🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th July 2023
Jul 18, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 18th July 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩
Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Convey Your Meaning. “Reflect on the way you communicate with others and with yourself. Be sure to express your thoughts and feelings from your heart and with respect and sincerity.”
Speak clearly - say what you mean and don’t beat around the bush. Have you been holding back saying what you really want to say? I feel that perhaps you have been holding back because of what has happened in the past - but you are catching it, it seems. It feels like you’re at a place where you’re very consciously transmuting past experiences ‘on the spot’, like you’re ‘stumbling’ a memory will surface and then you choose to change your behaviour and thought patterns in that moment. This is a very high level of consciousness to do this, and if you don’t find that easy, it just means there is a deeper trauma there surfacing that is time to look at this. I am also getting strongly for you with this around the Throat Chakra of course, but specifically about past life trauma with this one for you today. Have you felt tight around your neck, or get rashes or have been itchy around your neck? A past life healing focusing on removing any past memories from being hung or burnt at the stake and also any implants or other devices that are on your Throat that have held your Throat captive for years. It is like you are now free to live and speak your truth, but if you have felt the call for deeper healing on your Throat, do not deny this feeling, as it is time to clean up these traumas from here so that you can freely move on with your life on a timeline that doesn’t involve staying in the shadows! Shadow Work is deeply connected to the Threat Chakra too - this speaking up - who do you need to say what to? What have you been holding back? I also feel like you’ve been waiting for the right time to start or say whatever this is that you’ve been ‘waiting’ for but you and me both know - that right time is now. There is no major space in time in the future where you will have an entire week to just do that thing, so stop waiting for it - unless you create that of course! But… now is the time. So, stop holding back and Convey Your Meaning. Speak clearly, say what you need in very short, clear concise words and sentences and watch your entire reality shift because of the clarity you’ve spoken through your words. Sometimes people find it hard to communicate because they don’t even know what they are needing in the situation they are in - so if you don’t know how to communicate clearly - get clear on what you are needing out of this situation and then you can Convey Your Meaning with Clarity. Also - have you been getting the call to fine tune your voice in some way? Also too, the Eel is specifically strong on this card for you today - what do Eels represent for you? I am also wondering if the water is murky or clear for you and if you are needing to grieve a situation that you have been unclear, confused or doubtful about? Know that confusion is normal when you are going through a big change, so let your heart grieve until those waters become clear again. Love xxx Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator
Card #2: Safe and Surrounded by Love. “Keep your heart open and know you are being protected. Listen to what you know to be true and allow yourself to see and understand what is going on around you.”
You are safe as you move through this next phase of your life - but I wonder if you are feeling uncertain in this new venture too? Like you are clear on it, but also there is a space of underlying anxiety or it could be showing up in other areas like wanting to run away at times, but you’re wondering where you’re going? It could also be showing up in all fired up ready to go and get on with the task at hand and then suddenly feel down or depressed or just… off? First thing here, is clear your energy - check in - who have I just been communicating with? Who and what appointments with people do I have today or this week? It is so important to remember that if you have contracts, documents or any appointments with people or places that you will be already picking up and tuning into the people connected with it. It might sound silly or irrelevant, but it is a thing! It is a bit like, you sense your client before you have your appointment time with them - it is the same. You are highly sensitive, intuitive and deeply tuned in - feeling or sensing other people going through documents of yours, thinking about you or looking at your profile is a thing. When you sense this, it is important to trust this. So, tune in and clear your energy, not everything you are sensing is yours and also, just the conscious awareness that that is what you are picking up - is also ‘the clearing’. Meaning, once you are conscious of what you’re sensing your brain understands it and then moves on, so to speak. This card can also be coming to you to fine tune your psychic senses because of this too. It is time to stop feeling confused about it and start training to be clear about it instead. I also wonder if you have felt alone lately - that what you once had is not there anymore and there is a big gaping gap it feels like? You even have tried to do things you once loved and it just doesn’t feel the same? You are going through a major transition and it is important to be okay with not feeling the vibe of things you once loved. Trust me, these feelings WILL come back - the only thing that is changing and going through a huge metamorphosis right now - we move away from things we used to love and what used to fulfil us as we are shifting to new levels in our life, shedding old patterns, habitual thoughts and beliefs and ways we used to be. Hold the line… you’re shifting internally and your world will shift externally as well - or you just come back, transformed, to a new life, that is your same life where it feels like nothing has changed, yet everything has changed at the same time. This is Soul growth. If it feels like your entire world is collapsing or has collapsed - learn to be adrift, knowing that God has got you, the ocean current is taking you to a new destination and it is okay to flow in the currents for a time. You are surrounded by the healing energy of the dolphins at this time. Let yourself go through this metamorphosis. You’re allowed to and.. it is required for where you have been working to be in the first place. Breath and breathe deeper, let go and trust… you’re divinely taken care of, all your needs are met and you’re safe as you go through these changes. Love xxx Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator
Card #3: Connect to Source. “Go within to discover what needs to be done. Create the shift required to attract what you want.”
Ah this card is very self explanatory - you know what you need to do, you have the answers…. you know this, you ‘go inside’ and trust your intuition with what you need to do - frequently - this is how you operate, this is who you are. However, it has felt a bit like treadmill, or that something is… hmmm, not stuck, just dull and boring in a way. Cool, you’re growing. Cool, you have expanded. Cool, you’ve stabilised this level. Cool, you know what you’re doing now, the foundations have been laid… but something is… almost missing… like this teeny piece of boredom and it’s like it is starting to seep into your Soul in a dull and boring kind of way… like life is in black and white, even though you’re soaking up every ounce of present moment you bring your conscious awareness to. You’re happy with life, you’ve come to peace with things and are creating magic… but just… oomph. Something. And this.. is you’re just ready for your next level of expansion, of acceleration, of learning the next phase of what you’re here for - of what your Purpose is calling forth within you. You have been seeing people/mentors/coaches who can help you on this next phase - I feel you even have your eye on somethings. There are some things we need to do on our own and some things we need to surround ourselves with by people who have walked the path before you, specialise in an area that you’re wanting to grow in and it is here - this ‘boredom’ inside you I will call it… is ready for this challenge, growth, next level, part of you calling LIFE into your being again. Of course, as mentioned, life is good… but in this - we get to EXPAND further into that. There is a time when we need healers and mentors to help us heal through the darkness, then we arrive at a place where we are ready for expansion in the light and this is what I feel you’re at now and where your Soul is calling you. “Create the shift required to attract what you want.” Is this part of where you’re up to now - something has been calling you and it is wise to follow your Soul and Intuition on this… but.. this isn’t me telling you what you don’t already know and haven’t already planned to do right? Of course. This card, is also about Connecting to Source - of course! So, what is that for you? This new Source? And, is it increasing your meditation routine or trying something new to liven your Spirit? Love xxx Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator
Card #4: Where you need to be. “Acknowledge how you are feeling. Have faith the Universe will take care of a current concern by providing the best possible outcome for all involved.”
Let go. Wait. God has your back on this one. Stop. Rest. Don’t go forward yet. Yeah, nah… your timing is your timing and whilst there is a divine timing to all things sure, I feel like this is more like - don’t rest on your laurels right now. This is a time to be diving in - like, if not today then when? It feels like you’re contemplating something and almost like, ‘there is nothing you can do right now’ - but there are other things you can be working on at this time that you’re putting off? I feel you’re someone who works best to deadlines, so it is important for you to set these deadlines for yourself to get this task/these tasks done? I also wonder if you’ve been feeling at a loss of what even you need to do? That you move forward and then nup.. not that either? This message here, feels similar to Card #2, in the deep metamorphosis right now - this card, number 4 here, has a lot of Throat Chakra blue on it… baby blue - hmmm, do you have a Son? What was going on at the time of your Son’s birth? It feels like some trauma or experiences from around that time - even when you found out you were pregnant and what that represented to you at the time, is coming up for healing. It is almost like a part of you has been/is stuck at that timeline point and to go back and ‘collect yourself’ from that space in time. There may be forgiveness for self for the choices you made; lost and forgotten dreams that are resurfacing for you from that time; things that you feel guilty about - all can be let go of now. If you don’t have a Son, but a daughter - a life review of similar time stamps can be calling to you now. It feels like a huge life direction change for you going on - like you’re showing up doing all the things, but fuck underneath you’re a great mess going through this transition that you know you’re going to walk through but fuck, not sure what is waiting for you on the other side of this one! MASSIVE. Cut yourself some slack. BARELY anyone walks through what you are right now (Ancient Blooded Healer?! My paperback book - almost ready for release!!) I also feel like you keep stalling on some things - is it fear? Or is it that you are not taking care of yourself in the way you know your Soul NEEDS to be functioning at it’s highest capacity? It feels like you start and then you push it to the side because there is something more pressing you need to do but… NOTHING is as important as doing the thing you know your Soul NEEDS to function at it’s highest capacity - what is that for you? Where are you holding yourself back, because you think you need to do something else, but then you aren’t able to function at your highest capacity and… was it really worth it? Nope. Every time, just no. So, what are your highest priorities here? It feels like the precipice for MASSIVE change for you and trying to work the old system into your new way of being is NOT the answer. The answer is the thing you keep pushing to the side that is the highest priority right now - you will find this will open a portal of an entirely new dimension for yourself if you will only let the old ways go. Write on a big blank piece of paper and stick it somewhere you will see it constantly for a time - the old ways don’t work in the new dimension of the life I am stepping into and living now! Remind yourself… and push yourself out of your comfort zone to stay here in this new reality. You’re exactly where you need to be, but don’t let the past come creeping in. You don’t need to revert back to what worked for you as a child to get to your next level… the healing is in growing up the child you. It’s time for the new, not the outdated outworn and outmoded ways of doing. You got here with what you’ve done, but doing the same, ain’t going to bring you to where you want to go. Trust this with your whole heart honey. Hold the LIIIIINNNNEEEEEE. You already know this soooo….. that thing you keep pushing to the side - it is like the highest expression of who you are right? So, go LIVE THAT NOW. All the answers come - when this… is the priority. Love xxx Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator
Card #5: The Gift of Neutrality. “Balance is at work in your life. Yin and Yang are opposites in energy, but reside side by side to to create the Gift of neutrality.”
Hmmm, there is polar opposite messages with this card here today for you - what a surprise lol One is that there is something you need to speak up about, stand up for - and I feel you are already doing this and this message also ties in with Card #4 today too, but this card here, The Gift of Neutrality - I wonder what you are needing to ‘stop reacting’ and see the other side of? What grudge, resentment or past hurt are you holding onto? Your world might be crumbling right now, or something that you thought would happen by now is not and you’re waiting (impatiently tapping your foot I might add!) but there is something you are needing to definitely wait on - and something else you’re needing to take action on. I feel that this card for you is about ‘barging through what you KNOW you need to do’ and letting anything else go by the way side in a way as this Gift of Neutrality - is about not getting pulled into this or that - but staying focused on ‘forging your own path’ in what is really important for you at this time. There is something that is on your mind and this focus on this task is so important to continue this forward movement. Sure, enjoy the present moment but there is something you are needing to forge ahead on and the Gift of Neutrality is about not being swayed from your path that you know you need to accomplish at this time. I am also hearing about being very diligent with your time and energy for what you need to achieve, like stay strict on your schedule and no more catering to others needs because that is the only time they can do. This is about putting you and your schedule first and sticking to it. Anything else is ‘swaying’ or ‘being swayed’ by others. You could also look at that as the test from the Universe - are you SURE you want to do this thing? Hell fucking YES you do. And so protect your time and energy with great care and ease at this time. Remember, the biggest breakthroughs always come just before the darkest dawn. And - that moment when you feel you want to change everything around, shift things, move things and get them all sorted NOW - is when you need to just halt, hold still and allow your cellular structure to upgrade, because that is EXACTLY what is going on at this time for you right now. HOLD IT. The Gift of Neutrality. Don’t change anything - leave it until the ‘urge’ passes… because instead of the vortex of whooshing change whip through and destroy everything you’ve ever created leave you breathless and gasping in a wtf have I done moment - and hold that structure of what you’ve always known deep and true in your heart and allow the cellular structural changes to be upgrading, disintegrating and rebirthing again inside your very DNA, because that is exactly what is happening. The amount of shifts and changes in our Earth atmosphere at this time is creating so much agitation, shifts, changes and movement.. and you’re feeling it. Let your cells upgrade to the new frequencies coming in and do what you do best at this time. If after a month you still want to burn everything to the ground and start again then great! But this time… is to stay neutral, stay focused, do what you do best, and let yourself UPGRADE. You’ll be grateful you did… your breakthrough is here. Love xxx Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator
Card #6: Resilience. “There is no need to rush or push. This is a time to take things as they come. You have the determination and patience to handle what is happening.”
You have the power, dedication and of course, resilience to get through this. Of course you do. You’re a strong man/woman and you always have been but FUCK it is tiring just trying to hold it all together all the god damn time! And do you know what that is? Out of alignment with your Soul baby. Let’s not mistake laziness for tiredness. But that Soul draining tiredness is something else and you know that all too well. This comes from when you haven’t listened to your intuition yet and it is screaming at you to leave this unhealthy situation and yet you keep waiting for what?! A sign?! Pretty sure the level of uneasiness, hiding away, shunning your own voice out of fear and trepidation and walking on eggshells is enough of a sign! You’re living a shell version of your life and you know it. Sure, there is a time and place to leave an unhealthy situation and you must make sure you’re safe and all set up… but if you have pulled this card today - you have been putting off something that you’ve known for a good 18months to 2 years and counting and the level of tiredness you’re feeling.. this Soul deep aching, longing for something MORE because you are being shown the life you COULD be living right now but you’re… not. Because you haven’t made that final decision yet. Well, let’s be real.. you did - years ago. But you haven’t actioned it physically and your Soul is screaming forth this. You might have even been screamed at by some people in your face just recently! #ouch, that is never nice! But wake up calls are wake up calls and there is only a certain amount of screaming before drastic measures are taken to make changes. And let’s be real - you’ve had enough pain and torture in this lifetime and previous that you do not need to continue learning through pain! You can be free and you can let go of this curse that you have been carrying… the curse of not trusting your own god damn Soul that is waiting for you to take the leap and show you just how supported you are through this process that is waking you up - you’ve seen updeen signs just today about this and now you’re reading this too! Whilst this is a ‘no need to rush or push’ card… this Resilience - you do have the strength to get through this - but to stay in this any longer? There is Resilience and then there is backing yourself the entire way (because no one ever has for you before) and it is up to you now…There is Resilience and then there is tolerating things that you just shouldn’t be anymore and that… that.. is what you are letting go of right now. No more tolerating things you should’ve walked away from yonks ago. That… is where this is at for you. It is time. Enough is enough and that snap… has happened. Don’t let your Soul take a back seat anymore… your heart is counting on you! Love xxx Purpose Activator starts this week! Over 30 Days I will be dropping intuitive insight, inspiration, divinely guided action steps you not only get you clear on your Life Purpose - but to come into true alignment of your Soul’s Mission on this Earth. Click here for all the details, we start in just a few days: https://www.realityawareness.com/purpose-activator