🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th April 2023
Apr 18, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th April 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩
In deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: King of Raphael. Warm, Generous, Honorable, Refined. “Yes, it is safe to trust! The ability to accomplish many things at once. Follow your creative passions.”
I want to say to you - you have time to accomplish everything you desire and need to get done. Sure, life can take over and get busy at times and you know what this is? A recalibration. Things get busy, then we get back on track. You are constantly improving your life, that means there will be recalibration times of when things get busy as new fountains, structures and ways of living and being are implemented. I feel you are being asked to trust these busy phases as a recalibration, but also - you are drawing this card as a sign that, now these new foundations have been laid, it is time to get to the ‘real work’ - your creative passions. It is okay to not know ‘how’ exactly you are going to make this happen just yet, but opening up to making it happen is real right now for you - it is time to open to this, first in your mind, asking the Universe, your Soul, to show you and then trusting you will be shown along the way as well, because you will be. I also feel you are getting ideas and messages about another opening for you, in a sense of a new window of opportunity is headed your way. Are you needing to hire more help or delegate more tasks in other ways so you can ‘have the ability to accomplish many things at once’? It feels like you are in a very potent manifestation time. You’re diving deep into the real work that you have the skills and tools for and this is accelerating your growth in the ‘outside world’ however - this is your sign to trust that you have the resources right now (and if you ‘don’t’ by committing to this - it all shows up for you) to be able to delegate the unimportant tasks, so you can indeed get everything done. When you reassess your goals - if you were to hire help for the tasks you do not need to be doing anymore - how much more time would you have? You could accomplish your gaols in less than half the time, if you had full dedicated focus on them right And so this card, the King of Raphael, is coming to you today, to let you know you can dive deep into this project, hire more help so that your project is ‘all you do’ and get it done, because the King showing up… its’ time to claim your position in your life as the King and Queen and take care of your kingdom by delegating tasks, because your Purpose is deeply needed in the world - now. Love xxxIn deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Four of Gabriel. “Time for a celebration! Abundant rewards for hard work. Release yourself from burdensome situations.”
I fee you HAVE been celebrating! For that thing we call LIFE right? I feel that you’ve reached a place where you are making everyday a ceremony, everyday a celebrating - in essence that you have come into a new level of power recently, you feel more calm, grounded, centred and at peace more than most of the day and you are really being ‘tested’ in this but the ‘peace’ is the overriding factor, even if you do have your moments. But compared to a few years ago? You’re sooo far in the ‘future’ now of living your dream life - why? Because you FEEL it now. And we all know that THAT is what manifests your future. As Abraham Hicks says, the feeling of it now IS the manifestation already happened, it is in action it is now (don’t quote the words, but the message!). This new feeling that is a constant in your life is that your hard work has paid off, that you have healed such deep trauma and have shifted out of your old life. The Celebration - is that this new level in your life, your new life that is now… IS the celebration. I feel you are more grateful most of the time, that you are truly living the life you want to be living, always improving of course, but you’re in a whole new level right now. I am also wondering if you’re having moments of hmmmm, it isn’t doubt… I wonder if this is more of an adjustment energy? You may feel old patterns come in, but you’re witnessing, catching them and then choosing what you want, rather than playing out old patterns and these old patterns are being dissolved in the moment. It is a very powerful energy that you are holding right now - but do you know what this is? This is your Soul baby. This is your Highest Self in the drivers seat. They say, “The more peace you feel, the more on path you are.” This card is also Gabriel and Orange. This is deep in the Sacral Chakra, this is you gestating your Purpose right now… keep following that peace, because you Sacral is where you birth babies and birth new experiences, projects and realities. This is why I teach the Chakras coming down from the Crown (and including Ear Chakras) - your Sacral is gestating your Purpose right now, keep nurturing and following this Peace you feel - because you’re right on path for the full manifestation of your Dreams. Love xxx In deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Six of Michael. “It’s the light at the end of the tunnel! Breathe a sigh of relief and make new plans. Relocation or travel.”
I feel like you’re through the hardest part… but you’re still not feeling like it some days - but really, you have shifted through sooo much… but what is coming through strongly here is that your health - there is something about your health, your physical health that really needs attention right now. you’ve done a tonne of emotional and spiritual work and whilst there is ALWAYS stuff to do on those levels, I feel like you neglected your physical for a time because you just couldn’t manage it all (and that is okay! You’ve been going through enough of a detox with the emotional and spiritual work you’ve been doing, but now… you’re through the hardest part of that and it is deeply time to commit to and focus on your physical body and health at this time. What has been on your mind to start doing, commit to and work on diligently in regards to your physical health lately? Has someone even said something to you about your health and getting a health check up or something else in some way? Or is this dedicating yourself to a new fitness regime? There is something here for you in that you ARE ready for this next phase. Sometimes when we are ‘trapped’ or healing from something that deeply hurt us, threw us for six and some… we do so much healing work, that when it is time to shift to the next level and ‘come out of that phase’ it can be hard to ‘see the line’ where we are ‘free now’ and in the start of the ‘new fitness regime’ or whatever new phase you’re entering - don’t beat yourself up for ‘not sticking to the plan’ - it is more about starting and even if the first week you do it once, then the second week you do it three times, then the third week, you go back to doing it once - but then the fourth week, you seem to find your groove with everyday then the fifth week, you do it once again then the sixth week you seem to find that three days a week works well for your schedule - can you not beat yourself up for ‘not doing it everyday’ and just see how you ARE progressing and have done more ‘freedom things’ in the last six weeks than you have in the last six years for example? ‘Breathe a sigh of relief and make new plans.” Archangel Michael is letting you know you ARE free of this situation that has held you in chains for the last however long… and that he is right there, by your side, supporting you as you move to this next phase of healing that is deeply… you coming back to LIFE and remembering who the fuck you are and deeply, deeply discovering new parts of you that you didn’t know existed until now. You will feel weird when you start, but just remember…. it’s the right time for this new phase. Call upon Archangel Michael of 100% Light to help you at any time for courage, willingness and guidance for these next steps. You ARE supported through this. Lean into it. You have more support around you than you realise, so look at around - truly look around and see how very free you are now. Love xxx In deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Page of Michael. “An exciting new challenge! You have what it takes to succeed. Review contracts or documents very thoroughly.”
Something new has entered your life and you are being ‘challenged’ - how far do you want to take this? It feels like you’re teetering on the edge - or it is divine timing about to drop in and take you to places you didn’t even think possible to reach before, but now it is going to become normal that you do these ‘big things’ all the time. At the same time, this is the start of these ‘big things’ happening, and so it feels extra big for you right now. Have you been feeling for quite some time that ‘it’s getting closer’ and - that it feels like it is already here? Like, you get waves of OMG IT HAS HAPPENED - and yet, you look around and… hmm, it physically isn’t here yet? (but you also may be experiencing this physically right now - even just signs for you). This - “You have what it takes to succeed.” feels very strong and real for you right now. In essence of - do not settle for less than your highest dreams right now. Don’t go small, don’t distract yourself with the little things.. right now you, your energy, the energies, your Purpose, the divine timing of your Purpose - like it is happening NOW - so do not distract yourself with things that are not of this Purpose. Sure you have to turn up to the current responsibilities in your life right now of course you do. I am not saying throw all responsibilities to the wind, but I am saying, with your projects, goals, ambitions and your Purpose - do not settle for less than you desire. You can take care of your everyday responsibilities AND you can go for your highest in your Purpose work. In fact, the message is clear: “You have what it takes to succeed.” - so why would you go for less than you desire right now? It is so important to realise this at this time, because you have been working on your Purpose for a LONG time and now is not the time to go small or think you need to do x-y-z before you are ready for the big thing, the real thing, the thing you have been born for all along and KNOW it is time for, the thing that is bubbling up, that has been on your mind and even if you did try to do anything other than the ‘big thing’ - it just doesn’t feel right anyway. So, honey… “But what if I fall?” “Oh honey, but what if you FLY?” - That one. Yes? Love xxx In deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: The Chariot. Archangel Metatron. “Determination and self-control. Career Advancement. Acknowledge of success by others.”
Protect that which you have created. Also, strongly, the card from the White Light Oracle is coming through - Queen Maeve - also - protect that which you have created. “Be compassionate, but set firm boundaries.” Is this with yourself? Or others? Or both? As I say to my clients when teaching boundaries - say no, and feel the guilt anyway. When you first start setting boundaries it can be tricky and hard and feel guilt and you WILL feel guilt - but the more you start saying no - and holding that line - the more you do it, the easier it will get. When you start changing your life it is hard, tricky and somewhat confusing, because you are putting new boundaries into place, new systems, new structures, saying no to things you used to people please and say yes to and the reality is - “Be compassionate, but set firm boundaries.”. Saying no, doesn’t mean you have to become a hard ass bitch or bastard, but you are also in a place right now where you have been through enough trauma in your life and you have overcome sooooo much to get where you are today so friggin enjoy what you have AND protect it with your life at the same time. Say no, feel the guilt and say no anyway. Hold strong and if people aren’t listening to you, get outside help to support you in this situation. I also feel that Archangel Metatron is coming through to help you focus, discipline with set boundaries like better night time/sleep routines, and finding your balance with what you have available to you right now. Sometimes we are ‘waiting for the right time’ - but that never comes - but you are also the alchemist of time and manifesting exactly what you need and this card with Archangel Metatron’s focus energy, is reminding you of this power. Take back your power, look around - like truly look around at what you have and what you have manifested and know you can manifest more - because this is your reality now. You have come into a potent power place within yourself that allows you to ‘manifest at will’ - because you understand now, that you hold this power within your mind and reality catches up when it catches up, but it is up to you to hold the line - in boundaries in saying no, in boundaries in holding the reality you desire before it manifests. You have reached a level of mastery with this - so pay attention to what you have done so far, because you have done sooo much - so see the results you have created. “Acknowledgement of Success by others.” - perhaps you’re not seeing how incredible you are - or perhaps you are and again, coming into owning who you are in a greater capacity and this… is shimmering and shining your energy out. You’ve come into alignment of your path, you have created a lot of success to date - notice that, acknowledge that, honour that, celebrate that and protect it with your life. Love xxx In deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Ace of Raphael.
I feel there is sooo much heart healing you have been focusing on recently nd even if it hasn’t been ‘specific’ heart healing, the healing you have been doing - has been opening your heart again. You may notice signs of this in your physical world by compliments you are receiving from others, or just how people speak with you, notice you or approach you. You will notice signs of your heart opening, by feeling more peace most of the time in your reality and by the level of relationships that you are now attracting in your life. Has a new person entered your awareness and even physical reality this year that you feel drawn to? Has it been slow and steady and you’re just… aware of it? I feel that this is the “A positive, new emotional experience.” is the piece of the peace! You’ve said no to some unhealthy relationships and just others that were simply not aligned. You’ve been diligent at protecting your energy, your space and who you let into your closest sphere. Your energetic boundaries have strengthen and the Universe has heard you. You have shifted into a new bubble, a new sphere, a new dimension of your life right now and everything is working out for you. New opportunities of time, energy, resources - and romantic relationships are on their way to you, if not already here - even if only in your mind - because this is where true manifestation happens. I am also hearing ‘trust the timing’ and also ‘you can trust this new person that has entered your life’ (or even a healed relationship that has come back and feels different this time). “Deep and lasting spiritual insights.” - I feel you are having lots of realisations and growth within yourself about this ‘new’ or ‘revitalised/healed’ relationship and it is having a positive effect in your life - however, it is just a reflection of the deep inner work you’ve done to date, what you are ready for, what your heart is opening to and the new sphere, new dimension, new reality of your life you have created and stepped into. I feel that this is like a new opportunity that has come into your life, about to or that you’ve been thinking of for a long time and you just know it is time now. There is no time like the present and now your heart is open, you’ve healed your past (of course there is always layers, but you’ve done sooo much work) that it is time to fully trust this new experience, this new person, this new reality that you have shifted into and can open yourself fully. You’ve learnt from your past, you’re savvy to the energies, to your shadows, your inner world and catch them before they unravel. Revel in this, honour who you are and dive in deep… trust, because it is safe to fully let yourself surrender to this space, this person, this new energy, this new opportunity. Embrace it with all your heart. Love xxx In deep dedicated service to your Purpose, Life Purpose Accelerator doors are open now. Your Life Purpose is deep inside your cells, your blueprint, your dedicated make up of the individual Soul Spirit that you are - your purpose, your passion your drive, your disciplined self that you are - Life Purpose Accelerator is my 12 Month Mentorship, that takes your Purpose, brings it to light, heals your past and allows you to become the you, you were born to be. This is for those ready to shed the layers of fear and trauma and to step deep into Service of your Purpose on this Earth. The very reason you were born. Click here for all the details as doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator