🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th July 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Jul 16, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 16th July 2024 

Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you today. 

A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Vesta. Home. “Your household situation is improving either through a move or healthy change in the occupants.” 

Something has changed. What felt like home - isn’t home anymore. Something BIG has changed in your life recently and although you’re ‘happy at home’ - some big change has happened and the energy is very different. Whatever healing you’ve done and led up to this - I want to say - has been worth it - because of what you shifted internally has created these changes. You’ve become stronger in who you are as a person, you hold yourself different, your boundaries are different, you’re no longer tolerating what is out of alignment and it is showing. It feels like there is something that needs ‘cleaning up’ - and yet, you’re also already doing that too. This card, Vesta, is also deeply connected to the Sacral Chakra, for of course, the Orange on this card and also how ‘home’ begins - in the womb, when we are created in this physical world. This card, has come to you today - because not only has there been a big shift in your internal reality that has had ripple effects to your external reality, it is also very much in the space of the generational ties that you have removed, released and you are now re-writing as your own home, own family, own path that is not influenced by generational patterning. You may be working with cutting and removing ties physically or something in the home space is physically changing representing this shift or healing and repairing energetic ties is going on. This is also your womb space, whether you’re male or female - we both have a Sacral Chakra and this it the sacred womb of manifestation that allows you to gestate your Life Purpose and this change in the ‘home’ is allowing space for you to create your Life Purpose - like dedicated time on your Purpose - to create that which you are born for. Your home space may be changing to reflect the next stage of your Purpose or you may be creating a dedicated space to create for your Purpose. Or maybe - this is your nudge/sign to get that space created, because… it has already been on your mind. I am sensing that a move of residence is coming for you or you are already in the midst of it - what has been on your mind? If something didn’t work in the past - it wasn’t the right time try again - the timelines have shifted, you’ve shifted timelines - the stars are aligned for you. Love xxx A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #2: Isis. Past Life. “This situation involves your past-life memories.” 

Whilst the Past Life message can be - that this relationship is entangled in past life memories ‘in a bad way’ - meaning, you are needing to use the Past Life Meditation (can find it in my life Purpose Activation Kit) to release yourself from this repetitive pattern relationship and maybe that is what this message is for you today - today, this card, with Isis - is coming to re-activate past life gifts that you once had very active, that, perhaps you were killed for being who you were, for using your potent gift and you’re at a point now where you have sensed your intuition has been heightened for quite some time, but lately - so strong and almost makes you feel weird when you’re wondering if you’re glitching in a video game or wondering which reality you’re in. At this time, you’re being asked to focus on your psychic development and increase your awareness of what skills you have, what you’re drawn to learn, who you’re drawn to learn from and to recognise that you’re being asked to remember and reactivate and realise, that we’re in 2024 and not back when you were killed. Using my past life integration and healing meditation will help unlock and release this fear, heal the trauma of what happened and reactivate your gifts into the now so you can move forward to the next phase of the evolution of your purpose. I am also getting the message for you that as your gift is opening so rapidly and you are wondering which realm you’re in and if this is even real anymore or is this the dream state or - you get the point! That staying grounded is your key right now. Body movement, care and self care that grounds you in this reality every single day is required right now for you. Even the Priestesses were made to exercise around the Tor, a body must be strong to hold/channel and handle the energy that passes through as you use your gift - so, strong, grounded, clear and pure you must be. This… is your work. You’re being asked to amplify your gift, or more so - your gift is asking you to be strong to channel it, to do what you’re born to do. You’re ready for this. Love xxx A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #3: Maat. Fairness. “This situation will be handled in a fair and just manner.” 

Whatever you’re going through - is going to work out for you. ‘Let it all Land’ was a powerful mantra and meditation/activation that poured through in our 21 Day Quantum Trauma Shifter Program at the end of last year and I was strongly guided to add this to the Life Purpose Activation Kit. And here, at Maat - know that you don’t need to do anything - but stay connected, clear, poised and deeply in alignment with your desires. Know that Spirit is diligently working behind the scenes for you right now as we speak, for your deepest desires to be fulfilled and this is the strong message on this card for you - to stay aligned with what you TRULY want - don’t settle. You’ve come too far to settle, but also, this is deeply tied into your solar plexus - your self worth and I feel you’re clear about staying poised and true to your deepest desires, almost like that is normal and a no brainer for you - but what keeps surfacing (purging!) is the old patterning and energy of your self worth that was knocked for six and some and recently (past 12-18months) you’ve been working on self care, taking care of yourself and more so - loving yourself. You have realised what you deserve and it is more than what you’ve been settling for and so you let it all go, chose you and now the Earth is moving for you and even though it seems like things are at a standstill, they are not. There are a lot of factors all coming together at once for you and soon, everything will physically move, but you are already sensing that (and preparing!). Continue to trust your intuition here - because it is ridiculously on point, with your vision, your clarity, the steps you’re taking - are all on point. Just like I shared in the Collective Message on the Sunday/Monday readings - the signs have been prominent and this isn’t a ‘hold the faith’ - this is an - it is already done! Make manifest - what is the reality you wish to create? What is the reality you wish to hold, to live, to breath to be - that you are? It is here, the aligned actions, daily, it is here, the deeply poised, because it is already done. And of course, you can use the Let It All Land Meditation on repeat to help ground your energy into this reality. There is also the Vortex Manifestor Meditation in the Life Purpose Activation Kit too, that you can just allow it all to land beyond measure, because - you’re already experiencing it right? Everything is working out for you, because… it always has, does and this transition is already complete. Love xxx A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #4: Sarasvati. The Arts. “Express yourself through creative activities.”

You’re being asked - to get your project completed - or started! You will know which ‘deadline’ it is - to start it or complete it, but the message is clear - this must be completed! I feel you can sense a big change undertone from you starting/completing (I will just say completing from now on) this project - because it is that - life changing! I am also getting the message here that you are needing set a boundary with someone - is that with yourself? I am also hearing/feeling the ‘push has been real’ for you and this project is going to pay off. A lot of the time, creative entrepreneurs do not see results immediately from their work, but it is definitely an over time completion piece and I ams sensing this piece you’ve been working on is specifically the last 18 months, from idea to - completion - you’ve been moving through something huge and grounding down and entirely new paradigm. And I keep getting the message this almost undertone sense of urgency happening, because you have a lot to do - before you can do the big thing or the big thing that is destined to happen - you are needing to sort and organise a lot of projects/things in order for this to occur/or so it occurs/or so you can do the thing with freedom - meaning, you ‘intuitively knew’ this was coming and so you prepared. As you do! It is like this completes a cycle and you can start a new one - but it isn’t that it is ending, it is the foundation is built and a new layer is building on top of it, because you built the foundations. I am also getting the message to really acknowledge, appreciate and celebrate how far you’ve come. You didn’t give up through the hard times, you let yourself heal and you knew who you are and what your next steps are and you’re doing it. This part of your life is truly being asked to be acknowledged and celebrated - especially when you have completed this task/project! Truly mark the occasion!  There is something deep inside of you guiding you - continue to trust it - something is awakening on a deep level for you and it is only leading you to good things - listen deep within though - not outside of you. Love xxx A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit


Card #5: Maeve. Cycles and Rhythms. “Honour the cycles of your body, energy levels and emotions.” 

You are being asked to let go of fear that is surfacing from an old cycle and that is interfering with the present day moment right now. If you have been having panic attacks, finding it hard to breathe, having heart pain or feeling quite negative (of course go to the doctor if you know you need to!) - you are being influenced by past patterns that are only ‘consciously surfacing’ - so they can be cleared out of your energetic field. What was going on around 10 or so years ago for you? It feels this is a cycle that is being broken now and it is almost like anything that is coming up as your ‘present issue’ is actually not got anything to do with now - but subconscious buried pieces are surfacing to be cleared. Remember - 10 years is the make or break timeline and the 3 years leading up to the 10 (7-10yr mark) is ‘hardest/when most stuff will surface’ part. So, check the timeline and patterns that you’re facing now - is there a similar thread here now and what deeply, exactly are you clearing? Even a mindset shift around your current issue can completely unlock and shift this instantly. As I always say, there is a time and a place for deep healing and then sometimes all it takes is an awareness conscious perspective to shift everything in an instant. It just depends what you are dealing with, facing and what healing you’ve done in the past. Plus the willingness to face that which is surfacing that is shifting out - because your new vibration that you’ve been calibrating, holding and transforming into - is pushing out anything that is not of this new vibration, this higher frequency that you are embodying. You can use the Sacred Geonemetrics Meditation in my life Purpose Activation Kit to help navigate and embody this new frequency whilst not getting dismantled alongside the vibrational shifts you’re experiencing and allow yourself to transition to the new frequency smoothly. I am hearing ‘something is about to end’ - that has been weighing you down for a long time, something is over and it is physically about to shift for you, so hold no fear with the upcoming changes - it is time and ultimately - you’re more than ready for this - your Soul has been waiting - longing even - for this, so trust the cycles, shifts and rhythmic changes that occur for you, ride the wave and part the waters at the same time. Remember your power during this time, it is, returning and you’re safe as you rise into this - that 10 year piece need not hold you down any longer - it is time to fly honey. Let your wings show you the way (your soul) knows. Love xxx A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit 


Card #6: Oonagh. Easy Does It. “There is no need to hurry or force things to happen. Everything is occurring in perfect timing.” 

I don’t feel you’re in panic mode, but I do feel you’re in ‘trying to figure out how to make it work mode’ and this is needing to be let go of right now - because your focus on that is actually focusing on the lack. The reality is - you’re kinda not ready for it yet anyway - meaning, there is tasks, projects, things you CAN do right now and when you pull back to now and focus on the next most aligned action to take now, today - you are going to move forward faster than sitting there in your head trying to figure out how to make it happen. Honey - your purpose is inevitable and the only reason you’re stuck in your head trying to figure it out - is that you’re fearing taking the next most aligned action step - right now! You’re scared to come into the now, because that means you 1: may have to face feelings you are avoiding or 2: it means your dreams have actually/are actually coming true and that too, is scary for you to face! Even though it is what you have been longing and wanting more than anything! I am hearing - don’t let sabotage get the better of you right now - not when you’ve come this far and are ‘landing’ your dreams! (Master Manifestor anyone?!) I am getting something for you about Base Chakra too - which is trust, physical reality, sexuality, finances, security, feeling safe in the world. You may be transmuting deep fears that are outdated and I am sensing it is shifting out deep in your Base Chakra that is creating great shifts and changes in your reality - because it is Base, it is very foundational. You might have just moved house - or moving something in your business or relationship - the foundations have shifted regardless and now the deep transmutation of what is no longer required being transformed. I am also sensing something around more outdoors time, more rest, more restoration (or perhaps you have been experiencing this right now) and this is helping the cellular shifts and upgrades. Note this time in your calendar - this time next year will look so different for you  in your life and you are being blessed beyond measure right now. I am getting the strong message to pull your focus back to now - with gratitude - like force yourself to stay in gratitude, no matter what is trying to pull you away from this as this is a potent time for you as you layer this ‘now’ - with gratitude, changes everything for you. It allows you to stop worrying about the future and instead, wrap your future in seeds of gratitude that manifest as your best life - because that is why you are experiencing what you are now anyway - because you are creating this shift that brought you here - with gratitude - almost like a wrap around in time - no time exists here - but you’re right in the moment transmuting and doing what you need to do - with gratitude and trust - not fear - right? Love xxx A cultivation of over 20 years experience, living and breathing this legacy, so that you can find and live yours, the last 8 years of me figuring out and channeling my purpose - so you can find and live yours? It has arrived, click here for the big reveal - only, if you're ready for your Unique Life Purpose path, that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-activation-kit