đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 22nd November 2022
Nov 22, 2022
đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 22nd November 2022
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from The Soul's Journey Lesson Cards.
There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately….
But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here.
You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here.
The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘
Card #1: Trust. ‘I accept that my inner voice will always guide me correctly.’
If you knew you were fully supported = what would you do? Whilst that line is from a different deck and different card, it’s the first thing that rolled off my tongue when I read this for you. So, what would you do? What would you say yes to and figure it out later? The most successful people will usually always tell you the story that they did not how they were going to do something before they did it… they will ALWAYS tell you they just knew, they followed their gut, they had a feeling about it, their body started vibrating which is their signal of YES. It is here that… the question is - do you TRUST what you are being guided to do right now, even though it doesn’t make logical sense? You see, when you follow the things that make no logical sense to you at this time, you are stepping outside of societal constructs and into a playground where limitless possibilities reside. Whilst for some, this is an adjustment of energy when you are someone who just follows their YES and deeply continues to drop back into TRUST this is where the magic is, this is where your Heart leads and everything else follows. This is where you create your life the way you want without settling for less than your Heart well, WANTS! You will get covered in tingles, you will have a super strong feeling, you will feel strong, empowered, confident in who you are and will have energy for everything you want and need to do when you are connected, aligned and following your Heart in all your choices, when you are TRUSTING yourself and what you’re being guided to do. For when you do? More possibilities come to light, come to mind, show up in your reality than if you had have said no… when you say YES when that feeling and heart, body, full alignment Soul YES shows up - and even if later you’re like hmmm, no, not this one actually - because you said YES - doors opened that wouldn’t have… if you began with no…. So… do you TRUST what you’re being guided to say yes to right now, do you TRUST what direction you’re being led in right now? Do you TRUST where you’re being called to right now? Do you TRUST yourself to follow your Heart, wholeheartedly on this one? Love xxx There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately…. But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here. You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here. The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #2: Blame. ‘I accept responsibility for my well-being.’
I heard Grant Cardone say recently, ‘After I blame everyone, then I take a look at my part in it.’ I smiled as I think that people speak of ‘blame’ like they do the ‘victim’… it is a natural human response to blame others - it is called ANGER at a situation you did not want to happen! Now, the conscious, heart centred ones will eventually look at their part in it, usually quite quickly - but I see what Grant was saying as more ANGER at a situation that you simply didn’t think would happen, nor that you wanted to happen. And of course, then you’re going to figure out wtf just happened, and how do I do this differently so this does not happen again! I think you’re at a place now - not necessarily of blame, but you’re deeply in a place of reflective intuitive action and creating and doing things differently ‘so that doesn’t happen again’. I feel like you’ve been receiving ideas these last few days of things you have forgotten about - that have always been in and on the back of your mind, but you forgot about them this last few months, but in January earlier this year, you were also looking into this and were…eeeexxxxcccccciiiited about it. It gave you direction, it was a clear YES, it was THE #ofcourse way for you and yet… you forgot that already?? Buried it? Let your self worth shit get in the fucking way of what you know you are here to do, be, create and change the mofo world honey?! COME ON! Get your head back in the game son! You can do it! 10 fold and some!! This is your sign to kick your own butt into gear and remind yourself, that this is what you are here for! I also feel that we hit a plateau or a ‘wall’ when we are recalibrating to the next level - 100%. And so this recalibration, this reset, this recoding is deeply shifting you to the next level and you just wouldn’t be where you are now, with all of THAT happening in the past. So there is nothing wrong with it, it just… is where you are now. Don’t let those ideas slip you ever again but! It is your next steps, your next elevation, your gateway to your freedom it IS your freedom. And it will provide for you, every single step of the way. Trust it, make a dedicated plan of action and….. JUST FUCKING DO IT - enough with the excuses already! Love xxx There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately…. But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here. You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here. The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #3: Service. ‘I feel good when I can help others’
Have you… forgotten what you are doing this for? Now, there are two pieces to this card as I feel you are deeply transitioning into a new layer of service that you haven’t experienced before now. I feel this is more stable, more secure for you and all new territory. I am hearing - ‘don’t be afraid of making mistakes’ and also ‘practise makes perfect, so don’t wait for perfection’. You know the drill, there is never the perfect moment, there is only right now and the only way to get good at something is just to DO IT. This ‘have you forgotten’ - when we are learning something new and transitioning into something new, it can feel overwhelming and like we want to walk away from it at the same time. Remember - overwhelm is your brains neural pathways reconfiguring - literally is - so you can release the overwhelm from the overwhelm now you know what it is. The other strong message here is - how are you in Service to yourself? We have a lot of focus on what we need to do for others - are you ‘servicing yourself’? Including in the bedroom? Are you truly loving on yourself? Have you been looking to attract love even? Or take your relationship to the next level? Are you giving yourself the tender love and care, that you... want in a relationship? Sometimes we are so focused on others, or our purpose or our business we forget about ourselves and even look to others as a distraction as servicing yourself! You may think, ‘Yeah, I do take care of myself Hannah’ but if you’re reading this card, I am getting the message that actually you don’t - not to the level you WANT to be - or have even considered is a possibility for you right now… it feels like you’re stepping up your levels of service in all ways and this is your reminder that you… can take care of yourself to the next level you want to as well okay? Sooo, what is that? The more you take care of yourself, the better you feel and the better vibe you feel, the better service you can give. What is your next level? Your next steps? Ways of taking care of yourself you’ve always dreamt of - that.. this card is telling you, you are ready for, it’s time for and… you simply can now. Love xxx There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately…. But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here. You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here. The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #4: Perseverance. ‘I know I can do whatever I set my mind to’
I am hearing solidly about a dedicated plan for you. A clear, disciplined plan. It feels like you love going with the flow - however, for some projects you got coming up - um, solid disciplined, dedicated plan or it will be another 12 months and they STILL won’t be happening and you’ll be in the same position! I am also hearing this is your GO TIME. Do not delay, do not miss this boat (so to speak). It is time to step out of your comfort zone, out of your routine - and break the mould of anything you thought possible you wanted to do before - blow it out of the fucking water baby! This is your time to shine and I feel you have like - a zillion projects - you want to get done right now and yet… this is your time to literally do what you need to do right now. It feels like you have more space than you’ve ever had, even though you’re doing all these new things you’ve never done before and it feels like a lot and yet - you can do it ALL! You WILL make your mark, you WILL hit your goals and it is important to trust the timing right now. Yes - jump on it and even though I said you don’t want to miss this boat - well, you won’t but…. The energy right now is poised to support you - so whatever it is right now that you are working on (50 thousand things at once AND you have more space for you than you’ve ever had too AND you feel calm mostly about it all - which is a brand new you in the space and I feel this is sooooo important to acknowledge and recognise right now). You’ve shifted gears, you’re a new you. You have shed the cloak of hiding and you’re stepping out of the darkness into the Light. These new projects - I am hearing stay sooo focused on them until completion because they are what is shifting you, changing you at a cellular level and bring them to fruition and some. There are sooo many gifts, lessons and learnings that you are holding within this space right now and… where you’ll be in 12 months, 2 years and 5 years and beyond from now - is completely unrecognisable apart from that BIG ASS smile on your face, because you KNOW.. you know what is coming, you know what you are creating, you KNOW what you are dedicated to and this… is your heart and soul baby, this is your purpose, this is your destiny and you're making it happen. Do not judge what your current reality looks like right now - remember, your destiny isn’t created from focus on what is, rather, focusing on where you want to be, where you know you are meant to be and holding that - whilst staying present - because you ARE a multi-tasker and you just CAN. Soooo you ARE. Continue on. Disciplined. Dedicated. Clear. Excited. Because you ARE. Love xxx There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately…. But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here. You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here. The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #5: Gratitude. ‘I am thankful for this life and the opportunities it presents.’
Hmmm, have you been feeling grateful? Hmmm, I actually feel like you’ve been questioning your path right now - you’re confused and clear all in the space of minuscule moments and just… gah. Is this my life right now?! It feels like HUGE heart activation is going on for you at this time but you are resisting it and that is where the confusion comes in. I am wondering if you have been feeling frustrated too? With life to an extent? What about control? Have you been controlling a situation that you thought you wanted or you could but you can’t have but you - gah…. It feels like you are powerless to an extent right now about a situation and you want it and have been making it happen and then it is like you hit a slump because you don’t know what to do about it? You are not seeing the possibilities available to you - you realise this right? It feels like you have one way blinkers of possibilities on - one way! It feels like you need to take your blinkers off and write down all the ways that it could happen. All the ways you want it to happen. All the ways that it could happen that you haven’t thought of yet - huh?! Yes... start writing and you’ll be surprised what comes out of you. It feels like your heart is cracking open, there is a shell that you’ve had on there, but it is cracking open and releasing and… the possibilities are starting to show you the way on what was once a blocked and only this way pathway that… was closing you off to the idea and is why you’ve been in and out of it, why you’ve been pulling back and contracting instead of FULLY stepping into it and shining your light on it honey.. gratitude… can be hard to do when we aren’t feeling it and not happy about where we are in our life - but you CAN start with the little things..at least you have food to eat, at least you have a roof over your head… start small… let it expand you… or… you might genuinely be feeling a tonne of gratitude and love the fuck outta your life right now AND… this blinkers on for you is - what, are you afraid of your next level? Are you afraid of your new expansion that you’ve been dreaming of and waited all your fucking life for and now it’s on your doorstep and you… still have those blinkers on? I guess it depends how much you want to expand your life with the love, abundance and all the new things you’ve been dreaming of… or sty where you are for another 12 months until you actually decide?? Now… would be a good time to take those blinkers off and - hmmm, has something just happened that has helped your decision along with this?? What you went through that cycle AGAIN and thought it would be different this time - honey… you know it won’t be... and life is passing you by… but you’re here to live life to the fullest and expand to your next level version, your big vision and leave a legacy right? Love xxx There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately…. But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here. You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here. The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #6: Imagination. ‘I embrace and nourish the creative aspect of my mind’
Okay a few messages here - Dream Bigger. Embrace your creative side - you’re putting off today what can be done today and wondering why your energy is all flat and unmotivated - because you’re not doing what you WANT to do. I feel like you’re actually getting lots of creative ideas - that will lead to the ultimately fulfilment of what you are asking for, but you’re not really actioning them, so they are just drifting off to the next person and then you’re like HEY! Yeah.. that one! So no, no more putting off today what you need to do - TODAY. And…. This creativity? May seem like a dredge in the beginning and yet - no, you are being shown the way right now! Remember - #lifepurposerules - you are not shown the next steps - until you take this current step! It is like walking on a magical cloud land - there is no where to go, no way off - but as soon as you lift your foot to take that step in that direction - all of a sudden a few steps appear and THAT is how reality is created baby!! Also #lifepurposerules - do what you can with what you have - improve later. Also #lifepurposerules - do whatever the fcuk you want to do, how you want to do it, in the way you want to do it, not what other people tell you to do and you know what?! Those crazy, out there, imaginatively, creatively as fuck ideas MAY JUSGT WORK! And you know what?! THIS is your PURPOSE we are talking about so how on earth is someone else’s ideas meant to work for you?! No.. that is right. Mentors are for learning from, activating from and getting the ins and outs of technology or a way of a life-style or amplifying your intuition but at the end of the day? No body knows your purpose like you do and I feel that you’re on the cusp of a major break through with your work, with your purpose and with this stage of your life. I am sensing a grounded aspect of stability here but also a sense that you’re stepping into a place in your life you didn’t envision yourself in - and yet…. There is something deeply grounding, satisfying and rewarding here, even though, as mentioned it isn’t what you thought - but it is… at times, the most peaceful and rewarding and I am getting the message - what is it, that you are standing for? What are you taking a stand for? What is it that you are here to leave a legacy of? How do you want people to remember you? It feels sooo important to not put off today… what can be done today.. you do have the time, you can make the time and so you can. It feels important and you will have time for everything else too - and by doing this - you’ll have more energy for those other things. This… feels important. Trust those crazy ideas and oh yeah… dream bigger with them honey…. Soooo much is about to turn up your doorstep - but you have to open the door. Love xxx There has been sooo much dropping out of your life and field lately…. But the space you have felt, has been… magical… has been… a stillness, an energy that you haven’t yet felt before… that you haven’t… let yourself feel to an extent of what you know the magic is here. You have been getting glimpses of it, you have been receiving ideas, you have been… shown the way and the Platinum Light, that magical energy, those things that are deeply on your mind, with the deepest curiosity that you have been able to experience more than ever before… Transcendence Reality Society is here. The Inner Circle of Reality Awareness, doors are open now, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society