🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 21st December 2021
Dec 21, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 21st December 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Messages From The Fairies Oracle Cards 🧚🏻♀️
You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form.
Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise.
If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Debt Paid Off – ‘The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from you and your life’
Hmmm, I’m getting the message for this card, it’s done. It’s done. Whatever you’ve been working for, whatever you have been working towards, whatever you’ve been slaving away at, it’s done. You don’t need to push anymore, you don’t need to struggle anymore. This is a butterfly, on this card, a butterfly fairy, "The old weight and habit of debt is lifted from your life." You don’t have to push yourself out of the cocoon anymore. You have flown free, you have left the coop, so to speak. So, I’m wondering if you have made any changes? Have you moved house, or have you left an organisation? Where have you broken out of an old cocoon? Have you broken out of an old cycle? It just feels like it’s done now, and your wings are literally flying free, like you have left the coop. There is green on this card with the bushes that she is flying around and I’m getting the sense that your heart is free now. There is also the lily flowers on this card as well and it’s like your heart is free and you can fully bloom now. Whatever has been holding you back is just not there anymore. I also feel and sense and want to say there is a part where, don’t be the slave who the chains have been taken off and you are still doing the same things. When we break out of old cycles, when we break out of the cocoon, when we break out of an old way of doing things, we can sort of stay there not realising that we are free. I feel with this debt paid off card for you, it’s encouraging you to spread your wings and fly to new horizons. Do things you haven’t done before, step outside of your comfort zone, ask that person on a date, do that thing that’s been on your mind. Stop putting it off for a later time. Pushing outside your comfort zones and pushing beyond the boundaries of all you have ever done before is also where this card is coming from. You can fly to that horizon now. Stop standing at the end of the cocoon. You are free now. You can let go now. So yes, this also means financial rewards and literally the debt has been paid off. This also means sSoul contracts have been released as well. They are done. You don’t need to dredge up those old relationships anymore, those soul contracts have been completely finished. A new land awaits you. You might already be sitting on it, you might already be in it but there is also a new horizon on the sea. This card is a strong message to stop holding back. If this was your last day on Earth, what do you wish you would do? You are definitely free now, free of the contracts, free of the past relationships, free of the debt, free of the push, free of the struggle, free of the pain, it's time to set yourself free now. Are you going to allow yourself to experience that level of freedom that you’ve been working so hard to experience? Definitely about freedom on this card for you! Focus on the horizon and head towards that destination. Stop looking behind you to the empty black cocoon hole. Grieve, of course, it but it's time to turn towards the Sun. The Sun is also deeply connected to the Solar Plexus and taking back your power and it feels that at this time that is a big part of what you are stepping into with the 'debt paid off'. The contracts, the soul contracts, the financial contracts, whatever other contracts, mortgage, house, you’ve set yourself free now. It's done. Let yourself embrace it and choose to enjoy because that is what you have been working towards isn’t it? Love xxx You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form. Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise. If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Ask For What You Want – ‘Let the Universe and other people know what you need.’
You are safe to allow yourself to have what you really want. The dandelions on this card that the little boy fairy is about to make a wish, is literally make a wish and let your dreams come true. The dandelion also is deeply connected to the liver. Does your liver need a detox? Your liver is also right there on your Solar Plexus. Where do you need to take your personal power back and stop thinking that you are not worthy of having the exact things that you really want, in love, in relationships, in career, in finance, in your environment, in your living situation, in your health, in your wellness, in everything that you want? I’m getting the strong sense with this card for you to be able to draw on a piece of paper a big circle, or write a list, of every single area of your life. Right now, on the 21st of December, this is Solstice, this is a turning point, this is a new beginning, don’t wait for the 1st of January, now is the time to set your intentions, now is the time to act on them. Live today as if it were your last, in the sense that this is your new year today. 'Ask For What Want'. Don’t be shy, don’t hide away anymore, really take back your power and let your Solar Plexus shine as bright as the sun, which is the sun, the yellow of the Solar Plexus. It is safe for you to be powerful, it is safe for you to own what you want, it is safe for you to have what you want, it is safe for you to go after the biggest, the most audacious desires that your heart and soul need. This is also going to activate, by you allowing yourself, by you truly giving yourself permission to truly to have the most audacious, incredible spectacle life that you can imagine, it not only activates your Solar Plexus it activates your Sacral, it activates your Base and it shatters any realities that have held you back until this date. Right now you are at a pivotal turning point of your life. Blocks have been removed, hesitation and fears and doubts are being dissolved, you are literally stepping into a new vortex of your life. Let yourself own the power of who you are, like the Goddess and God that you are. You are here to do big things. To do big things requires big things. You do not need to be worthy of these audacious big things, you are innately worthy because you breathe, and you exist with life in your heart. This card is deeply connected to the heart as well, there is lots of green on the card and if you have been disappointed in love, romance, relationships, friendships, career, finance or anything else that is a thing of the past, just like the little fairy boy is blowing off the dandelion wishes, so to have all the pain of your past been blown away in the wind to allow the anchoring in of your Higher Self, to embody who you really are. It is safe for you to ask for what you want - are you going to take a moment to do that now? Many time we forget to ask. This card is asking you to remember to ask and ask and ask. Set reminders on your phone and ask multiple times a day. You can not ask Spirit, Angels, God and the Universe for too much help. It is your birthright to ask for help. Are you going to? Love xxx You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form. Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise. If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Emotional Healing – ‘As your heart heals of old emotional pain, you receive new blessings and love.’
A lot of Heart Chakra through cards 1, 2 and 3 today. I am getting the sense that your vision towards relationships is changing. Something has changed for you. You are no longer putting yourself last, you are no longer letting others dictate your sense of self-worth. Have you made a declaration, a vow or something similar to yourself? Have you declared it to the Universe just recently? Have you vowed that you will never do such and such again? Have you vowed a declaration of actually who you are? Have you vowed a declaration of the Sovereignty of the person you are becoming and stepping into and that is the only reality that you experience and tolerate from this moment forth? What has changed inside of you? If there is still grief - there are lots of water droplets falling off her arms on this card, if there is still tears to come out, let them flow. Or have you put your blood, sweat and tears into something and then you just upped and changed it all? But you're good at that right? As your 'heart heals of old emotional pain you receive new blessings and love'. I feel there is two parts to this card, there is two different people reading this card, there is ones that are grieving the loss of a lot that is going on in their life right now and there are ones that have grieved already a huge chunk and are stepping into their power with a huge declaration to the Universe of your Sovereignty, of the person you are becoming, of the light that you are allowing yourself to shine brightly into the world, of the very strong strength, determination and courage that you have found within you through the loss and the pain that you’ve gone through and you are now standing on your own two feet ready to show the world who you really are or perhaps you have already been doing this? The message is clear here. There is a wave of new opportunities coming in for you. The more you release the old pain, which some of you already have, there is a wave of blessings, opportunities and love about to wash up on your shore. Open your arms to receive and let the magic guide you. This is also a message to amplify your meditation routine. Has your meditation practice dropped? Have you stopped doing the thing that is good for you? Just because it is a busy time of year it doesn’t mean you stop those things that amplify your Sovereignty, that give you the strength and the courage and that connection to the Source of All things. Increase your meditation practice. Increase your self-care practice during this time, even if it is just a committed disciplined routine of 10 minutes. It can yield wonders when we are going through a busy time in our lives. I’m also getting the message that there is something that is just hanging on by a thread. What is those final things to let go of? Your heart knows the truth of what it is. Let yourself grieve these last little threads and know that there is so much Light coming in for you. You will be grateful that you have released all this pain from your heart for the Love that is about to turn up on your shore far outweighs the pain that you have ever experienced to date. Keep the faith. Open your arms wide to receive. You are safe as you step into this new venture, new relationship, new career, new horizon, new avenue that you have chosen. You are on the right path, your heart led you here in the first place, remember? Love xxx You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form. Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise. If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Practice, Practice, Practice – ‘With daily practice, you can polish your skills and talents and increase your confidence.’
I’m getting the strong message that with this card, this is really about your career in some way shape or form. These are your natural gifts, talents and abilities that you innately have. These are like your childhood dreams, these are the things you wish you had done, these are the things that for some reason you stopped, or held back, or got told you weren’t good enough or shouldn’t do that. This card is the strong message that your heart, (so much heart messages on these cards today!), this is a message that your innate gifts, skills and abilities are calling forth you to dedicate a practice, practice, practice, to fine tune, hone, taking classes of, learning more about, getting a mentor, someone who can guide you with these skills and practices to amplify what it is that is trying to come out of you. This is something that you love doing. This is something that is so natural for you. This is something that you are almost shy about to the world and other people, its almost something that you keep hidden to yourself, but it is something that brings you alive, like singing for example, its like you sing at the top of your lungs in the car but you wont sing in front of people. This is something that is wanting to come out of you. Perhaps it's not singing for you, perhaps it’s a different gift, skill, talent or ability. Whatever it is I imagine you are knowing what it is as you are reading this. Dedicate a disciplined practice to learning more about this skill, this talent, this ability that you have for it is calling forth to come out in 2022. 222 this is the 'have faith' number. Have faith that you have this innate gift, skill or ability for a reason and that it is calling you to take action on furthering your knowledge in this area. It will lead you down a path that will open your heart wider and lead you to opportunities and situations that you wouldn’t have come across if you didn’t follow this innate calling. I’m also getting the message about grounding - Base Chakra and grounding. There are a lot of red flowers on this card and the grounding of your gifts, skills, talents and abilities is solidifying your Base Chakra and is allowing your Base Chakra to blossom, bloom and strengthen. Base Chakra relates to finances, security, physical reality, sexuality, life purpose, career, physical relationships, physical environment. If you are looking for the answer to what is going to shift your physical reality, it can be found in following your innate gifts, skills, talents and abilities and taking courses, finding a mentor, practicing, practicing, practicing on a consistent basis throughout 2022, maybe you've just committed to this and this is confirmation for you, maybe this is your sign that what you've been contemplating is the correct path for you. This is the answer to shifting your current situation, is to focus on following the pathway that leads you to the calling of your Soul. That thing that you love doing, that you’ve hidden away, that thing you did as a child, remember? And if you don’t remember right now, or if it didn’t come to mind just notice over the next couple of weeks what you start doing or thinking about naturally. What do you do and then catch yourself and then you’ll remember, that’s right that’s what this card said, this is what I love doing, this is what I WANT to do. As you increase your practice your skills increase and so too does your confidence. What is it that you need to practice, practice, practice and commit to, through from now and throughout 2022 and beyond? Love xxx You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form. Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise. If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Everything’s Okay – ‘Don’t worry. It's all working out in a beautiful way.’
Don’t worry, pray, as they say. However, I feel like you have been quite anxious, or something is underneath agitating you or unsettling you or you just can’t seem to find that Peace again. Something is really unsettling you, it's really agitating you, something is just not working for you anymore. What is that? I feel like this card is also coming to remind you of what is not in alignment. Have you gone back to old habits, old patterns, old relationships, old situations because I feel deep down you know that this isn’t aligned for you anymore and I feel that there is a part of you that is still holding on and/or has gone back to this situation? That undertone of agitation is misalignment. It is simple that you have stepped back out of flow. You’ve gone against your intuition by going back to this unhealthy situation. You know deep down that it isn’t correct. Why did you go back? Perhaps it was out of habit, perhaps there was unfinished business, perhaps you just did because that’s what your heart said to do and now you are like, well this also isn’t right, why did my heart guide me, perhaps you are having trouble trusting your intuition, perhaps you are struggling with remembering that this isn’t the way. Stop beating yourself up. Stop worrying and not just start listening to your intuition, but start taking action on it. The fastest way to come back into alignment is to simply follow your intuition. Don’t beat yourself up for going back to a situation that you are questioning again. Don’t do that! You went back for whatever reason and each time that you do that you get stronger in not going back. Each time you do that you learn something. Perhaps there was unfinished business and perhaps you will never know. Don’t look back as they say, you aren’t going that way. Don’t worry, pray. Pray for the strength to get back on course, pray for the strength to listen and act on your intuition, pray for the strength to walk away. Do you have goals? Do you have a vision? Do you have a plan? Perhaps you are sad because you thought that person was in your plan but that’s not God’s plan, or the Universes plan and perhaps that breaks your heart. At the end of the day, to let go means to grieve. Is there a well of grief that needs to come out of your heart? Are you angry at yourself for doing it again or why does this always happen? That is also part of the grieving process, to question, the whys, the what ifs. Everything is okay, don’t worry, its all working out in a beautiful way. I am getting the sense that you will soon understand the reason why all this happened. I’m getting the sense that soon you will start to see the bigger picture. January is going to be a big month for you. Take extra care of yourself. January will be a big month in a positive way but take extra care of yourself. There are big positive changes coming. Don’t worry, pray. If you are needing that guidance, if you are needing to wonder how it is all going to work out, don’t worry, pray. Focus all your energy on your vision. Focus all your energy on where you’re going. Focus all your energy and all you “worry” into your vision, into your manifestation practices, into your prayers. 'It's all working out in a wonderful way'. When we worry, we filter that energy into the manifestation, and it dismantles it and shatters it and pulls it apart. When we pray, we are focusing on what we want. When we’re visualising and we are with our dedicated practice to our desires, all that energy goes into that. There is a duality, it's either positive or negative. Which one are you feeding? Worry is negative, praying/visualising/manifesting is positive, is the vision you want. Now more that ever you are being guided to focus your unwavering, dedicated, positive intent into the only thing that you are available for moving into 2022 and beyond. Don’t worry, pray - 'Everything’s okay, it's all working out in a beautiful way'. You do trust the Universe and your Life Purpose plan for your life, don’t you? Love xxx You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form. Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise. If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Pregnancy – ‘The birth of a child brings great blessings to you and the world.’
There is a Full Moon on this card. What happened on the Full Moon? Was there a change in direction for you? Did something significantly shift that you didn’t expect it too? Whilst this card is definitely about the birth of a new child, perhaps you have heard news of a pregnancy for yourself or for somebody you know. This card also represents the birth of new beginnings. There is a part of this card that I feel is a change in direction for you. Something that you didn’t see coming has suddenly landed in your lap, could quite literally be a baby, however, as mentioned - new beginnings. Whatever significant change or shift that happened on the Full Moon just a couple of days ago, or leading up to the Full Moon, has set you into a new course that is going to bring, as it says, 'Great blessings to you and the world'. This change is a positive shift in your life, there are also greater things coming. Just as a pregnant mother gets a bigger and bigger belly as the baby grows, and just as the child is born and it continues to grow with the effortless flow of the Universal life force. We don’t make a baby grow, a baby just grows, even when the child is born, we don’t make the child grow, it just grows - the Universe takes care of that. Sure, we feed it and care for it just like we would the flowers in the garden, however there is a greater force at play here. There is a Universal life force running through you and through our entire cosmic world, through our entire world, through our entire life. This cosmic string that guides you, leads you. Your desires are rapidly coming true. Now more than ever you are being asked to hold the faith. There are 'great blessings to you and the world' on its way. It is important at this time that you remember that anything that changes, and shifts is for your higher good. ‘Everything is always working out for my highest good. I am always in a synchronistic flow of life. I am always at the right place at the right time. Everything I need turns up for me. Everything I require is here.’ You might have a few sticks or twigs in your hair of remnants of the past, but it feels like you are more focused on your future than ever before. It feels like the Sun is shining on your face and you don’t even notice the shadow anymore. I feel like you have made a decision to turn towards the light. I feel like you have had a big shift in your heart. I feel like there is some big let go or shift that has occurred to you that has allowed you to drop deep into the power of the synchronistic flow. Sure, you’re still manifesting, you’re still doing your thing but that is just who you are now. It is easy for you now. Let yourself rest along this path. Just as a pregnant mother has more emotions and hormones and life force flowing through her, so too does she take more rest. Take better care of yourself on this path towards the light and you will be rewarded with ever radiating, luminescent essence that sparkles and shimmers wherever you turn. Your light has gotten brighter. Whatever has let go of you, whatever you have let go of, whatever you have just walked away from, whatever has shifted deep inside your being has allowed this flow of this radiant luminescent light, this essence of who you are to be the core and forefront of your being. Embrace this new cycle. Embrace this new birthing. There is still a road ahead, but that is always the case, however, this time the sun is on your face. Let your Soul shine through. You are beautiful and growing. I feel you are deeply protected at this time. The more you allow the light to shine on your face, the more that radiant, luminescent, essence strengthens every part and every place. Be soft, be gentle but be strong and be bold. Your radiant Heart has healed allowing ever greater love to enter - the more you step forward with the sun on your face. What does 'the Sun on your face' mean? Whatever practices you have implemented that make you glow, shine, come alive with life again, that make you feel GOOD - do more of that - THAT is the Sun shining on your face. 'The birth of a child brings great blessings to you and the world'. The birth of this new cycle is a powerful one for you. On our Solstice, the shift is significant for you. Let yourself be radiant, let yourself be humble, let yourself feel the blessings that you are receiving at this time. Past is irrelevant. The past has been burnt out of your system. Your radiant luminescent, essence is the potency of this new cycle that 'brings great blessings to you and the world'. Smile, life gets better from now on in. Love xxx You know you are born for more, you know there is MORE to this life, you know you have a Gift - of some sort. You feel different and know you are here, to change humanity, to use your healing gifts to support the changes, let alone, support the New Earth to Thrive in some way shape or form. Psychic Development excites you, Intuition Ignites you and you know you are ready for more, to fully commit and take your life and your Life Purpose into - something you do for a living, to thrive through this time of great collapse, you know this is your time to rise. If you know this is your time, if you can feel the exponential changes arriving on your doorstep and are ready to Accelerate Your Life Purpose, click here for all the details, Life Purpose Accelerator, applications are open for those ready to invest in themselves spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically to create 2022 - the year that truly aligned them to their Life Purpose and beyond: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator