đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 22nd October 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 22, 2024

đź”® Reading Results are IN đź”® for 22nd October 2024

Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Messages from the Angels Oracle for you đź•Š

Your Soul, is calling. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re not one for a normal life. You’ve always felt more, you change the energy of the room when you walk into one and people stop and listen to you when you talk. You have a way with people, you always just know what they need and you’re always the one people come to when they have something they can’t talk to anyone else about - you’re at the top of their mind. You have a gift and you’re being asked to hone this.

You know you work best with mentors and you know you’re ready to up your game. You only want the best, have the best and never settle for anything less than the best. Not in an egotistical way - just… standards. You know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Your mission is no longer a calling - it is an inevitable calling you cannot deny anymore and feeling this in your heart and soul - Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen đź‘‘

Card #1: Akasha. ‘You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine life mission.’

Are you ready for this? Your life, is about to take an incredible turn. An opportunity is on the doorstep and you are - ready for this. You’ve been preparing your wholeeeee life for this! You are about embark on a spiritual mission and pilgrimage that you have never experienced before. (Or maybe you have already begun it) and I say pilgrimage - sure, it could be in the traditional sense, but when you’re being initiated to your Life Purpose - especially if you have asked for it on some level - a curiosity, a deep down feeling of MORE for your life, feeling like you’re here to do SOMETHING, but you’re not quite sure exactly what. And what you’re going through right now is an initiation - are you sure? Are you sure you really want to do this? I am remembering the story about the man drowning on the roof and him praying to God to save him, so he sent him a man on a paddle board, a man in a dingy, a man on a boat, a lifeguard boat and then a helicopter and to all of them, he said no because he was waiting for God to come and get him. When he died he asked God, why didn’t you come? And God said, well I sent you a a man on a paddle board, a man in a dingy, a man on a boat, a lifeguard boat and then a helicopter! Right now - you have EVERYTHING you need to do what you need to with your Purpose. Life Purpose Rules - do what you can with what you have. When you take the steps and do what you can with what you have - you are not letting money, your circumstances or any other excuse dictate what you are doing with your life purpose - you are not letting anything stop you. Not only does this open up your creative genius, the thing is when you do what you can with what you have and take the next step and the next step - you will be deeply supported on your mission. You become a magnet for miracles and everything shows up that you need. Yes, you will be tested, yes, you will question everything, yes, you will wonder how you are going to do it - you will definitely have all the human experiences and doubts, but isn’t your Soul stronger? Isn’t your heart stronger? Don’t you believe in yourself and your mission more than anything else on this Earth? Isn’t that… what you are born for? Everyday you’re being asked to follow your heart. Whatever opportunity or pathway that is pulling at your heart strings, that you can’t stop thinking about, that you KNOW you have to do this, that - is your divine guidance - your Soul, speaking, showing you the path. You’re being initiated, you’re being asked to step up and hone your skills, train your gift, because your unique gift is needed in the world. Whatever the next step is, no matter how human scary but soul freeing it feels - you’re learning extremely valuable skills right now. Remember - you asked for your Purpose and even if you’re in a place that feels like wtf am I doing?! You’re being stripped bare, so the unique reciprocity of your purpose can stream through you in the most purest way. The world needs what you have, your purpose is required, always remember this, but the initiation will be exactly that - a test to your resolve in who you truly are when everything is stripped away, when you have to be present with what you are doing right now - the ultimate test in your resolve to your mission. ‘You are a spiritual teacher. You have the ability to counsel others and help them awaken their spiritual gifts and Divine life mission.’. You know this and when you’re in your hardest days, know that the brightest days are on their way. Not everyone follows their mission, because they don’t past the hardest days test….but you? Phhfff! Child’s play baby, child’s play! You’ve got this. Love xxx Your Soul, is calling. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re not one for a normal life. You’ve always felt more, you change the energy of the room when you walk into one and people stop and listen to you when you talk. You have a way with people, you always just know what they need and you’re always the one people come to when they have something they can’t talk to anyone else about - you’re at the top of their mind. You have a gift and you’re being asked to hone this. You know you work best with mentors and you know you’re ready to up your game. You only want the best, have the best and never settle for anything less than the best. Not in an egotistical way - just… standards. You know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Your mission is no longer a calling - it is an inevitable calling you cannot deny anymore and feeling this in your heart and soul - Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #2: Adriana. ‘I am leading you toward the answer to your prayers. Please listen to and follow the steps I am communicating through your intuition, thoughts and dreams.'

You are being asked to trust your intuition and take the divinely guided action that keeps gently tap, tap, tapping you on the shoulder. You’ll be shown things and get nudges to do things that don’t make sense. This… is where the trust comes in, cause gosh it will feel so right even though your head will tell you all the things why it is wrong or what you shouldn’t have or shouldn’t do. But we know it is not about listening to should’s and we definitely don’t listen to should’s after we’ve already made our choices. Your Soul called you forth for a reason and you’ve made the right choice - or about to. It’s either a FUCK YES or it’s a no and that FUCK YES is a very clear obvious feeling that you cannot deny. Focus on your mission and the money will follow. Take the next step and the next one will be shown to you. Follow the flow, follow your heart and let it lead the way. This card is a similar message to Card #1 - however, here is about letting your intuition take reign instead of your mind - get out of your head and into your heart. Move your body and soul until it feels aligned again and wait until the clear GO TIME before you take action. I feel that right now - you are integrating a big change that has just happened and it is important to let the integration take place. I call this ‘Reality Breaks’ in Trust Your Intuition, because when we are dealing with the spirit/intuitive world, we need to integrate the inner changes in our physical reality and ‘allow the world to catch up’ on an integral level deep in the cellular coding of your body. This isn’t always the case, but the message here for you particularly right now - is this. If the GO TIME direction isn’t clear - integration is still at play. Like all the particles of reality coming together before your eyes - the picture isn’t clear yet, the frequency hasn’t landed yet, the station hasn’t arrived yet, it isn’t time to get off the train, but more so, wait until you can feel it, wait until the clarity comes. I am also getting the message too - remember why you began, remember why you started, and come back to finding why you really want to do it now. The start point and where you are now - may have changed slightly, but right now - you have more reason, more solid ground to build from than you ever did - why? Because you’ve healed. You’re coming from a much clearer place than you did - 5, 10 even 20 years ago - and now, you’re extraordinarily clear on ‘why’ you’re doing this. Remember why you began and allow yourself to ground into your now - to amplify this for where you are going. You have a mission and others will not understand it - but that is why it was given to you - not them. They are not meant to understand your mission, because it is yours. No one will understand it, until you just do it soooo shhhh, said the Fae and get on with what you were born for. Love xxx Your Soul, is calling. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re not one for a normal life. You’ve always felt more, you change the energy of the room when you walk into one and people stop and listen to you when you talk. You have a way with people, you always just know what they need and you’re always the one people come to when they have something they can’t talk to anyone else about - you’re at the top of their mind. You have a gift and you’re being asked to hone this. You know you work best with mentors and you know you’re ready to up your game. You only want the best, have the best and never settle for anything less than the best. Not in an egotistical way - just… standards. You know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Your mission is no longer a calling - it is an inevitable calling you cannot deny anymore and feeling this in your heart and soul - Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #3: Rosetta. ‘You have a gift for working with young people and your Divine purpose involves helping, teaching or parenting children.’ 

Okay, really strong message for this one - whilst this card is about working with young children, this is such a strong message today for you about your inner child and breaking limiting patterns from your childhood and generational pass down. You work hard - you definitely do. You know you can create, be, do anything you want to do. You make shit happen. You’re willing to do whatever it takes to live your purpose - on purpose - abundantly. You know what you have to do and you make it happen. You always have. However, you have been - recently - but it’s always been a drive for you to live an incredibly amazing life, with freedom in all areas. You do the inner and outer work. You’re fucking good at it. However, you still are waiting for a saviour. You still are ‘waiting on that big win’. You’re still buying lottery tickets or hoping someone would just buy this for you or give you this great huge sum of money to support you or have that ‘if I just had clients booking in it would be fine’. Wrong. You’re a hard worker, push yourself to the limits of exhaustion and yet - you’re still waiting for the saviour. You don’t actually want to do it yourself. You’re fucking exhausted. And what’s going on here is a few things… you don’t actually believe you’re worthy of what you truly want, you don’t believe you deserve the life you say you want - otherwise it - would be here already AND you wouldn’t be so exhausted trying to prove yourself to everyone you’re good enough and ‘look at me, I did this, will you love me now?’. #ouch. I know. Hear me out. Nothing is shifting in your reality no matter how hard you push or create or try to- nothing is budging. And yet - everything is moving. When we are shifting from an old paradigm to a new, for agesssss it seems like nothing is happening and things actually get worse! Then - out of the blue - everything starts returning and picking up again and you want to bet you want to be ready! However, the key message here for you is you have your wires crossed. You have double binding beliefs holding you back right now. You say you want your best life, but it’s not your actions - you’re working hard. However, as long as you have the belief running that no body loves you, you’re abandonment is ten fold from your mother that never gave you the love you needed - no matter how much effort you put in, you’ll just wind up burnt out and exhausted because this belief running is like you running a marathon (trying to) but you have a big belt around your waist tied to a huge pole and you’re running on the spot and not even realising it. The pole represents your beliefs and the length of rope represents the energetic distance you have tethered yourself to (energetic spatial sphere of what you’ll let yourself receive - aka you’re capped) because your beliefs are holding you back. Your work, therefore is to deeply love upon your inner child and love on them some more, the deep beliefs must be changed and the old ones loved to death (transformation). Love xxx My Inner Child healing meditation and training inside the Life Purpose Activation Kit is just the key for this comment PURPOSE below and I will send it to you, or if you’d rather accelerate this process and want me to help you navigate to teach you how to be the cartographer of your own subconscious and uncover your unique purpose, Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #4: Serephina. ‘I am the Angel of Families. A happy change or addition is coming to your family.’ 

This card has come to you because you’ve been contemplating having another child or reflecting on and communicating with a child of yours that is in heaven right now. Regardless if they are in heaven from a past life or from this life where they experienced a very short life, there is a message here that the signs you’ve been feeling, hearing and receiving are correct. They are letting you know that it’s real communication and you’re not making it up. Whether you decide to have another child or not - there is a happy change coming into your life. You are/have moved into a healing stage of grieving that is allowing joy to come back (even though of course you think of them, this is a message that they don’t want you to feel guilty for being happy without them, quite the opposite - they’re encouraging you to live and enjoy your life again). This happy families card - represents you healing the family aspect of yourself and coming to peace with what’s been. You might be experiencing a lull or hole in your life that’s staring to heal meaning - you’re feeling it and facing it with excruciating pain (never ease to face deep healing, it’s raw and messy) and in this, you’re shifting to allow the love and light back into your life that you’ve been craving and why you’ve found yourself ‘here’. This card is deep in Mother healing. Letting yourself receive, rewiring beliefs around being worthy of love and learning to love yourself deeper and in ways you haven’t ever done before. Let yourself heal because if this card isn’t confirmation that you have healed these core wounds and magic has and is entering into life - let yourself heal, because that’s what’s coming for you. Love xxx Your Soul, is calling. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re not one for a normal life. You’ve always felt more, you change the energy of the room when you walk into one and people stop and listen to you when you talk. You have a way with people, you always just know what they need and you’re always the one people come to when they have something they can’t talk to anyone else about - you’re at the top of their mind. You have a gift and you’re being asked to hone this. You know you work best with mentors and you know you’re ready to up your game. You only want the best, have the best and never settle for anything less than the best. Not in an egotistical way - just… standards. You know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Your mission is no longer a calling - it is an inevitable calling you cannot deny anymore and feeling this in your heart and soul - Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #5: Omega. ‘Victory! Your desire is coming to fruition. Keep up the good work!’ 

Now’s not the time to give up! Now’s the time to push harder. This isn’t about hustle and grind - but when we are finishing projects, it is about hustle and grind and push! Just like putting your all in at the end of a marathon as you cross the finish line, right now, you’re being asked to give it your all. You’re definitely on the road to success and being asked to notice all the little things - celebrate all the tiny wins like they are the biggest thing you’ve been waiting for - because if you can’t celebrate the little things (even like a 5 min break on the grass under the sun being present absorbing it - if you can be present with presence) - you’re going to miss what is trying to come in for you - the big things. All the little things add up to the big things. Right now, block out all distractions and full focus like a bull at a gate and go for it. You can muster up this potent power, set strong boundaries and this last bit for you - is going to set incredible foundations that your success is going to blow even your own mind. Dedication, commitment and focus. Pull up your beyond reserve strengths because you’re about to have the biggest Victory of your life. You can do it! And let’s not forget… you’ve already done it! Love xxx Your Soul, is calling. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re not one for a normal life. You’ve always felt more, you change the energy of the room when you walk into one and people stop and listen to you when you talk. You have a way with people, you always just know what they need and you’re always the one people come to when they have something they can’t talk to anyone else about - you’re at the top of their mind. You have a gift and you’re being asked to hone this. You know you work best with mentors and you know you’re ready to up your game. You only want the best, have the best and never settle for anything less than the best. Not in an egotistical way - just… standards. You know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Your mission is no longer a calling - it is an inevitable calling you cannot deny anymore and feeling this in your heart and soul - Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator


Card #6: Shanti. ‘I am the Angel of Peace. I bring you a new tranquility and a smoother road ahead.’

This too shall pass. The worst is now behind you and you’re being asked to stay focused on the road ahead and where you’re going. You’re being asked to bathe in this peace and tranquility and amplify from the space and remember - the amplification doesn’t mean push and hustle, it doesn’t mean trying dredge up the old paradigm in the new one - it is about from the peace and tranquility bath (we’ll call the new paradigm) what do you get to do from here? You’ve stepped through a portal where you’re operating in the old reality - but from a higher frequency and dimension of operation now. You’re being asked to keep this at the forefront of your awareness, and let’s be real it’s a bit hard not to because it’s a feeling that’s sooo familiar and it’s called - your heart and soul that you were (have always been) so intimately connected with, is now in the drivers seat so to speak. You’re not operating from the paradigm of trauma drama karma cycles, you’re actually out of that now and it’s here that the reconnection is strong. The trauma has been removed and the connection to your Soul is super clear now. You see you were never disconnected, just unconscious due to hurt, pain and trauma and now that’s shifted for you and your conscious awareness is clear and unobstructed. The courage of a lion and silence of a lamb (both animals on this card) and… the path ahead is smooth sailing just remember your heart consciousness frequency you’re in and all will be resolved. Responding instead of reacting is paramount now. Heart frequency transforms everything, you’ve just got to stay here. Love… and Peace xxx Your Soul, is calling. You have a mission, a purpose and you know you’re not one for a normal life. You’ve always felt more, you change the energy of the room when you walk into one and people stop and listen to you when you talk. You have a way with people, you always just know what they need and you’re always the one people come to when they have something they can’t talk to anyone else about - you’re at the top of their mind. You have a gift and you’re being asked to hone this. You know you work best with mentors and you know you’re ready to up your game. You only want the best, have the best and never settle for anything less than the best. Not in an egotistical way - just… standards. You know you came here for this time on Earth, you know you came here to be a part of this Great Awakening, you know you came here to be a part of it in a big, big way. Your mission is no longer a calling - it is an inevitable calling you cannot deny anymore and feeling this in your heart and soul - Life Purpose Accelerator is for you. Click here for all the details, doors close early November: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator