🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th August 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 20, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th August 2024

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Healing with the Angels Oracle for you 💎🕊

Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door.

Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Miracles.

Miracles. This card came up in our Sunday/Monday Psychic Reading Collective Reading yesterday - alongside Kangaroo. I want to say, expect a miracle and it will come and yet, there are miracles around you every moment - are you paying attention to them? From the numbers you see repeating on the clock, to the breath you take every moment without even thinking about it, to the sun that warms your face, to the unexpected income from many different sources - Miracles are coming for you and…. Are here now. The more you can see the Miracles in front of you even when you are going through the hardest time of your life right now, the more you will see Miracles. If it is challenging to find them - notice your breath, your inhale and your exhale. Notice what your hands are touching and that you are grateful to have a and miracle to hold the device in your hand that you are reading right now - start with what is right in front of you and work from there. This card has come to you as a sign that your Miracle is so close and right now the action you need to take is to have faith - to extend your faith - even when it seems soooo hard right now, your faith extension is required. What you’ve been asking for is happening - and not just this, it is way better than what you could’ve even imagined at this time. This is your sign to rekindle your biggest dreams and then 10x them. Right now, is not a time for shrinking, for letting go of what you thought was yours, but more so, this is a time to amplify and what you wanted before, to ignite that fire and passion of who you are and bring it to fruition because the energies right now - are of this - miracles and magic. So use it. I am also getting the message that this next few weeks is going to bring huge change, stay grounded, know that this is what you’ve been asking for, that things will ‘calm down soon’ and that this - is the miracles in manifestation action, so run with it and… celebrate it - this is the magic you’ve been creating and now it has arrived. So, celebrate - even before it is ‘here’? That.. is how miracles are born. This energy. That one. I am also getting something about a Grandmother - have they passed over or are they still alive? If they have passed over, they have become a guide and a companion for you on your journey, I am also sensing that their presence has been strong for you lately and it is okay and needed - for you to trust these signs that they are around. You have been going through something recently that you’re not sure if you’re Arthur or Martha, and your Grandmother around is letting you know that you’re safe, you’re loved and everything is going to be okay. You’re going to get through this. Miracles are on their way. If your Grandmother is still alive, it’s time to make time for her/your grandparents, embrace the gift that you still have them in physical form and create memories you’ll be glad you did. Love xxx Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door. Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Study.

You are being asked to fully commit to a study routine that will allow you to complete a training and get good at what you do. You have either started or are thinking about starting a particular train of study and you’re being asked and - this is your sign that - yes, it is correct to fully commit and dive into this train of study right now. I feel that you’ve somewhat been questioning what you thought you should do and the message is clear - follow your interests and your passions. If you don’t love it, don’t do it, but if it brings you excitement or even just curiously and you WANT to do it - you’re meant to. Finding and unlocking your purpose is easy - if you would only give yourself permission to simply do what you want. Permission - what is it about permission? Are you waiting on permission on someone? Or… hmmm, are you waiting on them to choose you before you can? Honey, if you are waiting for someone to choose you - you’re wasting your time. The person who wants to be with you will be with you, there will be no doubt about that and if you have to ask them a million times and still not get a clear answer, then the answer is no. And you know what? You already know. You already KNEW. Right now, it is up to you to take charge of your life. There is a rainbow on this card, signifying the end of an old cycle complete - why are you trying to drag it back up? It feels like you’re being asked to a course of study right now that is going to help you open up to a new way of not just viewing life - but experiencing it and this is your sign that it is correct for you to pursue this. Whether you are waiting on permission from a person to do this or to give yourself permission, the real question is - what is costing you to NOT do this? The Rainbow is also Archangel Raziel - the transmutation and alchemist Archangel, who transmute base metal into gold and is the epitome of translating the esoteric information into human consciousness understanding. You are being guided to this course of study because your skills are required to learn, fine tune and hone what you’re curious to learn about as this is going to help you in your future endeavours. It has been on your mind in the past and you didn’t pursue it, and now it is coming back around again and this opportunity? Now? Is the time. If not now when? And, you wouldn't' be thinking about it if it wasn't for you. Love xxx Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door. Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Friendship.

Make a date to meet and greet with friends and solidify the time. You’re being asked to stop putting off play dates with friends and make it a priority. You never know who you will meet along the way and the synchronistic flow you connect in with as you choose to ‘venture and travel’ there. Whether this is friendships, business meetings, events and ventures or is this something you’re being called to hold yourself? I am hearing ‘your vibe attracts your tribe’. Where are you needing to put yourself out there more to receive the valuable guidance that your Soul is ‘trying to show you’ - by you actually implementing this crucial step that is coming to you? The work always gets done, you know that and… it will always be there - but time, time is our most crucial valuable asset and you won’t look back and think, I wish I worked harder, you’ll look back and wish you spent more time wth those that mattered the most to you and it is here - that this strong message coming through feels super important and valuable. Time is the most valuable thing you have. Sure, yes 100% responsibilities and choosing your work and projects and purpose - trust me, I get it. But today, this month, this year, something feels so very important for you to make time with those you love, with friends that are important to you, with ventures that you've been putting off. Look back over the last year - have you spent it well? What more could you add to make it amazing and create this next 12 months as such? I am getting the sense that you choosing this is going to add so much value to your life that inspiration will flood in (and you already know this) and the ideas that you receive during these ventures and gatherings… well, billion dollar ideas hello… why? Because you're doing what fulfils your heart and it feels like this is a time and important message for you to nourish your heart, with people, activities and things that completely soul satisfy you and not let anyone’s judgment of you stop you. It will tap you into the synchronistic magic flow for you and there is something your soul wants to show you intros space - listen and act, do what your heart is calling you to do. Love xxx Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door. Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Meditation.

I feel like this is a quiet time for you in your life. You are realigning your entire energy and life to meet the match that is called your Unique Life Purpose and everything that encompasses that. You are being called to enhance your skills with further training in psychic development (what we do in Trust Your Intuition) and deeply embed this into your life. It feels like you’re being given an opportunity in your life - it feels like you actually have space to do this right now too? Like, something has shifted in your life recently, where you do have time and space to actually accomplish this. It feels like the reconnection of your Soul to your body is going to amplify the life direction that you have chosen. If you have chosen to be alone at this time, awesome because you are truly coming ‘in’ to you and finding out who you really are. You’re shifting old patterns and timelines that no longer serve you and this deep internal reflection is connecting you, well, to you. I am also getting the strong message for you about visualisation. Yes, there are many ways to manifest your reality - the most powerful one - being take dedicated daily aligned action and bring it into being. However for some reason, there is a strong message here for you to make visualisation a dedicated practise at this time to enhance your manifestation power. You are highly (extremely!) Clairvoyant, and so you tapping into this powerful energy via your visualisation on what you want to bring into being - the life you want to live, is a strong factor in what you’re being guided to do. Perhaps you already do this and this is confirmation for you - but this also may be reminding you of the power of what you do/how you create your reality into existence. I am also feeling that this ‘quiet time’ is birthing you - gah, feel like I am saying the same thing over, it is hard to describe, like you’re in a womb and you’re birthing a new reality and this quiet time, isn’t isolation but a re-write for your destiny. I trust you can feel what I am trying to say because it is hard to put into words, but the most part here is don’t underestimate the power in what you’re experiencing right now… for the seed moves so much underground before we see results above soil - and this - is what you’re in right now. So don’t underestimate the power of your energy in this cocoon of transformation, nor the power of your visualising that you’re being guided to dedicatedly commit to at this time. Let the transformation amplify as you visualise your world into being, so when you come out with those big beautiful wings, you’ll fly right into the life you imagined. Love xxx Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door. Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: New Beginnings.

You’re on a roll (now!) and everything you do turns to gold. Now is not the time to waste anymore precious time. I feel like for you discipline of your schedule is so incredibly important right now. Write out on paper the 5 most important things in your life. Then, look at your schedule and see if you’re spending precious time dedicated to those things. If you are not - you will feel depressed. If you consciously choose to make your calendar work for you, and put them in there, you are going to feel more productive, motivated and actually have a reason to get up with dedicated purpose - rather than getting up and just… scrolling your phone…Yes, time for change. I feel you’ve just shifted into this new cycle and you can feel it with every fibre of your being and I want to say the entire Universe is shifting in your favour - because you have and are dedicating this time and space for and to you with this change. I am also feeling like a commitment that you made with someone or to yourself, is having a positive effect on your life - the bunch of flowers is jumping out at me - what do flowers or a bunch of flowers mean to you? Do you need to buy flowers for yourself? Or melt in the gratitude that you have flower bought for you? With this, I am also sensing that your language is needing to shift - think about what you are ‘stuck’ on - and then catch yourself every time you hear yourself think or speak it out aloud to someone and ask yourself, “If I was already living into (insert) abundance or a loving relationship or my fav career of a lifetime, would I still be thinking like this?” If the answer is no - and I guarantee you it wouldn’t be, I want you to start believing into a new reality for yourself. You’re very clear what you don't want, but you also know what you do want - so start dropping into gratitude for already being in the timeline and life that you truly want. Easier said than done when things are purging - yes, however, this card, on New Beginnings is urging you - you’re already on this new timeline and even though it might not be ‘manifested yet’ - your choice of words is steering your ship right now and you're being reminded of your power to guide your life right now and to pay deep attention to this. Perhaps a meditation routine, brain training or something else is calling you to anchor this new reality in and support a more potent train of thought. I am also getting something about environment, is there a new beginning you’re experiencing with a new environment. Have you just moved house or about to? This is a brand new cycle for you and the flowers - I wonder what significance they have to this moving of home/environment for you too? Are they are sign that moving is close or that you need to plant flowers in your new environment? Also, this new cycle, this new beginning - how are you celebrating it? Can you anchor and honour this - with a celebration? Not can you.. it’s time to. The more we celebrate, the more the Universe gives us reason to celebrate. What we focus on, expands… soooo, looking forward to hearing how you're celebrating this! Love xxx Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door. Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Healing.
You are in need of healing. Something has happened that has broken your fucking heart. Whether that is cocoon time or working with a mentor/healer or deeply committing to a training that heals you (Trust Your Intuition is this space), regardless - you already know that you need to dig deep at this time about what it is that you are going through and you also realise that… you can’t do this on your own anymore. You won’t... do it on your own anymore. Sure, you can, you’re more than capable - but you’re breaking old patterns and generational threads as you choose to enter into a space that SUPPORTS you rather than doing this on your own at this time. You will (and know) you will accelerate through this WITH support and it feels like you’ve got a life to live, a focus to move towards and this heart break has thrown a spanner in the works! I am getting the message this card could be for some of you that have just come out the other side of the worst of the heart break and are deeply healing and feeling meh but okay this time about it. But, for some of you this, is fresh asf and it is crippling you behind the scenes. As much as you know that you are awakening to a whole new paradigm, you’re having great insights about where and what patterns are coming from where etc, you are also at a point of complete give up/surrender and just don’t really know what direction or where to go with this. You feel lost. And yet, you’re so clear and determined at the same time. Almost like the double edged sword, is there a part of you that feels ‘damned if I do and damned if I don’t?’. This - feels like an old pattern releasing and for now - your healing is all that matter, is the primary focus and needs to be adhered to before you make any major decisions, or try to steer the ship right now, it is a time to go inward, to get support and focus on your healing. You will know what decision to make when you are clear from these hurts, heartbreak and deeper, older wounds that are surfacing from this. For now, this is where to begin. Love xxx Imagine never having to get on dating sites ever again. Imagine going to spiritual or business networking events and not feeling like you’re subconsciously scanning the event for your purpose driven soulmate and walking out feeling undertone disappointed because they weren’t there either. You want the clarity of interpreting your dreams and visions so those black things that flash by, that you see out the corner of your eye or the dreams that startle you awake no longer scare you, but you are equipped with not just tools, but deep intuitive understanding of how to interpret that in your day to day life, rather than wondering if you can sleep at night with the black shadow thing standing at the door. Imagine having a soulmate that understands your psychic gift and is as psychic as you - but grounded as fuck in their spirituality - conscious, not just spiritual and you can discuss these intricate psychic gifts with them and are not looked upon like you're crazy but is fuel for the purpose of what you're meant to do together! #soundslikeheaven. In Trust Your Intuition, you’ll stop attracting the relationships who want healing and instead you’ll be healed by the presence of your grounded purpose driven relationship, click here for Trust Your Intuition, investment is increasing very soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition