🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 21st May 2024
May 21, 2024
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 21st May 2024
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there today from the White Light Oracle.
Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable?
Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition.
You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me.
This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY.
Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: AKASHA. Your Guidance Is Divinely Guided.
This card has the obvious meaning of you really need to trust your intuition right now. I am also hearing you are being tested how you are handling this situation that is ‘poking you in the butt’ right now (or side!) and you’re - doing pretty good at staying focused and yet.. it feels like it has really cut your heart in a way that you didn’t expect. And yet, what is actually happening is energetic connections that are no longer serving you are being cut. They no longer serve your purpose to where and what your true unique aligned purpose is and that is why they are ‘falling away’ and ‘being taken away’. When we are on the path of our Purpose - it is a path that the earth beneath our feet is not shown UNTIL we walk on it, until we step in the dark, then when our foot touches the Earth THEN we are shown the ground. The piece about this - is just when everything stabilises, it completely destabilises because you have just created the foundation that shifts you to the next dimension that you are solidifying into human reality. This is the path of your Purpose. That is why ‘every time’ things seem to be stable - everything shifts again and disintegrates because you are mastering another level in the game of life. You are birthing your Unique Purpose that is not yet on the Earth yet and the people, places, things, teachings, lessons and heart felt connections - evolve. This is the path of your Soul. This - is normal. You outgrow things, places, people, teachings, lessons and heart felt connections rapidly. The only thing constant in this life is change. If you become a Master at change, you become a Master at Life and your Unique Purpose doors will flood open widely, because your Purpose leaves specks of diamonds in it’s wake for those to pick up, activate and accelerate on their Unique Purpose. You are the Leader, the way shower and trailblazer that leaves no stone unturned and is not looking back, nor waiting for those to catch up. You are stepping where no one has stepped before and you know the this is the path of your Purpose, you know that this is the path of your Soul and you’re here to Master Change. To be the evolutionary who has already created the next Master piece whilst others are still only recognising what your old piece was. Therefore - you’re ahead of your time. You are not born to fit in. Your entire life will change and undergo rebirth points where you are not only not the same person who entered, but you are someone you don’t even recognise yet, because you’ve become so familiar with change, you’ve become accustomed to not recognising yourself in the mirror every moment you look, because you’re expecting it to be someone else who has stepped into the facet of who they have not yet become and you know, that this potent power is the basis of your Purpose and have… surrendered to it. So yes, people, places, things, teachings, have shifted, evolved and the only thing you’re ‘clinging’ onto - is Change. It is here you emanate a power people wonder in awe as Spirit sweeps you up and creates your reality through you - as you’re here to serve and are the divine vessel and your Purpose reigns. This… is your sign to trust yourself now more than ever. No matter how far fetched, no matter how crazy, no matter how dramatic, no matter how much you think people won’t understand you - you know, that - they - are irrelevant to your Soul’s mission. This is between you and your higher self/source and spirit and that.. is all that matters. So, now you know who this is really between - are you going to trust and move forward with it now? Yes, of course you are. Love xxx Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable? Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition. You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me. This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY. Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: DON’T DIM TO FIT IN. How are you dimming your light to fit in?
Um - where you have you shrunk because of what someone said? Ummm. Where did you turn away from your Soul’s path because of what they did - honey - don’t let them win! RISE to shine the light so damn bright in their eyes it blinds them! Nah - maybe not so harshly - BUT - your LIGHT is needed to illuminate the world with YOUR gift - just because THEY misunderstood you and didn’t and don’t know your gift and what you’re here to change the world with - the light in their eyes - they will never understand - until many people realise and then they will intently listen and pretend like they ain’t listening to you lol. For real but - who have you given your own power away to and left you feeling drained and depleted and you have them up on a pedestal, but in reality - you’re the one who stopped shining your light? Because of them? Come on, you’re better than that AND your Soul and Destiny is counting on you! The only reason you’re so hurt, is because you’re cut so deeply because you’ve abandoned your own mission, your own purpose and are trying to force your way into a world that was never meant for you - not yours to walk - your purpose, your mission, your destiny is requiring a different path. You’re not here to be one of them, you’re here to create an entirely new paradigm on the planet and that means that you will be ‘shunned’ from groups for your own protection - because that is not part of your Life Purpose Destiny. This can be a hard pill to swallow - but you’re not a follower - you’re a Leader of your own kind. Sure, learn from people, groups, trainings and mentors - but know when your time is done for the particular stage you were in to now ‘spread your wings and fly’ - you may still need to be in the group/mentor/training - but in a different way for yourself - your relationship has changed to it - because you’ve grown and still use it, but in a different way to what you did before. Yes? Yes. So - where are you needing to regain your confidence and create your new path, your way? To shine your light bright in the way you can, know, want to and will let yourself travel to unlock your true unique destiny? As you go through recalibration portals, you will ‘feel like you have no one’ as you grieve and release the old and allow your vessel to clear completely - so you can re-write your future - with your Destiny blueprint, not someone else’s. Love xxx Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable? Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition. You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me. This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY. Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: THE INITIATION. Rite of Passage. You’re going somewhere sacred.
If everything is falling apart - let it. If you are being pushed, pulled, gossiped about, taken down and torn apart left right and centre - know that you are being - TAKEN SOMEWHERE SACRED AKA YOUR LIFE PURPOSE. Right now - in the collective there is a HUGE sweep of what is no longer serving you - being ‘ripped’ away from you. Jealously, envy, ‘truth about a person and who they really are’ ‘in your world’ and are ‘being saved from Grace, because that is not your path anymore’ - is clear as day. Doesn’t mean that you are not hurt by circumstances. And yet, the piece to this is - you already KNEW that they/the thing was no good for you anymore. The relationship, the over stepping of your boundaries, the lack of boundaries for yourself, the going back against your word or just ‘one more time’, ‘the maybe that is what I need’ - no. No more. And now the Universe and/or the soul contract has definitely reached it’s expiry date and it is no more. This is soul contractual too - past lives that were once interwoven, have reached their cut off point. You are Destined for more, and it no longer requires ‘their services/soul contract teachings’. Whether that is just for a time, for a season, for a lifetime - only God knows. But what God does know is that you’re in this place of NOTHINGNESS because your identity is and has been stripped of what no longer serves you because - GAME MOFO ON - it’s your time, like REALLY your time and you cannot put this off any longer. Your Destiny requires it and so now it has come to crunch time. You are being shown facets of yourself that you didn’t know existed and you’re blowing your own mind with where you are at right now. This is happening because you CHOSE your higher timeline. When you CHOOSE your higher timeline aka your Life Purpose - it means that things WILL fall away and even though you know why this is happening it doesn’t mean that you won’t be bawling your eyes out crying or need to take a week off whilst sleep calls you to recalibrate to a level on a cellular restructure that only a week of sleep can provide. You’re moving through a portal and passageway right now in your life - that is seeing your old life goodbye. And now - your focus, is on your future. One could say you’ve made it! Because nothing falls apart without the inner world being worked on and shifted - as the ripple back in comes into your reality actually physically changes… your Purpose, is awakening. Love xxx Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable? Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition. You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me. This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY. Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: TRUST THE NIGGLE. What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you?
I almost thought this card was the ‘cut your cords’ card from this deck upon first glance. And this - may be cutting your cords from a particular relationship - or from a situation/behaviour/belief/family/friend/group/system. Have you felt like you’ve lost time this last 2 weeks? Have you felt like you’ve been squeezed through a portal or birth canal or losing your mind? Or like you’re wondering when it is ever going to stop?! That you haven’t been able to do what you need to do and some? And this… is your sign - TO STOP. You are being asked to listen intently to what your intuition is guiding you to do. And it feels like - this is a ‘big one’ - because this will literally change your life and this section of your life will dramatically change and GOOD - because, that is what you’ve been asking for anyway! You wanted x-y-z because you wanted to feel a certain way and you thought that x-y-z would ‘bring you that feeling/make you feel this way/think that that is the avenue that is going to bring you that feeling/manifest your dream life’. And yet - thinking that way has been the only block to your manifestation and desires! And now - you’re being asked to make a HUGE change which is going to change the course and direction of what is not only birthing through you - but is the LOGICAL next step to manifesting your dream life. Like you’re waiting for…. what? The right time? The x amount of money? The lover? No. Time is now and it is here you make the ‘big’ change you’re being asked to make - because that IS what your intuition is guiding you to do. If you’ve been looking for confirmation for your YES because you KNOW and can FEEL on a soul level that this will change your life - you’re right! And YES - it is right.. or your intuition wouldn’t be gently guiding you for this. Love xxx Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable? Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition. You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me. This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY. Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: GET GROUNDED. Empaths. Highly Sensitives. Connect with Nature.
You’ve been indoors too long and busy for too long. You need to get grounded, sleep more, spend more time outside on the grass and absorb the natural energies. You need to do this UNTIL you feel centred in yourself again because right now - you’ve been pushing for waaayyyyy too long and you’re needing to recalibrated by reconnecting your energy to the earth to feel yourself again. I am also getting the message here that food and diet is really important for you too. That you’re a highly sensitive person, you know this - but with these shifts - the foods you are consuming are really important for you at this time too, so be mindful of how foods make you feel after you consume them (and beverages of any kind) and notice your intuitive guidance around each of the foods too. We reach for ‘unhealthy’ or destabilising foods and substances when when are: overworked and needing a break; covering up pain and trauma and are not taking enough time to care for yourself about what you put in your body. Even if you are ‘good with your diet’ there are somethings that are causing your system to be upset more than not - so paying attention to your intuition here around foods and drinks at this time. Perhaps you’ve become more anal about the labels and turned off certain foods you used to love - this is your Soul beaming through, your frequency and vibration shifting as you release out old hurts from your heart and traumas from your body - your energy changes and so too, does the foods you once loved not resonate with your system anymore - this is called HEALING and it is a GOOD THING. I am also getting the message that the thing you think is not important - IS. This could be foods yes - but moving into other ‘grounding’ factors for you right now - things that you have been putting off ‘for another day’ - actually is your intuition guiding you to ‘make the trip’ or ‘go for that walk’ or ‘attend that ceremony’ or ‘take a reality break’ - is actually going to steer you in a direction and open up a new pathway that if you didn’t do that thing to ‘get grounded’ you wouldn’t have opened up and entirely new avenue of what life is brining to you - by being grounded in your body - this is enabling you to follow your own path, walk your own footsteps, rather than following your own. Oh, and let’s not forget that joy back to your heart again because you’re doing what you love! Soooo about that! Love xxx Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable? Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition. You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me. This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY. Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: BOUNDARIES. Where do you need to establish better boundaries?
Woah! STOPPPP. This card feels similar - or more so - in alignment with Card #4 today about where and what is your intuition guiding you to do? I feel there is a strong message here - don’t beat yourself up for what you think you should’ve done or did do - what you have been walking through is figuring out the system in that which is going to SUPPORT you. It feels like you’re being shown a space in time where you are really aligning to what is right for you but showing you a structure of a new reality that allows you to feel supported long term in a life that is what you’ve been working for in the first place. I am also hearing the message of trust and faith around this next chapter. The Boundaries you implement now are setting the tone for the next twenty years with the astrological line up, but I am also getting the sense for you that this is actually setting the foundation for a new reality and new life of a life that you truly want to live. You are really in a space of designing a life you love, from a place of love, trust, freedom and honouring of what is really important to you. With this deep honouring place - this is built from love. From healthy relating. From trust. From faith. And from here - the foundations for a life you love, can look back on everyday and LOVE every aspect of, even the hard times, because you’ve set foundations/boundaries in place that support this new you, this new upgraded V2.0 of you, that gives you the grace to support yourself through the tough times and allow you to fly through them - not be floored by them for months on end (or years!). This feels like a VERY potent message and card for you today, so know that you’re definitely on the right track with setting these very firm boundaries in place - for they are bringing you the prosperity you desire. Boundaries are a love note to yourself - because you are choosing yourself over anything else. When you do - the Universe responds to meet you here with people who love and respect you just the same, and emitting a frequency of that you’ve cultivated for the love for self, is a powerhouse of energy that beams success and deep love through the ethers and that… calls for a life to be lived of pure angelic devotion to your higher purpose - YOU. Love xxx Are you ready to change your life with just ONE decision? Imagine waking up everyday filled with clarity of purpose that gives you not just motivation, but a purpose to live everyday, that is so connected to Source that guides you the connection you feel is unmistakable? Imagine, not just living, but thriving with the confidence you’re never alone and you can feel the illuminated steps beneath your feet being guided by something greater than you? This isn’t a dream, this is your potential reality - this is the gift of Trust Your Intuition. You’re not just learning, you’re being transformed. Trust Your Intuition is the complete A-Z toolkit for mastering your psychic abilities, taught by the worlds best psychic development teacher - me. This is not just a course, this is a gateway to the life you dream of, where everyday is lived in complete alignment with your destiny and a life you look back on calling - your LEGACY. Doors close next week - ready to step into a place where everyday you wake up knowing you are fulfilling your Soul’s destiny? Click here for all the details before doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition