🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th August 2021
Aug 24, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th August 2021
Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see the message that came through for you from the Work Your Light Oracle.
It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave.
It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!!
You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way….
That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Boundaries. ‘Where do you need to establish better boundaries?’
Whilst these boundaries are definitely around people in your life, I feel there is a strong message in this card today around your own discipline with yourself - with your sleep habits, your rituals, your self care, the way you exercise, your thought patterns - where are you needing to implement stronger boundaries with yourself with how you care for yourself - in all ways? Yes, it is all good to go with the flow and that is important, however, at some points in your life it is important to have a strict disciplined routine with yourself and pulling this card for yourself today - is your sign that this time is here. Maybe you haven’t ever committed to doing a solid strict disciplined routine before - well, now is this time. I am also getting the message around your time. Is it around valuing your time more? With whom you spend your time? With the quality of time you spend with yourself? Do you even spend time with yourself or are you too busy with other people? Or have you found yourself in a space where you have lots of time for yourself and now you’re like errrr, what do I do now?? There is a strong message coming through about valuing your time, but maybe it is deeper - about valuing yourself? Valuing your message? I am also getting the message about ‘focus’ too - what are you needing to hone in on and focus on? It feels like this Boundaries message is also about - honing your focus and not letting anything distract you right now. What is it that, now have you space for, you can also put boundaries around? I feel that this is about the ‘time’ message too. Now that you have all this space - time to create your own boundaries, your own rules - now you can get done what you always wanted to get done ‘when you had more time’ right? Well, now you do - soooo… time to get to it! And just the last piece - is that maybe there is a friendship/relationship that you do need to put boundaries around - so you can get this task done. ‘Dont let anything get in the way’ of getting this done, it feels like you have been given this gift of ‘time’ right now - protect this time, value your time, plan your time and make it happen. Now is the time for disciplined turning up for what you are being called to do, follow this, now is your time. Now is the time for you. Love xxx It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave. It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!! You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way…. That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Fill Up Your Well. ‘Retreat. Rest. Refuel.’
Hmmm, this card is self explanatory right? However, the sense that I am getting here for you today is - are you allowing yourself the time and space to just be? Perhaps you take time out - but are you really letting yourself RECEIVE this space? Are you truly allowing yourself the space to be present with what you do - or are you still at the back of your mind running around with the endless list of things to do that never seems to end? It feels like you have shifted - out of the running around phase, but your mind is now, almost grasping at things to do - even though you’re trying to chill out and chilling out, but you are also just remembering that you have been running like your entire life and giving yourself space in this recalibration. And yet - are you truly comfortable here? I am sensing it is bringing up some deep stuff that you haven’t healed/looked at yet - but hey, here it is right? I am also getting the message - do you feel alone? Is it that you are realising you don’t want to be alone and realising… just how much you have ‘wound up here’ and wondering what is next, why did this even happen, even wondering to a point that, what is it that I have created in my life? ALMOST feeling like you’ve wasted time (or are wasting time) or that you sense you are now ready to actually do the thing you came here to do? Or some of you may still be wondering what that is even. I am also getting the message that now is the time to heal for you (I think you know this) and that - your time for doing the thing, is also coming and I also sense you know this already too. I am wondering too - the love thing - do you feel like you’ve never actually been loved? Like you are realising - what is love even, or beyond that, just the sense that you realise you actually haven’t truly been loved… and yet, do you know what this means? It means you are coming into even greater levels of self love. And that means, true love, is just around the corner. Are you willing to feel the greatest love yet, that begins by being comfortable within the SPACE that is, yourself? Can you truly bare to face yourself? To be, with yourself, to love yourself wholeheartedly, like the love you never received? Love xxx It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave. It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!! You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way…. That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Star Mother. ‘How can you Mother Yourself?’
Ah, well this card leads off from Card #2 - Rest, Retreat, Refuel. And this, deeply feels like Mother Mary - have you been feeling her around lately? Archangel Mary/Mother Mary - have you been feeling like you miss your mum, or needing to see your mum or maybe you’ve just spent time with your mum - or something to do with your mum? Have you realised that what you had with your Mum was something you wish you could get back or realising pieces around Mother Wounding that you are currently healing from right now? I am also getting the message something about your ex - has he/she been on your mind lately? First of all - clear your energy from them. The next piece here about that is that I feel that this Mother Wounding is actually the cause of the issues between you/the reason it all happened. If you have been working on Mother Wounding, this is confirmation for you that you are doing the right thing, on the right path and its shifting. If you are not sure where to start, start by feeling your heart. Usually we hold a lot of grief in our heart that manifests as anxiety and the wound of not being loved, slowly eats away at us. It all begins - with the Mother. Feeling loved, cared for, nurtured. I am getting the message too, to ask you - are you happy with where you are at in life? Have you had good things recently happen to you and you have instantly gone to the negative when you literally are having life changing moments, that you’ve even been ‘waiting a life time for?’ This, again is the Mother Wounding. Always looking at the lack, instead of the Masculine/Abundance. What are you ‘incoming’ receiving but pushing away by lack of gratitude. I am also hearing the message about becoming ‘softer’ can you become softer in the way you think, act, be, talk, move and - overall be gentle on yourself and in life? Also, what is it, that you are really needing to let go of, but are still clinging onto because of? The more you can ‘Mother yourself’ the more you are going to be able to let go of the thing, better still, the more you nurture, care and work on that connection with yourself, the freer you will feel, to let in the love, you seek, that you never received and is actually available to you, right now. Love xxx It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave. It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!! You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way…. That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Align Your Life. ‘What is no longer in alignment with who you truly are?’
Have you felt like everything is falling away and you have no idea who you are? Like everything has been stripped away and you are standing bare butt naked in the middle of a crowded room, screaming and STILL no one hears you? I am getting the message about your voice, your Throat Chakra - what is it, you are needing to say, do and speak up to someone - or the world? Where are you still hiding behind the curtain, screaming at the top of your lungs but no one is hearing you? I am seeing the scene of Wizard of Oz, when Dorothy finds the man behind the curtain - trying to be all big, controlling and mean, but is just this old man, trying to grasp onto straws - which, is very much like the world stage currently. However, as much as that is definitely going on - how are you doing that in your own life right now? The reason your throat is sore, the reason you are exhausted, the reason you feel like you’re treading water and not getting anywhere, the reason you feel like it’s too late or you’ve missed the boat, or you should’ve paid attention sooner - is because you are not actually living in complete alignment with your Soul’s Purpose. I guarantee you there are 4 things you can rattle off the top of your head, that you keep putting on the back burner for whatever reason - however, that? Is exhausting you, because having things on the back burner - it’s like you’re carting water to a horse, but the horse ain’t drinking and trying to force a horse to drink? Gah, exhausting right? Instead of screaming at people that are not listening to you - honey your tribe is waiting for you and they are suffering because you are not speaking your truth. You are turning to people who are not listening to you - simply because you are not on purpose, on path, but this, is just a detour - until you are ready to truly step up to the plate. Stop collecting names, start implementing your Soul’s Calling, because another 5 years is going to pass you by and you will wish you started now. Sure, some things have created massive road blocks in your life over this last 5 years… but they have gone now… and now, is the time to come into full alignment and get your energy back, let alone your life. What is it, that you are truly. Waiting for? A knight in shining armour? That’s you honey. Nothing will change until you do, until you stretch yourself beyond your comfort zone and actually take that leap and go for it. Or you could just sit around and wait another 5 years, but… you don’t want that now do you? Or your Soul wouldn’t have guided you to read this right now. So, what are you waiting for? Get support, get a mentor that can guide you through this passage, because clearly doing it on your own, only gets you so far. Love xxx It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave. It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!! You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way…. That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Trust Your Path. ‘If you knew you would be supported, what would you do?’
If you had no responsibilities - what would you be doing with your time right now? Okay, awesome - now you are clear on that, and if you didn’t actually take a moment to answer that question, do so now - because, that answer? Anything BUT you taking action on that right now IS an excuse that sees you passing the days, the weeks, the months the YEARS even and you wind up wondering where the time has gone and you STILL haven’t achieved what you set out to achieve. Right now - nothing is more important than dedicated your time, your energy, your focus to this thing okay? I am wondering if you are blaming the world events for what you can or can’t do? Honey - that is an excuse and it is simply a distraction to what you are really meant to be doing with your time. You feel it though right? I am not telling you anything you don’t know right now. I am also wondering if you have started a project and are half way through or some way through and are doubting what you are doing? Did you know that when you make a decision and commit to something, that doubt ALWAYS comes up - did you know this? It is a sign that you HAVE made the right decision and are meant to keep going - don’t get stuck in the doubt, confusion or turmoil - walk right on through it, because I guarantee you right now that if you back out of it, you will be living in regret of not doing the thing. Soul calling pathways don’t come with any road map other than TRUSTING YOURSELF on what is right for you - always. That is the only guide map available to you. So dig a little deeper to your truth, to the task/project you are working on, block everything else out that is not that and get it done - remember, anything else is an excuse. The right time to do the thing, isn’t coming up, the right time is now, and in that - that freedom you’ve been chasing this entire time? THAT is where the most freedom, deep seated Peace and all the feelings you’ve been chasing BECOME you. No more excuses, no more anything getting in the way. The only thing stopping you from the freedom that IS you - is you babe. Now, time to get off your device, log out and go do YOUR thing. The world is waiting on you! The world stuff, is a stage and it is waiting for you to step on it with your Purpose - that is what saves the world honey. Love xxx It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave. It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!! You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way…. That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: The Ever-Unfolding Rose. ‘Cracked open. It’s happening for you, not to you.’
It’s happening FOR you, not TO you - gosh, does that annoy you sometimes?? Sometimes the cliches make you roll your eyes right? And with good reason too. They can be used as Spiritual By-Passing and avoidance and with that - what are you avoiding? I feel like you do a lot of inner work, I don’t feel that is the ‘issue’ here - or maybe it is. However, more so in this instance, I feel for you, that there is physical action and choices and discipline actions that you need to take right now - and for a consistent amount of time. The other piece here, is that I feel you have recently come out of a dark tunnel, you’re now ‘in the light’ - however, this can feel a little daunting when you don’t know where to go from here. The Unfolding Rose - what is it, that you have wanted to do, that you haven’t had time for, but now you can? I feel this ‘buckle down and get to it’ - however, with a gracious flow, with an ease, with a sense of being okay with ‘taking your time’ - but there is a gentle grace about you now, there has been an energy change within you and now is the time to deeply live that into your new being, into your new life. I am also sensing this recalibration, has, almost taken it’s toll on you. Sure, you’re ‘unfolding like the rose now’ - just. However, I feel there is one last fairly big hurdle you are crossing right this moment as we speak - that you - coming into you that you that. Was shut down by everyone opened your Heart to, that you, that you thought you were meant to. Become. Right? But - that was, for them, right? You knew who you were, you were. Doing great, flying - happy even - and then BAM you’ve arrived here, wondering if you’re Arthur or Martha - but actually… you remember who you are, but you are sooooo scared to become that version of you, because you know that deep inside, they shut you away, locked you away - told you they loved you then betrayed you and you’re still…. recovering from it. But you know what? This card, has come to you today, because you - are breaking through - you are honey - that ever unfolding Rose - and you never lost yourself… it just feels like you did, because the bud was closed, the sun had disappeared for way too long and now, now is your time to open up - because you KNOW that is the answer to ALL your prayers and you KNOW that this is the next step, the next stage for you right? That YOU inside, that you are getting tastes of, delicious tastes of remembering who you are - is about to open right up and everything that you were once worried about - totally fades away as you become more of who you’ve ever been - even more than what you were before now. If you’re struggling with this final phase - just look at it as though you’re shedding skin - that is kinda annoying when it flakes and gets everywhere, and is kinda itchy… all these layers - are - all the old hurts, old pains, old - all of that - disintegrating - for real, not just in your meditations anymore. Time to COME TO LIFE precious one! They are dissolving, just like in your meditation - but this is for real now. You can have your dreams now - because it’s reality now. BLOOM precious one, it is what you came here to DO. Love xxx It’s hard, when you’ve forgotten who you are. It’s tricky when you have wrapped yourself up in a cocoon and left yourself there for the flies and then you keep shaking them off and you wonder why they won’t leave. It’s hard when you’ve been hanging around people who have been nice to your face but you can FEEL underneath what is going on, but doubt yourself then wonder wtf again, because they brush it over and so you doubt and wonder and then find yourself questioning your path but you have BROKEN the cyclic cocoon and have said ENOUGH!!! You are READY take dedication action, you are ready to show them what you are really made of - amongst remembering who the fuck you are and finding yourself again - you are ready and won’t let anything get in the way…. That is why, Life Purpose Accelerator calls your SOUL - for those only enter that are ready to FLY, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator