🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 21st July 2020 🔮
Jul 21, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 21st July 2020 🔮
There are so many Archangel Gabriel cards that came through today! Deep Sacral Chakra, Deep Womb Clearing, Deep Generational Clearing and Healing of the long held wounds in our subconscious and generational lineage feels to be at the forefront of what we, as a collective are shifting and moving into and out of at the moment.
Archangel Gabriel, being very connected to the Sacral Chakra and the Sacral Chakra is Orange.
Our Sacral Chakra holds deep memories, old and long lost memories, from this lifetime, previous lifetimes and generational lineages.
Our Sacral Chakra/Womb, is also where we give birth either a baby or our desires, no matter if you're male or female - this is where we gestate our Life Purpose and it feels that this is shifting out of our body, consciousness and Soul memory in a big, big way.
So those that are willing to take the leaps of faith, their Soul desires are calling forth of them, then those are the ones that will FLY during this time and forever more. 'Lift Off' is here - but the question is, will you take it?
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages streamed through for you today from the Archangel Power Tarot Deck 🔮
There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business.
This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course.
All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Knight of Gabriel. Confident, Enthusiastic, Courageous, Charismatic. ‘Time to take action! Great passion for a cause. Instinctively knowing just what to do.’
‘You have a very important mission. If you’re feeling alone or isolated at this time or want to be alone/on your own, it is because your best work is done alone and this is why you are where you are currently at. Focus on your mission at this time and let everything else take care of itself’ - of course, with taking the actions and responsibilities needed to fulfil your physical reality responsibilities and tend to them with care. That message came through strongly when I saw this card for you dear Soul. ‘Time to take action! Instinctively knowing just what to do.’ - I also feel that you are way more intuitively connected and run your life via your intuition, down to the foods you eat and the way you care for yourself, the divine synchronicities that show up in your life are a result of this connection to Source that you have. I also feel that there is a part of you that has been channeling great work recently and that you have been feeling quite on track, even though at times there are waves of ‘wow, seriously this is happening in my life?’. Have you felt like the world has dropped out under your feet recently? Or that you have swung back into old patterns/habits? This card is Archangel Gabriel and deeply relates to the Sacral Chakra - gestating your reality, your dreams, your life purpose, or perhaps you are physically preparing for a baby in your womb/sacral chakra. I am also getting the message that generational healing/clearing/recalibrating right now would be helpful (you can use my Divine Balance Meditations for that). I am also sensing that it is time to ‘buckle down’ and get things done right now, don’t let the distractions pull you off centre, make a plan and get them done - your Life Purpose is awaiting you! If there are physical responsibilities you need to tend to as priority to create the physical and energetic space to be able to work solidly on your purpose work, then of course, do that - the key is following what you intuitively know you need to do, make a plan, a schedule, stick to it and work on/towards it daily. Love xxx There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course. All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #2: Six of Ariel. ‘Material needs get fulfilled in magical and unexpected ways. Acts of kindness. Giving or receiving with a grateful Heart.’
Do you live in a reality where you believe that money comes easily and effortlessly, that money turns up in expected and unexpected ways, that money flows to you from all avenues and many different directions and that you are deeply supported in all ways? If not, those words I just wrote, become your mindset and train of thought every single breath you take. I am sensing though, that money is flowing a lot more effortlessly than it once did for you? I feel you have been working on changing your thoughts and your reality has started shifting in chunks and waves of abundance and now, it is that you are looking for a steady increase? I am also sensing that over the next two weeks, lots of abundance from many expected and unexpected sources does flow to you - so open your arms to receive! I do also feel you have had this in the past month as well? So, yes to financial support, but I also sense that for you, there is also a shift in how much you are receiving in general? I feel you have shifted in so many ways, especially over this eclipse season and have moved into greater levels of receiving OR are deeply working on the Matriarchal healing, which is where we RECEIVE and let in abundance, love and all the things we are wanting to manifest in our lives. I am also getting the message of ‘Money Management’ here too - do you track your income/expenses? If someone asked you about your finances, could you roll it off your tongue with ease, or you have no idea where you are at with your money? You would be so aware of the Law of Attraction right? That, whatever we focus on grows and expands, no matter if positive or negative? THIS also applies to money - focus on your money and watch it grow. When we are tracking, looking and focusing on our money, our income and expenses on a daily basis, you are sending a strong message to the Universe - of what you are focusing on of course! Which enables the Universe to bring you more of what you are focusing on from expected and unexpected sources, and of course we want, need and would love to have more money - so are you doing this seemingly simple task? It can be hard at first to focus on our money daily, especially if it is not where we want it to be, let alone the generational threads of belief systems about money! However - just like anything, the more we give it time, energy, focus, dedication, practise - then it becomes a new normal habit in our lives and who doesn’t want more money to support the true lifestyle you want to live? So, are you managing your money? Or does it all go as soon as you get it? How willing are you, to start looking at your money, sending it love, gratitude and managing it everyday with care? What message do you want to be sending to the Universe? That you care for your money? Or that you turn a blind eye to it? Because whatever you do, the Universe will reflect and respond in kind, so which choice would you like to choose here? Archangel Ariel is the Angel of Abundance. Imagine starting to look at and manage your money from today and that chunk of money that is due to arrive in the coming days and weeks - increases because you have poured your love, focus and energy on what you already have today. Imagine that! Want to try it? You’ve got nothing to lose right? Love xxx There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course. All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #3: Ten of Gabriel. ‘Ask your angels for helpful people to lighten your load. Working too many hours. Trying too hard to please others.’
Ah, well this card says it all doesn’t it?? I don’t think I need to say anymore here 😉 However, of course I will 😊 Because, what is coming through is that I feel you are starting to shift this load - even if it is just figuring out what you need to hand over, let go of and move on from so you can create a flow and rhythm where you can hand things over with ease and grace right? I am also getting the message about ‘remembering to ask for help’ - I feel that you do, but then you keep forgetting to ask for help, from the Angels, constantly? I am also sensing a change coming up for you - whether you are consciously planning this or in the midst of this, it is a life changing huge change for you and will recalibrate you out of this ‘working too much’ ‘busyness’ that you have found yourself in and will allow you to shift into a higher frequency of receiving and indeed ‘lighten the load’. The other message I am getting with this card here for you, being Archangel Gabriel, is deeply connected to the Sacral Chakra and Womb and this may seem like it doesn’t make sense, but the I am getting the message to look into some Masculine Healing for yourself and from/with your generational lineage (you can use my Divine Balance Meditations for this). When we work, work, work, in constant go, go, go mode, that is an overdrive of the Masculine energy and we can burn out very quickly, feel like life is a burden and struggle all the time during this energy that is switched on. This can be ‘on’ from constantly having to do everything yourself, whether you are in a relationship or not and this energy is very much stems from trauma and abuse from childhood - which brings me back to the Womb and Sacral Chakra. Whether you are male or female, this energy can be in overdrive and is where men have heart attacks, not stopping at all and in constant do mode to provide and where women have issues with the thyroid or other hormonal issues being out of balance. This can stem from childhood wounds of being lumped with adult responsibilities as a child and fun and play were non-existent (what is that? Play? I don’t know what that is!) Or that we didn’t have either a Mother or Father around and had took the role of caring for everyone or, doing things for others to receive love from them, only if we did the thing. Therefore, roles of being there for everyone but yourself, puts you in a state of constant flight or fight, which is exhausting in itself, let alone being able to receive anything you’ve been working hard for in the first place! There is an easier way - and that starts with asking for help, whether from your Angels, Support People, Counsellors, Healers, Friends and Mentors - who get it (don’t ask those who will put you down!) And this is where you start opening the door to changing your energy from go go go burnout mode, to a supportive environment that you can actually enjoy - which is, why you are doing all the work in the first place right? So, what is the first step for you - who is the first person you need to start asking for help to start shifting this pattern for you, so you can learn to love and enjoy life? (Yes, it is possible!) Love xxx There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course. All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #4: Three of Gabriel. ‘Prosperity arising from wise planning. Time to take the next step. Optimistic plans that turn out as expected.’
Ah, this is such a confirmation card it feels like for you today! Plus, this is almost a spur on from Card #2 about managing your money! So interesting these have come up today for you - well, Card #4 for you and this, is definitely a confirmation card. I am also getting the message of ‘Sail Away’ - are you moving? Travelling overseas? Are you shifting to a different location OR is this representative in your business? Is your business shifting to the next level or have you had to be creative and pivot your business due to the world stuff? Are you finding creative ways to make your dreams happen - or are you just keeping your head above water? Regardless, I feel like the hard yards you have put in are about to pay off - so hang in there if you are feeling like you are treading water or on the treadmill right now. A big change is coming for you - ‘Sail Away’ - the wind has you under Her wings and are about to ‘lift off’ in the new direction. I feel that once this ‘lifts off’ everything will happen super fast for you and shift rapidly in the direction of your dreams in ways that you didn’t expect. I am sensing a new opportunity will arrive for you too - from a somewhat expected source, but it also comes out of the blue for you too. If this opportunity feels overwhelming or you feel fear come up because you don’t know how you would even do it - but you KNOW this is the direction you’re meant to go in and jump on that ship (like in the image on the card) - then JUMP on it and figure out the how later. There is always time to figure out the how later on, but much harder to change your no to the opportunity into the yes when you’ve already said no. I am sensing this is a time to spread your wings and fly, leave the nest so to speak, so I wonder if you have been cutting family ties, setting stronger boundaries and walking away from relationships that have been draining your energy for far too long? (or need to?). I feel that you have been right in moving away from what no longer serves you and it is like the rope from the dock to the ship has been cut (or needs to be) and will set you free, so you can sail much faster that still being tied to that dock! 😉 So I do feel that with this card, it is confirmation for you - that all of your hard work, is about to pay off in a big way for you and/or that you are needing to release more relationships/threads/locations that will free you completely to sail without stopping so to speak. ‘Prosperity arising from wise planning’ - don’t stop beautiful one, this is deep confirmation that what you are doing is correct and all is about to be set free for your new life to ground in for you in a big, big way. Love xxx There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course. All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #5: Seven of Gabriel. ‘Stand up for what you believe in! Have confidence. Claim your personal power.’
Ah, when I saw this card, so many messages streamed in for you - from, stand your ground, stay true to what you believe, walk away - no - RUN away from naysayers and find your tribe that will support you with all your endeavours, raise your boundary standards HIGHER, let go of what is holding you back, release, be free, and do what you were born to do, don’t give up - keep going, keep pushing harder - UNTIL you make it - continue on and fly higher beautiful one! Super strong messages here - but the boundaries thing and increasing the standards for yourself? IS the key that has been awaiting you to unlock the door to your destiny and say YES once and for all. When you hear ‘increasing your boundary standards’ - what is it that comes to mind for you? What is that you need to let go of, set yourself free from? I am also getting the message for you - these great big wings on the Pegasus on this image is really strong and - have you recognised your own big wings recently? Have you found your voice again? Have you stood up for yourself lately and held your ground in a way that has ‘shook the Earth’ and moved mountains in a small amount of time? I am also getting the message on this card for you today, something about a boyfriend, or someone who is like a boyfriend - maybe an ex, but I feel it is more a current partner or someone who is like a boy friend for you - what has standing your ground, raising your boundary standards and shifting to higher ground got to do with this person? What are you needing set from from this person or set free together doing… what? I feel like this situation has given you a knock to your self esteem, self worth and self confidence lately, but it feels like this has given you huge reassess, recalibrate time that you have pivoted, shifted who you are and made big changes to your life that is giving you a new lease on life (or that is coming and about to become clear for you) - as right now, this card is asking you to remember who you, stand true to your own boundaries and value systems, of what is important to you and don’t drop them for anyone. If a relationship or pathway is over, let it go and let your wings come back to set you on the right path and direction for you, but don’t drop your standards and values or that will only breed resentment int he long run. But… you already know this right? So, what direction, allows your wings to help you to soar again? Remember who you are beautiful Soul, you are worth it, but you must own your own worth first, before anyone else truly sees you, you must see yourself, who heartedly. Love xxx There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course. All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #6: New Beginnings. Archangel Jeremiel. ‘Starting a new life. Finding your purpose. A forgiving and compassionate review of the past.’
Ah, this card, feels similar message, rolling off from Card #5, and I will repeat this bit here - what are you needing to let go of, or are in the process of letting go of to set yourself free and walk in the direction of your new life? This card, coming to you today, I feel is confirmation of the place you have reached in your life, the level of stuff you have worked through to reach the point you are at now and I feel you are ‘walking away’ and ‘letting go’ from a place of love and gratitude, rather than a ‘disgusting need to get it out of your life’ type energy. This in itself is a huge shift - but this energy of releasing, is also the highest frequency and fastest way to manifest your reality! This ‘starting a new life’ I feel is something you have been working towards for quite some time and has come at a time in your life where you can truly let go and serve your tribe at higher levels and be able to move forward with confidence with what you are doing in and with your life. I am sensing a new beginning with a parter, home, relationship or career entering your life too. The world might have been rumbling beneath your feet for quite some time, but I feel you are going to be ‘grounded’ soon (or already have just reached this point), where you can truly allow yourself to spread your wings and fly on the next level of your life. Family life takes priority and you put yourself first for the first time in this lifetime with what you are desiring and this has a positive effect on your life. It feels like you have been waiting and wondering when, and finally it is time to take flight (even if you’re grounded) and ‘ground’ into your gift, your purpose work, your reason for being at this stage in your life. Again, that message - the ‘uneasy’ ground, has come through again and so if things have felt rocky or are rocky right now, this will soon past and the smooth road, begins to appear each and every day. The light is there, so hang in there, this is the beginning of a new life and this take an adjustment time to sink into, so continue to trust yourself and know that the more gratitude you give to your past as you let all of these threads go, the more you will unwind and unravelling into a new grounded sense of self that is starting to pour through for you too. Archangel Jeremiel is deeply connected to the Third Eye and I am getting the message to trust your visions at this time, what you are seeing and the gentle, subtle, repetitive messages you keep sensing are true and correct, keep trusting yourself as all is on divine path, exactly as it is meant to be right now. Love xxx There are only a few days left to get in for Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business. This is over the shoulder training of watching me work, so you can step by step, be setting up every step of the way, your online business and be completely set up by the end of the course. All the tech, but all the crucial energetic elements that enable you to shift to the successful conscious entrepreneur that you are. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business