🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd November 2021

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 23, 2021

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 23rd November 2021

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Work Your Light Oracle.

You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore!

EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake.

You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise.

You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years.

No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now.

There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Break The Chain. ‘Ancestral Patterns. Healing. Rewriting the Future.’ 

Hmmm, I feel you are aware that you are the chain breaker, the one that rewrites the spells that were put on you from the past, the family lineage and soul lineage. I feel you know you are the black sheep of the family and are here to do big things that everyone tells you it isn’t possible and is… a path less travelled. And yet, the message I am getting here for you - is what is the big piece, what is the aspect that you have to do, what is the big commitment that has been on your mind, that you have put off for almost YEARS and now is all you can think about? It is like you go back to your day to day ‘normal’ life but then something will happen and you will be like alright! I know I need to do this thing… and then you don’t quite get there - again. What is that for you? I feel like this is a fairly big life changing game changing thing that keeps tap tap tapping you on the shoulder but you know you need to get it done and… it’s just big right? And yet, feels sooo right, like a huge undertone feeling that you KNOW is going to radically change your life and more people, places and things will probably drop away from your life - even more than what has done so recently and…. That is huge for you right? And yet, you know it is right AND you know that this is something you HAVE to do to ‘advance to your next level’ - that, this is the answer to your prayers and questions and problems, it always leads you back to this one HUGE thing. At the same time you are also like, “Well what do I have to lose?! Nothing!” Because you have already ‘lost what is most important to you’, you’ve already gone through the worst of the worst and this thing that you always keep coming back to that is on your mind? Is yes, huge, but also - a GOOD thing. Whereas the things in the past have broken you, trampled on your heart and some and this… well this is only a good thing right? Huge, but amazingly awesome compared to the shit of your past and what you have healed already. It is like this is the final missing piece, the final touch to your Life Purpose path truly coming into alignment with all that you’re here to contribute and change in the world, because this is your innate gift and inherently your path to walk. It is just this ONE MASSIVE thing that is on your mind… but hey, at least it is good change right? So…. What are you waiting for? Love xxx You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore! EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake. You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise. You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years. No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now. There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Trust Your Path. ‘If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?’

Are you waiting for a sign? Has an opportunity dropped into your lap recently and you’re wondering if you should take this path? This - if you knew you would be supported what would you do - answers that question for you with a yes right? If you knew you would be supported, if you had confirmation that all was going to be okay when you took this path, if you could just have a snippet of confirmation that you are going to be financially, emotionally, spiritually, physically and all the things looked after well you would do it right? This card? Has come to you as your sign - TRUST YOUR PATH. It wouldn’t be calling you and constantly on your mind and that thing you always come back to thinking about if you weren’t meant to do the thing now. #simple. You wouldn’t even be thinking about it. You know how when you have brilliant ideas, or you get really excited about something and you tell people and they look at you like you’re crazy, or don’t get excited like you and then even put you down about it?! That is because the things that are calling you - are for YOUR path to walk. They are a unique expression of your Divine Life Purpose and THAT is why you need to trust your path right now, trust what you are being called to take ACTION on right now - because it has been given to YOU because this is what YOU are called to do - no one else. THAT is why they screw their face up at you and even tell you stop being so damn excited about shit that is just ridiculous. By the way - you need new friends and lovers if people around you speak to you like this - seriously. Being around people that put you down - only serves to stunt your growth, inhibit your Life Purpose and stop you flourishing and doing what you KNOW is in your Soul calling to do, let alone trust yourself! How can you trust yourself if everything you share with someone only gets trampled on? You stop sharing right? And a part of you dies in the process and you wonder why you are depressed, stuck and stagnant. Time for new friends. Time for a new life. And you know - you need to trust your path on this one, even if you end up living a completely different life to the one you are now. And yet, you know - well that is what would be happening right? ‘If you knew you would be supported - what would you do?’ Time to get it! I am also getting the message about judgements - what are you afraid of people judging you for? They are only unhappy with their life and got nothing better to do. So, go give them something to judge you about 😉 Love xxx You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore! EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake. You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise. You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years. No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now. There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Soul Family. ‘Call in your Tribe. You don’t have to do it alone.’ 

Ah, this feels like the perfect flow on effect from Card #2! You don’t have to do it alone. Are you around people who put you down or are just not supportive to you? And hmmm, is there someone around you now who has done that in the past and you are thinking about another go at it? Hmmm, I would be mindful about this. Sure, people can change but if you’re having doubts I would trust it - especially if you walked away in the first place for a certain reason and now you are doing it because you are…. Alone? No. Call in your Soul Tribe. AND - is there a change that has been on your mind? This change - is the answer to your prayers AND will bring in new soul mate, soul tribe, soul aligned people who you can vibe with and who will get it and put you on and in a better mental, spiritual, physical and emotional state - not the other way around! I am sensing at this time you need lifting up and to walk away from anything and anyone that is not that! It feels like you are a bit run down, even though you’ve been doing all the things, it is time to nourish your Soul, fill up your cup and be around those that not just lift you up - but support you. Are you needing more support around the home - or to move home - are you needing to employ more people in your business? Whichever it is - you need to be surrounded by more Soul tribe and connections that support you. I wonder if this is about expanding your business to connect with more people? The big message on this card is that although you may feel alone - you are not. I know you know this, but you also still feel alone? Inner Child work is where we heal the alone feeling. It is your Inner Child that feels the hurt, abandonment and alone. It is where you are rejected and forgotten, it is where you… feel alone and like you don’t matter or that nothing excites you anymore. Did you know that your Inner Child is where your Life Purpose lives? It is where you’re Soul Family lives. When you connect with your Inner Child and do the things you love, do what is important to you, do what makes you happy and make them PRIORITY in your day to day life it is here, that you begin to not only find life again… but find your Soul Tribe - attract them effortlessly - because you are doing what lights up your Heart and Soul - and that is a magnetic vibe that changes - everything. THAT is how you change your life, open up to new possibilities and remember what life is all about. Because at this time, you’ve forgotten that a bit right? You’ve forgotten what you’re working for in the first place, you’ve… forgotten how to live. And that, breeds isolation. Time to get out there precious one. Love xxx You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore! EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake. You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise. You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years. No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now. There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Anna, Grandmother of Jesus. ‘Seeding the Light. Laying Foundations. Divine Plan.’

Hmmm, are you feeling stuck? Or that you feel everything is okay and then it hits you and you realise you have just been coping and not living your best life and it infuriates you at times? I am getting the message here to trust in the timing BUT - and that is a big BUT - I feel you have pushed your dreams aside in a way and forgotten to FOCUS on what you want. Or something. It seems like you know your life path plan, purpose and dreams - but you have recently pushed them aside for whatever reason? I feel you needed to because of feeling stuck or frustrated that it is not yet here and it was a way to ‘bring you back to reality’ in a sense of getting some work done, getting shit done that you may have been putting off that is going to propel you forward, however, I feel Anna, Grandmother of Jesus has come to remind you of your dreams and to focus on them everyday with unwavering faith - no matter how long it takes. A wise mentor once said to me - that I would not be where I am today if she did not say these few powerful words to me: “You keep going for as long as it takes, until it takes.” I have a lot to be thankful to her for those few very words that she said almost in passing comment to me and have lived by it ever since. You are here for a divine reason, not a season. You are here to seed the light, to lay the foundations of the healed harmonised world that you see in your minds eye, in your heart, that you know is normal reality for you and you wish to see the world in this space too. I am sensing that whenever you feel down - remember your dreams. Pull out your vision boards, your dream books, travel to locations that remind you of your heart and soul and the reason you are here. You are being called to remember your dreams, your divine plan and work on this mission with dedication and passion - like the first day it brought you alive and you knew you were here to support people with your unique gifts. That one. That, is what you are being asked to step back into and live from, by and with every breath - today and forever more. Love xxx You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore! EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake. You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise. You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years. No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now. There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Pleiades. ‘Double Mission. Channeling and uplifting humanity.’ 

Do you feel like you have a mission soooo big that you get paralysed with not knowing where to start? Sometimes you get into creative awesome flow and then it all just STOPS and you feel overwhelmed and wonder how on Earth you are supposed to get everything done PLUS live a life and have a family etc etc and just… gah and argh and wah all at the same time because some days it just feels sooooo overwhelming you just drop to your knees and cry and howl and fall down and… wonder how you are ever going to get back up again? But you do. Eventually. Somehow. And you keep going. Because you know your mission deep inside of you somewhere, somehow is guiding you, keeping you alive, keeping you here and you arise into this next version of yourself, unravelling, unveiling and you know, that you have to do this. You know that this path was given to YOU and only YOU and whilst you know Soul Tribe are right alongside you doing it with you, this is also about YOU and your Soul’s Purpose. You have pulled this card today, because yes - what you are here to do is massive and your feelings of it being big - are real. Trust this. You have a double mission - this is also real - trust this too. You have a multi-purpose, multi-faceted purpose. You are not born to do just one thing, you are here to do many. This, is also why it is important to only surround yourself with those that get it, so you can stay focused on your multi missions and get them done. I am also getting the message to remind you to follow the flow, follow the passion, ride the waves - when you are low, give yourself permission to recover. When you are on a high - make it FLY and ride it for all it’s got. I am getting the message to remind you of the cycles and rhythms of life. By tuning into and riding them for what they are - you are going to get the most done and most out of what you are here to do, be able to birth your multi missions and achieve them all. Now, of course, the next most important thing, is to receive help, ask for help and let yourself be supported in this multi mission of yours. It’s time to shine, time to be seen and time to let the light in at the same time. So are you? Love xxx You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore! EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake. You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise. You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years. No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now. There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Yes. ‘Just say yes.’

Well, this card, in another deck came up last week after our Full Moon Ceremony! Sooo… if you’re needing any more signs - I wouldn’t let this opportunity pass you up - as I don’t feel this is the first time you have seen this ‘Yes,’ right? The really strong message I am getting here is slightly similar to Card #4 today - about remembering your dreams. However, the message here for Card #6 today - YES - is about ONLY going for these dreams. Whatever it is that is your highest dream, your highest goal, the one you keep thinking about and coming back to - is the one you need to focus on. This means - not settling for anything less than you desire, deserve or require. Not settling for anything less than your highest visions, highest desires and highest dreams. What is it that you are working towards? What is it that you are - when I have/achieve fill in the blank, then I can fill in the blank? Here is your answer, your guidepost - this, is what you are here to work on. This is what you here to do - now - not ‘when’. I feel you are very clear on what your ‘end goals’ are and I want to ask, what on Earth have you been waiting for? YES - just say YES - because the ONLY thing holding you back from your dreams - is YOU! I think you know this deep down too, but it is like you haven’t been giving yourself permission or dare I say - trusting yourself that you too - can have the life you want - even though you rant and rave about it - you dead set haven’t been letting yourself have what you TRULY desire! #ouch. What a realisation. And, what a time to truly let yourself shift and change this reality - RIGHT NOW. I bet there are ten things you could do immediately that align yourself with this ‘end goal’ reality you’ve ‘been working towards’ - no, not anymore. It is just time now. Enough settling for crumbs, for second best and holding yourself back more than you’ve ever done before. You do know what is going to happen with this shift right? You are going to FUCKING FLY higher than you’ve ever done before and they will be coughing up your dust! Kinda sounds mean - but honey, you’ve been hiding yourself and holding yourself back for way too long. All those things you thought they were doing to you - phhh! That is you doing that to you! Not them! I am sensing that fast, rapid and huge shifts are going to come in for you, when you truly commit and say yes to you honey. There is something magical when you give yourself permission to shine and truly live the life you want, not waiting on someone else’s permission to do it for you. But honey, I know you know this, you’re also ready for this and? You were also born for this. Right now - it is just YES. To ALL the things. ALL the dreams. ALL the pieces Now. Yes. Just. Say. Yes. Love xxx You know that it is is time, time to stop playing small, time to stop hiding, time to stop dimming your Light. Your Soul can’t take it anymore! EVERYTHING shifts when you say YES to your Soul and your Light is ready to shine so bright you burn away any negativity in it’s wake. You know that it is time, you know you are born for this and you know it is time to rise. You are ready to fully back yourself on this, trust yourself like never before and create the new reality you have dreamt about for years. No more mucking around, you just know….. time is now. There is only one week left to get into Trust Your Intuition before investment increases, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition