🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th October 2023
Oct 24, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th October 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the The Salt Water Oracle Cards 🌊🧜🏻♀️🔮💫
Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns?
Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again?
Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in?
Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was?
Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!!
Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW.
Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too?
Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Octopus. ‘Sometimes a dance is required to manoeuvre through life’s unforeseen circumstances.’
It’s not a mess! You’re moving through LIFE baby. It’s not chaos, it is the ever unfolding twists and turns and simply.. steps… as you go about this thing we call LIFE. It’s not all caving and collapsing in - it is life being created and transformed as you walk towards that which you desire. Honey, things might seem like a mess, unorganised as fuck, complicated or just plain right wtaf is going on right now?! There is a huge cosmic dance, a huge collapsing of an old reality - sooo many people have woken up and become conscious in the last 3 years - this ‘web effect’ is having a huge impact on the collective construct of reality. As more people awaken, reality IS CHANGING baby and this is wrecking havoc on everything, let alone the tunnel and portal we are ‘walking through’ as a cosmos in the space vastness that who knows what is really going on ‘up there’ - but we do know we are birthing a new reality. Sooooo, know that ‘your mess’ is a divine reflection of the huge catalytic changes that are happening for ALL of humanity - what came first, the chicken or the egg? It doesn’t ultimately matter.. what does matter is that matter is changing and we are all navigating what ‘reality’ looks like, feels like and what the means for our daily personal lives - because what it does mean is that it is forcing everyone to look at what truths they are living in or not living in - and ‘this’ may be the ‘confronting mess’ that is at your forefront right now and you know what else? You ARE making the changes, you are heading the confront you ARE YOU ARE YOU ARE - so see this. Because you ARE. You’re not idly waiting around, you’re someone who does what you need to and ‘dances’ around because this is how you’ve always done it and this is what it takes to not give up and throw in the towel even though you have in your mind in a zillion times over. But you have learnt to pick up the pieces, you have learnt to focus on what matters, you have learnt to dance around - manoeuvre around pieces so that you can continue to pull them back into place and move to your next level and also honey? THIS is what you are doing. So… it may look a mess.. but you’re recalibrating AND you’re doing what it takes, because that IS what you do - time and time again, over and over again… it IS what you do because you’re ‘moving on up’. Continue to dance and know.. you’re right where you need to be. Octopus - the 8 legs.. the 8 of abundance, you’re okay, everything’s going to be okay and you’ve sooo got this. Love xxx Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns? Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again? Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in? Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was? Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!! Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW. Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too? Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Subconscious Mind. ‘Good or bad, deep down you know the truth. Listen. Trust.’
The truth baby. Not many people like the truth. Funny enough.. I’ve seen quite a few memes/posts just recently flying around saying that TRUTH is the highest vibration there is! Ah.. no wonder people don’t like me haha! I have had to learn over the years, that it isn’t rejection is why people are not ‘hanging around me or joining my work’ it is simply they are not ready for the truth.. they are not ready to face it. It was a hard lesson for me over the years, but now I understand what is really going on, life is much easier for me. I speak DEEPLY of this topic in my book, Ancient Blooded Healer You’re One of a Kind - I have an entire chapter on the Subconscious - so perhaps this card is a sign you are ready to read my book. My book is one that you either can’t put down, or take page by page that can take weeks to read, or you only open up a page and put it down for weeks and use it like an oracle. No matter how you read it, it is right for you of course, trust this, yes? This card - coming to you - what truths are in your face, but you’re not sure how to face? What is it that is hard for you to face? Remember the only ‘confronting thing about facing truth in your life is that you will need to cry.’ Cry. And know that you are facing the grief of your situation and when you do - you move through it, have a clearer perspective of what is going on, realise that perhaps you don’t need to make he changes you thought you did, you just shifted something that was in the way and now things are fine OR of course, it may mean your entire reality shifts before you in facing the truth. I also feel this card is a call for you to speak your truth - is that writing or publishing a book that is sitting in your document folder? Or - is it that you need to speak up and say what you really want to say to someone? Maybe you physically need to do this, perhaps it is writing a letter to someone and not sending it, but safely burning it or simply throwing it in the rubbish as a cathartic release? I feel like a light has been shining down on you in your brain - (lots of ideas running through your head lately?!) and you’re almost overwhelmed with your task list, but remember - you are birthing a new reality and so of course you’re going to feel overwhelmed as your entire reality shifts, melds, merges and changes. That.. is why this deep truth and somewhat confronting truths are surfacing… because somewhere along the lines you asked for more, your heart asked for more love, more care, more kindness, more… something more in your life and these changes, these truthful confronting things that are just ultimately the next logical step in your dreams coming true, that’s all. But doesn’t feel like ‘that’s all!’. Your life is going through immense change right now… it’s okay to feel like it’s all a bit hard at times.. knowing deep down, it’s all as meant to be. Listen, trust and continue to follow your intuition - because you’re right on par. Love xxx Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns? Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again? Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in? Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was? Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!! Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW. Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too? Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Reflection. ‘You are a mirror reflection of the world around you. Do you accept it’s depiction.’
Honey, if you truly believed you created your own reality, you wouldn’t be blaming external circumstances for your current situation! If you truly believed you create your own reality - then you would dig deep into your subconscious (did you pick 2 cards today?! #2 by any chance?!) and re-write your reality from there. Any trauma or CHANGE - did you hear that, you don’t even need to have ‘huge’ trauma to be stuck living in your past for it to be influencing your current reality #micdrop **insert mindblown emoji. For real but. This card is your wake up call. If there is something you’re not happy about in your life YOU are the only one that can change it. And don’t tell me you’re doing the work, because if you are STILL holding onto the stories of your past, well I am sorry then this story is your anchor to your past and the ONLY reason you haven’t been able to shift your current reality is because you haven’t dealt with the deep seated buried grief that the event you keep talking about from your past is sitting deep down in your core right now. (the dog attack comes to mind for me - I notice I am blaming certain things in my reality right now that I am using the dog attack story! **insert mindblown emoji - Showing my hand! I do the work real time baby and I ain’t immune to this stuff!) and do you see - how I just caught that? When we are STILL talking about something - sure, talking helps, but it won’t heal - not when there is a carriage of emotion that we buried along the way from the event and/or the event at the time for it. Where is the mirror being held up to you right now?! Where are you stuck telling the same story and little sneakily blaming the event in the past for your current circumstances?! Sure, events happen that are the catalysts to change in our lives, however, notice when you are still talking about something as your ‘excuse’ to why you won’t purchase x-y-z or why you won’t do x-y-z - because it isn’t true! (Although your mind will tell you such lol). The ONLY thing you’re scared of is actually facing the event that happened - aka - the grief and what that confronting reality of what you’ve lost or gone through TRULY means for your current life and… it will, I guarantee you bring up some buried core wounding from when you were a kid - where it all began and yet, you know what honey? THAT is your KEY to shifting your ENTIRE reality. Phew.. we just went pretty deep right then - are you still with me? You can look at your story as your addiction to covering up feeling the pain. Like, any addiction smoking, drinking, drugs, food, you name it - is only covering up uncomfortable feelings. Grief. Heartache. Pain. Hurt. That is all. Once you feel the feelings and let them finally come out.. you.. heal. And boom - the reflections in your reality aren’t so damn painful anymore. They don’t have the same bite anymore… and you are able to create what you truly want.. without the anchor to your past getting in the way. Gosh, what would reality be like for you now that has gone from your psyche? There IS life after healing you know that right? Imagine what that would be like! It’s real! So go feel it and stop letting the stories keep you trapped exactly where you are. Love xxx Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns? Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again? Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in? Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was? Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!! Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW. Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too? Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Ceremonial Cup. ‘I embrace the role of spirituality in my life.’
You - are about to go to the next level in your life. AND, because of this, your spiritual practises are needing adjusting, reviewing, revisiting and a revival if you may. It feels like this next phase, this next chapter, this new book of your life - is requiring almost an entire life overhaul if you may. Maybe this a detox for you body, but also, it feels like a deep reconnecting to your Spiritual life and meditation - or connection practise. This.. is also a big - reflection time for you. I want to say - how much you’ve healed and to where the point in your life you are now - so… what do you get to create from this vantage point now? What would you like to create in your life that you are wanting? What does… your next level require of you? These dreams or is it even reconnecting back to your dreams? I think many go through life, then something big happens and they forgot their dreams, or like they had to let them go because their current reality is/was soooo far from what they held in their heart and vision and this… is the big collapse of reality before the next level comes in… but it never feels like it at the time lol! Soooo.. know that your spiritual practises right now ARE your anchor as you shift dimensions in your life to a new level, a new space, a new place and allow you to arrive at your new physical reality - your spiritual practises are like the bridge to take you there so to speak. The strong message coming through as well for you is - REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS - they are your guiding post and ‘make your life a walking ceremony’ - because it is - full of magical unfolding with mystical twists and turns that are going to blow your mind and live out your destiny in so much bliss, abundance and divine interventions because you TRUST - your heart, your soul, your desires and this is where the magic is. It feels like you’re coming into a place where you are stepping into the next level - that is why your spiritual practises need revising. Sure you might need to keep up what you’re doing 100% but everything will change and remember, if you can’t ‘sit on your mat’ - the ‘sitting on you mat’ is your every single day, moment by moment - YOUR LIFE IS YOUR MAT! When you can take your skills to the next level and be present in what you do you ARE the walking meditation. You will see magic everywhere - your intuition will be heightened. You will be able to place all the pieces of the puzzle together and you become a living walking Master of your Own Destiny and opportunities appear out of no where and you say YES, because it is not that it came out of no where… this is the pertinent timing of your entire life coming together as the masterpiece that it is… .that you have always been in and that you have consciously been working on alignment, every - single - day. This card - has also come to you as a reminder to make your life and entire celebration - each moment of course and to deeply celebrate the amazing things happening in your life. You have come into complete alignment with your Life Purpose and life only gets better from here on out. Honour it, honour you and the journey you’ve been on to arrive here. You… are beyond ready, so step up with courage and own what you are here to do. Love xxx Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns? Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again? Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in? Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was? Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!! Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW. Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too? Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Voyage. ‘A path meant just for you is waiting. Ancient spirits are guiding your way.’
You… have an incredible life waiting for you - but you have to choose it. And you have to walk away and leave the past in the past and I feel… you have.. but you’re hanging on in some way.. perhaps that is a divine timing thing of what you’re walking away FROM or, you are still hanging on emotionally - which one is it? Or both in some respects? This path way, this new path way is not to be feared or scared of - you’re completely on the right path in every area of your life. I feel like you know where you’re going and you don’t and you sometimes question absolutely everything you’re doing, but you also know you’re 100% on the right path sooo, let these doubts ‘pop’ like a bubble and let it dissipate knowing that your pathway is laid out for you, all you need to do is keep trusting your intuition and move forward. Hmmm, ‘homeland voyage’ is coming to mind - what does this mean to you? Are you going on a voyage to re-write your homeland roots in some way? It feels like you have been away, you’ve travelled and ventured and now are ‘coming home’ as a re-writing pattern. We need to separate to get clear in our own being and person and then coming home to yourself is the biggest step up in your evolution. You will get the pull when to do this and perhaps you already are. Something has changed and when it is the right time - you just do it. And it is right. No matter what comes up, or happens - it is all meant to be. And yet… this time, you’re changed, you’re healed and you’re coming into it from a different energetic perceptive. Things that once bothered you, won’t anymore. You won’t react the way you used to, you are changed and healed and it is time to deeply acknowledge this. You’re also your own person. I am getting the message here that, you being your own person now - what else would you do differently? It feels like there is another part to your your pathway that is about to show itself to you and appear - something that is like ‘OF COURSE’ but you hadn’t even thought of or conceived of yet, but it is so meant to be and of course you say yes to this. It feels like you’ve been in such a space of waiting or there has been huge recalibration going on for you (still now too) but the worst is now behind you and you are coming through the portal to the voyage of your life - that you’ve always known it is how it is meant to be - you’ve finally broken away from the old and you’re here and this new space that is where you’ve always meant to be in. This path, is right for you - even though you know this and have heard me say it 50 million times and I will say it 50 million times some more - you know in your heart you’re on the right path doing the right thing. When everyone is against you, especially in the beginning when you are just starting out or hitting an up level mark - you can take this is a sign you ARE more so doing the right thing ha! Seriously though.. you are disrupting the status quo - are meant to also! And so, this path is right for you, even though you deep in your heart know, but are only shown the one footstep in front of you - continue this one step in front of you moment by moment knowing that this IS the way… but.. I am not telling you anything you don’t already know so.. continue you precious one! Love xxx Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns? Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again? Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in? Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was? Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!! Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW. Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too? Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Waterfall. ‘A new path is being forged for you - will you follow it?’
Well, card #5 was a very similar message - however, I feel this card for you is more about - yes it is right for you to stretch yourself and take this risk you’ve been thinking about! It isn’t a ‘bad’ risk.. it is a risk that your SOUL is calling forth and you know that this is going to push you outside of your comfort zone, but you also know this is sooo meant for you. It is even waking you up in dreams! What have you been dreaming about?! Dreams are a form of Clairvoyance - you know that right? It is an avenue you receive your intuition, so if you have been dreaming about it - take heed! I also feel like you’ve been getting signs left, right and centre yes? Soooo trust them with your whole heart. Stay with them, for your entire being of living with who you truly are, of following flow and the steps - every step of the way because it’s real. The risk is real - but as I said, it isn’t a bad or dangerous risk. This is the deep inner knowing nudges of your Soul that also the logical next steps! There is a calling, an inner calling that you’ve been denying for quite some time, that is becoming louder and louder, so loud now that you cannot ignore it. You try and block it out - but that call of your heart leading you somewhere, a path you have not yet taken or chosen - is calling out to your Soul. You know you have to take it, you don’t know where it will lead you, but you know it is the opportunity you’ve been asking for, looking for and has quietly been there all along that you know is the right choice for you - especially now it has turned up on your doorstep. Don’t tell people - just do it. You know what you have to do, the risk is real, but the thought of staying where you are? You don’t even want to go there.. or back there.. that is what you do know for sure right? So this… path is the right for you to take. It will stretch you, expand you, stress you and push you WAY outside your comfort zone. And it is here… you will find that those wings you’ve always had? Will take you to your destination and they were right there, beside you, ‘got your back’ the entire way… it is only now, you’ve decided to trust yourself enough to go forth through this new pathway, no matter what anyone thinks, because you’re all that matters now, because it’s time to put you first and that… is why this path has appeared in full force - because you’ve CHOSEN YOU. Love xxx Did you know I used to be in and out of unhealthy relationship patterns? Did you know I used to be stuck telling my same old narcissistic and abusive stories over and over again? Did you know I struggled to trust my intuition, because my heart was telling me one thing, my mind telling me another thing and my body telling me another about the relationship I was in? Did you know I was trying to find my way with my Life Purpose, not knowing what the fuck I was doing, and yet, something felt right but EVERYONE was telling me not to do the thing and yet my intuition was guiding me, but I had no idea what my true Life Purpose was? Did you know I would ask everyone around me what was going on in my relationships and talk about all the things with anyone that would listen because… I simply didn’t know how to process the big changes in my life, let alone the relationship crap that was going on at the time?! Phew!!! Did you.. I used to be there too? That it is such a HUGE learning curve to Trust Your Intuition when you’re not sure what is what, what the spirit world is, what to do with ‘dark spirits’ let alone try and figure out what is your intuition and what is your trauma?! Also PHEW. Did you know… that I am not in that place anymore and that you can be too? Trust Your Intuition to Become a Certified Intuitive Healer & Life Purpose Activator is your road map… to clear intuition, freedom from your pain and your past and the blueprint to your Unique Life Purpose that is sitting there in your subconscious, awaiting you to feel safe and empowered enough to uncover your divine magic that tis not yet on the planet and the entire reason you are born on this Earth - or you simply wouldn’t have found yourself at Reality Awareness, let alone Trust Your Intuition, click here, super early bird investment increases next week: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition