🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd March 2022
Mar 22, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd March 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting for you from the Whispers of the Ocean Oracle 🔮🐬
There comes a time and place where you're ready to step into the Abundance and Life that you know you're meant to live and you just 'become' that person - one day, you're just 'her/him'. When you make this decision and move towards it, it isn't always easy or smooth sailing.. and there is energetic unlocking, activating and receiving a frequency of energy that is unlike what you have felt before.
The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Disengage from Outcomes. ‘Let go so you can open yourself to the highest love that you deserve. Find ways to release worry or any unresolved lack of forgiveness that you may be holding onto.’
Let’s face it, the energies either side of this Full Moon were INSANE - but what it did do - was purge any old unresolved or ‘issues that were hidden’ or perhaps you’ve been conscious of them - you just had another ‘round’ of testing so to speak even though I hate that analogy that you’re being ‘tested by the universe’ of what is unresolved coming up and out for clearing. A lot of ‘make or break’ situations and scenarios playing out that may have ended during this time or a releasing of old threads from past patterning. Sometimes it isn’t that the relationship is dying, but the old patterning that is dying - which can feel like the relationship is dying or breaking up - but it is the dissolving of these old patterns going on - which this Full Moon really made the effects known 2-3 days before Friday and 2-3 days after it. In some people, this manifested as physical sickness. If you have pulled this card today, it is showing you that there is unforgiveness laying in your heart somewhere. Either about the current situation thay surfaced / but it feels deeper than this. It feels that the ‘core’ of the issue is where the releasing and cracking open of this cesspool of resentment needs to be released. This isn’t a spiritual bypassing, “Oh I forgive you now.” This is a getting dirty and messy with art tools, boxing classes at the gym, using ten boxes of tissues to get the hurt out of your system or working with a mentor because you can’t shift it yourself. This… is the ‘Disengage from Outcomes.’ Meaning let it all go right now of trying to figure out ‘what might happen’ and just… get to the core - because it all unlocks from there and IF there is a next round of what we had on this past Full Moon, it won’t hit you as hard. Purge baby. You’re safe as you do so, but geez, not easy right?! HUGS! Love xxx The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #2: Safe and Surrounded by Love. ‘Keep your heart open and know you are being protected. Listen to what you know to be true and allow yourself to see and understand what is going on around you.’
Hmmm, first thing that comes to mind is about releasing judgement and then also that - your are safe as you go through this huge transitionary change right now. You are safe and protected, guided and loved as you expand to this next and very important phase of your life right now. It feels like you’re in a huge flux and you’re wondering if there is going to be solid ground there to catch you as you take this leap of faith and jump - but of course, the Universe is going to be there to catch you - it already is, right? You know this in your Soul or you wouldn’t be jumping. I am wondering if you’re needing to let go of something - hmmm, preconceived judgements about your life - about how it is supposed to ‘look’ and it’s not so you’re, stuck in the past and what happened and - what are you waiting for? You know they are never coming back but you’re still hanging on - why?? Look at the Dolphins on this card - safe, free and flying into the air - where - there is a whole universe up there. I am sensing that the judgments you hold are actually about yourself and it is keeping you trapped stuck and stagnant right now - it isn’t serving anyone and only making you more depressed. What exactly is it that you need? You probably don’t know the answer to that question and btw it’s not ‘them’ because they were never the solution anyway - they were just a cover up to what was the deeper issue anyway - so what is that? Don’t you trust yourself yet? You already know the answer but you’re not ready to face it - meanwhile an entire ocean of abundance with joyful friends are waiting you to play with them and have a life again - one, where nurturing soul led relationships are. That.. is what you’re seeking after all right? Love xxx The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #3: Polite Declaration. ‘You can move in whatever direction you need to accomplish your goals. It is time for you to get out there, claim what is yours and stay in your power.’
It is okay to say no to things that pull you away from your good happy feelings. It is okay to say no and tune out of drama and things that are only pulling you down - you got a life to live, a purpose to create and content to make! I am getting the message strongly that you have enough information to get started and now don’t stop. Don’t let anything get in your way, either lack of likes or views - you just keep going. No one has an audience when they start - but the ones that do have been turning up every single day - so keep going. Another message here is that if you are in a domestic violence situation, now is the time to get professional help and stop putting off the inevitable. This card is strongly about boundaries and saying no to anything that just makes you feel like shit - not required anymore and your Life Purpose is calling you - spring boarding you into action right now. You have a huge window of opportunity right now that will propel you forward more than you could ever imagine if you jump on this energy train and use the energy that it has available for you. Trust that it is the right time for you to leap forward and take that scary but you KNOW you have to do action because you wouldn’t be reading this card right now today otherwise. Love xxx The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #4: Mutually Beneficial Venture. ‘There is an extraordinary connection at the forefront of your life at this moment. Utilise this relationship to benefit everyone concerned.’
Hmmm, have you just been offered an opportunity to change your life, move house or are on the verge of something big but you are not entirely sure what it is? Of course this is going to be beneficial for all involved, but I am also getting the message about your Solar Plexus - self worth, self esteem, trusting yourself and letting yourself fly free, taking your power back and showing the world what you’re made of. I am sensing that you’re on the verge of a huge shift in your life that is taking everything to the next level and to completely let yourself surrender into this space. It feels like you have been ‘doing it one way’ for too long and now you’re shifting into the next phase of your life and whilst this is to be deeply celebrated - wait - have you forgotten to celebrate?!?! Didn’t you know this is how it brings in more to celebrate?! Celebration is sooo important for you right now!!! I feel like you’re stepping through a portal right now and there may be feelings of doubt or shame or lack of self worth coming up for you, but it is important to - know that Nikes slogan applies here - Just Do It and… I say - watch it all dissolve and have more to celebrate 🎉🤩 #itstimequeen/king 🤩 Love xxx The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #5: Seeing Both Sides. ‘Take a step back and try looking at it from a different perspective.’
Hmmm, I am hearing ‘it’s not time yet’ in a sense that there is more information that is needed. Do you need to ask more questions? Do you need to wait for the ‘yes, it’s go time?’ Do you need to step back and just let the flow guide you? I am also getting the message for you to meditate more as well - and if you ‘can’t meditate’ then move your body. It feels important in the ‘letting go process’ right now, what is it you are needing to let go of? Even trying to figure it out? It feels like - just breathe out and let go. There is more information coming and to not try to figure it out right now. Are you needing to take a break? It feels like things have ‘spiralled out of control’ or something - it is tricky to describe but I feel you know what this is. This is where, something is needing to shift - you’re needing to step back and see the other point of view, which is tricky when you’re heavily invested in it and trying to ‘control’ the outcome in a way. I feel you already know the answer but it is also a place and time for you to wait. Wait until it is the ‘yes’ feeling not out of fear and loss, but out of ‘it’s time’ - which is a very different feeling. Now is not the time to force, you will be shown the way and I feel you’re also being shown signs that it is progressing - even if it is slowly, so step back, wait and know that when it’s time, you will know. I am also getting the message that to not take it personally. It’s not all about you - ‘Seeing both sides’ there is more going on than ‘meets the eye’. The time and more information is coming. Let go. Love xxx The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence
Card #6: Rediscover Your Zeal. ‘Pay attention to the passion you are feeling for discovery, learning, exploration, spirituality, travel, your work or your relationship. Passion and desire go together, especially as inspiration.’
What is the new idea that has come to you? What has lit you up and is a BIG YES! What keeps gently tap tap tapping you on the shoulder that you KNOW that you have to do, but is also a stretch but is also it just feels like finally it’s time? This card has come to you because it feels like it is time to implement new structures, learn something new, take time to ground down a new life routine. It feels like there is a portal that you’ve stepped through and now you’re ‘in the light’ and has somewhat been uncomfortable at times for sure, but you are shifting and I am sensing ‘there is no rush’ but don’t rest on your laurels at the same time. If there is an idea that keep coming to you don’t let anything stop you - FIND a way. There is always a way if you just make it happen no matter what. There are no closed doors only the ones you at there is. If something is bringing you alive and you can’t ‘do it right now’ - plan for it and make it happen over time, the working with your goals at the forefront will bring your life back to life but… let’s be real this idea has brought you to life right? Taking action on that idea? Gives you even more life. Your confidence increases, your skills increase and your ability to function in the world and be who you were born to be is shown to you the more you follow these ideas that light you up. Don’t waste anymore days not working on this, every single day. It’s important. And keeps you on track. Why you let it be any other way? Love xxx The last 2 years have been uncertain for a lot of people - but, as a collective, we are learning to ride the waves and get comfortable into the unknown. If you're ready to re-code and utilise the energies Transcending you beyond where you've ever gone before - then this is for you. And if you're scared of stepping out of your comfort zone, this isn't for you 😉 Click here for all the details, we start 8th April: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence