๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 21st March 2023 - Equinox ๐
Mar 21, 2023
๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 21st March 2023 - Equinox ๐
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Whispers of the Ocean oracle ๐
Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere!
As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
It is the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle that was used today, you can click here to get your own oracle deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3lopeMc
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
Card #1: Shared Inspiration. “Throw yourself into a new project. Be wiling to let go of time constraints and rules and really be aware of whatever fulfils your heart.”
Even it may not be a new project for you - this could also something that has been on your mind that you’ve been wanting to finish for a long time now… and this - is what needs to be finished. This project is going to change the trajectory of your life, close of an old chapter and see a destiny open up to you that of course, wouldn’t be there if you didn’t finish the thing! So, what is that for you? “Be willing to let go of time constraints and rules.” This is your permission slip to completely immerse yourself in a project right now to bring it to completion. Sure, there is balance and tending to physically reality and then there is complete immersion to get the thing done. If you have the opportunity to completely immerse yourself in your project, this is your sign - to do that. It feels like ‘amongst’ this project being completed, you are being shown aspects of your Soul that you have forgotten about, that you… had to put to the side to complete this phase of your life and this digging back up and completing this long awaited project is showing you parts of your Soul that you love, that is pulling you back to you and that you can thrive on in being in this energy right now. When we are nearing the finalising of a project, all kinds of distractions can be here to pull you away from the completion, the final stages are the hardest. This is the time to truly immerse yourself, get lost in and have the strongest boundaries in place, so you can complete this project. I am also hearing to put a final date on it - so you work to this completion date. This is truly opening up a new world for you which can be why it is ‘doubly’ hard to complete it - you are literally creating a new world and busting into a new reality right now, so stick with it. You are meant to do it, everything will work out in a positive way and you will get through this. This.. is what you are meant to do - so, go do it! Love xxx Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere! As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #2: Unexplained Wonder. “Magical blessings and miracles are occurring in your life. All your prayers are answered, now.”
When we celebrate something, we give the Universe more reasons to bring things for a us to celebrate. When you celebrate before ‘it is even here’ - you are sharing in the manifestation - because the manifestation has already happened. You’re not pretending. The very act of you even thinking about it is manifestation of ‘the thing’. Just because it hasn’t physically shown up, doesn’t mean that it is not yet here, because it is. You being conscious of this - is a feeling and this feeling of it already being here, are the divine ingredients of it being ‘here’. You see, at this level and this stage, you find yourself ‘double taking’ because it should be here already - not in a ‘upset way’ - just in a way of how real it feels that it is here, you double take because oh, that differentiation between reality and non-physical is totally blurred. You’re still here, very conscious, very connected to reality but this… is you living in between worlds - bringing the non-physical to the physical and you… get it. I am also getting the message for you with this card that, not only is the miracle you’ve prayed for on it’s way - it is already here. I am sensing that this card is here for you to remind you of your power and to hold this, no matter what is going on around you - circumstances, don’t affect you. You create the circumstance, and therefore you are unaffected by it. Also, if there is someone in your reality who you have ‘just met’, they will become an allied mentor, friend, partner or lover. There is someone that has arrived, that you have been thinking about and that will take you, your business and your life to the next level. This is the divine alignment you’ve been asking for, this is the ‘sign’ and the ‘way’. The fish on this card, it’s nose/shape of it’s face is pointing towards the light and this is the work you’ve been doing ‘has paid off’ but to ‘take note’ because there is a myriad of support around you and new people that have entered your field will play a significant role in your life in a big way. This ‘Unexplained Wonder’ - is you trusting your intuition about this, when it makes no logical sense, when others tell you not to, but you can’t get it out of your mind and you have to - listen to that. Come on, you’re good at that, this is no different. You’ve been waiting for the sign, and you’ve been in the ‘space’ of it, because you consciously made space to wait for the sign and… this is it. Trust yourself, not others, because you know the way. It makes no logical sense, but it makes absolute heart sense and you know… this… is what you’ve always trusted and continue to. Every step of the way. Love xxx Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere! As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #3: Back on Task. “Be sure you are using your time in the best possible manner. You might consider reviewing your goals, your schedule or a project you are working on. All could use some fine tuning.”
Okay, you’ve had a break, an unexpected break even… but… you’re being called to step it up now. No more delays to something you wanted done yesterday (last year even) and all these things keep getting in the way. Sure, there is LIFE to live, but… now it is time to FOCUS and get this thing done - what is that for you? Octopus can represent having many fingers in many pies - which is definitely a good thing, however, I feel the important message for you is to FOCUS your time at this time on the thing that is nearest and dearest to your heart - until completion. I am wondering if you have also been struggling with ‘what to share’? And yet, the sense here is that you won’t be able to share anything and that will be a ‘distraction’ until you’ve done the thing. It feels like giving yourself full permission to immerse yourself (feels similar message to Card #1 today), until it is brought to completion. Remember - distractions will come in and pull you in all directions just before the main thing is complete. Don’t let them. I am also hearing ‘satisfaction’ - where and what will bring you the most satisfaction at this time? I almost want to say, what are you waiting around for? The perfect time? The perfect moment? I am also hearing - are you prepared? Are you prepared for this next chapter of your life? It feels like there is some ‘cleaning up’ to do - but you also, have been doing this, since about November last year, am I correct? This is when the changes really started to kick in (the big ‘drop shift’ was in October, but it took until November to get your bearings and start to truly get into gear with this new shift that actually has been a long, long time coming). It almost feels like all the dilly dallying around, all the changes, all the things you thought you were supposed to do - have taken a complete 180, but in fact, it isn’t. It is an entire 360 at an entirely new level. You are clearer, more grounded, more focused - because this plan, you know is the ‘final’ plan, that is taking your business and life into the direction of your heart. You’ve set the foundations and now the recalibration is done (this last 3-4 months) and now you can truly ground in this next phase soooooo… Back on Task then precious one! Oh, and that includes the ‘space’ to have the life outside you’ve always wanted too. And this recalibration, has allowed this to ground that dream to Earth - so what are the next steps from here about that too? Love xxx Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere! As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #4: Be Insightful and Established. “Ground and rebalance your energy. Bring your awareness into the now, rather than allowing it to occupy the past or future.”
If you have been feeling stuck or stagnant, or flight or freeze, or waiting of the other shoe to drop - this is your sign to break that cycle now. How do you do that? HAVE MORE FUN!!! When you are in joy, when you are having fun, when you are doing what you LOVE - nothing else matters. This isn’t about throwing all responsibility to the wind, but this is about letting your hair down and taking a break and doing something you absolutely LOVE with all your heart yes? It will unlock and unblock what has been holding you back, open you to new ideas, inspiration and set your heart free from past pain. Not as an avoidance of what has been - but you’re ready to move on from this, that is all. And the FUN is what transforms this for you. Sometimes we get to a point in our lives and when what used to be FUN isn’t fun anymore and it is about rewriting and recoding what fun even is for you now, so perhaps this is what is happening for you - even finding ‘new things’ of what is bringing you the fun and joy again. It could be in the simplest things, the new things or the things that weren’t so much fun anymore, truly light up your life once more. Right now, this card’s message for you is sooo important - plan into your busy schedule - fun. Plan into your busy schedule, down time with loved ones. Planning in fun and downtime is just as important as work - if not MORE important because it is going to give you the lift and ‘balance’ and the ‘reason’ you work so hard in the first place - this is the reason why - remember? I am also feeling that this is your ‘wake up call’ to realising you are at this place in your life right now where you are grounded and established in what you do and you have and can create more space than you have been right now to do what you truly love to do. Sure, you love your work, but you also had a life outside of work before your passion became your hobby and this is your sign to bring it back to this. It isn’t that it won’t interfere with your work or your work will interfere with your personal life, because you know - your work IS your life! However, this is your realisation that you are established enough to ‘seperate’ them to an extent - meaning, you can be PRESENT with what you are doing without one spilling over into the other. Remember, the only time it will, is when you haven’t completed a certain project - however, discernment is needed here, because that project could go on for years and you can’t wait years to be present in your personal life, because life will be gone and you know how precious the moments of right now are, because that is all we remember. You don’t remember your best work days! You remember the times that are nearest and dearest to your heart. This is your sign to realise just how established you are, that you can take a night off and be present with your personal life and still have your business do it’s thing. That is… why you created this for yourself right? Soooo, what else did you create it for? Love xxx Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere! As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #5: Resilience. “There is no need to rush or push. This is a time to take things as they come. You have the determination and patience to handle what is happening.”
Whilst this card can relate to any topic and of course, a project comes to mind as does balance, but we are on peak equinox right now - as seems a theme with the cards this week, this card feels like it relates to a relationship. Is there a particular relationship that comes to mind for you? This could even be the relationship with yourself and I feel the ‘Resilience’ is that this relationship that is on your mind, is about ‘going the distance’ is about ‘going deeper’ with each other and with yourself. It feels like the answers you are seeking are within you - I know sounds super cliche, but you will not find what you are looking for ‘out there’ with them, or anyone else, because you know the answer to this relationship and ‘what it is about’ is within you. I am also getting the message that this Resilience, is the power to say no to what is not aligned, to say no to what your heart steers you away from and to say yes and to be steered towards that which you are drawn to, that lights you up - that you truly want. ‘Don’t settle’ is coming through so strongly for you and this is in every area of your life. What you truly want, is seeking you too and this alignment and divine meeting will only occur, if you do not waver from what you truly want. To stand true, to stand tall to be who you are truly meant to be - in all areas of your life. Have you had a check over that ‘list’? That part of you that is calling out for your attention right now? That part of you that wants to be heard, to be seen… what is he/she calling forth from your heart? It feels like now is the time to not wavier on your highest heartfelt desires, because this ‘Resilience’ is you, staying true. The no need to push or rush is the deep trust in you staying clear in what you want and doing whatever it takes for as long as it takes, because you know this is destined for you. Any impatience, or temptation to settle for less than what you truly want, is only surfacing because you are about to receive all that you’ve desired, held fast for all this time, for you are about to breakthrough. “You have the determination and patience to handle what is happening.” You’re nearly there honey, you can do this, you are doing this - and continue to hold the line for all you truly desire. You’ve gone this long and come this far and you’re sooo close to having it all - like you know you’ve always meant to live this way, no matter the number of naysayers along the way. Hold it the mofo line. Love xxx Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere! As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life
Card #6: Every Step Counts. “There is an advantage to taking things slowly. Breathe deeply and fully as you consider your options.”
There is a theme this week in the cards, and it feels deeply tied into Equinox, that peaks today. The turn of the tides, the turn of the seasons, the mid point/quarter point to a new era, a new season, a new light, a new dawning of the tides. It feels like you’re being asked to hold fast for what it is you desire. This, no need to rush energy - feels like if you’ve been impatient or feeling like you’re not getting done, what you need to get done - it feels like this is your ‘slow down a minute, you’re missing life’ - because reality is, it is not like you’ve been sitting around idling on your hands have you now? No! You’ve been called into other areas of your life to attend your energy and attention to and this is your reminder that you ARE doing the work. The very important work of your Soul and that is called LIVING. It is both worlds, the spiritual inner work and the reality of life. The balance, the equinox, the quarter point, the SHIFT. Because it isn’t all about work and this feels like the important pieces that have been missing from your life. The agitation that you are ‘not getting your work done’ is more coming from the habitual pattern that you’ve been ingrained into yourself and/or societal norms that you must be doing x-y-z to achieve and receive this much wealth. But… you and I know both know you don’t belong nor play in THAT realm now do you? No. And so what is going on here is the threads are releasing, so you can play in the realm of PLAY and RECEIVE and literal energetic threads and cutting and snapping and the ‘impatience’ or ‘agitation’ you feel at times is the thread about to snap. Because when you look at the reality, you have had deep realisations and experiences this year that have ‘proved’ to you, that you can be happy, wealthy, rich, successful AND live your life and you are feeling so rich and full because you made this a priority right? You’ve stepped back into the truth of your Soul and that… is the greatest wealth there can be. You’re being shown so much at this time, your health is your wealth, your happiness is your wealth, your joy is your wealth, your life and the people around you is your wealth and this internal shift is… creating the reality you’ve always dreamt of - the truth of wealth and this richness, this internal vibration is creating a ripple effect into your physical reality and that…. is what you’ve been working on, what you’ve held true to your heart and this card is your sign, to look around and see just how much has shifted for you, how much you’ve achieved in a short amount of time, about how wealthy you truly are… and to stay here in this vibration - because this is what you’ve done the work in the first place. You’re stepping into the Summer of your life, into the Light of your life… enjoy it precious one. Every moment is to be savoured - because that, is the richness of LIFE. Love xxx Amongst projects, children, family, partners and our Soul’s Destiny, there is a place called LIFE and it is happening now. It is not when this x-y-z is done or complete or when you have more time… no, LIFE is happening now. It is here, at LIFE, my new 6 week 1:1 Private Mentoring Immersion brings you back to LIFE, helps you to understand ‘how’ to find your LIFE amongst all the busyness of life, business, people you need to tend to, oh, and let’s not forget about yourself in there somewhere! As a 7-figure Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Mentor, founding and building Reality Awareness from scratch, whilst homeschooling my now 14 year old daughter as a single mother, I know a thing or two about ‘balancing’ LIFE with all the things that this entails, whilst being mindful not to miss the precious moments of ‘now’ whilst living the life you want to be living a the same time and running a purely heart and soul led business that thrives. Click here for all the details for LIFE: https://www.realityawareness.com/life