🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th September 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 17, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 17th September 2024

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what messages are awaiting you there today from The Herbal Astrology Oracle. 

For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Angel’s Trumpet. Death. 

You have died and been reborn. You have a gift, a voice and a purpose that is much needed in the world and this recalibration that you have gone through this, spell that you have been under, this curse that had you held back in being who you truly are - has lifted, is broken and has deeply dispersed and now.. you are coming back to life. Death can obviously mean the literal sense and perhaps you have lost someone dear to you recently - or someone you knew that you least expected and now, it is making you reassess EVERYTHINGGGG in your life at this time - what a gift - to receive more LIFE you are now reassessing everythinggggg that is not important, that takes up your precious soulfulilling time and are making everything priority that only nourishes  your complete heart and soul - only. I know that was a bit grammatically wrong but oh well, we are not here for english lessons. The point is, is that this rebirth - this death - has made you completely recalibrate your life and bring back to you - what is most important. And that? Is following your Soul. You don’t need to see the whole staircase, you just need to take the next step, rings super true here. What you were doing, the way you were going about it, let alone the direction you were heading in - was not your path. About 6-8 months ago, there was a shift in the collective human consciousness, that changed the trajectory of humanity. So many people’s lives were put on a ‘halt’ by unseen forces that affected everyone all at the same time. You’re a Healer that has a gift for healing people not even with your hands - but just your powerful words and you’re being called to a trajectory and an avenue right now that is why everything had to die, including yourself - to come back to life - on the trajectory that is your Soul’s unique purpose. You are here to guide others and it has been hell for you because of this. The greatest leaders rise from the ashes and not just walk again - but lead to a standard the world has not yet seen - this is who you are, now come back to life and show the world what you’re here for you. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Rue. Protection. 

You’ve been sooo protected through this portal and it feels like a similar message to that which I wrote the other week - you’ve been given a second chance - don’t fuck it up! There is an opportunity that has come to you and you’re being shown a pathway forward that is perhaps not what you thought it was going to be, but you have asked for clarity and here it is. The Ruby crystal on this card that the Lion is with - is - in the Liquid Crystals, Ruby is about being the Spiritual Warrior. The Lion, is courage - courage to follow that which you’re being guided to do. Lion is about Leadership (and strongly connected to my Inner Circle - Lion is the Totem Animal for Life Purpose Accelerator). This is about you stepping into your Spiritual Leadership role and serving from your heart - your Purpose is calling you and your Soul has a message that it is wanting to share with the world. You will be feeling tense and tight in your shoulders and your voice going in and out - until you speak your heart and soul with the world - or express it how you’re needing to express it from your Soul - whatever ‘art’ is being called forth from you - let it come out. I also feel that this leap of faith that you’re being guided to take right now - is coming from deep within your purpose driven life - the one you chose before you came here to Earth and that, you’ve been feeling strongly for the last 6 weeks or so, like it is almost like nothing else you can think about - but this! Your mission is clear but wonder if you’ve felt like you haven’t had enough time lately or that things are holding you back. Nothing holds you back but your own mindset - but you’ll also feel that amplified feeling when you are not devoting dedicated time to your Purpose each day. When you make everything a priority except your purpose, yeah, you will feel like you’re running out of time, because you’re focusing on the wrong things - well, are they wrong or are you just not disciplining yourself to what is the most important for you to get done? When you do the hardest task first, you’ll find the rest of the day flows better, plus, you’ll feel better because you’re prioritising what is most important - your purpose. The world will still be there, so will all the day to day tasks that are only keeping you on the hamster wheel, instead of moving you forward in the direction of your dreams - your purpose driven life. You are protected as you take this leap of faith, prioritise your purpose and live your destiny. You honestly wouldn’t even be contemplating or thinking about it if it wasn’t for you - because that isn’t the way intuition works. That gentle, but repetitive tap, tap, tap on your shoulder is real honey - are you paying attention? Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Motherwort. Strength. 

You have a strength within you. Many people have said that you are the strongest, most dedicated person they know, but you.. fuck your soul is soooo tired. You’re tired of being strong. You’re exhausted - on a soul level. You can still keep going, you do - you push through, you kinda have to! However, your Soul - has been extra tired lately and you’ve been noticing it something fiercely. I am getting the strong message for you that - you wanted to do this on your own. Like, you left situations so that you could do it ‘without them’ but now you’re feeling so exhausted doing it on your own - even with people around you! But you know you don’t want to be with them - or go back to them, but it is more that you are just not wanting to do it ‘this’ way anymore. When you feel this collapsing and melting - this disintegrating sense, what happens here is that you are releasing the hard trauma masculine shell of protection, whether you are male or female, as a shield of protection, we can carry this shell that blocks our heart. We think it protects our heart, and gosh, you needed to back then and you didn’t know how else to protect yourself - you’ve been on your own facing the world for agggeessssss, but what is happening now is a sense that you’re shifting out of that paradigm of the lone wolf so to speak and so if you’ve been extra tired lately or just feeling all over plain weird - this is what is happening - you’re energetically shifting away from that old paradigm and into a new healthier and more supportive version, so this hard shell is melting, disintegrating away because you don’t need this anymore around your heart.. your big beautiful loving heart that has soo much love to give. You’re coming into a sense of self of self, in a way you’ve never seen self. You’ve had a spiritual awakening - either for the first time or on another level. There has been huge solar flares coming in which supports awakenings and deeply aligned codes of frequency upgrades - you’ve been feeling it all. You’re becoming stronger, but not in a protective fearful, running from trauma way. You’re becoming stronger in a grounded, self-assured, confident and deeply solid in self way. This vibration is the vibration of abundance and good things are on their way - open your arms to receive, your new found internal solid strength is changing your life - your hard work has paid off, now time to receive with ease. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Horsetail. Patience. 

You’re being asked to have patience and I want to say, whilst Spirit and the Angels work out the final details in heaven. It feels like you’re ready to go - but there is a divine timing to what is unfolding and manifesting right now. By you waiting - just that bit longer - you’re going to see that you’ll be so glad you ‘had to wait’ because the outcome is so much sweeter. Sure, you could make do with ‘right now’ of ‘forcing’ it, but you ‘having to wait’ a bit longer allows the higher plan to take manifest in this realm. It feels like, well, you’ve waited this long what is a bit longer now anyway!? And with this mindset, it is allowing you to get into better shape, sort out the details of your life that have gone a bit haywire in the last few years, ground into a better structure for yourself and finish tasks that you feel should’ve been finished also years ago. I feel like you ‘have your eye on something’ and this is exactly the thing you should have your eye on. By the end of the week, you’ll have way more clarity of your yes - even though, you have already said yes. The decision is already made inside of yourself, now it is just about taking the action and within the time you actually ‘make the move’ you’ll see that you’ll be glad you waited. I am sensing too that you’ve been travelling a fair bit, whether flying or driving and now you’ve been ‘forced to stop’ (in a way) and it is allowing you to reflect on how far you’ve come and reassessing the trajectory you’re going. It feels like something you’ve been working towards for a long time is ‘paying off’ - but still, your dreams need nurturing and patience. That, is a strong sense of Archangel Jophiel with that message and her message is deeply embedded in beauty codes. Allowing yourself to receive the light and love of the right now, of finding beauty in everything you do, in ‘slowing down and smelling the roses’. By looking for the beauty in everything you do, by finding beautifulness, by choosing to look for the beautiful in all that you touch, do, experience and witness, you’re finding heaven on Earth, you’re amplifying the magic that is all around you. As you do this, your patience is not just rewarded, but the highest alignment for your purpose and what you truly desire, brings forth manifest into your life. What you are willing to continue to sacrifice for a just a little bit more to receive what it is you truly, truly desire in your heart? Know that, this card is coming to you because your full dreams, the dreams you are madly in love with and have done all this work thus for anyway - is right on track. The Horse on this card, the White Horse, signifying your magnificent magical power, shining the light on the fact that everything is right on track for you is a symbol you can hold the fullness of faith in your heart and bust open the gratitude for the magical unfoldment of your life that all your dreams are on their way and you’re in deep alignment for this to land in tangible reality for you. Right ‘in your lap’ as they say - but simply because, you waited for the best, and stayed in magnificent alignment - you did not settle. What a story to tell! Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator 


Card #5: Saint-John’s Wort. Radiance. 

You’re being asked to make healthful changes in your life - and ultimately? They are long overdue. You’ve been waiting for the ‘right time’ and that - is now. There is no more waiting around or waiting until - you literally have everything in your fingertips to make this happen for you now. I am also getting the message that this healthful change doesn’t have to be drastic - you can do little bits here and there, but stick to them and be consistent, rather than dabbling. The small increments consistently made over time ‘will stick’ and this feels an imperative message for you at this time. I am also getting the message for you to follow your heart in what you are choosing right now - this is going to bring you the most healthful radiance, the glow, the life force back into your body and life. Any parts of your body that are sore or ‘diseased’ is simply a lack of your Soul being present there. Your Soul can ‘leave’ these parts of your body due to trauma and working with the metaphysical meaning and understanding can help you heal the trauma and the stored emotions buried there - which emotions are energy in motion until it gets stuck there because your Soul was halted ‘in the dark’ and awaiting the light of conscious repair, healing, compassion, understanding and consciousness to allow your Soul to fill the space again. That is all disease is. When you have remembered the time when it began hurting or if you put your hand on it and simply ask, what is the memory stuck in my body here, your intuition will tell you. You will either dream about it or have a memory come back from somewhere in your past that you had ‘forgotten’ about, or you will have a ‘random’ conversation with your parents, siblings or friend that you had also forgotten about - pay attention in the coming days to even weeks after you ask such a question for your body to show you - you are a Healer, you can heal yourself, you just need to know how and be open and willing to listen to your body and intuition when it speaks to you. Healing happens when you release the emotion and the most effective way of doing that is by crying. When you start this process, let the tears flow - for this is literally called healing. Tears release the stress hormone cortisol from the body, you are healing on so many levels and so many layers when you cry, so let them roll. This brings back the radiance in your being, your Soul back into your body and the chi (energy) flowing through your body - which is your life force. You’ve been ‘gone sometime’ - I want to say, you’ve got a life to live and things to catch up on - don’t waste another moment - let your radiance shine, your soul life force flow through. Let the past go - you’re being called to move forward now. Follow your heart - it’s calling you and definitely leading you on the right path. Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Cannabis. Detachment. 

Detachment can feel like numb. Detachment can feel like you don’t care. Detachment can feel like bliss and a feeling of not needing or wanting to do anything - not desiring anything, but being happy with everything you have. You do know there are things you want, a life you want to live - but right now, you’ve just jumped timelines, you’ve quantised your way to a new frequency and you’re just basking in this right now. You know in the manifestation world and they talk about - you must become the thing you desire, you must feel the feelings before it can make manifest in your life? This. This detachment. This. Is what it is. You are in a new place - all your manifestation work has paid off. Your manifestations have already arrived in reality - why? Because you’re feeling it. The quantum leaps come when you are already feeling it - when reality is different to what you are feeling, when it makes no logical sense to what you are feeling to what reality is showing up in your life right now. It means that you’ve shifted internally and we know that, that, is where the quantum shifts are, then that, ripples out into reality. Success is inside job and you’ve not only healed now, you’re in an entirely new paradigm that is birthing forth a reality because… well, you’re already in it. I am getting the message here to remind you that even though you feel this ‘detachment’ feeling… right now, is the smartest and the best to amplify your desires - to take aligned action. Like, when you are healing, in a bad place and full of trauma, you’re working really hard to change your reality, to heal, to ‘manifest’ your desires and when you arrive here at this detachment because you have healed, it is almost like you don’t have a desire or reason to keep going - in a good sense. Like, you don’t have any trauma to run away from. Remember - new paradigm now. The most successful people you see, aren’t running away from trauma (well, that is a sentence that could be argued, depending on who you’re referring to but that is a conversation for a whole other time). Meaning, that - now you’re in this good place - it is easier to manifest an amplify good things. Meaning it takes less effort to create your most incredible desires, because you’re in a higher vibration and are vibrating at a higher frequency - you don’t have trauma in the way blocking your desires or your frequency match. So, right now, enjoy and embody this frequency yes, but don’t rest on your laurels, now is a time to ‘work harder in the quantum’ - because it is more effortless and full of joy instead of pain and that… is what you did all the work for in the first place right? I wonder what magic you’ll create from this higher frequency state and amply your desires into form faster than ever before? I wonder how wide you can open your heart and allow yourself to receive more than you’ve ever imagined, with joy, love and purity of soul? Love xxx For the Healers that are ready to step into their Gifts, Heal the World and Receive it all at the same time. in the world, you were born for this time of The Great Awakening On Planet Earth, you know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Helping the masses awaken, shining your Light into the darkest parts of Humanity, guiding the lost and forsaken Home. Home to their inner self, awakening their hearts, healing the grief that has weighed them down for eons of time and supporting their rise to their return to their Purpose Driven Life. Life Purpose Accelerator doors are now open, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator