🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 1st October 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 01, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 1st October 2024

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Flower Therapy Oracle for you 💐

You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again.

You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day.

You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Cleanse Your Energy. ‘When you release negativity, the answer to your question shines through.’ 

You’re being asked to commit to a routine that connects you to the highest version of yourself. This is about a systematic approach to your healing, your health and your lifestyle. This particular card is about cleansing your energy, so start there. You can commit to an energy cleansing practise such as consciously clearing your chakras, your aura, your body and your environment on a regular basis. When you shower you can imagine white light flooding down instead of the water and imagine all the darkness and debris stuck in your aura that you’ve picked up during the day to wash down the drain. You can imagine it flooding through your aura, your body and your blood and washing away anything that is no longer serving you. You can walk outside on the grass and allow the sunlight to flood through your aura, your body and your blood, dissolving anything that is stuck in your aura, any darkness dissolving and your feet on the Earth, reconnecting your energy and rebalancing your entire system to reset your energy frequency. There are many ways you can clear your energy, recenter your mind and come back to homeostasis. However, it feels like this card for you specifically today, is about a deeper cleanse. You are being called to commit to a deep dive in healing and cleaning your physical energy. That, requires a physical overhaul. To what you eat, to where and how you sleep, to the way you treat your body. You’ve been asking for how to truly let go of something that has been holding you back - especially for the last 4-5 years and it is this. A true, deep body cleanse and overhaul. It’s time to not just change your diet and the food you put into your mouth, it is time to do a parasite cleanse and change your lifestyle. Something has been stuck, stagnant and you’re questioning how to elevate to the next level, next income bracket and next version of yourself and I will tell you - that it does not involve the same identity that you are now! The same foods you’re ingesting, the same routines you’ve been doing since the person you became who you are - must change. Something has been stuck and stagnant and this cleanse - this deep, internal cellular change is required. As your vessel becomes clearer - like magic - opportunities and doorways will open that were previously closed for you. You will see the pathway that was once obstructed by some imaginary block will be removed like magic, because it is not ‘out there’. It is internal, deep inside the cellular make up of your body and it is calling out for change - you’ve been feeling it (for quite some time!) and it is… time. The answer lays within. Deep within your cells. Energy cleansing is good and definitely required, but this card is a deep layer in the cellular molecular make up of the foods you ingest - your body is requiring a deep cellular cleanse and shift. When chakra clearing or energy cleansing doesn’t feel like it is doing much - it is time to get into the depths, the density and shift the frequency of your body. Cleanse - deeply. It is where the answers lay, deep in the cellular coding of your DNA and it is time to re-write history to create your future. Love xxx You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again. You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day. You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Share the Message of Love. ‘Rivers of Love flow within you and others may benefit from this healing energy. Be mindful of each word that passes your lips.’

You have messages that the world needs to hear. You are a messenger here to pass messages to people to help them understand their Life Purpose. You are an Angel here to teach about love and healing. You are not of this world originally. You came here to help humanity heal and ascend to higher levels of consciousness. You have a deep understanding of human consciousness and can translate it so that people can understand what is going on in their life and heal from it to find their Life Purpose. You’re being called into deeper levels of service for your own purpose to help shift humanity in this way. This will be confirmed for you by recent events in your life making you question absolutely everything you’ve been doing, including your path that you love so much, everything changing for you in your life - like you dropped off the radar and only the last few weeks have you been seeing change in a positive direction again. Like what on Earth was that even feeling going on. You know you love what you do - but everything got a review and now you’re just here - knowing where you want to go, but everything feeling like a huge feat and you’re not sure where to from here. Like, it feels HUGE from here. But what is also really going on is that - you’ve shifted into not just a new frequency, but a whole new cycle and it is stepping into understanding that even though you want things yesterday - it is now planning out for this time ahead of you. You have time - that is something you do have. Yes, yesterday would be great, but time - you have the time to do this. So, if you were choosing the life you want, from a place of love and dedication of time - what would you choose? When you look back, 20 years from now, what do you choose? That. This. From Love. With Love. Doing it with Love. Doing what you love. Creating a life that fulfils you. Rather than just because you have to. If you were doing what you love, with love, sharing love and enjoying love - creating a life full of heartfelt love - what do you choose? That, is all you need to follow. From this place, this, is where Dreams come true. Love xxx You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again. You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day. You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Take Time for Yourself. ‘Enjoy relaxation activities that nurture your soul.’

Something has been on your mind to go and do and right now - making plans for this, are going to fulfil your Soul. You will come alive, feel restored and have energy to do the things you really need to do. Right now, something is making your body feel a bit weak - even though you’re strong, you’re also not receiving the amount of rest, relaxation and re-connection to self time that you’re needing to be able to function at your highest capacity for the work you need to produce, the projects you’re working on and the quality of life you want to bring to your loved ones. You’re being asked to take the time to make time for what is important for you and give yourself permission to do it - without worrying about anything else, but being fully present with what is in front of you. Even if that means saying no to what has been filling your heart because as much as it has you’re still needing to fill your own cup up. I am getting the message that something has been on your mind for a long time that it’s time to action right now. No more putting off what you think you should or shouldn’t do - time to act is now and it feels like you need to remember that you’re here to live not just work all the time. Whilst you might love what you do, something keeps coming into your awareness and it’s important to make this priority and make it happen. It not now, when? What are the things you do that make you feel stronger? Mentally, spiritually, physically? What has been on your heart and mind to do again or perhaps for the first time in a long time? These are important to pay attention to and are going to fulfil your Soul in ways that you will wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. Taking time for you - is not selfish, it is imperative to getting and keeping the spark alive, in all areas of your life. Love xxx You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again. You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day. You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Communicate with Your Angels. ‘You have the ability to connect with the beings of love who surround you. Communicate with your Angels, and deliver their healing messages to others.’ 

Ah, Card #2 - has a similar message this week, so I wonder if you had chosen two cards - of these two - the message is strong. You are a Healer, you are a messenger, you are a Lightworker who has come to Earth to teach about love and healing. You have a gift of helping others awaken, heal and lead them to their Destiny. And the message is clear. You must take action on this dedicated path today. It feels like you have dabbled, you have played around, you have gone in and out and now it is time to commit whole heartedly and don’t look back. This has already been on your mind anyway and it feels like there is something that you keep putting off - but not any longer - especially now with this message! You have the ability to channel messages from Spirit and you’re being asked to commit to taking your skills to the next level and uncover the depth of your gift and what you’re really being guided to do with it as well. I am also getting the message - as a message from your Angels for you right now - is that there is a relationship that you’re questioning right now and it seems to be that this is coming to the end of a cycle. Something is closing out - from October last year for you and you’ve been ‘all of a sudden questioning’ everything and this relationship has been getting a deep review. It feels like you are not sure if it is you, or the relationship or something else and the most important thing to remember is that - we are DEEP in the Eclipse vibes - like in less than 48 hours is the New Moon Total Solar Eclipse. Right now, is deep, dark Moon - right before the dawning of a new cycle. This ending - could be yes, the relationship, or the current form and consciousness of the relationship as it shifts to great heights. You are being asked to deeply enter a meditative state and communicate with your Soul and Angels about your next steps and reassessing the current relationship that is on your mind. You are shifting and you’re not sure if this relationship is coming with you or that you are internally shifting something and your entire reality feels unstable or the current state of your old relationship viewpoint - is shifting because of this transformation that you are undergoing. I am also getting the strong message - that this is relational to your finances as well. Regardless, this is a strong message for you to reconnect to your Soul, reconnect to your Spiritual Gifts, rekindle the relationship in question and do the deep inner work to reconnect - I keep hearing, reconnect, reconnect, reconnect - as your answers lay in the Communication with your Angels. I wonder - what the relationship in question has to do with strengthening your connection to your Angels and communicating messages of love to the world? Or, how it is affecting your ability to focus on your Purpose work with what you’re being guided to do with your Purpose? Regardless, you have a purpose in channeling messages that can uplift humanity and you’re being called into deep service now. Are you listening? Love xxx You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again. You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day. You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: New Beginnings. ‘Take this as an opportunity to rise from the ashes, stronger and more determined.’

Rise Phoenix RISE! Rise Ancient Blooded Healer RISE! You’re being asked to put the past in the past, let bygones be bygones and shift into your new healing phase of this new frequency - with joy! The yellow/orange banksia on this card is deeply connected to your Solar Plexus and your Sacral Chakra - the place where you take your power back, the place where you are reminded of who you really are - the place where you ‘find your home’ and connect to your truth, the truth of your light, the truth of the connection of the place where you’re meant to be. I am getting the message so strongly about this card bringing a message for you - about your home. Either moving or something to do with cleaning your home, or a make over with your home, renovations or this could be the home of your soul - your body. With Solar Plexus being about taking back your power and Sacral, being the connection to your home and lineage - where are you needing to take your power back about something connected to your home? Meaning - is there a trauma connected to your home that you are needing to heal to take your power back with? I am getting the message something about a past relationship that is influencing the food you eat and it is deeply affecting your physical health. There was a time where you truly loved your life - and someone came along and ‘took your power away’, they made fun of you and laughed at you and it deeply affected your sense of self (worth) and you haven’t been able to take care of yourself or even ‘bother’ or want to because of that experience. You’re being asked with this New Beginnings card on this powerful Eclipse energy to heal this point in time, to release that from your body, mind and spirit and take back your power. I am getting strongly that it is ‘the answer to all your current problems’ and that if you just focus on taking your power back in this way - in relation to your home or body or both - you are going to heal every other ‘problem’ that is going on in your life because the actual issue isn’t ‘the issue’ - it is this point where it all changed and you haven’t been able to ‘be yourself since’ - well, that is all coming back now. Make all your choices about this path and everything else will right itself, I promise. Come back and love yourself like you used to and watch your life flourish, like it’s meant to. Love xxx You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again. You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day. You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: You Are A Spiritual Teacher. ‘Share Your Wisdom with others. You were born to teach!’

Ah - 3rd Card message for this week - it is time for you to step up and teach! Exactly what we do in Trust Your Intuition - you can receive your Internationally recognised Certification as an Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator if you choose, alongside training your psychic skills and healing techniques to help people activate, align and get on the path of their Purpose. You have a strong purpose in teaching spirituality, consciousness and healing that supports people to change their lives and step onto their Purpose. You have a unique ability to translate messages and frequently look at people and wonder how they don’t understand or didn’t think of common sense things that are so normal to you - but honey - this is your gift and this is an important message for you to recognise not just the power of your gift - but the fact that not everyone actually can see/know/hear/feel what you do and that your ‘common sense’ factor is actually a big part of your gift. You have a gift of taking the jumbled pieces of the puzzle and clearly putting them in to clear picture that people can see, that you saw when it was in pieces. You have a gift of untangling a big ball of wool/yarn of wool and seeing where every thread goes through that huge ball of tangled mess, and you have a gift, of with just a few words that are so powerful for people to hear - change their entire lives in a single moment of time and heal humanity whilst you’re there. This is an important message for you reading this today - you cannot delay, nor put off your Purpose any longer. You cannot deny the call of your Soul that pulls you to stepping into this realm of teaching, healing, being on purpose, following your heart and serving with divine alignment of your soul’s path that is calling you - you can’t deny this anymore. You cannot stand being at your current location/career/relationship anyway so know that you’re poised right now - to make the moves you’ve been dreaming about - or pushing to the back burner for years. The Eclipse right now is supporting you in this change - what was going on for you 20 or so years ago? As this portal right now - is supporting you to step into the true alignment of your entire soul’s path - pay attention, the doorways are opening to you - which can look like ideas that won’t leave you alone and asking you to think and dream bigger than ever before and ultimately? This time point - has prepared you for it - that is why you’re here now, dreaming about it - making plans about it. Change is here. The next era is here. Let it in and follow it. Follow your heart is real for you right now - your purpose calls to you. Love xxx You want clear intuition, you want to be able to hear the voices of your angels to guide you along the path of your unique life purpose. You want to heal that which has been holding you back for years, you want that clarity of the spark of life - you want to feel alive, free and happy again. You want to know what direction you’re meant to go in and you want to do it with abundance, joy and love. You’re done with the pain and you want to move forward, you want to live your life in deep creation of what makes you happy and do what you love every single day. You want… freedom of body, mind and soul. When you’re ready for the life that brings you all that you desire, when you want to live life on Purpose, Trust Your Intuition is for you, doors closing soon, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition