🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th December 2023
Dec 19, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 19th December 2023
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the The Ascended Masters Oracle 🔮
2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here?
My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Freedom. Hina.
If something has walked away from you, dropped away, let go - let it. Only look back to see how far you’ve come. Only feel regret to realise what you truly want out of life. Know that there is more for you. Rejection is just God’s redirection for you. Remember this and know that you walked away way back when for a reason. Look at what you have now - sure, this may not have been where you thought you’d end up but.. this is what you have and… there is a part of you that wants this yes? Or you wouldn’t be here now. On some level, this is exactly what you asked for, needed and wanted all at the same time. Embrace it. Grieve what you've lost and know that what is in stall for you is far greater than what you have ‘lost’ because you haven’t actually lost what you think you have. If you had ‘chosen the other path’ - you’d be wishing for what you have now and wondering what it would be like - so embrace what you have now. I also feel that there is a part of you that wants to surface. And this it the only entrapment you feel. Your God or Goddess self is wanting to come out - to rise in the full glory of who you are - what is that, who is that? Where are you? Where did you go? It is this part of you that wants to come out - to be free. This part of you - calling you from within your Soul… will you let her/him out of the self imposed cage you have put yourself in? I am also getting the message about your environment - what needs an upgrade? It feels like you’ve been thinking about/been shown lots of things around you that need an overhaul/upgrade and/or your lifestyle needs a new way of being - what would, make you feel most free? This is what is coming through for you and acting upon these ‘freedom’ desires will set your soul free. Your whole energy will shift by you following this and will ‘grant you the freedom you’ve been looking for’. I am also sensing that in this ‘new found freedom’ of this part of you that wants to ‘come out of the cage’ is this whole new way of being that you’ve been wanting, waiting for and have been looking for - it is you… and you have been here all along. It is only now you feel safe enough, confident enough or feeling strong enough, that you can come out and be all of who you’re meant to be. This level of freedom - if you will fully let yourself embrace this.. is going to open doors to your Life Purpose, you didn’t know yet existed… can you trust him/her (yourself) enough… to follow this Freedom that calls you - to be all who you’re meant to be? Something has let go - so let yourself receive the gift of what this Freedom doorway is opening for you - will you - step through? Love xxx 2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here? My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Artistic Expression. Paul The Venetian.
Your Purpose is calling you - will you follow the call? There are things you are being asked to do - are you even listening? You have been given clear instruction by your Higher Self - are you actioning this? When you truly devote all your ‘spare’ time (create time baby!) - and when I mean ‘spare time’ I am meaning that any little bit of time you get that is not working your normal job or tending to your family - must be spent in deep dedication to your Purpose - are you truly listening? You have been getting the nudge for something truly artistic and something you fucking LOVE to do - and yet… you’ve pushed it aside day after day, week after week, month after month and God forbid, year after year… this is wanting to come out of you. You will lose weight when you devote time and energy to your dedicated purpose at this time - and forever more - a lifestyle change is required by you - an environmental shift even - you are not pregnant anymore (with your project!) and that period of your life has passed now. Catch up to where you are. You chose to be here and now your purpose is asking this of your next level to channel this important information through for humanity at this time - what is that? You are receiving a lot of ideas, may feel like you’re not finishing anything and have a zillion things on the go at once - let alone Christmas! And yet, you’re birthing a whole new world here. Let…. them all land. These are all important expressions of your Purpose and you’re being guided to something that is creating a huge foundation for you right now. It feels like you’re being shown and may feel overwhelmed, but know that these are all foundational aspects that - all take time to build - but don’t be afraid of rolling your sleeves up and putting in the ‘hard yards’ so to speak. No, this isn’t about pushing and burning yourself out - however, this year was a rest year for you and now it is go time with these ideas - do not let them pass you. Catch them, grab them and deeply ground them down into your reality. You’ve got this, know how to do this ‘have also been waiting for this’ and now you’re being given the gift of all the answers you’ve been looking for… sooooo will you? Receive them? Use them? Make them reality and allow 2024 to be the stabilising year that it is? It is an 8 year - an infinity year - and 4 is a stabilising number of balance and allowing reality to embed into a new way of being. You’ve been waiting for this energy…so ride it all the way home and create your reality into existence. Don’t wait for others, don’t wait for the sign - the energy is the sign, you can feel it, so grab it! Love xxx 2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here? My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Clear & Shield Your Energy. El Morya.
You dropped your standards - now raise them! You have what you have and you can do what you can with what you have and make the best of what you have - so what boundaries do you need to implement for yourself at this time? Yes, with other people, but I am also getting this is an internal game. Your internal standards are needing to be elevated. What is it that is calling you forth to this space? It feels like you are needing to set boundaries and for the new year - what is just not happening anymore? What are you walking away from - forever? It is currently mercury retrograde - so even more so right now - you are being shown what you are still hanging onto and what needs to be let go of. I feel you have never actually let go of something in your heart and now.. it is time to. But you know this already. I am not telling you anything you did not know for yourself. It feels like you’re being given a gift right now - even though it might not seem like it, but you are being shown very clearly your life. it is almost like you are seeing clearly for the very first time around different aspects of your life with acute clarity and details and wondering how you never saw these aspects before. Perhaps you’ve grown spirituality, perhaps you’ve matured, perhaps your third eye is open now (seeing the situation clearly) - whatever the case, you’re ready to stand up for what you believe is right, stand up for what you truly want and go after it. It feels like you’re sick and tired of living a certain way, something has ‘snapped’ and you’re ready to take this next 12 months by the reigns and live by design, instead of letting life pull you along to… goodness knows where you were going right?! Something has also dropped out of your field and I feel that you might be beating yourself up for it - and yet, it is what needed to be cleared. You know that when something is cleared, something new comes in - whether ideas, people, opportunities or energy and it guides a way forward that you didn’t see before the thing was cleared - so don’t beat yourself up, just know that these boundaries in place, walking away for good, closing the door, not looking back and giving space - as much space as needed for this ‘new’ to come in - is imperative as you move forward with your plans. Because I feel like you had plans, were moving forward and then - TESTED! Tested by the Universe baby! I don’t like the word tested, but it is definitely what happens - especially on Mercury Retrograde and also, when new frequencies are landing - the old rears it’s head to see if you truly want what you say you do, soooo for now and forever, move forward with your plans, no matter how many ‘tests’ you get. You’re better than that. Raise Your Standards. Love xxx 2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here? My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Let It Go. Quan Yin.
you’ve asked and have received. This is about letting go of an old way of being. Sure, this can be a relationship, but I am getting that this is about an old version of yourself. You’ve been tolerating living a certain way, treating your mind, body and soul a certain way and you simply haven’t been happy. Nothing you do in your external environment has changed it either. And really - you can change your entire self and you will feel different about your external environment. We are close to 2024 - what behaviours in the way you treat yourself, in your lifestyle, in who you hang around, in who you let distract you - are you going to carry into 2024? None of them! Exactly! Now is the perfect time of a life review and overhaul of what you’re doing moving forward into 2024. You can definitely start now, you don’t need to wait until 1st Jan! It already feels like the start of the new year - two weeks ago - so the energy has already shifted to support these changes. Sure, you have Christmas, but you can always start now and pick up again after Christmas - or go all the way through Christmas! Quan Yin is also about Compassion, kindness and respect for self - so no wonder these messages are streaming through and I am hearing ‘you’ve got nothing else left to lose’ and ‘you’re on your own anyway’ so - there is like no excuses to not buckle down, choose your path and commit to it whole heartedly - who knows, it may just be the answer you’re looking for anyway right?! It feels like doors are opening for you but you haven’t been able to walk through yet? I am also getting the sense that even when you have people around you helping, they aren’t really much help (in a way) and feel like you do it all anyway. There is something here about the ‘type’ of relationship that you have with them that is shifting and it is here that there is magic to be found. Sometimes we are still in the same relationship and situation, but the entire relationship ‘stage and style’ dies and a new one is reborn and I feel this is what you are walking through right now with everyone around you. You’re letting go. You’re not longer who you are yet don’t quite know who this new you is yet. You know who you want to be, but you’re in a space of a space that is… about to shift gears and become the one you’ve always seen inside yourself. And that honey… is pretty exciting. How wonderful. It’s time hey? Love xxx 2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here? My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Detach From Drama. Pallas Athena.
Ah, something so strong in the air with the cards this week about walking away, setting boundaries, letting it all go and shifting gears with what you are focusing on. This card, seems no different but I am getting something about documents, legal things, contracts, attention to details, accounting, things you’re choosing to do - or something along these lines. It feels like now is the time to choose - drama? Or your Purpose? I always say that drama is a distraction to your purpose - what are you not focusing on that you need to redirect your energy to to disconnect and ‘distract yourself rom the drama’? It might sound silly but I bet you’ll feel better at the end of the day and the end of the week when you have channeled your energy into your Purpose rather than the drama! I feel that you’re on the verge of a huge breakthrough too and this is why you feel like you’re being pulled down… but when in actual fact - you’re just giving your attention to it! It is also Mercury Retrograde, so high time to be tested in this sorts of ways - so be mindful of where your power, focus and attention is. When this planet is retrograde, I love this time - I always receive so much clarity about what needs revising, what gets to change, what shifts are moving in the way I want them to - which are not, what needs decluttering, changing, adding to, making better, within myself and around my environment in who I am hanging out with and spending time with. This feels like a time for you to get very clear on these aspects around you. Sure, you might be busy with Christmas activities, but you’re definitely thinking about these things and can implement next year if ‘now is too busy’ to organise those pieces for yourself. I am also getting something to do with the ‘family drama’ and I want to say, enjoy the time and not buy into the drama. It feels like you are being shown a new way of being right now and a path is opening for you to step into - will you take it? Almost like a test to your resolve of all the things you’ve worked on over this time. Because right now? Is a very fertile time for you. What you begin now and dedicate yourself to, will reap amazing benefits for you. It feels like a strong message for you from your higher self - from your guides - from beings above the realm of ‘being’ - ‘lights’ if you may. You have an important mission and it is important you get to work on it. Do not let the drama distract you. Now is the time and time is ticking. Use it wisely. You’re ready for this. Love xxx 2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here? My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Drink More Water. Oshun.
This card, has the obvious meaning - drink more water - and yet, what is the quality of your water? Not tap water! Spring water, only ever spring water. Be mindful what you are drinking. Bless your water with wrapping your hands around the glass/cup/bottle, and say a simple, “I love you, I am grateful for you.” Before you drink it. Be mindful of the waters around you, of the water channels under our earth that you walk on - and also the ley lines which your Earth beneath your feet is on. This card is about connecting to the waters in, around you with rivers, lakes, oceans and rain and also the water you are consuming. This card also deeply represents your emotions and your emotional waters. This could also signify pregnancy waters - are you pregnant? Or is this new beginnings you are feeling? I am also getting the message about stagnation - are you needing adventure, travel or some sort of change? Perhaps you are travelling ‘across waters’ and are shifting stagnation ‘in the waters/emotions’ and changing the ‘charge’ around the water (emotion). It feels like a deep transformation is occurring for you in whichever part is resonating here for you with this. I also feel that - things are ‘free flowing’ for you now - but things feel stuck in other areas, but also - are you waiting for something? Waiting never creates the life you dream about! Perhaps it is time to shift location - move house - or move where you spend most of your time, get out of the house and venture out or find new places to work from or with whom you are working with? Something is shifting for you in the environment and shifting stagnation. You are a person who needs lots of change and stimulation (not in a bad way) - you are highly creative and so are needing to shift something. I am also feeling almost confusion around you - like sooo much happening around you, shifting, changing, ‘murky waters’ - but you’re in the centre, safe, protected - but stagnant/stuck in a way?! It is tricky to describe and not a clear message in a way - but it feels like… in a moment (soon) - everything is going to shift gears ten fold and you will not only become clear - but you’ll be in a whole new vortex, a whole new reality for yourself and I feel this message is to trust this space and ‘not wait for the clarity’ - but to create and get moving on the things you are clear on, because it feels like it is all happening at once for you and is shifting in a way that is… magical… so stay here in this magic space and know that everything you’ve done to date - has all been for a reason - it’s all coming together. Work on it, create it and ‘wait for the harvest’ - but not wait, take daily aligned action knowing that you’ve done everything correct and wouldn’t be where you are right now, if you weren’t meant to be - exactly where you are, doing exactly what you’re doing. Love xxx 2024 already feels different and it feels like it is already here. There has been a realm and a portal that has already enveloped humanity and many of ‘us’ are already feeling it - are you here? My 2024 Life Purpose Accelerator for Ancient Blooded Healers and Wildly Wealthy Witches Who Are Here To Change The World, is already rapidly blooming with the current taking us already - are you ready to step into the potent vortex of psychic development, rapid evolution of self and exponentially activating your core Being to do what you were born to do? If you’ve felt the realm change, Life Purpose Accelerator is for you, click here as applications are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator