🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th September 2022
Sep 20, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 20th September 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Magical Mermaids and Dolphins Oracle Cards for you! 🧜♂️🧜♀️🐬
You know you can create your reality right?
You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right?
You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet.
You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this.
You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right.
That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: “You’re a born entrepreneur and your business is surrounded by magical opportunities.”
You create the opportunities - you know that. Success is something you create. It is a mindset, it is the way you hold yourself, it is the way you turn up for your day, it is the way you think about yourself and about life. But you know this. There are a couple of pieces with this card - ‘surrounded by magical opportunities’ - I feel there is an opportunity that you have been ‘lingering on’ that has been on your mind, it feels like it is something that has been inside your heart for quite some time, but it ‘hasn’t happened yet’. Don’t give up hope on your dreams - not that you would - but there are some goals, that seem so far out of reach, so far ahead that you just… almost gave up. But you haven’t. But it has been on your mind recently more so than not. Right now, you are going through a huge life transition - a huge career transition - and this, is birthing something - someone (you) from deep inside of you, that you haven’t stepped into yet. That you haven’t walked through or in yet. You’ve had glimpses of him/her, (you) but you haven’t fully engaged yet and I want to say - look out world when you do! It isn’t that you ‘haven’t done it yet’ and need to ‘get onto doing it’ - it is that I am getting the message of a deep synchronistic divine timing that plays a huge part into this. Right now you are transitioning out of an old life - but this is deep in your cellular being, deep in your DNA that is changing. If I could describe old generational patterns being removed from your DNA, so you can embody more light, health, wealth and love into the cells of your being - this is what is happening. Have you been sick recently or extra emotional? This is the purging coming out. Let the waves happen and let them roll through as you do. I am also getting that mindset is a big piece for you at this time. I know you know all about mindset, positive thinking and all that the law of attraction entails for you to create what you do. However, this is your ‘sign’ to up the anti with how you are going about using your mind at this time. There are big things happening in the world, drawing your attention and energy away from your business and your mind is your most powerful tool in creating what you want. This is your ‘sign’ if you’ve dropped the ball on what you want to create next using mindset and all the magical techniques of this realm that you know, then, time to get back to making that priority at this time. Enjoy where you are now, for sure.. but there is more and you want more, because it is who you are - so pick it up and make it happen. Love xxx You know you can create your reality right? You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right? You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet. You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this. You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right. That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school
Card #2: A New Dawn. “The worst is now behind you and positive new experiences are on the horizon.”
You may not feel like the worst is now behind you right now - and if that is the case, I am sensing that what is surfacing for you - is old. And no longer required in your vibration for one moment more. I am wondering if someone or something has been on your mind to reach out for help with? Have you been deep in a new healing modality that you have told ‘no one’ about? Have you been working with a mentor that deeply works in a healing modality that you have secretly wanted to experience, but haven’t gone there yet? Or perhaps you are in that right now? You have to remember when you are working through something - you will feel like shit! But the point is - you’re moving THROUGH it, because there is only one way to work through something - and that is THROUGH it. Head on. Facing it. And you ARE. That is why the worst is now behind you - because it is not sitting deep buried in your subconscious anymore creating a subconscious reality that you don’t actually want, but is a recreation of what you have always known. If there is a repeating patterns showing up right now, the message I am getting for you is no, it’s not repeating, it is clearing out and when we clean out a cupboard - there is a big mess as we sort through it. You’re not going crazy, you’re not losing your mind, you are cleaning out the cupboards of your Soul right now and that… will bring a New Dawn, faster than anyone can help you with. What you are facing right now - not many go to these depths of cleaning up and out of what you are right now. I am also getting the water - the ocean - the rivers - the lakes. This can either be, the emotions you are purging out of your body, mind and soul right now and/or that spending time at the ocean, river, lake or in water in general is going to be super supportive for your healing right now. Also, did something break or happen water related? A pump or cord/tube/pipe or something connected to water int his way break or happen recently? This is a sign of how you are navigating the ‘turbulent waters of your emotions’ is changing. After this clean out/purge and healing happening for you, you won’t have the same huge depths of healing to do (in a way) as you are right there, cleaning it out and changing how it functions therefore, ‘runs your life’ and won’t be this anymore. You are shifting. You are right in the thick of it right now, but soon you’re going to be able to think about that past situation and not have the same pangs of grief, sadness, loss and everything else that you’re wading through right now. You’re cleaning up the waters (emotions) of your life… so they are clear and sparkly to sail on once more. You’ve got this and you’re nearly through it, Hang in there and keep going. Love xxx You know you can create your reality right? You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right? You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet. You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this. You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right. That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school
Card #3: Simplify Your Life. “Eliminate clutter from your home and work life to balance the flow of activities.”
So interesting the first three cards of Tuesday Tarot this week have a similar theme of purging out, cleaning out and letting your past go through the wading deep waters of your wounded past that you are shifting out right now. This card for you, number three - Simplify Your Life - I am getting the message is more focused on paperwork, courses, finances, companies and all the devices and connections that you have to this. Have you felt drained or tired in your energy recently? Whilst tiredness can be for many reasons, choosing Card #3 today for you is your beacon of ‘this is what is happening’ to get sorted, so you are not being pulled down by life in many directions all at once and feeling like you are on a circular rat wheel and holding onto dear life because - phew! That will do. You can take back your power in this situation now. The only reason you feel like you have so many things pulling you in all different directions - is because - well, simply - you do! However, the sense I am getting here for you is that this is conscious now, because you are not only ready to deal with it and face it - you are also in a position where you are shifting from an old life to a new and these old connections and ties cannot stay in your energy filed, vibration and life anymore. You’re ready to face them, deal with them and say - NO MORE! It is like you didn’t realise they were pulling on your energy so much until now, but before now - it just felt normal and didn’t feel like this and the only reason that has changed, is because you have and are shifting to a new version of yourself and your life where well, you simply don’t have this much pulling on you anymore. Now is such a good time to look at who you are speaking to through most of the day, who you have around you, what devices need to be cleaned out, what energetic/online ties you have that need to be revised, reworked and shifted to a higher frequency - do they uplift you? Or bring you down? You have full permission to cut ties with anyone and anything that doesn’t uplift you. This includes financial ties, it includes people who you thought were friends and also family. You do not need to have anyone in your life that drains you or pulls you down. Take full responsibility for what you have created in your life, sort it out - yes, but strong boundaries, choosing where and when to place your time, energy, resources and money and let yourself be empowered by taking your power in all ways and all areas right now. Clean out your devices or get new ones, shift your energy by cleaning up all the things that are pulling on you right now. Our technology devices can hold so many threads, so make sure they are cleaned out, notifications only on specific ones you want so it is not beep, beep, beeping in your energy field (it should be on silent most of the time - your energy is sacred, treat it is as such) and let yourself come out of this renewed, empowered and ready tot take on the world. Love xxx You know you can create your reality right? You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right? You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet. You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this. You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right. That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school
Card #4: Yes. “Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.”
Yes. Just yes. You may be questioning - but ‘how’ and the logistics and even what you’ve seen so far and going ‘no’ - but the answer is actually yes. Your Intuition is correct. Trust that first initial piece and don’t let doubt, logic or anything else get in the way. The main part about this ‘Yes’ right now is trusting yourself - over anyone in your life right now. I feel you are coming into a time in your life of great immense empowerment, success and deep seated core beliefs strong in who you are and not letting anyone come in between you or who you are - ever again right? It feels like you have grown a strong internal core, that you are shining shimmering light in there, strong and tall like a mighty Oak Tree and nothing - nothing - can rock, shake or move that. But you didn’t get here without walking through fire, mud, lightning and more right? And no one, no one will ever understand that. And that - is why - the strong message here? Show the world who you are - not in a way of trying to explain who you are, where you’ve been or your story.. but… who you were born to be - who you came here to be. So, YES - your intuition is correct, for you to make these life changes and ‘come out and show the world who you really are’ and reality? Is it is just time for it. You couldn’t have done it any sooner than this, it is just divine timing and your place in this world is ripe for your taking. It is time for you now, not anyone else, not anyone else pulling at you or putting them first. You’ve take your power back in a way no body will also understand (because they have to walk though the fire for that and they well, haven’t right?) And it is correct for you to follow your intuition at this time - just like you used to before you got knocked down, just like you used to before you forgot who the fuck you are and are coming back in full force right now. Again, not in a forceful way, just owning who you are what you do way. This new version of you is sexy, hot, successful and respected all at the same time. You are an inspiration to people you do not even know, but you save them everyday by what you do, so step up, do what you were born to do, put pen to paper and go do the thing precious one - just YES. Love xxx You know you can create your reality right? You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right? You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet. You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this. You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right. That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school
Card #5: Rest. “You’ve been working hard. Take a nap and get some rest.”
I am getting such a strong sense of yes Rest, take it easy, stop for a while (stop?! No, we don’t stop!) However, this is in a sense of ‘you’re safe now’ - you can do your thing now. You can take it slower, easier, but it is more an internal shift and drive of ‘what’ I mean by ‘Rest ‘- of what is coming through on this card for you. You’re in a place where you are not run internally by fear anymore. You’ve shifted. Internally changed. You’re not running from abuse, trauma, drama and just… you’re safe now. If you have felt flat or like you’ve lost your mojo recently - this is what happens as you recalibrate from fear to love, from trauma to healed - there is a shift in frequency and the deep internal intention of your ‘why’ changes and this is something most mistake for a ‘throw it all in with the towel’ now. This is actually how we evolve and expand - when you step into a place of allowing yourself to move to the next level of expansion through understand the immense internal change you’re going through right now, you’ll understand you’re letting go of roles that you’ve played in relationship dynamics, you’re releasing, people, situations, behaviours and mindset beliefs that have been creating your reality to date… hence you definitely may be tired as sleep is the best healer and just like a toddler or teenager who is having a growth spurt who sleeps more… so to do you when you are going through a spiritual upgrade. So allow yourself to be gentle, take more naps and rest when you feel called to and know that this is such a deep internal shift going on for you right now. It is important to understand that this feels so big - because it is. This feels so huge, because it is. This is a shift in your entire reality right now and the pain of the past isn’t something that you will continue to experience in your future, hence why it is cleansing out and with a shift on internal intentional state from fear to safety - this is where your entire life changes, this is where you are moving into a place where dreams are created and reality is birthed… of your conscious choosing. So allow this space of ‘Rest’ and know that on the other side of this cocoon.. the life you’ve been living for this entire time, isa bout to come knocking on your door. Love xxx You know you can create your reality right? You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right? You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet. You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this. You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right. That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school
Card #6: Pay Attention. “Notice repetitious signs and your inner guidance as this can yield valuable information.”
Your ideas - are your Claircognisence. This s the Spiritual Organ of Divine Thought. It is the ‘magical’ thoughts that come out of the blue that are so brilliant you even ask why you didn’t think of it - because it literally came from your Soul, from Spirit, from Source, from Allah, from Archangel Uriel, who is the Archangel of Divine thought. He is the one who like a lightning bolt will jolt you into those ideas that bring you ALIVE again and suddenly everything feels amazing because it is the most brilliant idea you’ve had in a long = time and has given you an aliveness and drive that you haven’t felt before and it is amazing to feel this way again - that one - those feelings that accompany those amazing thoughts - these are the ideas you are being asked to pay attention to. The thing that is constantly on your mind, not in an obsessive way, but that keeps dropping back into your mind just gently, just softly, just… on your mind. That. Those ones. This. Is the Pay Attention. Your intuition is speaking to you and it is time you paid attention to and acted on those thoughts. Start putting it into practise, start by moving towards it - now - every single day. I am also getting the message that your thoughts hold extra power right now - so make sure you are thinking positively. If you have dropped your mindset routine, now is the time to pick it back up again and be so consistent and diligent about it that it is your highest most utmost priory to spend time on everyday. If you do not understand the power of your mind and how much it is influencing your reality right now, know that you are being guided and told that it is like a magic wand you are waving right now and literally can create anything you want to. You know how the last few years they have said that consciousness is rapidly increasing? That means, that the power behind it is - hence why you hold so much power right now to create the life you truly want, the one with ALL your dreams included in it. This, is the strong message you are receiving right now for this Card for you today. Pay Attention to the ones that bring you ALIVE - the feelings that are created from the thoughts that come to you AND - the feelings that are stirred and bring magic back into your day because you let yourself daydream and come into the power of your BEING - that, is what dreams are made of - by you DREAMING BIGGER and letting yourself know it is possible - why? Because you thought it baby - that means… it exists and you just don’t let anything come in your way UNTIL it becomes. THAT… is what it has always been about.. and you know this. So… time to get dreaming again - consciously, consistently, and make this your utmost priority - Every. Single. Day. Love xxx You know you can create your reality right? You know that a power exists beyond normal human ego life and you know you can wield that power into reality to create the life you want right? You know you sense energy, talk to angels, see signs of their presence every single day, you dream prophetic dreams and help people with your psychic skills even though you don’t get paid for it… yet. You know you are here for more and to shift our World to one that is what we know in our heart to be true and you know… that you were born for this. You know you are here to see the greatest shift on this planet that reality has ever seen… and that… is why you don’t fit into society have always been different and you’re ready to own that, stand up and claim it and be it right? Right. That… is what Trust Your Intuition Training School is all about. It is exactly, what it was born for - the greatest shift humanity has ever seen, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition-training-school