🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th January 2023
Jan 24, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th January 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins 🧜♀️🐬
Are you ready to take a leap of Faith?
To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it.
When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
It is the Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle that was used today, you can click here to get your own oracle deck of these on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3kCqJFK
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Friendship. “Make a date for a play day with one or more friends.”
Have you just organised to catch up with a friend? Have you been meeting new friends? Have you been reconnecting with old friends? This feels like Soul Nourishment to me. It feels like the answer to your prayers lays in - taking time out. You might feel you’ve been doing enough of that already! You haven’t really been doing anything really?! However, this is Soul Nourishment of connection and fulfils a very important human function of living and is what you are being guided to do right now as your very next step. So do not move forward without making this part of your plan yes? Not that you have been moving forward anyway it seems - until recently. The cogs have started to turn right? And… that is all the more reason to make sure that you are including these deep Soul Nourishment friend play dates, because this is the time when you not only need the most support - but are going through a rebirth right now and not only is it that you are ‘alone’ through this (you are and you aren’t), but what is more important here, is that you are grounding in a whole new aspect of being. One where your life is full of nourishment, love, care, fun and joy right? The old paradigm has been burned away which you may have had strange come and go fevers lately, or like shivers at strange times that feel something greater than just ‘truth bumps’ - it feels deeper or Crows/Ravens or Bats making there appearance to you recently - symbolising the end of a very old karmic cycle that does not need to play out anymore and just doesn’t because it is done. A huge veil and cloak has been lifted from Humanity recently, but also - you’ve been doing the work which has accelerated this process, not only for you, but that of Humanity too. Hmmm, there is another part to this card that even though the friendships are here and this is a strong message for you - there is also another part/someone or something in your life you are needing to set a strong boundary with? Is it yourself? How can you be more of a friend to yourself? To take care of yourself in a different way? If a friend came to you, saw how much they are carrying on their shoulders - what advice would you give them? This advice - when you really stop and go deeper inside yourself there is a special gift deep there, that is awaiting you to unravel it and only you can go there. How can being a better friend to yourself today, show you the gift you’ve been trying to find that is making you want to run away from everything in your life? Because truth is, you don’t want to run away from it all, you love it all - you just… need to take better care of yourself, face yourself ever so deeply, love yourself in the process and… be a better friend to yourself. Love xxx Are you ready to take a leap of Faith? To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it. When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Yes. “Your intuition is correct. Take action accordingly.”
Yes. Yes. YES! Don’t stop at no! There IS a way for you to make this happen and in reality? It already HAS happened beautiful one! There is something you are still ‘waiting’ for - but you’re the one that needs to make the big move for big things to come in yes? It feels like you have ‘stalled’ in a way? But that is only because you are scared, scared of making he choice that will actually allow you to be grounded, to be settled to actually have to sort out your life - like for real right? OMG. Yes. To actually stop running away and do what you know you’re meant to do even though you’ve been wandering for years - you have felt the pull to ‘settle’ down (whatever that means to you - find a place of your own, be grounded, walk away from the push and grind mentality and free your Soul) - but no. You haven’t and yet your intuition is screaming at you YES YES YES… and then it dulls… and then something comes along to REMIND YOU and then it is a big YES YES YES and then do you know what happens when you keep ignoring your intuition? Eventually that opportunity will be passed to someone else, it won’t be available to you anymore and you will still be wondering wishing you had said YES. Look at how old you are right now - and add on 10 years - what do you truly want to be doing by then? Because if you don’t start changing those actions today - like yesterday or last week, when you should’ve said YES - you will be wishing you did and then trying to fumble your way through on your own, because you didn’t get that chance - well, you did.. but you passed it on by. THAT - is not who you are is it now? Or is it? The real answer is that you get to decide. You get to decide who you are today and who you will be in ten years time, it is just that in ten years time, you won’t be able to come back and choose differently, wishing… you had just said YES. Love xxx Are you ready to take a leap of Faith? To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it. When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: You’re Being Helped. “Heaven is working behind the scenes to help you, even if you don’t see results yet.”
Right now, you have an incredible team behind the scenes working their feathery butts off to help you! Do not give up faith right now - ride these waves, but know that it is happening and your negative thoughts or disappointment energy isn’t helping! It doesn’t mean ignoring the red flags or the sad feelings and sweeping them under the carpet - no. This is about bringing deep conscious awareness (which is your Light) to the situation as this transforms it. Don’t turn away from the fear - face it head on - with gentleness. Under that fear - is just a scared little boy or girl (your inner child) and the only thing freaking out about it will do is drive it away further and make the fear bigger when you ignore it. If that little boy or girl was in that big room scared all by themselves, you would turn the light on and gentle walk up saying, “It’s okay honey, everything is going to be alright, everything is working out for you, you’re safe, it’s okay.” and probably give them a big hug, take them outside for a walk on the beach and some ice cream. That. You’re Being Helped right now, do not let yourself doubt yourself at this time. Trust that there is a process to what is happening, but it isn’t like it isn’t happening! Because it very well is, you just need to keep leaning further into trust and know that you are being supported behind the scenes right now as everything is rearranging itself to unfold in your favour. Also, the message coming through is ‘what needs to be cleaned up behind the scenes’ - what are you wanting to manifest in your life and are you even an energetic match for that? What are you needing to sort out in your home, body, mental state, business and life that has been on your mind to work on, get happening and be working on ‘behind the scenes’? It feels like you know what this is, what you have to do and so it is creating the actual time to do this as…. we know that doesn’t happen on it’s own and there won’t always be a huge chunk of space to do the things we want - unless - you create it - that’s right. Sooo.. where are you needing to create space to - do the things you want and where do you need to clean up things ‘behind the scenes’ so you can truly come into alignment with who you want to be and live the life you want? Are you even clear on what that is? If not, one step at a time, clean up behind the scenes and it will all become clear. Love xxx Are you ready to take a leap of Faith? To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it. When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Music for Manifesting. “To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music.”
This card is very self explanatory and there is a strong message coming through here, about nature sounds. Are you needing to spend time in nature, that is just ‘being’ in nature, without having to do anything? Can you sit in nature and just… absorb it? Can you listen to nature sounds if it is too cold outside if you’re in the northern hemisphere? Perhaps you need to listen to nature music, no matter which hemisphere you’re in. Also - your true nature - getting back to nature, listening to nature sounds, allows your nervous system to rest. Two hours in nature is the correct amount of time that truly allows your nervous system to switch and rest again. So, in nature but also - the music you are listening to. Do you ever go through phases where you ‘need new music’ or get bored or tired of the music you listen to? This is signalling a greater change and shift within you that needs to occur at this time. It could mean you need more rest, it can also mean you are shifting frequency (hence more rest to integrate this next level) and also it can mean that you are stuck in a way that needs something drastically new. This can be as simple as a holiday or getaway - a change of scenery. It can also signal a change in your hormonal cycle and really allowing yourself the flow with these natural cycles. This card could be about the natural cycles and rhythms - not music! However, if we look at it, music, taps us into a rhythm, a flow, a pace, a natural state of being - that of….. MOVEMENT. Are you needing to move your body more, even when you are tired to shift out stagnant energy so you are not laying there wired and awake even though you’re exhausted? What natural rhythms and movements are you needing to get back to? Breathing? Yoga? Walking? What in flow and out flow are you needing to drop into the great big cosmic trust of the natural cycles of the rhythms of your life as you fade out one phase of your life and another new, brilliant track is coming on that makes you get up off your chair and dance around because… that is what life is about? I feel you are definitely coming out of a cycle and into a new cycle. So allow the old track to fade out as the new, enchanting hip and body movement makes you get up and groove on into your new life, because… that is what music does - takes us from one state to another. So put on your head phones or turn up your stereo to your favourite tunes and allow your body to move, back and forth, side to side, sway your hips and move your feet… let yourself drop into the rhythm and… breathe. Let yourself be free in this. The natural cycles, rhythms and movements - reconnect to this honey. Love xxx Are you ready to take a leap of Faith? To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it. When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Dream Big. “Let go of small thoughts about yourself! See yourself succeeding.”
Whilst this is the Dream Big card - I know you know you can do ANYTHING right now. You could walk away from everything and start again, you could literally do anything and are making anything happen. And yet, there is a part of you that is tired, or wants to walk away from what is right in front of you, even though you’ve been at it for years. As I mentioned to a client the other day, when you are tired, don’t quit or give up - learn to rest. Learn to take a break. When we build our dream empire, when we follow our passion and follow our heart’s calling, not everyone understands it, not everyone does it - we are a special breed - and, in this, it can be easy to get knocked down and back by outside influences if you are not around the right people, mentors or simply know you are meant to do something but it is taking longer than you want or know how or… shhhh… it’s okay honey - you are doing this, your big picture vision - your big dream - is coming to fruition it is happening - why? Because you won’t let it not! That’s why! No matter how many breaks, no matter how much rest - you will never not pick it up again and that is why when you are tired, rest - your project, business and life will still be there when you come back to it. Another hour sleep WILL do you good when you are tired and I feel it is about giving yourself permission to let yourself be deeply taken care of by YOU at this time. The other strong message for this card for you today is about making a detailed plan. I feel you are trying to accomplish too much at once and then unravelling to feel like you’re not making any progress at all on any of it. We are definitely multi-taskers and definitely can do everything at once - we are pro’s in this! And yet, at times, it is time to break off and then just focus solely on one project entirely to bring it to completion. Once that is done - then you may return to doing your ten things at once - or you may find the flow to finish those ten things one at a time, because they are all ready to be grounded to Earth in this way. Regardless, it feels a dedicated plan is in call to truly allow yourself the discipline, clarity and motivation to get it done and let your Big Dreams, finally land this year - because this is not a new project, this is something your heart and Soul has been working on, for a long time. Onwards and upwards from here baby, disciplined plan here you come! I feel that this will also give your heart the soul satisfaction happiness you’ve been seeking too. May 2023, be your year precious one. Love xxx Are you ready to take a leap of Faith? To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it. When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Set Your Sights Higher. “Increase your standards and expect more for yourself. Don’t settle.”
This card, explains it all! Set your sights higher - have you dropped your standards? I feel this is about yourself, rather than an external issue going on - of course there may be something happening in your life, but the cause of it, it is not what is happening out there - but what is going on inside of you - but you… know this - you may not know what to do with it though? I feel you keep dropping down to lower levels, because you haven’t been given any external validation/signs to let you know that you’re about to break through the biggest barrier you’ve faced in your entire life right? It feels like everything is almost - so hard, like walking through sludge - but you’ve just been doing it and then all of a sudden it hits you and you realise and then… you know what happens after you’ve realised just how much it has been, what you’ve been through? It breaks through to a new dimension in understanding what is really going on for you and everything shifts. It is like a tipping point, if you may, and then all of a sudden it is a new frequency and in this new frequency - you can hold everything. Everything is manageable again, but it had to snap the old frequency from your system because that old system and frequency - just doesn’t belong in… how much you’ve been letting go this last 12 months? Everything can settle into a new vibration now - because that is exactly what this is. So, don’t drop to your old ways, you can hold this new vibration whilst you allow this frequency to ‘land’. I am also getting something about the land - do you need to tend to your land? Do you need to ‘land’ and ground yourself in a new way of how you treat your body? Is there land or energy healing work that you need to do that you’ve been putting off? It feels like there is something you need to do that helps to ground this energy - cleaning up/decluttering perhaps, but it feels deeper or bigger than that - do you know what this is? Clear out the old frequency by - how? What comes to mind for you? Trust this, as it may not seem connected, but so deeply it is, as everything in our physical environment, is a reflection of a deep part of our Soul and clearing this, grounding this next element, creates a stabilising environment for your Soul to fully land and that… that feels so nourishing and damn well exciting! So, Set Your Sights Higher beautiful one! And go and ground that baby home! Love xxx Are you ready to take a leap of Faith? To trust yourself like never before and know that stepping into the unknown is not so unknown when it feels so right, when you KNOW you have to do this, let alone the fact that this IS the way, no matter which way you do it, you do it. When you are fully supported in the Spirit world, Heaven and Earth moves FOR you, in the direction of your dreams, because you stayed committed, dedicated - even when you wanted to give up and walk away… you didn’t and because of that, the full support of the universe and beyond - is right here with you, guiding you, showing you and making all the doorways open - because this is the pathway you’ve always meant to go and is why everything else, kept slamming doors shut in your face… “This way honey,” they’ve been gently saying, all along. Click here before the doors close next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator