individual people you speak to - you have the missing link for people to get to A-Z with the specific thing you always seem to talk to people about - or can’t stop talking about - or are passionate about - or, know a lot about and could talk about it until the cows come home. What is that? That - Realm Bridger is showing you, is a big key to your Purpose. Then, it’s just learning how to package that up right? Or where to even start perhaps. This card you have pulled today is about you grounding your ideas into physical reality as sharing them with others. As this card was upside down - are you sabotaging yourself from moving forward? This also feels like your purpose is something that hasn’t been done before and you know it and that’s why you get stuck on pieces or ‘trips in the road’ because you forget you’re here to do something that hasn’t been done before. Trust what you ‘can’t’ see, because your next step shows you and you already know your big picture. Are you holding back working with a particular mentor or course that you know would help you? Are you… afraid of who you may become if you truly trusted your intuition and just did the damn thing not concerning yourself with what others want you to do to ‘conform’ into the box they have you in that you’re simply scared to break the fuxk open and live your damn life anyway?! Just go do the thing…. And the next steps will become clear because let’s be real…. You already know what step to take - you just haven’t done it yet. Love xxx Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #3: Journey to Wholeness.
I feel that this card for you today is a sign to take your time - in a sense of trust this space, trust the divine essence of flow that you have always known is there, have seen others living but are experiencing for yourself for perhaps the first time. I am also hearing ‘anchoring in new codes’ - you’re grounding in a new foundation of reality and I feel this is the ‘take your time’ in a sense of have patience with yourself as you anchor and solidify this new reality in that you’ve been living in. Have you had an issue on your mind? Something bothering you? Something out of alignment? You answer? Your solution? Lays in Self Love. The answer will be solved when you can love yourself more than the thing, or the person or that outside thing that always seems unattainable, insurmountable. Self Love. You will recover from your addiction, you will find happiness and love and fulfilment again, when you can Love Yourself more than the thing. Ouch! That’s a hard one right? Yourself?? You? I bet you struggle to even look at yourself in the mirror right? Or maybe you’ve come into a deep aspect of Self Love and realising this has been the missing piece all along. This… is the answer to your prayers and will solve everything that’s is disarray right now. What is Self Love for you? Is it eating healthier? More exercise? Is it walking away from relationships that you know are not healthy for you to continue? Is it taking that course that will change your life even if you’re not sure how you’ll make it, but you know you have to? Self Love, is taking time for you, speaking kindly to yourself, getting off the soap box and walking away from gossip, to shift your life and love yourself… back to, well… the life you know you’re meant to live. You might have wound up at a place you didn’t see yourself at this point in time… but now… you can write the history books of your future and actually do whatever you choose to. Self Love on the way baby! Love xxx Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #4: Life Force Energy
I feel celebrations with this card. I feel a big yes, I feel deep satisfaction and a huge life direction change that, just feels sooo right and explains all the pains and turmoil you have been leading up to it. It feels like a breath of fresh air and a deep release of stress more than you’ve ever experienced before - let alone your heart feeling deeply fulfilled right? Like a wish fulfilled that was so deep you didn’t ever think it could be restored in a way. I am also sensing with this card, that activities that increase your Life Force Energy are important at this time to make as a dedicated ritual that you make habit. It’s just who you are now. Is that a detox? Is that adding more juices to your diet? Is that taking something away? Is it a solid routine of exercise and meditation? Is it frequency energetic practises? Is it handing over tasks/hiring more help? Sometimes we can be paralysed because we are doing too much and we don’t even realise it! The other piece is your environment - are you happy where you are? Has another ‘land’ or ‘location’ been calling you? If you can’t move, can you travel more? Does your house need new furniture and a complete make over? Overall it feels like celebrations and gratitude… and we know that, the gratitude is what brings right? I also feel that you’re getting a lot of ideas right now and it is important to take note of them - and most important - action the hardest ones first, get the ones done that you keep putting off - as these are going to take a huge weight off your shoulders, open the portals/floodgates for the Universe to help you and also - expand you. Celebrating the expansion with you - it’s not ‘hard’ when we re-frame it as expansion. We almost want to LEAP right into when it’s like that right? Expand baby! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 Love xxx Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #5: The Portal Keeper.
This card feels very similar to Card #2 - about realising what your Life Purpose is, however this card feels specifically more about you and your journey with spirituality. It feels like at this time it is important to learn all you can about spiritual development, psychic development, building your Life Force Chi Energy, bio hacking, frequency medicine, understanding energetics in your daily environment, learning the energies you feel in your household or after you’ve interacted with someone - all the things. It feels super important for you at this time. I also feel if you get ‘stuck’ it is just because there is a deeper layer to release surfacing from all the work you have been doing. This may be the point that you get help, start to ‘up your game’, get a mentor, take a serious course about it all or… you can continue to mosey on along with it all. Regardless, this card is a sign for you to dedicate committed time to increasing your psychic skills, understanding intuition and your own unique Gifts, Skills, Talents and Abilities. I feel like you’re very clear you have them, but understanding them is the next piece for you, understanding how or why or what the messages are even trying to tell you. You are highly psychic and it is a Gift, not a curse, it’s just learning the skills on how you can be psychic and still function in your everyday world, without getting floored by the energies that’s all. Love xxx Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #6: Lumin Essence.
This card is similar to Card #4 Life Force Energy. This feels like such a lift in energy for you - it’s time to shine your Light Bright and let those that are jealous of have unkind words to say - disappear from your view so you can shine even brighter! Shine so bright that your Light transforms their darkness. What are the 3 main tasks that have been on your mind? I feel that this is the month for you to block everything out and get it done - it feels like now is the time and to dedicate and commit to it like you were working for someone else - that book ain’t going to write itself, those videos are not going to film themselves, that new idea ain’t going to birth without you pushing everything aside and getting it done. I am also hearing ‘hold the line’ - have you started something new, or are trying something new, or is there a new thing you’re implementing - or could have been revived in some sort of way? It feels like it will happen - it’s inevitable- and to embody this ‘new way of being‘. I am also hearing ‘it’s time’ in a sense of what you tried before and didn’t work - well now it’s time for it to work, you’re ready, the foundations are ready, you’re in a different place with everything… it’s just time right? It feels like you’ve come into deep self acceptance and awareness of self in ways that you’ve obliterated realities and shattered old beliefs systems that no longer serve your evolutionary process of your Soul. This may be represented in external structures changing in your reality, new people entering your field and/or walking away from old systems and people and a whole new Lumin Essence of self emerging. Any part that surfaces, any issue in your life - choose to love it through its transformation and watch what people you start to have turn up in your field. It’s time - so what do you need to love into the full Lumin Essence of Self? What do you need to push everything aside to make happen? Love xxx Magic has ignited. Soul has been lit up. And the potency of your Life Purpose is Awakening. Transcendence Reality Society investment increases in just a few hours, click here for all the details to join us: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society