🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th July 2021
Jul 20, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th July 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Goddess Guidance Oracle for you today.
The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air….
And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT.
We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams.
It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: White Tara. Sensitivity. ‘You are becoming extremely sensitive. Avoid harsh relationships, environments, situations and chemicals.’
This card speaks for itself. However, there are two specific messages coming through for you about this. Diet and also a relationship. There is a specific relationship - or is it more than one?! That you are currently detoxing from. It feels like this relationship is ‘far away’ or even a long time ago however, you are still detoxing from the effects of it. It doesn’t feel like you are still in it, however, you are connected in some way and this relationship REALLY affected. I want to go to say that the ‘issues’ you are dealing with in your life right now are like the clean up, they are the fall out effect. Did you lose yourself in that relationship? Or get extremely hurt in some way? It feels like there is a big clean up/detox going on for you and even though this may take a little time, it is important to remember that your intuition has been correct THE ENTIRE TIME. It feels like they confused you, made you doubt yourself, made you feel like shit most of the time - that you are still heavily detoxing from right now. It’s okay to cry, it’s okay to purge about this. The other message I am getting for you too is to notice the cycles and the feelings that come up. For example - you are highly sensitive - you feel everything remember? That means 99% of things that you feel - are not yours. How do you decipher what is yours and what isn’t yours? There are many ways, but the main thing coming through about this is a strong dedicated, non-negotiable meditation routine. I am getting the message this is going to help you re-find yourself let alone the clarity that comes through about deciphering whose energy is whose. It is also important to monitor the cycles of when you feel crap/low or otherwise. Monitor your menstrual flow cycles, monitor the Moon cycles, monitor what the ‘other relationship’ person is doing - in a sense that if you know they are a big drinker and weekends are everything to them - that every Friday night you start feeling like shit and you know they are drinking either with others or by themselves feeling sorry for themselves and what happened with you for example, then be conscious that as a highly sensitive person - you feel this stuff! This is not about stalking them, but when you have been with someone like that you know a bit of their routine like that and you WILL be feeling them. Remember 99% of everything you feel - is not yours! The other message here is that there is some foods that are affecting you more than you realise too. Perhaps you have already been feeling this as well - what do you know isn’t good for you but you keep eating it? I am getting the message to ‘look at it’s origin’. Who do you know eats that food? Was it a child hood favourite or family connection time when you were younger? When you can look at the emotional craving - then you realise why you are actually craving it and ‘not eat the food’ but tend to your inner child instead, because they are missing them for example. Regardless, this is your sign that you are extremely sensitive to particular things right now. Food agitation, plus detoxing from said relationships - so be gentle with yourself right now. Give yourself time, it is okay to feel these things as you detox right now. Things WILL get better and you will find yourself and your joy for life again. It’s coming. Trust, and in the mean time, take extra good care of yourself and know you are healing right now. Love xxx The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air…. And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT. We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams. It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded
Card #2: Hathor. Receptivity. ‘Allow yourself to receive. This will increase your intuition, energy and ability to give to others.’
Ah, this is a strong similar message to Card #1 today. Meditate. The answer to ‘receiving more’ - is to plugging into the right Source. Meditate - and/or do the things that will connect your Soul to a Higher Source - to your HEART. This ‘Hathor’ card for you today is about repair to your Heart Chakra and deeply coming into alignment with what you know you need to do to heal your Heart. Maybe you are feeling lost, maybe you are coming out of a whirl wind and still trying to find your feet after being lost for some time about things, or what just happened - or maybe you have just stepped into a hurricane and are wondering how on Earth you are going to get out of this situation?! Meditate. Do the things that are going to connect you to Source - THIS is where ALL your answers lay. Let alone you won’t feel so anxious and clouded, but you will have a solid grounded footing anchored into SOURCE through your HEART which provides the way, for not only you to receive, the answers, but affect the ‘connection’ with other people. You will come from that sure strong solid place, rather than feeling empty, lost, abandoned and afraid. I am also getting the message for you about money - have you been worried about your financial situation? ‘Don’t worry, pray.’ they say. And how true that is. If you’re worried about it, you’re going to feed the energy of all the things you’re worried about yes? I know you know this right? I am sensing that this worried energy, is also coming from a deeper wound going on - underneath it. Has someone left you recently? Or you feel old abandonment wounds surfacing? Or you feel like you’re being attacked from someone out of the blue? Or you feel like no one is there for you when you need them the most? What about feeling like you’re carrying a deep seated heaviness that you just feel like an anchor holding you down or don’t feel yourself - at all? I am sensing that this is all coming out of your HEART. Why? Because you have finally made a commitment to do YOU. To deeply come into a space of allowing yourself to put you first, to let yourself receive - and so alllll the things that have been filling. Your Heart - of all other people’s crap - is being sent right. On back to. Them right now. You are feeling this way because it is coming up and out of you. Your SOUL is returning to YOU and that means everything that is not your Soul gets pushed out right now. I am hearing the message - continue to trust in this giving to you path - even if it feels uncomfortable right now. ‘Don’t worry - pray.’ Money is coming - everything is going to be okay, do the aligned work of course, take the aligned actions of course - but everything is going to be okay - remember this. Love xxx The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air…. And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT. We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams. It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded
Card #3: Ishtar. Boundaries. ‘Love yourself enough to say no to others’ demands on your time and energy.’
Where are you needing to say no to? I am getting the message - where did you forget yourself? Where did you put someone else’s words over yours, more valuable than yours? Have you been feeling a bit meh and weird lately? Has your throat or neck been sore? Did you swallow their truth? Did you - FORGET WHO YOU ARE for a minute or a year?!?! TIME TO GET YOU BACK PRECIOUS! No, no and just NO! No more of forgetting who you are, no more of swallowing their truth over your own, no more putting their words as gospel. I am getting the message that at this time, for a time, you don’t need any guide but your own intuition. It feels like you’ve just stepped out of a portal of quite a big transformation and right now is integration time for you. It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to retreat for a while. It is okay to bury yourself in that book and not answer your phone (or write that book). It is okay to tune out and tune in. It is okay to close the door and have a break from your kids for 10 minutes. It is okay to just do you right now. It feels like someone has been picking/pulling at your time and energy and now is just time to say no and do you, not ask their opinion, not get lost in the facade of who you thought they were or who you were thinking you had to be or any of that. I am sensing too, that more information is coming about this entire situation that is going to gob smack blow your mind a little bit - but only, because your intuition KNEW ALL A DAMN LONG for goodness sake! I feel this is intuition 101 for you, in a sense of learning to trust yourself on a deeper level. I also feel this entire situation has given you skills you just wouldn’t have, had you not walked through it. So as sucky as it was, something big has shifted within you and you are different, changed person - for the better - but gosh, that was a hugely hard and massive portal for you right?! So, right now, it is okay to lock yourself away and retreat for a while and just watch them from afar… doing the thing your intuition always knew didn’t sit right with you… that you have just become such a strong grounded deep within yourself energy that… is who you’ve always been at your core - but now, owning that more than you’ve ever done before. You’ve changed. And for the better. Embrace it. And continue to trust yourself, no matter what any one ever says - ever - again. Love xxx The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air…. And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT. We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams. It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded
Card #4: Bast. Independent. ‘Your independence is a foundation for your strength and success.’
Ah, some cards seeming similar messages this week, this feels similar to card #3. ‘Your independence is a foundation for your strength and success.’ I feel that you have been getting the nudge to push yourself a bit recently - or stretch yourself. It feels like you have goals to achieve coming up and one thing about them is you are going to achieve them. Number 2 is that to follow the cycles, the flows. If you are feeling tired - rest - the energy will come back - in a huge tsunami - for the rest of it. You will get it done, so also roll with the waves of your own intuitive flow about this, because you will make your mark on this one! I am also wondering if you’ve felt a bit lost or confused about your goals? Have you just gone through a huge recalibration recently? It feels like you know what you want, that you have just come into clarity recently about what you want - but phew - it took a bit to get here with that? However, now, you are feeling the drive and motivation (mostly) to get these projects done, these things achieved right? I am also getting the message - have you got a timeline for these to come through you? For these to be completed by? I am hearing about ‘discipline and structure’ with your time - to really plan this out, stick to it and get these done, according to the timelines you set. Manifestation happens - when you set goals and achieve them. Of course, there is an energetic alignment - but reality doesn’t just happen, goals and dreams don’t just happen, you have to achieve them to make it happen, you have to take actions - every single day - but of course you already know this right? I am also getting the message about something with your family, has there been some change in the house hold recently? I feel this energy shift is a good for you, even though it has been an adjustment definitely that I feel you are still adjusting to, it is a change and every change needs to be honoured accordingly. Is there a ritual or ceremony to acknowledge this change that has occurred, needs to happen? I am also getting the message that this change in the household has allowed fresh energy to come into to support these new goals and changes right? I am sensing they have made you stronger, clearer and more motivated again and phew - thank goodness for that right? As I feel you were down in the dumps for a bit there - but you’re coming back, stronger than ever before right? Shake off those past experiences I am sensing - come back to you and continue on this clarity path staying right away from anything and anyone who makes you feel anything other than your clear, conscious self. Love xxx The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air…. And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT. We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams. It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded
Card #5: Damara. Guiding Children. ‘You are good at helping, counselling and healing children. Use your skills to help children now.’
Do you have a child, or children? If not, this can relate to someone who is like a child to you, who is like the son or daughter you never had. This card can also relate to Inner Child healing. This card also signifies a change - in who you are. You have ‘grown up’ - you have shifted to a new level, something deeply has changed within you. You don’t like who you used to like, you don’t resonate with things that you used to resonate with and - that’s okay! Sometimes we can question when we move away from certain things - however, this is called growth and expansion! Embrace it! I am also getting the sense that you are not on your own anymore, you don’t have to do things on your own anymore and that it is important to say yes to any opportunities that come along right now. It feels that this ‘growing up’ is also laying foundational roots upon what you have already built and that you are being given an opportunity for expansion right now. I also am getting the message to say that it is safe for you to say yes for these new opportunities that come up - have you been working on feeling safe in the world even?! (This can come from Inner Child work - all about feeling safe). You’ve done a lot of work on yourself - this is the ‘reward’ for that - keep going. You can trust what turns up in your space right now. If you haven’t tended to your Inner Child for a while, or have just started that - time to get back in there and don’t stop right now. Keep turning up - Your Inner Child feels safe when you keep turning up, build that bridge, continue to show up and even you will feel better for this in the long run. In essence of showing up - is there somewhere you need to show up more? Have you dropped rules, regulations, have you given up on something that was once a passion in your Heart? This is a sign to push through the resistance and do it anyway - your passionate fire WILL come back - your OBSESSION will come back - because that is who you used to be right?! And this time, it will come back, because you are ALIGNED with your Soul and not influenced by the energies you used to have around you as a child. It feels like a lot of FREEDOM to me for you from this card. Freedom of all the stuck things that have held you back (or you’re working on them) and this card is your sign to KEEP GOING. If you have a child/ren of your own, this is your sign to spend dedicated time with them, stop making excuses, and start putting their precious time on your schedule and not let anything come in between that. It’s your time now. Connect - in whatever way you’re being called to right now. Love xxx The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air…. And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT. We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams. It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded
Card #6: Dana. High-Priestess. ‘You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teaching.’
You - already know this right? Need I say anymore? 😉 However, specifically I am sensing for you that you have been getting the nudge about something - you are being called to step up in some way shape or form. There is something that has been on your mind - for MONTHS even and now - this is your nudge to take that leap and step up now. I am also feeling - have you been confused - or in a ‘nothing’ space and just ‘drifting’ or ‘floating’ sometimes frustrated with that at times, because you just haven’t known what to do? I am sensing that this ‘nudge’ that you’ve been ignoring (in a way) has your answers. By tending to that - you are tending to the next step your intuition is and has been guiding you on there and the next steps will come through - and confusion be gone! But you already know this right? Have you been somewhat resistance to implement what you know your next steps are? Hmmm, I don’t think it is resistance so much - but also a divine timing about this and I feel you have been conscious of this, even through the frustration. I feel you’ve been in a situation learning valuable lessons - which again, I feel has been somewhat frustrating and hard for you even, however, you have also been very conscious of what exactly you are learning right now and stepping into deep planning mode of how you can support yourself in such a deeply, more powerful way coming right up yes? I feel you’re conscious that the situation you’ve just walked through has also turned a corner, even though physical results are not yet there, but you can feel them but has also shifted patterns - long held, very old ingrained patterns yes? Even though this has been somewhat of a tough situation to walk through - you KNEW and know you were shifting something deep and big right? Yes, you sure did. This - has been an initiation for you - stepping through and into bigger and better things. You’ve changed, for the better and now, all the opportunities you cannot even see yet, are about to land in your lap - because - you have set such deep ground work, held the path, dedicatedly followed your vision and deeply, so deeply earned your High Priestess title. It’s time precious one. Follow the calling - you were born for this. Love xxx The next 3 months are going to be SUPER transformative for you right now, there is a certain frequency a certain ‘air’ to the air…. And LOADED is taking deep advantage of this! We start tomorrow and the hardest, most ‘stuck’ darkest places of your Soul that have been long lain buried - are surfacing to be transformed to the LIGHT. We are going on a. 3 month journey taking you to places you’ve never been before so you can accelerate into places you’ve never felt before - besides your Dreams. It’s time Lightworker Queen, to rise into the Ancient Lineage you’ve been destined to Lead from. Click here, we start tomorrow: https://www.realityawareness.com/loaded