🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th February 2025

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 18, 2025

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th February 2025

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today from The Starseed Oracle. 

For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Jump In. Andromedan energy. Adventure. Say yes to change.
Fully Commit. Go All IN. There is something bigger waiting for you. Stop playing small. You weren’t born to fit in - you were born to stand out. And the thing is - is that you know this. The other part? You already do stand out. You already do lead others. You already are in a position of power. This Andromedan energy - is calling in your next level - is calling you to rise. There is a way of being that you have always admired, that you arrive at, that you have attuned yourself to - but you don’t necessarily see yourself by. This - is the fastest way to accelerate this change. See yourself as you see the ones you admire. This is  about embracing your light shadow - not just your dark. (Comment SHADOW below and I will send you the Shadow Alchemy Process that you can elevate to this standard - immediately). You know you have the capacity to be this - you just haven’t arrived at a place where you can yet. You haven’t let yourself - given yourself permission to be this. You do and you shrink and then you (God forbid) gossip about those - because your own internal shadows are keeping you at the level you’re scared to break past - ENOUGH. You’re reading this because your next level is awaiting you. ‘Say yes to change’ - you literally have opportunities in front of you to do this. You have the means. You know it is right. It is your own fears holding you back. But come on honey - whenever has that held you back  before? Oh… it hasn’t. But I get it. You did before. And it all fell apart. You lost people. People called you names, they left you. And you know what? They haven’t even come back. You’ve been ‘alone’ this whole time anyway. So what is holding you back? Your pain, fear and disassociation from who you’re meant to be. You’ve been healing, you’ve stepped into a new energetic frequency. This time? You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. You’ve been processing this - now it is time to embody this. You’ve become who you’ve always known yourself to be. This opportunity? Is the portal that is going to take you out of the isolation phase and into the phase your dream life has called forth to you - this entire time. This portal? Is inevitable. It is the doorway you’ve been waiting for. ‘Say yes to change.’ Love xxx For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Starkeeper. Cosmic Ancestor. See the light by staying grounded. 

You know there is more and you’re being called - by your Ancestors - to heed this call. You’ve heard it from afar, it is whispering from deep within your soul. It is calling on the winds of the air that brush against your skin. It wakes you up, you hear it’s call and the whispers are so loud you cannot ignore it one moment more. Your Soul, has birthed here for a reason and that reason has reached a timeline point where you cannot, not step into this. Something happened about 3-4 years ago - that changed you - and you haven’t been the same since. And you’ve been finding yourself figuring out life - since then. You’ve questioned your path so many times, but no matter what anyone tells you - that whispering voice deep inside, is a question that you know you have to walk. Everyone you’ve known from your old timeline - from before the 3-4 years ago - has dropped away. You may have 1-2 - if any - who have risen with you. That is all. This honey, is normal. Isolation, retreat, solitude - it’s called - invitation to your Soul - to your Higher Purpose. I also feel that you’re feeling all over the place - because you have lots you’re landing all at the same time. This is also requiring you to ‘be everywhere’. This ‘seed shell’ that this Star keeper is in - is showing you just how to ‘do this’ - one thing. And yet, all things can be accomplished. You’re being called to step into the person you know that can ground all of these at the same time. You’ve listened to your higher self and walked away from the human ego society trained path and into that of your higher self. You are on the timeline of the full manifestation of your highest destiny and purpose. And with this - the expansion is real. This is your time to put all you have learnt into practise. It is the time to take all your practises to the next level. Because your next level? Requires this of you. This is a strong message for you to not just refine your practises - but take them to the next level. Trust where you’re being called - that feels a solid, grounded yessssss. Love xxx For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: You’re Not Alone. Isolation. Physical Connection. Community. 

You’re not alone - you’re in initiate. You’re not around people - you’re getting super clear on who is meant to be in your environment and who is not. You’re not willing to go back to the person you are - fresh start has begun (you’ve just experienced a big move) and now you’re super conscious of who you’re letting into your space - on the phone, on the internet, at the corner shop. You’re super aware of how people affect you. You’re realising conversations that once filled your soul and supported you - are no longer aligned. This can be a heart breaking, devastating loss. It is also signals a huge time in your growth and this level of isolation? Is the signs that your quantum leap is inevitable. The piece about this isolation is how you are ‘handling it’ - do you feel bad for this separation? Do you have guilt, shame or fear surfacing about the loss of these friends, communities and spaces that once nurtured your soul? I feel you’ve known for a long time that these environments haven’t supported the level you know your purpose requires you to function and play at. And yet, you also haven’t known how to break out of them - until now. It was almost - done for you - especially these last 6 months. These last 6 months have been the fastest recalibration point you’ve ever experienced and I feel that in the past you have ‘tried to slow the recalibration’ - but not this time. You are embracing this. You’ve done this isolation before - this isn’t new to you. The amount of times you have left circles, friendships and even family members, because protecting not just your peace - but your purpose - is your highest priority. This is the highest form of self-love. You’ve been called all sort of names by people who do not like your boundaries but, I’m sorry - who are they? No, I don’t know them, as you step forth in your private jet with someone from your past trying to get your security guards attention - no. Sorry. Gone. You’ve ridden this wave before and this time - you’re riding it like a pro. I feel that also, there is new community coming in for you - in another 6 months, your life will be unrecognisable again - because this time you’re not hiding away in this isolation - you’re riding this wave in the full spectrum of being seen. You’ve healed your imposter syndrome wounds, you’ve healed your daddy safety issues, you’ve healed your mother abandonment wounds and nothing has control over you anymore. You’ve reclaimed your power in the highest sense and this phase of isolation? Is the biggest come back the world has ever seen. You’re ready for this - know this level, this come back is personal. You’ve healed that much, you now have the capacity to hold, not just this level - but the level your ultimate destiny is requiring of you to hold. You’ve more than got this. Now straighten that crown and become what your Destiny calls forth of you. Love xxx For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: The Blue Flame. Spontaneous Awakening. Activation. Integration time. 

Boom. It’s done. You’re here. Your next level is here. You can see this - because all of a sudden people in the street are stopping you and talking to you - asking about how business is going that takes you a moment, because you don’t even recognise them - but they… have been watching you. You recognise this - because other high profile leaders are popping up and you have seen they are using your language - your terminology, copying your course names and… yet - you landed these years ago! You’re being asked to see the actual leader you are. I am also getting the message - you are past the petty ways of not living - but of doing business. This is tricky for me to articulate here - bare with me. There is something that has felt outdated for you and you haven’t quite been able to articulate what that is for you. You have been in a huge recalibration and now - you’re seeing just exactly what your next steps are. It is way beyond what you have been doing and just recently - you’ve been given the keys so to speak - to this new level. That is ultimately not unfamiliar to you, you just didn’t quite see that you had arrived here yet. You have been in this space of recalibration for a bit and the Blue Flame has come to witness your rising - to help you elevate. You have been drawn to blue lately as your confirmation, that yes - you are 100% correct in the vision you are holding and ultimately? You feel so, so grounded in this. So certain. This next level awakening - the vortex you’ve been through to get here, also not unfamiliar! You’ve been doing the work and the work, has led you here - finally, you see clearly the next steps. The Blue Flame is also guiding you to some specific pieces in your business that you’ve known, but now see a whole new way of relating with as well. This may send another wave of recalibration to what you have already done - but the key here, is to finish what you’ve started - completely land this right now. Do not get distracted, do not falter. I am also getting the message - that when you first began - you had blinkers on - meaning, you were so diligent in being laser focused in what you do and this - drew in people, opportunities and experiences that supported this elevation. If it hasn’t just happened - it is about to - this level that is calling you forth that you’ve said yes to, have aligned to - is also bringing people to you that are going to support this next level. Remember - when you are in alignment with your ultimate Soul’s purpose - your intuition is guiding you. There is no chasing, forcing, hustle or thinking about what to do next to bring in your next sale. Your unique purpose alignment aligned with your intuitive soul led actions - attract everything you need - because this is not just business. This is purpose-driven, soul aligned business, this is your unique purpose that is destined to change the world. This Blue Flame Awakening is showing you so clearly your next steps. Your Soulful path feels grounded, clear, focused and dedicated with purposeful mission. This one - is what all the integration has been about. To arrive here. Now rise. Love xxx For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Star Family. You’re part of a team of souls. Call in support. 

Now is not the time to walk alone and I think recently - you’ve arrived in a place where you understand how ‘that’ works now. You’ve tried in the past to hire staff, do ‘what businesses are supposed to do’ - but what you were missing - was the embodiment of who you’re meant to become. Now you’ve arrived here - this card is clear - it is time to expand your team, time to get that mentor, that intuitive guide - to accelerate those facets that are calling forth your multi-dimensional self that has elevated to a level you cannot not receive support for these next stages of your mission - which are pure, grounded and so deeply aligned with your heart and soul - everyone - including yourself - can feel this. You have been attracting an aligned group of Souls recently. They are new people. They are not connected to your old reality. I know you have been witnessing this and saying yes to new opportunities. This card is asking you to witness the calibre of people in your field and reality right now. These are deep signs that not only are you on path and on mission - but you’ve broken through a dimension into a higher octave of frequency bandwidth. Your fears are irrelevant because at this level - you have other details that require your diligence on in relation to your mission. I feel you have been getting a lot of clarity from this space too. I sense there is a lot of information coming into your field and awareness - about your mission, but it is also requiring next level integration at a faster rate of acceleration as you process and stay attuned to this new frequency. You don’t give your past any attention like you used to and now this ‘cut of the past’ - has allowed you to completely land in this dimension as you ‘hit the ground running’. Your self care embodiment practises have reached a new height and surprisingly - and not - in this new level? You’re finding more and more time and space for you. This - is truly the embodiment of the frequency you’ve been cultivating for some time - this - is cause for celebration. No need to fear this level - or the relationships you’re attracting. You’ve learnt your lessons and discernment, alignment and purpose are your middle names. You’re good to go - so goooo. Love xxx For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Inner Earth. You’ll survive this. New solutions and beginnings.
Not only will you survive - you will thrive and this transition is ‘why’ this is happening right now. You have crumbled and disintegrated your old connections and the ‘landscape’ can feel a bit bare, unfamiliar. Your Inner Landscape has changed and that - is being reflected by an enormous change in your reality right now. Physically - nothing has changed - but at the same time - everything is changing. Contradiction is felt when the transitionary changes are happening and that is the case of your reality right now. I am getting the message that the inner work is required for you to stabilise this frequency through this transition, to let go of the energetic hooks and ‘clean up’ what was as you move through this transition right now. It is safe for you to say a firm hard no to old connections that are no longer aligned with where you are heading. You are also finding that there are ‘tests’ - coming up for you - hold your ground anyway. In the way people treat you, approach you or ‘try your old ways’ and you are past that now - you don’t even have the pangs of guilt you used to when you say no. Remember - you’re teaching people how to treat you by how you respond to them - or not. You don’t even need to at this point. I am also getting the message about this New Beginning for you - that the old ways of doing what you used to do - isn’t that you aren’t meant to do it - but you’re not meant to do them yourself. You are being asked to delegate at this new level. I also feel you see beyond your current scope of reality right now - meaning, at this New Beginning you are having a lot of ideas about things, people, places and events that you didn’t think of before. This is an awesome confirmation for you of your elevation into this new reality. In this clarity - you are seeing what is no longer required and this is where you are ‘unhooking’ yourself from old people, patterns and even environments that no longer serve you. On the horizon is a new endeavour that is going to require a strengthen within you that you did not know you have. You will be ‘tested’ in your boundaries like never before and this is a blinkers on moment - your energy is magnetic and many are drawn to you as you walk into this new life that has opened for you. Through this - your discernment in relationships is required. I feel like you’ve just experienced this and have learnt a huge part about yourself that you didn’t know you needed to reclaim and in this, your energy has elevated again. With this - now you have this part of you on board - your discernment is even sharper and it is here - that your path is clear, bright and full of loving, abundant connections in all forms. The key here, is allowing yourself to receive this - you’ve worked hard for this - delight in the pathways that open from this - the cracking open - the broken heart - is truly the breaking open to a whole new level. This.. .allows you to leave the past in the past and know that once you’re here at this level - the old doesn’t align with the new. This reminder, for yourself for a time is required here. Lessons are not learnt overnight - changes in behaviour is not sustainable long term unless the long term work has been done ‘since’ the awakening point - remember this when deciding who elevates with you on your path or not. Love xxx For the Million-dollar Woman who leads with her heart, for the Million-dollar Woman who knows She is the Oracle. For the Million-dollar Woman whose mission is here to change the world, for the Million-dollar Woman where specificity in intuitive precision is desired to quantum leap her reality… Trust Your Intuition is for you. Self-Love month, ends soon. Click here for the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition