🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th November 2022
Nov 15, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th November 2022
Scroll down to find the number that called to your Soul today to see what messages are awaiting you from the Work Your Light Oracle 🔮
You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this.
Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang?
That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Trust Your Path. “If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?”
This card message may sound a bit conflicted here, but bare with me as I try and explain this to you - and… are you feeling conflicted? Two different paths you could travel here, and yet - “If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?” And I feel this is your reminder to only go after what you really want. It feels like there are quite a few opportunities coming in for you and whilst it is important to jump on opportunities and chase them up and make them happen I am sensing there is one thing that you keep forgetting about - well, actually you are not forgetting about it but you are not making it a priority when it SHOULD be a priority - like everyday it should be the first and/or last thing you do. It is almost like you’re waiting for time in your schedule to have days of nothing and honey - does that ever happen? I am also wondering if you are unsettled at home? Have you been looking to move? And if that is what the - “If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?” Aspect here, it feels like to go for it because how will you ever know if you don’t try how will you ever know? I am also sensing - try all your options - like, if you have ten opportunities - do them all - in order of what most brings you alive and excitement - but - it feels important to keep and continue your highest priority first - every single day. It feels like you could actually complete this so quickly and yet, you keep putting it off… why? Are you scared? What would change when you actually finish it? Oh.. you become who you really are? Who you were… born to be? Isn’t that… what you’ve been doing this all for in the first place? What else is going on? There feels like an aspect of ‘lost’ but also - you know what you want and need to do, so perhaps this about you actually deciding and ‘claiming’ what you want - and then, doing everything to make it happen!? Have you been cleaning out? Even energetically things have been sweeping and falling away - the energetic line - snapping. Gone… old reality out and new reality in - just. Like. That. Yes? “If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?”. I feel like you feel there is no option or way you can see it possible right now, however, I am here - and so is this card - telling you - that you can - and if you will sit there long enough and let it drop in - you will see - there is always a way… let your mind show you, let your heart lead the way. There is ALWAYS a way and you CAN make this happen. Trust baby, Trust. Love xxx You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this. Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang? That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Priestess. "How are you being called to step up and lead?”
This… is a very strong message. I almost want to say ‘There is no God - you are the God’ - now, don’t get all triggered telling me actually there is God! Sure, there is some Creator you have got going on there - the very essence of where we came from and the glue that holds altogether. Yes…However, this card? "How are you being called to step up and lead?” This honey - is about you taking the lead. Not on God to lead you with signs, not on you waiting on someone to come in and save you, not praying and praying and your life not fucking changing - but YOU taking the lead - but you - actually making the decision to do what you’ve always done, to make the first moves, for you to actually push forward regardless of outside circumstances and BECOME YOUR OWN GOD. Have you felt like your ‘prayers have gone unanswered lately’? Again, this isn’t for you to argue what I am sharing here, this is about you taking back your god damn fucking power and letting God BECOME YOU - YOU ARE FUCKING GOD and YOU are the ONLY person who holds the power to create your own damn reality and some. It is time to make space for God to come through you and let that be the only energy and creation that you also let in the space for it to come to the fruition of who you are and what you are creating in the world. This isn’t a waiting for the sign, waiting for the messages - honey - YOU ARE THE SIGN. The only ‘sign’ you need, is that you WANT to do the thing.. that is your Heart speaking and that? I am pretty sure is where God lives - in your HEART. Your Heart is your Art and your Art keeps the beat of your Heart alive. Follow it. Also, have you felt like there has been blockages blocking you from doing something? Is that, because when you are truly honest about it, you don’t want to do it? I would look at not what you are walking way from, or leaving - but what you are walking towards, to help release the ‘anchor’ so all parts of you are on board and can finally move in the direction you want to go - without waiting for the signs… because it has been on your mind like ridiculously right? So…. What are you waiting for? No.. not God - you ARE God - now drawn on that power and amplify it some and ten fold more… take the leap, go first… that.. is where the power is, that... is where the healing is… that… is where to come back to life.. but you - have to do it, not some outside Source of you - inside of you - YOU. Love xxx You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this. Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang? That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Mintakan. “Longing for home. Belonging. The original Lightworkers.”
Have you been feeling like you don’t belong again? Have you been wondering why your Heart is wandering across the seas so to speak? Have you felt unsettled or like something is gnawing/nagging at you but you can’t quite place your finger on it? Longing for home - will come in waves. This happens for a few reasons - you can be on timeline points as you release your old life, old pains and hurts or memories can surface from those timeline points that make you ‘want to return’ to your old life… even though - you don’t really and then if you act on that, you tend to regret it and then you are ‘stuck in it’ so may as well stay here, even though you’re not 100% satisfied and that? That causes an even stronger longing for home, because your Heart is your home and if you are not following your Heart - wholeheartedly - even if that means not having a destination that is set in stone (btw 99.9% of the time, following your heart doesn’t make logical sense nor have solid assured destination and you know we may as well just say 100% of the time it doesn’t make logical sense, because the mind will NEVER comprehend or understand the Heart.) And… the destination is your vision and that, isn’t grounded or assured until YOU move forward and make it happen. There could also be ‘matters of the home and Heart’ going on for you at this time making you unsettled (of course) but I wonder if you’ve been getting these signs for several months now… and this increased unsettledness means you are - edging extremely close to this change - the breakthrough - the shift in dimension, in reality. A whole new world and big change, is on your doorstep. Is there something shifting with the family system? Big changes with the parental or the ones who ‘hold it together’? The weird feelings of reality lately are your signs - reality is breaking through - let it. That unfolding vision is created AS you step into it. But you know this. This is just your sign at how close it is. How it, hold the line. Let it come. Love xxx You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this. Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang? That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Share Your Voice. “Come out of the cave. Persecution. Expression.”
Who do you need to have a conversation with and stop hiding behind your fears? Where do you need to stand up for what you really want, really believe in and want to change in your life and for that - need to say what to whom? Where are you holding back saying what you REALLY want to say or having a conversation and asking the questions to find out more information for what you are needing right now? It feels like you have been holding back, hiding behind… well, you’re not even saying what you really want to say right now are you? It feels like you have been missing opportunities - but were they missed opportunities or is this just the breaking point, the tipping point the ENOUGH point - where you just don’t tolerate that crap anymore? It feels like you’re on the verge of a huge break through right now where you are teetering on the edge, but have also come to a huge realisation that you can’t do this in this way anymore, you can’t do this alone anymore, you’re not willing to go down the path that people are telling you - you have to do - you are taking back your power (first step of healing btw) and doing it your way, finding ways that resonate with you and that well, just make sense to you. Sure, you’re taking a risk in - following your own intuition - over what someone else, even - especially - those closest to you but YOU know, deep in your heart this is the road you have to take, these are the steps you must take, this is what your Soul is calling you to do. Healing comes from you coming into the alignment of your Soul and that comes from trusting your intuition, saying what you really want say and not holding back and doing what your Soul is guiding you to do - without knowing the outcome, but the only thing that you do know, is that it feels right and it is something you just have to do. This is the true expression of yourself, this is the very essence of your Soul - coming out of the cave, coming out of the cocoon - you don’t need to hide anymore, but you do need to step up, speak up and take action on what your Soul is guiding you to do - no matter the push back, the ‘persecution’ or the fallout. No matter… the open hearted magic wonderousness of life that is… awaiting you as you speak your hearts truth and open. Because the only fall out of not following your Soul is deep darkened depression and low as fuck energy, let alone.. aloneness and you’ve… had enough of that haven’t you? Love xxx You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this. Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang? That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Pillar of Light. “Your vibration is rising. You are the Oracle.”
Honey, you need to trust your intuition at this time! Those ideas coming to you are correct and you need to deeply anchor into what you know is going on right now. Shit might be hitting the fan (or falling apart or accelerating rapidly UP with opportunities and ideas coming in left right and centre - jump on them!) - but that is because “Your Vibration is Rising.”. The thing is that when that happens, everyone around you feels it and stuff will come up that can be confronting and hard to face at times. And yet - “You are the Oracle.”. I feel you don’t need to be looking for outside validation at this time and not feeling that you are so much as that….It feels like you are ‘doing it in secret’ or not even that.. you are just... doing it, you are just - getting it done, you are nurturing and protecting the energy right now. And you are looking to be around those similar to you? Is this like the Mintakan Card for you? (Card #3 today). The longing for home. I feel that your vibration is shifting (and quite fast mind you - like you’ve woken up a different person and feel like you’re in a different place, but you’re still in the same place?!) and you do not resonate with who you are anymore - your clothes don’t feel good or that you like them, the people around you are questionable even though you once loved them, you just feel almost… bored. And yet, what is going on is that you are SHIFTING. Sometimes we want to change everything about our lives - change the furniture around change clothes, change everything - like you’ve outgrown your skin - with this vibration shift - there are two things - if you are someone who always goes and changes everything, instead, can you just be still with it? Probably hardest thing ever I know! And of course, there is nothing wrong with decluttering etc, however, I feel this message for you is to learn to hold these higher vibrations your body instead of dispersing them out and around you - and ultimately not even letting them come into your life - do you have issues with receiving? Receiving love, receiving abundance, receiving - anything? Next time you feel the wave of needing too change and move everything, try sitting still with it - in essence of present consciousness about how your body feels as you go through these exquisite changes, because as you hone, hold and allow these vibrations to change your cellular structure of your body instead of dispersing that through your home - you’re going to experience a whole new level of YOU - the one that you’ve actually been trying to manifest and heal and do all the things when all you needed to do - was sit there, be present and receive the fullness of YOU - can you? “Your vibration is rising. You are the Oracle.” - but do you even let you receive you? Can you even hold your own vibration, your own tone and vibrational signature in the Universe? If the answer is no and you’ve never done this before, you would’ve experienced disappointments in manifestation, love and commitment to all things. Once you start shifting - that when you feel the urge for all the changes.. sit.. and let the changes be cellular, go within and let yourself feel all the uncomfortableness that washes and waves through you - let the upgrades happen and truly… create your reality from the inside out. You are safe… to receive all of you. As you allow these changes - as your vibration rises… it is YOU that is the Oracle honey. Love xxx You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this. Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang? That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Lemuria. “Creating Heaven on Earth. It’s happening.”
This is your card of Faith. Keep the faith, hold the faith. No, it didn’t drop off and disappear - it is recalibrating. And all that is required - your JOB is to hold the faith ten fold and some. I feel that this is SUCH a strong card for you to remind you - YOU hold the cards, you are the essence of the purity of your Being and you literally can ask for and create ANYTHING your Soul desires and some. It feels like this is your reminder and your beacon, your calling card that you can literally design your life and step into the vortex of the creation - whether that is journaling, moving your body, visualising, dancing and visualising your highest life - spend time - lots of time day dreaming, because this is the essence coming through so strongly that you are creating this right now. See what you want, imagine what you want, imagine it all working out in the highest, fastest, most efficient order of making it all happen for you. Because I know you can, you know you can and this is a card of Faith. Keep the Faith - stretch that Faith and if you were living your highest destiny right now - this is a card that the funds will come through, abundance is on your doorstep, to continue to be in this trustful vortex of your imaginative Soul, of your energy and this card is a card of ‘its time to claim your energy back’. The incredible pure essence of your energy, the incredible being of who you are, the magical divine goddess and god that sparks life into all you come across, just from being - who you are. That translucent platinum light… that is the very essence of your cells - expand that… let that fill the space of your visions and amplify it so it is sooo white you can’t see anything else but white… and in the distance of the white - walking towards you - is all, you’ve dreamt of, all you’ve wanted… as the ‘picture becomes clear’ - you see that you literally did, create Heaven on Earth and the Faith stretching… was worth it. So… drop deep into trust, drop deep into faith, drop, deeper and know… that It’s literally happening. Love xxx You have a PURPOSE… you have a MISSION…. You were BORN for this… but you have to step up to it, you have to choose it you have to… decide and live into it - no matter the excuse, no matter the reason, no matter the - there is ALWAYS a way and you know this. Anything you’ve wanted so damn badly in the past you MADE that shit happen. And this? Your Purpose? That Soul calling deeply embedded in your Soul thang? That… that… is what Life Purpose Accelerator is here to bust open that gateway and let this be the ONLY focus and your life - SHIFTS baby… investment increasing in just a few hours, click here to apply or send me a message to chat about your options: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator