Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd September 2020

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 22, 2020

Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 22nd September 2020

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are there waiting for you from the Archangels today 🕊

~ Unlimited Voice & Text Messaging
~ Unlimited Support
~ Psychic Development
~ Intuitive Psychic Support & Guidance
~ Intuitive Coaching
~ Personalised Mentoring

My 21 Day Shifter Program is where you can rapidly shift out what is holding you back so you can get back on track and remember the reason you are here in the first place. Click here for all the details or send me a message with any questions:

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Archangel Jeremiel. Overcoming Difficulties. “The worst is now behind you, and you are surmounting to any previous challenges.”

You may have been feeling like everyone has abandoned you, you may be feeling like no one has ever been there for you. You may be feeling like everyone has betrayed you - especially those that said they were there until the end, or you thought they would be. You may be processing the fact that those that were supposed to guide you… or did for quite some time… are not there anymore like they used to be, that you see a different side to them now.. or perhaps you have simply… outgrown all of these people. I feel that Archangel Jeremiel, the Archangel deeply connected to your Third Eye, has come to you today to let you know that as He flies high above the clouds, he can see the road ahead, and it is bright, your future is so bright, that right now, you are in a portal of the next 12-18 months of completely letting go of your entire old life, of all the people, of everyone who you have ever had contact with that completely ripped you apart and tore you to shreds, everything that has ever hurt you… you are releasing right now. Be gentle with yourself. Let the emotions out, let it all come out. This is a phase of releasing all that you have buried, pushed deep, deep down inside that you have been wondering where your passion has gone, that all has gone out, that no motivation, no ideas, no inspiration.. nothing exists anymore and you wonder what you are supposed to be doing with your life, that other people look at you like you’ve gone mad and need serious help. That you feel like you’ve been cast out and nothing can ever return. “The worst is now behind you.” Archangel Jeremiel has come to give you reassurance, that everything is okay, that everything is working out okay and that soon, you will look back and think, wow, who was I back then. It is like you won’t recognise yourself because you have shifted sooooo much. It feels like your boundaries have become stronger and you ARE seeing that light at the end of the tunnel, but some days.. it feels like you have gone back two steps and are ready to walk away from it all, all over again. I feel like you are being shown the answer to keep moving forward right now and to continue to shift your life in the direction of this new expansion and ‘life you’ve been waiting for’. Archangel Jeremiel, I am getting the message for you, is coming in your dream state as well quite frequently, so pay attention to your dreams - especially in the shower, as they may come back quite strongly during this ‘cleansing’ time. I feel that you are being guided and even though there may be a few hurdles that seem to keep throwing you, you are becoming a Master at what needs to be cleared and shifted - rapidly, so continue to trust in your intuition, your visions, your dreams and the path you are on… even when everyone else has left you. Trust. You’re right there, right on the path, do not doubt yourself now. Love xxx 21 Days to rapidly shift your life, get your shit together and move forward with the acute clarity you know is there… somewhere! With personalised intuitive support, increasing psychic development and intuitive solutions to your unique path forward in ways you couldn’t even begin to think were possible, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open. Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #2: Archangel Sandalphon. Victory! “Your prayers have been heard and answered. Have faith.”

“Have Faith” is the strong message here! Have you been dreaming and wishing for something? I feel like it has either manifested already OR you are being asked to not only, stretch that faith a little further but to also, create a solid plan, a super strict disciplined plan that no one, no rabbit holes, no nothing distracts nor deters you from yes? Have you already, this plan? I am sensing that this next phase that you are entering, or have just entered, with the ‘Victory’ you have already achieved is just the start of your next project right? That, you have a grand vision, and I feel like recently, you are remembering parts of your grand vision, that you had once, given everything you ever had for it and now you’re remembering pieces you have forgotten it is like this part of you that has been lost underneath all the building, all the ‘Victory’ of this current thing, is almost, making you go deeper, into the vision you once held for yourself, it was ‘just how your life was going to be’ and then… life got in the way and now… you can reclaim that higher vision/path for yourself right? It almost feels like, ‘the more that is uncovered, the more that is uncovered’ and whilst that can feel a bit taxing at times…. You are starting to come ALIVE with this grand vision resurfacing, simply because it is TIME right? I am also hearing boundaries for you - have you ‘stepped it up’ with your boundaries again recently? Or perhaps shifted yourself into another direction, so are naturally walking away from those that are not in alignment anymore, especially that ‘higher vision’ of yours that has surfaced at this crucial time, to direct your next steps and every move? I feel like you’ve come alive again with this grand vision resurfacing… so… what is the disciplined plan? 🥰 Time to get to it! #nodistractions Love xxx 21 Days to rapidly shift your life, get your shit together and move forward with the acute clarity you know is there… somewhere! With personalised intuitive support, increasing psychic development and intuitive solutions to your unique path forward in ways you couldn’t even begin to think were possible, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open. Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #3: Archangel Azrael. Hello From Heaven. “Your loved ones in Heaven are doing fine. Let go of worries and feel their loving blessings.”

Have you felt or noticed someone around recently, this last 10 days especially that you loved dearly, who has passed over? It feels like they ‘haven’t been around for a while’ but this last 10 days or so, they have been making their presence known through different signs that you recognise to you. Have you consciously made time to connect with them? It feels like they have come back to help you work through something specific, that is going to take you the next 2-3 months to ‘get on top of’ - or get a certain project or life experience done/moved through? Have memories just come back to you now, about actually how much they have been around you this last few days? Different things that you perhaps brushed off or were simply busy to tend to and so you just didn’t take much notice? I am sensing there is something at the end of September specifically that they are working with you on that enables you ‘rest assured’ that you are being taken care of and ‘have your back’ - you aren’t alone, even though, they have come to your side, in a way, because…. You have felt alone through this process of what you are working on? It feels like you have reached a certain point where you’ve been good, but it’s almost like boiling point, or tipping point, where you are at the precipice of huge change right now, so you have attracted a plethora of support. I am getting the message too, to focus on your blessings? I feel you’re usually pretty good at this, but also in the last 2 weeks or so, perhaps something has shifted that you’re more in a lack, or grief energy or… something just, isn’t what it was right? I feel this is a huge transitional piece you are going through right now that will take you right up until the end of November, so go easy on yourself and know that you have all the support you need to continue… in the direction your heart is guiding you to go. Love xxx 21 Days to rapidly shift your life, get your shit together and move forward with the acute clarity you know is there… somewhere! With personalised intuitive support, increasing psychic development and intuitive solutions to your unique path forward in ways you couldn’t even begin to think were possible, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open. Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #4: Claircognizance. Archangel Uriel. “Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.”

What has been on your mind? I feel that even just before you checked this card, even up to an hour prior, you received a big download, that perhaps is not something new to you either 😉 that you are being guided to do? I am hearing ‘zip it’ - like don’t tell anyone, just do the damn thing. Stop scattering your energy and spreading it everywhere - instead channel it into the creative project that you are meant to do that your HEART is burning inside to do the thing. I am feeling that there are two main projects right now that keep tapping you on the shoulder and I am wondering what it is that you keep putting this off? Or keep getting distracted? I am also hearing past life, and with that, doing the Past Life Integration & Healing Meditation or the Healing From The Witch Hunts Meditation, enables you to unentangle the threads of your past, so you can energetically be free to do this next phase? Whilst you’re there, I am also feeling to release the generational plug too/clear the generational lineage… have you felt like you’ve been receiving a lot of judgement lately, especially from those closest to you? Even from stagnant old memories, you had… forgotten about? These are coming up and out to heal, clear, shift, release so you can be energetically free to encapsulate, the entire reason you came here to be, in the very beginning. I am also getting the message that you have been shown an entirely new reality perspective on soooo many things recently and if you have come across someone or something that you are being called to explore more, please follow this. I feel like you are being shown the way and it is important that you trust this, although, I feel you are. It is like your mind is being completely expanded right now… trust this and allow that to expand your body also, you are being given the gift of your next level of your Divine Service to all right now. “Pay attention to thoughts and ideas that come to you, as they are answered prayers.” #truthbomb #trust Love xxx 21 Days to rapidly shift your life, get your shit together and move forward with the acute clarity you know is there… somewhere! With personalised intuitive support, increasing psychic development and intuitive solutions to your unique path forward in ways you couldn’t even begin to think were possible, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open. Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #5: Archangel Michael. Crystal Clear Intentions. “Be clear about what you desire, and focus upon it with unwavering faith.”

Have you been confused lately? Not sure who to trust, so you have sunk down in what seems like this big, black hole of sorts? I am getting the message that… your originally avenues that you once walked, that you… had FULL faith in? They are your trust worthy allies beautiful one. It can seem like at times, a deep sense of betrayal can ensue, arising out of situations ‘beyond our control’, however, what I am feeling for you, is that who you originally connected to, with the purest faith, deep, deep in your Heart - this is an aspect of the truest form of yourself, it is not THE form, but it is enabling you to expand your frequency and activate a higher sense of self for you to rise into the highest version of yourself, coming into deep, deep alignment with your Souls Life Purpose, the reason you are here. I am getting the message to remind you that ‘Life Purpose’ is also an awakening of who you are… who were you before all the noise clouded your vision? Who were you, before you forgot what you were here to do? Who were you, before your Heart became hard and closed? Those aspects, ‘before’…. You may not be able to go back to ‘who you were’ or ‘ever visit those places again’ - however, what you can do, is recreate/re-wire and create the new freedom that you are today, with those aspects of who you were back then. For example if you feel like you don’t have fun these days and what you used to do for fun, is not something you can ever do again these days, it is about re-writing what ‘fun’ is, and what you CAN do today, that brings you joy. Maybe it has correlation with the things you USED to do, but today, it is about re-writing it, re-creating it, with your body today, with your consciousness today, with your HEART today. You are not the same person you once were, but you definitely still have the same big Heart, that you once did…. Who was, your Heart, before you locked it away in the hope you would be loved if you did ‘just what they say’? I feel that Archangel Michael is coming to you today, to remind you to who you are, with crystal clear intention and that whatever you are going through, is shedding all the old, so you can be super clear in what you are here to do, what fun you are here to have and what you are being guided to create in the world, with a complete crystal clear sense of self, not the clouded version you shut yourself down to be, because of all the hurt and pain your Heart felt from those that… you loved right by your side. Remember the truth of who you are, and re-write your highest version today, with the utmost clarity of self, that you… are worthy and highly capable of being today. Love xxx 21 Days to rapidly shift your life, get your shit together and move forward with the acute clarity you know is there… somewhere! With personalised intuitive support, increasing psychic development and intuitive solutions to your unique path forward in ways you couldn’t even begin to think were possible, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open. Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions about it:


Card #6: Clairaudience. Archangel Zadkiel. “Notice the loving guidance you hear inside your mind, or from other people.”

Ah, what was it that you just remembered, that you realised you had the ideas/guidance/vision of - that your Clairaudience is reminding you that you…. That is… your Purpose? That is pulling you in a certain direction and… don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise about what or how you are supposed to do, or that it is wrong because well, you know all this information and this book says this and this and that and gah… STOP!!!! ENOUGH!!! LISTEN.. with your acute clarity of intuition, of guidance of self that… you have ALWAYS - ALWAYS been sooooo fucking connected to Spirit that people have been INTIMIDATED by you and THAT is the entire reason that have torn you down, told you how much you need to be stable (when they themselves aren’t even and jumping through 50 different jobs because they gave up their purpose work to go back to a normal job) - LISTEN TO YOUR HEART and open that back up - continue to trust in your visions - no, you are not clouded, no, you are not tainted, no, you haven’t been receiving infiltrated and ‘off’ and ‘wrong’ ‘channeled’ information - NOPE! It is almost that this new influx is there TO distract you from what you know you had to do anyway, from the beginning. Yes, be open to new information and see if the old still fits or needs and upgrade for sure. But don’t go doubting your mission or what is ‘now wrong’ - because it isn’t… it is all part of the journey and the awakening process and every piece of it is vital. The information that YOU have been receiving for YOU - are correct. Do not, let ANYONE tell you otherwise. Trust your Heart… you always have and you KNOW when something is off, you hear it, you smell it, you feel it… and other than that - it has always been true, real, right and has led you in every which way until now. Now is not the time to forget that truth, that YOU are the one guiding you, not anyone else. You have always been 100% accurate. Continue to remember that, trust in that and allow yourself to continue to be guided by your profound Clairaudient, Heart centred connection to the truth that you ARE. If you are feeling clouded or doubting what you are doing… remember, that everything until now has been 100% accurate. Remember that YOU are this accuracy, nothing and no one else. Don’t stop trusting yourself now… you’re here for big things… you’ve always known this. Re-claim this truth now beautiful one. The World is waiting for you. Love xxx 21 Days to rapidly shift your life, get your shit together and move forward with the acute clarity you know is there… somewhere! With personalised intuitive support, increasing psychic development and intuitive solutions to your unique path forward in ways you couldn’t even begin to think were possible, my 21 Day Shifter Program is now open. Click here for all the details, or send me a message with any questions about it: