🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th October 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 15, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 15th October 2024

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Healing With the Angels Oracle for you today. 

You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from.

You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Miracles. 

You are in the vibrational frequency of Miracles. Abundance attracts Abundance. Miracles attracts Miracles. Whatever you focus on, you bring more of. You’ve come out of your shell, you’ve come out of hiding. You’re re-stabilising a new era where you’re coming from a place of deep internal trust, self love, deep sense of security and it’s all from within. You’ve shifted something recently and it is having a very positive effect on your reality - the material is showing up as a testament to your manifestation power right now. And right now - the strong main message for you is let everything else crumble that isn’t this ‘Miracle’. You are in a very stabilised energy that is having a huge impact on all areas of your reality - so if you’ve been wanting to start a new routine of some sort - now is the time. You have the skills, the capability, the know how - you just need to put it into action. This energy is poised to support you and stabilise new routines, new structures and a whole new beginning to see you through to a whole new world. Right now - dream big. As this energy is ripe - settle for nothing less than your full dreams and allow them to land into reality. You might have been feeling a lot of peace recently and moments of insane clarity as you have been taking dedicated aligned action and this ‘peace’ that you are feeling is huge energetic space opening up. From coming out of a dark cocoon - your light is now allowed to fly free. You are no longer holding onto what doesn’t serve you and you quickly course correct when something is off. There is huge great space in your energetic field and you’re not letting anything in that isn’t in full alignment. You’re clear on your boundaries and even clearer on your standards and you won’t settle for anything less than your highest ideals and dreams. This…. is ‘how’ dreams turn to reality. I am also getting the message for you to spend time in your meditation practise to actualise visualise what you want and amplify this practise - you’re highly clairvoyant and with this ripe energy - use your skills to amplify your manifestations. Love xxx You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from. You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Harmony. 

Everything is in Harmony for you. And if it is not - the place to look to heal and shift so that ‘everything is in Harmony’ - is in your Sacral Chakra. Parental connections, woundings from generational and family lineage, birth trauma, childhood woundings, relationship ‘baggage’ that you have not let go of or forgiven from past lovers that you’re still energetically connected to. If you haven’t done my Clearing Every Se*ual Partner Ritual just comment ‘Ritual’ below and I will send it to you). In our Sacral Chakra - it is the place the Soul enters when we are in the womb - through the umbilical cord, travelling through generational lineage ’to arrive here’. Clearing the Sacral physically and energetically can have a great impact to your personal and professional life, especially when you have been ‘stuck at a level’ or in a repetitive loop that it seems like you can’t break or are experiencing same issues but in a different location - time to break that karmic loop cycle so you can experiencing the Harmony that you know you desire - have been desiring and ultimately? Is inevitable and what you’re experiencing right now is actually the signs you’re super close to it being done and received by you - you’re clearing to heal to receive - right now - that is ‘why’ you’re in it - you’re moving THROUGH it. The Sacral Chakra (well, any Chakra or experience can), right now, the Sacral is taking you through a deep initiation. You asked for bigger dreams and you’re being shown a way through that is taking you to a place that you didn’t think possible before. This Harmony you asked for in a better life in some way shape or form - has set you for expansion. What can feel like the arrow being drawn back - is the reminder that you’re about to spring board forward - ten fold. So if it is dark right now - you’re clearing and healing and shifting to higher ground. Work with your Soul, within asking “what is my highest self desiring right now? What is the next most aligned action I can take right now?” And follow that. You’re about to experience a great shift, but for now - the Sacral is calling you to cleanse, heal and shift - rebalance your entire life and body. On the physical level, detoxing, enemas/colonics, gut healing and diet change is being asked and required of you now. Your Soul, is asking this of you. Your physical body is your Soul’s home and your Soul can only function at the capacity that your body can handle it’s light codes. By working with your Sacral Chakra, you are working on changing the cellular coding your body holds thus changing your frequency and aligning to your Soul’s true purpose, living your legacy, not a generational societal lineage replica. You’re One Of A Kind, own it. Love xxx You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from. You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Support. 

You have so much Support around you and this card has two messages today - you are needing a greater level of support either in all areas, or a better quality support/up level of your game in a particular area of your life that has been on your mind a bit lately (you haven’t been able to stop thinking about actually). There is a great team of support in the spiritual world and you’re being asked to spend time in deep meditation (or guided meditation by a facilitator/meditation) to connect with your Spirit team. Perhaps you have been getting the message to take on a new staff member or someone to help around the house or a new team member in your business. It feels like there is something holding you back - ‘you were burnt before’ - but right now, you’re ‘being asked by your spirit team’ to do this as it is clearing what held you back prior to this. It feels like you’re needing to let go of what you thought was wrong or right and start from a very clean slate. You’re not the same as who you were - so the support you require is also different PLUS BECAUSE you have changed - you’re not going to repeat the same cycles, because you are way more conscious now, have healed parts that kept you stuck within yourself and are ready to move forward - with great wisdom from what you have gone through to do it differently AND with great clarity of what your needs are. The key to hiring a great team to support you - is being conscious where you are ‘palming off’ what is not yours to carry (what you’re meant to do with a team yes - but it’s the energetic undertone it comes from that makes or breaks the success of attracting the right support) and expecting them to know better. This is a tricky one to explain but at it’s core, at an energetic level, if you are still running the people pleaser/unhealed childhood wound of neglect, you’ll be simultaneously expecting those to do the job, whilst energetically still holding the reigns whilst attracting those that match the undertone/subconscious/unconscious frequency of what you’re ‘asking for’ - instead of what you truly need to support you to thrive in this next stage of your business and life. You can’t receive help with a neglect wound running because you’ll never - ever - be satisfied with the job they do, plus you’ll attract people who run the ‘I can’t do it thread’ and wait for every instruction and never complete the job correctly either. Huge one. The core here is - you’ve shifted, so you’re in a different place to walk forward with wisdom - even if that is hiring someone like myself to clear this particular wounding to expand with the abundant stable loyal codes you’re craving. Love xxx You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from. You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Balance. 

Balance schmalance. Immersion learning I love more so than ‘balance’. Balance will look differently to everyone and the message of this card is what is your Balance - what is out of Balance and what need to come into Balance for you to feel that homeostasis you’re craving? What do you need to ask for help in/with/for - so that you can carve out more time to do what nourishes your Soul? It feels like your Soul is tired. You have to remember that we are going through a dimensional shift right now and there are so many facets to this. The Earth is changing, the poles are shifting, the atmosphere is thinning, the solar flares ‘burn’ through our aura and etheric body, we are still on the tail end of the eclipse season and there is a full moon in less than 2 days. There is A LOT going on in our realm and to top that off - I bet you have your own personal stuff going on - yep! Balance. This is about carving out time for you - or shifting your routine to include things that are deeply in alignment with your values at this time as this will nourish your Soul in ways that ‘won’t seem like you’re doing any different’ - but it is changing the way you feel on a daily basis, because you are in alignment with your values and that.. changes everything. That also - changes your energy and vibration and ‘without doing anything’ - everything…. comes to you - like magic, like a magnet - like a miracle. I am also getting something to do with your voice and vibration. Whether you are needing to chant om and sing or get singing lessons to tune your voice, or whether you are needing to speak up and have that ‘hard’ conversation with someone because ‘something is on your chest’ your voice, the sound of your voice, vibration and tone of your voice, the words that you speak - need to be spoken. If you continue to hold this part of you back - you create an imbalance. Your Throat Chakra - is your truth centre - not just speaking your truth - but living it. Your Throat Chakra is the portal to other worlds, it is the gate way to the heart and it ‘delivers you to your purpose’ - because without speaking what is on your mind and then actioning that - the gateway is blocked. This Balance for you - is not just finding your own Balance - but speaking up when something is out of alignment for that honest, truthful conversation is going to set your heart free, open the doorways of your heart wide open and allow your heart energy to magnetise what you’ve been longing for all along. But it begins… with the honest, truthful conversations of your voice, your words, your tone, your energy…. your heart. Love xxx You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from. You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Divine Timing. 

The answer is YESSSS. Divine Timing plays a big part but you’re already feeling the pull! There is something you saw a few weeks back… and it is back heavily in your awareness and now… it’s time. There were things that needed to ‘fall into place’ - there were vibrations and other realisations that you needed to have - you needed to stabilise this frequency and now - the timing is ripe. Now…. your path is here. Now… you have the green lights to do what you wanted to do but you held back, thought maybe you shouldn’t but ultimately? You always wanted to do it and what you were feeling - is also this - Divine Timing. Your Soul knows. It always did. It always has. I am also getting the message to remind you (not that you need it - but this second you do) that it is okay to put yourself first and it is required of you - to choose for you first - at this time. Sure there will be upheaval and some sort of backlash - but not like it used to be AND - its change - of course there are confronting conversations when you rock the status quo - and DO YOUR LIFE ;) People always have something negative to say about your dreams - BUT - it is ALWAYS the one who #1 - don’t have dreams or gave up on their’s and #2 - definitely won’t be living a life that you want/are living and #3 - you have to REMEMBER WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE - you will ALWAYS think bigger than everyone you know (unless you’re hanging out in an Inner Circle somewhere) you will always feel alone or different in your visions and ideas - because that is WHO YOU ARE and it is your GIFT and HOW you get to live a life that most people don’t. Because you do things that most people won’t. And that is just who you are and it is fucking AMAZING #iseeyou. And everything? That you’ve been doing? Has led… to this moment. And this moment is fucking amazing. Remember this when you feel like the rug has been pulled out from under your feet - because it hasn’t - it is just… time. TO FLY BABY. Perspective shift around this will see everything going smoothly and everything working out for you - because there is.. no other way but this. It is meant to be this way - the timing.. this  timing… is what you’ve been waiting for. This moment. This portal. This time. Love xxx You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from. You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Trust. 

Lean back into Trust. You’ve felt something huge rumbling for a while… and your feelings are correct. And through this ENTIRE process - I want you to lean back into Trust. Lean back into the divine synchronistic flow that everything is working out for you, that you are always in the right place at the right time and everything you need comes to you. That you are completely provided for in following your heart and soul, in following your purpose in that place of trusting the next step, the next step, the next step, no matter what curveballs and positive upswings you ‘get thrown’ - because you’re always elevating above it. There is a strong message coming through for you. At some point - you were rejected from your family system - or from an extremely significant relationship. And it hurt you. It cut you to your core. You didn’t want to be here anymore. And it’s taken you a long while to recover. And it still. fucking. hits. you. like. a tonne of fucking BRICKS. at times. I know. I get it. HUGS. It’s heavy. And full on. And still. You’re in the right place at the right time and everything is working out for you. No matter what - there are good things coming. Even with the big changes on your doorstep - the huge frequency and physical shifts you’re making - something magical is happening for you - lean back into TRUST. Something that was lost, something deep inside of you, that you locked away, shut away and buried because of what happened - is awakening from slumber. You’re coming back to life. You’re healing. You’re coming to a place where you don’t need to run or hide anymore. The big changes on your doorstep - whatever is coming for you - is good and - lean - back - into - TRUST. The sun will rise again, you will have your feet in the water again and you’ll be able to come into a place of Peace again - but this time, on a whole new level, doing what you love in a more wholesome, grounded way - in your own time, in your own way. Trust. You’ve been rejected - but it’s a redirection - to your true Purpose path. Rejection is a Redirection - remember this. Lean back into Trust - in everything you do - choose the trust path, the peaceful path and you’ll accelerate to the higher frequency rapidly and support not only your nervous system, but your purpose to bloom. Lean.. back into Trust. What is the higher path? The peaceful path? The path… that makes your heart take a deep breath and go… yessssssssss? Love xxx You live your own life, you’re highly intuitive, you know things and you’ve always felt like a leader of the pack no matter which group you’ve been in - even your close friends. You haven’t meant to, you just are. People look up to you. They come to you for advice and ‘you’re not even trained’ but you know what to say and you’re the one that has the answers - even though you also don’t know where that came from. You work your own schedule, you love working on your passions and are always taking your skills to the next level. You know your Purpose is shifting gears, all the signs have been there and you want the clarity of your Purpose to reign in like the sun beaming through your living room with your coffee in hand and as it touches your skin… the ideas expand you and drop in as you move to run with them and expand your empire. Your intuition on point.. your Purpose is ready to accelerate, doors are open now, click here: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator