๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 20th October 2020
Oct 20, 2020
๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 20th October 2020
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there today from the Messages from your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle ๐ฎ๐ฆ
๐Transcendence ๐begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen.
We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole!
Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality.
It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before.
It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be.
It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of.
It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now.
It is here, you Master ๐Transcendence ๐to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now.
Are you coming into the vortex that is ๐Transcendence ๐?
Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
Card #1: Walrus. ‘Remain vigilant about the current situation: pay attention to signs and omens and let them dictate your choices.’
Hmmm, have you dropped the ball? Where do you need to pick it up and change things asap? What have you ‘pushed to the back burner’? It feels like you need to make all of this a priority right now and not let anything get in the way of this anymore. Time to say ‘no’! To all that is a distraction, all that… makes you resentful and completely choose to ONLY do what lights you up and makes you happy again. What have you been working for to create a certain life - but are not ‘there yet’ - because you think something else has to happen before you can? No. Not anymore. It is soooo important you put yourself first right now and don’t do anything that drains you, brings you down - and that includes hanging around people who are not on the same path as you - including family. Spend time with them for sure - but as soon as that starts bringing you down, or they go do their thing - you can do your thing. I feel like you’ve been getting signs and perhaps there has been a smack bang in your face realisation this past few days that you’ve needed to deeply pay attention to that you’ve - somewhat put off? I feel this was ‘seeded’ back in August - but you… stopped that? Why? Because other things became important? No. Nothing is as important as this thing on the back burner because THE thing on the back burner IS what is going to bring you what you are seeking, what you have… done all of this for in the first place. I am also getting something about diet - what is it that you need to change in this arena? I am sensing to not put this off any longer either, it feels way too important at this stage of the game, to really be putting this off too. You’ve already been getting the signs - are you listening?! Follow the signs - they are guiding you for a reason. Trust your heart and hold your ground on your boundaries on this one. Love xxx Transcendence begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen. We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole! Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality. It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before. It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be. It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of. It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now. It is here, you Master Transcendence to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now. Are you coming into the vortex that is Transcendence? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #2: Penguin. ‘The period of darkness that you’e been experiencing is now passing.’
‘Out with the old and in with the new!’ Is the sense I am getting here for you beautiful one! I feel like you are on the precipice of HUGE change right now - your life is going to look sooooo different in just a few weeks let alone a few months… you won’t know yourself. (Well, you will very well actually! ๐) I am wondering if right now in this moment, it feels a bit down, bit lost a bit like - what?! But at the same time - you KNOW what is around the corner and you are not giving up BECAUSE you know what is around the corner and around the corner is sooo exciting - you can feel it in your bones too. ‘The period of darkness that you’ve been experiencing is now passing’ - is sooo true - the light is here and breaking through and is about to bust through to be your ENTIRE experience. If you are breaking down and wondering when the tears will stop - know that this is the crumbling - the final release of the old that you have been working so hard to release for - sooo long. The Masculine structures are DEEPLY changing in your life right now… the foundations have been built and now you are integrating the change of the reality that you have created for yourself - or that is crumbling around you right now so you CAN live the life you have deeply known in your heart - you just haven’t been able to ‘see’ because this stuff is in the way if that makes sense? I feel like over the next two weeks, there might be lots more ‘ice’ melting so to speak, but also, what is happening is those frozen feelings that were stored deep down in there - are also coming up and out - those very old, ones that were buried LONG ago - from a situation that you didn’t have time to process you just to get up and on with it at the time. That is all coming out now, so allow this restructuring going on - because these foundations need walls baby - and that, is exactly what is going on here - you can’t have new solid foundations with an old structure to hold the new frequency coming in. The worst is now behind you - allow this new structure to be implemented in your life. There is a time for journaling and meditating on your hearts desires and then there is a time for ACTION - now? Is ACTION time baby. Love xxx Transcendence begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen. We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole! Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality. It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before. It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be. It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of. It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now. It is here, you Master Transcendence to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now. Are you coming into the vortex that is Transcendence? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #3: Spider. ‘Trust the creative spark you’re feeling and express it through writing stories that inspire and enlighten.’
Blogging, speaking your truth, writing a book, showing your creative flair - stepping it up to the next level is what this card is about beautiful one! Spider - Web - you have enough resources to take yourself to the next level and that time is NOW beautiful one! I feel that now is the time to put your knowledge into action for you - this web, is a whole new level and may feel scary - however, this creative spark and ideas that are coming to you - IS for a reason (of course!). If you get ideas and don’t implement - create the space so you can. You’re highly tuned in, you’re highly capable and you’re highly aware of these brilliant ideas, but the implementing might be a bit… stuck maybe?! Do you have your own web? In a sense of your own office, your own space to create, your own room to make your own - to allow this creative magic to flow through you? Very hard to make magic happen, when everything is put first, because we don’t even have our own little den to have everything set up at the go and ready - when that creative idea comes in! Maybe you have just set up your space, maybe you are in the middle of doing so, maybe you have been thinking about it - now is the time to put this idea (which is a creative idea ๐) into action beautiful one. Not only will you be able to put more into action from that, but you will also be able to ‘land’ more. Catch more in your web if you may. I built this business from my spare bedroom in my old house for 3 years. When I went on the road, I couldn’t ground the amazing ideas I was receiving, because I didn’t have the space to do it (plus driving all the time!). As amazing as it was to be able to do those road trips, it taught me the value of having my own office space where I can be creative and all is set up all the time, so we can do the things that bring our heart alive - namely implement those ideas that you are being given via your intuition. You are asking for help, asking for your prayers to be met and these ideas? Are the answers baby! So, time to create that space hey? Time to… implement! Just take one step everyday to allow the momentum to carry you forward and land all that you need in that web. Love xxx Transcendence begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen. We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole! Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality. It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before. It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be. It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of. It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now. It is here, you Master Transcendence to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now. Are you coming into the vortex that is Transcendence? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #4: Humpback Whale. ‘Music is essential to your healing and well-being, whether singing, playing an instrument or listening.’
Have you found new music lately? Increased your music listening time? Remembering how music brings you alive? Using music as a tool for manifestation purposes? You should be ๐ Whatever ‘music’ means to you - whatever music you listen to - it is important you listen to it. I feel that Humpback Whale is coming to you with an important message right now that music is elevating your frequency and that this is an important part of supporting you in shifting you and your purpose right now. Humpback Whale in the Liquid Crystals is Diamond and is Light Body - Activating Your Light Body. THIS is why music is sooo important for your Soul, your life and deeply supporting you through this hugely transitioning time for you. I am also getting the message that listening to Whale music/sounds itself and also ocean waves would be deeply healing for you at this time. Humpback Whale also travels a great distance and dives deep into the deep blue when they need to. Right now, you have been and are diving deep and this is being acknowledged by your Spirit Guides, your Higher Self, your Destiny and Life Purpose - is deeply coming into alignment right now, from this deep diving you have been doing. Stay your course and don’t give up - but know that the deeper a Whale dives, the higher they breach out of the water (well, I don’t know if that is true really! BUT you get the gist of what I am saying ๐). You are about to break through to new realities with what you are grounding through the music, through the high vibrational frequency you have come into deep alignment with, with the work you have been doing. Now is a time to trust and move forward deeply with this right now. Activating your Light body frequency - deeply comes with shedding away the old and worn out, it comes with waves of feeling faint and somewhat dizzy, it comes with waves of doubting yourself as you step (or swim!) Into unchartered waters that you just KNOW you have to go in, it is like you don’t have any other choice - more likely a non-negotiable really, but when you have physical body shifts, these are the old frequency leaving your body and new LIGHT being embedded into your system. Know that Humpback Whale and your Guides, have come to you today to make sure you know they deeply acknowledge the deep dive work you’ve been doing, deep in your subconscious (the deep ocean, represents deep subconscious so if you’ve noticed or been drawn to the Mermaid Realm lately - you’re right there baby! Or seeing Sea Creatures everywhere!) And that the breakthroughs you’ve been waiting and WORKING for - are just around the corner. Hang in there. Although - I am also getting the message you’ve been seeing and experiencing snippets of this too beautiful one. Follow the signs. Continue on. Love xxx Transcendence begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen. We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole! Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality. It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before. It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be. It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of. It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now. It is here, you Master Transcendence to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now. Are you coming into the vortex that is Transcendence? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #5: Octopus. ‘Practise shapeshifting by altering your physical appearance and mannerisms’.
Hmmm, I don’t know you need to change as such - but I feel that you already HAVE changed AND you have seen the way others perceive you in ways that… sometimes we break down crying about - realising that is they way they perceive you! WHAT?!?! Can be FULL ON at times and not a nice thing to walk through. I also feel that Octopus has come to you because you are coming into awareness of self of - who you really are, and awaiting that to ‘land’ and drop in right now too. You don’t just ‘become the person’ overnight - you evolve into the person and that is why - just like the Octopuses arms - is important to have ‘many fingers in the pies’ so to speak and be turning up AS you now - as you are today - not waiting until YOU’RE THE PERSON - for how can you become someone you think you should be - if you’re not owning the person you are now? If you are not truly embodying the person you are right now - how can you become the person you dream about becoming? I feel that if you have experienced people perceiving you in a certain way - it is because you are becoming conscious of your own perceived limitations and pushing into a whole other reality and dimension of your life right now - the old is shedding its skin. Make ink and squirt on outta there! Ha - Octopuses humour ๐คท๐ปโ๏ธ๐คฃ So, I feel that this card is coming to you - that you are indeed seeing yourself in a new light and perspective - you are really acknowledging who you are TODAY - and anything that is not who you really are, is releasing from your system. I am also getting the message that just in these recent weeks, if not this last week especially - many, many things near and dear to your heart have been in the forefront of your awareness or they have surfaced - that you buried because you didn’t know how or just knew it wasn’t time, or knew that there were a series of events that you had to walk through to get… where you are now - and realising recently that… you can do those things now! I feel this is part of the releasing of the old - of you seeing who you are now and that… you can become the person you’ve always dreamt of becoming - but it has come BECAUSE you are doing you now and can own this magical, powerful part of who you are today, knowing that you are evolving with every single step and every single breath - you are taking TODAY. Love xxx Transcendence begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen. We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole! Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality. It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before. It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be. It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of. It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now. It is here, you Master Transcendence to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now. Are you coming into the vortex that is Transcendence? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #6: Cardinal. ‘The polarities of your spiritual pursuits and physical pleasures are out of balance, so do whatever is necessary to bring them back into equilibrium.’
Hmmm, are you working too much and neglecting yourself or your family? Or are you spending too much time with family and not enough into your business right now? Or - what is it, that you KNOW is out of balance and keep getting signs to STOP and you just haven’t yet? Cardinal is also RED - STOP! Red also DEEPLY relates to the Base Chakra and we are heading into Base Chakra week and are needing to stop and bring ourselves into deep grounded self awareness - what IS out of balance? Where have you ‘dropped the ball’ in what you are being guided to do and just, haven’t made the time yet? Because we ALWAYS have time, it just depends on where we spend that time. What have you been working all your life for? To then, do you? To then, have the thing? Do the thing you always wanted to do? I am getting the message strongly - that, you are now at the place that you CAN do the thing - and breaking out of the mold of still doing the thing because that is what you have done for yyyyyeeeeaaaaarrrrrrsssss can take some discipline and pattern remoulding of the structures of how you make up your day, where and what you spend your time on during the days and really disciplining yourself to where you know you need to spend the time the most - which may be VERY different to where you have been especially these last 5-6 years especially. There is something that is being called for to come back into deep, deep balance - what is that? I am also sensing that back in 2011 especially - there was something that you were doing that - is a big part of what is trying to come back into balance now - what happened back then? And how does that relate to now? Also, parts of 2005 - I feel these threads are trying to come back into balance - something deeply related to your Heart… and your Life Purpose. Isn’t time to let your Purpose birth you, birth THROUGH you and.. become you? Love xxx Transcendence begins in just under two weeks - the most powerful portal of Transcendence you will experience as we go through one of the most powerful portals of energy that our Earth has ever seen. We start a day before our Full Moon Ceremony on Halloween/Samhain - one of the darkest portals on Earth time - and this is purposeful - so you don't get sucked down the black hole! Instead - are Transcended through to another reality in time and space that enables you to not fall away into the great abyss. It is here you Master Your Reality. It is here, you have shifts like you've never experienced before. It is here, that you step into the person you were always meant to be. It is here, that you Transcend any abundance webs that have been keeping you stuck in a loop hole that is sucking the life force out of you and you are just so darn tired of. It is here, that your Psychic development and Life Purpose are accelerated into a level you didn't know existed before now. It is here, you Master Transcendence to support the rest of your Life in a frequency that hasn't been received until now. Are you coming into the vortex that is Transcendence? Click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence