🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 1st August 2023

Aug 01, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 1st August 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Goddess Guidance Oracle 🤩

Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here.

The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1 Diana. Focused Intention. “Keep your unwavering thoughts, feelings and actions focused on your target and you will make your mark.” 

I feel like you’ve been getting this message everywhere! Well, here it is again for you! Sometimes we want to change something, we feel like nothing is working and may as well throw it all away… and those… are the purging moments, the giving up moments - right before the break through. You are upleveling right now - you are shifting to the next level. You’re expanding and within the expansion contractions push all the crud out so that the expansion can take up all the space in the beautiful space you have created because magic is on it’s way… because… you’ve been creating it! You’ve been creating it over and over and working on it solidly and… this compounding aligned action has been adding up - literally. You’re on fire with what you are doing and I am getting the strong message coming through to see who you really are. It feels like you have been hmmm, not hiding.. you’ve been busy or something, there has been a lot going on for you and this is your sign to stop and smell the roses aka - look back on how far you’ve come, how your accomplishments have grown, how much you’ve grown and how with what you are focusing on now… just how far you will go. You WILL make your mark, you will hit your targets - Diana, has come today to remind you of such right now, so take this in your stride, stay focused, break when you need to (giving up feeling means you are so close right now) and continue on - because you WILL make your mark. I am also getting something about outside - do you need to spend more time outside? What is ‘outside your comfort zone’ that you are needing to step into? What has been catching your attention and what have you been studying that is ‘pushing you outside your comfort zone?’. I am getting the message here that it will stretch you beyond what you’re used to and it will feel mighty uncomfortable and even bring up a pile of unhealed stuff to purge from your system - but once you allow this shift - what you are focusing on IS going to bring you to your destination it IS going to allow you to create the life of your dreams, it is going to allow you dream bigger than you ever did before. Diana has come to you today to remind you to stay focused, no matter how hard and outside your comfort zone it is right now - because this ‘breakthrough’ out of your comfort zone is truly allowing you to receive your dreams. Keep going, stay focused and bring it baby! Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here. The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Artemis. Guardian. “You and your loved ones are safe and spiritually protected.” 

It feels like so many of these cards this week, have been in similar Tuesday Tarot’s recently! Maybe, you’re needing to hear all this again! This card is about fine tuning and protecting your energy. Sure, cleanse your home, your environment - check your work environment, check your emails, your social media feeds (did you know you can unfollow, unfriend, remove and choose who you see in your feed??) Your mindset is everything here - whose thoughts are you truly thinking? Are they yours?? Artemis is also holding a bow and arrow, just like Diana on Card #1, so if you haven’t read Card #1, this may be helpful for you today too as this ‘protection’ feels like what you are focusing on. People will remove themselves from your life - let them. I am also getting the message for you here, speak up and say what you really mean. I feel you’ve been holding back, you’ve been not saying what you REALLY want to say and it has been having a bit of a huge affect on you.. but, at the same time, I feel you’ve also been preparing for something? Your comeback is going to be huge in a moment…. and this is what you’ve been ‘quietly’ preparing for? I feel you’ve been undergoing a major transformation and in this, you’ve been preparing. I do feel you’re coming out the other side, and I also think part of the ‘silence’ is that you’ve been in, is this recalibration and it’s okay - and meant to be and… exactly what you’ve needed to find your feet, but now, this is your sign to come out. It is time to show the world who you really are, speak up, stand up and shine that light in the brightest of bright ways. I feel you’ve been coming to terms with something and even, burying something so you could get on with it - but in the last few days so you explode with it - not realising and even remembering to an extent, you had bottled it up, buried it, just so you could get on with it… and that well, was needed for you to get to where you are now. And now… it is time for the next phase - the come back phase if you may. You’ve been waiting for this ‘intuitive sign’ that it is time and well, it is. This stepping out phase - be super aware of who reaches out, who is in your energy, in your awareness, in your bubble if you may, in your sphere. Who are you conversing with on a daily basis? Who is in your energy field? Who do you WANT in your energy field, because if you’re not consciously choosing, you’ll be unconsciously becoming. Who you have around you is who you become - who do you want to become? Have you even asked yourself that question? Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here. The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Mother Mary. “Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.”

This is a card of Miracles for sure and Miracles are ON YOUR DOORSTEP and… the other piece? This other ‘miracle’? It feels like the pure opulence of delicious alignment. Have you been feeling agitated, or just weird energy lately? Itchy feet even? That is a sign movement is around. Sure it could be people around you moving - but something is moving, travelling, something is grounding down for you - this is an entirely new paradigm and it is about to move you - fast. Who is ‘across the sea’ that you’ve had your eye on? Your intuition is correct. The messages, the intuition, the feelings, they are all correct. It is like you’ve been waiting for this sign and these feelings? This is the miracle. I feel like this is ‘enough looking’ and time to action. You’re a good one for action and you’ve known this is how it was always going to be. You knew, that the time would come when a ‘big move across the sea would come’ - don’t you? You’ve known this deep down and almost brushed it off, because maybe it didn’t happen and so you gave up but this… this feeling is real and it is here and… trust your intuition on this one - it’s real. What are these messages about the sea and the ocean for you? The ocean is calling? Spending time at the sea? Listening to ocean sounds and allowing your body to relax deeply into the subconscious state creating a reality beyond what your wildest dreams have let you consciously see before now? Moving to the ocean? Waking up with the water at your door? Learning to surf and moving some more? What calls you across the ocean with her whispering water call, edging you to leap and follow your heart and expand you beyond your current reality with miracles abound moving you fast? Mother Mary and her Miracles feels like it is fast energy - not busy, not hurried, but deep radical alignment fast. ‘Oh, that was fast!’ says you in a slight shock but OF COURSE energy when you truly gave in and surrendered to what you know you always were meant to have in your life, how much money you make, what sort of friends you hang out with, where you hang out with them, how you travel, where you travel, how often you travel, the kind of house you live in, the career you have - all of those - have you truly chosen and surrendered to what you truly want? Mother Mary and her miracles are asking you to truly choose and choose again - the highest alignment, no more settling, go for your highest dreams, because when you choose and completely surrender with no compromise, with utmost certainty that it isn’t even a question, but an of course this is how you get to live, this Miracle - shows up today. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here. The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator



Card #4: Isolt. Undying Love. “The love you have shared is eternal, regardless of the situation.”

Okay a few messages here, but first - is there someone you can’t or don’t have contact with anymore, but you ‘see’ them and wish you could or think about them often, or wonder how they are or you long to talk to them or??? Then also, there is the ex-ex-ex-ex - okay, maybe a first love?! That has been on your mind recently in and out seemingly a lot too? It feels like in the air, the collective air - there is a huge shift in consciousness occurring. This is shifting timelines - where lovers - true lovers - are aligning and this is causing old threads where ‘real true love was/could’ve been on another timeline, but not this lifetime’s timeline - is being released from your system because… true love is on it’s way to you. It actually feels really strong and… real. So if you have had memories from old lovers or dreams about them even - this is almost feels like ‘the final goodbye’ because you’ve chosen a different timeline. You’ve stepped out of old cyclic patterning that you ‘were left with’ in the past and now you’ve elevated to a higher timeline. You could possibly be in relationship reading this and this means your entire relationship is having an energetic makeover at this time, so be okay if you’re in a wow, how much stuff is surfacing again this moment phase! If it is not a lover relationship for you, but someone you think about a lot - is this a sign to reach out to them? It feels like there is a healing happening right now, a softening and like both sides are seeing both sides for once, rather than being at lock and stead and not budging. There has been a healing deep, deep in the line and it feels clear now, it feels like forgiveness is starting to rise up. This is because - you guessed it - you’ve chosen to heal. I always say fuck forgiveness because when you’re seething underneath about the incident/s you can’t truly forgive. Forgiveness is a by-product of healing… plain and simple. So don’t try and force it. Perhaps at this time.. it is the grieving and the feeling of the buried stuff in there that is coming up for you with all these memories that are surfacing at this time. However, I feel the main message here is there is a deep healing happening - between you and the people/person that is and has been on your mind recently. You’ve shifted, changed, elevated and…. you’re aligning to the destiny of love. You’ve healed your heart, opened your heart again and your entire world is changing. You can feel it in your Soul, you can feel it in your bones, you can feel it in the essence of the core of who you are and it is divinely magical. This… is what life is about. Let it in. Soak it up. Be fed on this delicious platter of life that is… you and your heart, guiding you the entire way to the divine love, to the romantic love, to the love in your heart so ever pure as you’ve known it always to be. True love has been shared, is shared and is expanding to become more. Let yourself receive it and drink it up! Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here. The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Sige. Quiet Time. “Take some time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate.”

The strong message here is stop listening to so many people - listen to - ONE. To you.. and to ONE. Listening to too many people you can get confused, overwhelmed, feel unstable and not realise your own power when you have your energy in too many teachings. Mentoring, trainings and teachings is important and we are masters of doing ten things at once - but as soon as it feels overwhelming - that is your key moment to pull back and come back to you first, then your primary mentor/training. That is it. Shhhhhh. I wonder if you have gone through a relationship break up of some sort lately? It feels like the break is from this - the message here, allowing yourself enough time before moving on, but honouring where your heart is calling you. Freedom is always available to you - but honouring yourself in between, gives yourself grace, strength and a sense of self that you lost in that space. What does this ‘space in between relationships’ mean to you? I am also feeling like that in this space, you are being shown things that are confronting but.. are necessary to look at - did you just have a rough few days? There is a Full Moon in the next 24 hours and the energies are high, amplified and - empowering. If you have ‘fallen’ it is only because you do not trust your power, this makes you fall back into old patterns, ‘lose’ yourself in old behaviours and you have been going through a purge to your system. You’ve come into a place where you are being shown a new path for yourself and it is here that it requires you more quiet time than usual to integrate what you’ve just experienced and step into a place where you’re able to completely embody this next phase of what you’re preparing for. It feels like there is a new venture coming in for you, adventure, travel, venture in business - something is coming in for you and it feels important for this quiet time, almost ‘the last of the quiet time’ - because your new life beckons you (in a way). This is an important recalibration and integration time, know that at this moment, you’re exactly where you’re meant to be and even though you’re clear on a lot of things, very soon a whole new layer of this clarity is going to change the trajectory of where you’re heading and you’ll realise why this space was important. As confronting space can be, it allows you this deep inner time of reconnection, know that you’re regaining power, integrating your gifts and soon, you’ll be embodying this level of space as your normal ‘whilst in the world’. Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here. The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Vesta. Home. “Your household situation is improving, either through  move or a healthy change in the occupants.”

Hmmm, have you been renovating? Or have been travelling, moving around or wanting to move? It feels like there is a lot of ‘movement’ around your home life and I wonder if that is you with itchy feet, have been wanting or just got back from travelling (or are still away), or? Something in your home life is changing. Have you bene feeling stagnant, over it or just… not a spark about something in particular? It doesn’t feel like what it used to feel like anymore? Is your morning routine just not what it used to be anymore? It doesn’t fulfil you like it used to? I am also getting the strong message that if ANY part of your life has lost it’s spark, it is because you have stepped into and onto a new trajectory and that simply, you’re still trying to bring the old paradigm into the new paradigm - that is not how that works anymore. If you do try, you will get frustrated, agitated and in the transition between the old not being able to function in the new - allow yourself grace, space and get support. There are mentors like myself, who specialise in such transitions as you shed your old skin and support the stability to establish as you transition from and old life to a new. Find them, seek them out and send me a message. There is a deep change going on inside your house - this can represent your Soul and your body, for your physical body is where your Soul is housed. If you have felt sick this last two weeks or like something is off, or you know and can feel your body is changing, something ‘even died inside you’ you have been saying to yourself recently - know how on point your intuition is as you step into this new phase of your life - the old, definitely dies in that! I feel too, you have outgrown spaces recently and soon, there will be a move physically, or in your surroundings with who you hang around, dramatically shifts and changes rapidly. Something new, amazing and incredible is on the horizon for you. You may have already been feeling this inside your Soul and that… is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Stay here a while, you’re right on path. You should, be excited about your future, because there is good reason to be. The other message here, is there may be some cleaning out, decluttering or something you need to finish off around the house, then yes, makes space to do this within the next two weeks, as it is perfect phase, after Full Moon peak in the coming hours, the next two weeks leads into the dark moon, cleaning out phase - perfect calibration for you. Cleaning, aligning, awakening and shining a new paradigm - go get it! Love xxx Life Purpose Accelerator Doors Are Open!! There is a time where you require support of the highest order, deep embodiment of your intuition, acceleration of your Life Purpose and the magic that pulls it all together. Life Purpose Accelerator is now open for applications, if you’re ready to step into your new life, that changes the trajectory and amplification of your intuitive gifts to accelerate the reason you are here. The perfect portal as we lead to the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal, Life Purpose Accelerator’s Animal Totem - is the Lion. Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator