🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th September 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Sep 24, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 24th September 2024

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today, to see what messages are awaiting you there today from my fav, the Magical Mermaids & Dolphins Oracle. 

You've walked away from that which no longer serves you. You're in an in between place, awaiting your next steps, but that is the thing, you're not sure what the next steps are. You're in the middle of cleaning up the past and feels like you're wandering aimlessly around not knowing where to go. You know you made the right choice, you know you had to go, but now you're questioning that even though you know it was right it is more of - where to from here? Your intuition is right, it has served you well, you're in a place where you're wandering still. There's nothing to fear although it feels like a thick forest from the trees, but a black pit of something that you're not sure there is even a path to go.

You're recalibrating - hard - and you're right where you're meant to be. Because you're hungry for Purpose, you're sure that's the way to go. That inkling of hope in the well of hopelessness, you're in the exact right place, this moment brought you forth to shine light on where you're meant to go - your Purpose Path calls you so. Trust Your Intuition, the place that not just unlocks your Purpose, but heals what you've walked through and allows the light to shine on your big heart once more, click here, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Set Your Sights Higher. ‘Increase your standards, and expect more for yourself. Don’t settle!’

Right now, you have an opportunity that has opened up and it’s best you say yes and take this doorway window that has opened for you, or you’ve already received it and for the life of God - step into Gratitude instead of all the negativity and drama you’re still talking about it for! You’ve worked sooo hard to reach this portal in time - celebrate the fuck out of it instead of brushing this rather large manifestation off and receive it for what it is! Stop and smell the roses even, you have time and it’s time to be here and enjoy this process, that you’ve long awaited for. You also… with this doorway; this portal in time that has opened, have a split timeline to choose. You can either compromise and go lower than you can #1 Manifest right now or you can #2 Set Your Sights Higher and realise that there is a very, VERY potent astrological and crystalline cosmic light and line up available right now that is poised to allow you to reach your full dreams. You… know what you want and recently you saw something that was like oh, well I can just get this instead. Um honey? That was a test. You still want that ‘lower’ thing? The compromise? You’re at this pivotal portal right now. You really going to compromise or not make a decision about - not choose - what you REALLY want because you think x-y-z about such thing? Or more so about what you deserve and are subconsciously sabotaging this opportunity that has presented itself to you. Do you REALLY want the Universe to decide for you so you have to learn lessons all over again to eventually ‘receive what you deserve’? No. Didn’t think so. Choose the highest. Go for the best. Don’t fucking settle and go through more tests! No. No need. Learning through joy and love and laughter is available to you. Will you choose? Love xxx You've walked away from that which no longer serves you. You're in an in between place, awaiting your next steps, but that is the thing, you're not sure what the next steps are. You're in the middle of cleaning up the past and feels like you're wandering aimlessly around not knowing where to go. You know you made the right choice, you know you had to go, but now you're questioning that even though you know it was right it is more of - where to from here? Your intuition is right, it has served you well, you're in a place where you're wandering still. There's nothing to fear although it feels like a thick forest from the trees, but a black pit of something that you're not sure there is even a path to go. You're recalibrating - hard - and you're right where you're meant to be. Because you're hungry for Purpose, you're sure that's the way to go. That inkling of hope in the well of hopelessness, you're in the exact right place, this moment brought you forth to shine light on where you're meant to go - your Purpose Path calls you so. Trust Your Intuition, the place that not just unlocks your Purpose, but heals what you've walked through and allows the light to shine on your big heart once more, click here, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #2: Make a Wish. ‘This is a Magical moment. Make a wish and enjoy it’s manifestation.’

Coming right off Card #1 - now this card! I feel this card - is literally extra amplifying what I was saying in Card #1, but also here, is that there is a sense of magical purpose. You are aligned to a great Destiny. Not everyone who walks this lifetime, chooses their Destiny. Everyone has one - but it is a choice to pursue it and make it happen. It is a choice to make your life Magical. Anyone can make their life miserable, but you, you’re being reminded of your divine magicness, your divine self, your magical gift of who you truly are - in the pure essence of your being. I feel that back in 2012/2015/2016/2021 and this year - you made some decisions - or somehow all of these years are tied into one another and I feel that you decided you wanted to pursue your Destiny whole heartedly, you wanted to ‘do it on your own’ or chose to or it was chosen for you. And… it hasn’t been easy and so right now - you’re being reminded of your magic. Of the power of changing your reality with your mind - aka - waving your magic wand honey! Pull it out of the closet, dust the dust of it and wave that baby around because you might have fallen into a black hole, but you don’t have to stay there. I am also hearing the message about ‘an open book’. Perhaps that is your magical voice you need to share, perhaps this is a golden opportunity to write your book, perhaps this is something you need to crack open to remember your magic. What does ‘an open book’ mean to you? The message I just got for you is that - the Universe is an open book. The Universe literally is an open book - what recipe are you going to concoct? What are you ordering on the menu? Because you literally can right now. I know it might feel impossible with where you are - but… you can. I am also hearing to shift back to abundant thinking - were any of those timelines - where you were in complete abundance? It feels like remembering you’re ordering from the Universe at any given moment and whilst you might not feel like you’re most magical self right now - you definitely can make changes to remember that you are. And grieve where you currently are so that you can open the timeline back to your highest most magical self. I am also getting that there is something deeply internal going on that  you’re needing to open up about with someone - is that with me? (My $997 3 Month Mentoring offer closes this Friday/Saturday - just comment 3 MONTH and I’ll send it to you). Is that what the open book is about? That you need to stop hiding in the closet and open up? To remember or even - for the very first time, open your gift? Open your heart? Open your mind? Remember? Remember who the fuck you are and shine your magical light on the world, God knows we need your beautiful heart and you wouldn’t be reading this now if the answer to your problem was anything but reclaiming your magical as fuck self and sharing that with yourself, let alone the world. We love you! Love xxx You've walked away from that which no longer serves you. You're in an in between place, awaiting your next steps, but that is the thing, you're not sure what the next steps are. You're in the middle of cleaning up the past and feels like you're wandering aimlessly around not knowing where to go. You know you made the right choice, you know you had to go, but now you're questioning that even though you know it was right it is more of - where to from here? Your intuition is right, it has served you well, you're in a place where you're wandering still. There's nothing to fear although it feels like a thick forest from the trees, but a black pit of something that you're not sure there is even a path to go. You're recalibrating - hard - and you're right where you're meant to be. Because you're hungry for Purpose, you're sure that's the way to go. That inkling of hope in the well of hopelessness, you're in the exact right place, this moment brought you forth to shine light on where you're meant to go - your Purpose Path calls you so. Trust Your Intuition, the place that not just unlocks your Purpose, but heals what you've walked through and allows the light to shine on your big heart once more, click here, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #3: Positive Energy. ‘Surround yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity.’

Time to shift! Perhaps it is your environment that is bringing you down - could be your living environment or your work environment (or both) - but it is time to go! Time to move! Think back over the last 5-6 months - have you been mostly happy or sad? And there - is your answer. If a ‘big move’ is on your mind - now is the time to action that. There is a great galactic and cosmic line up that is positing all the supportive synchronistic events to open doors that were previously closed, that were options you didn’t even see or gave up being an option before. I am also getting the message that if you’re not physically moving - there is something you’re seeing to ‘move on’ with your projects - what have you put on the back burner that needs to be actioned - like now? There is a huge wave of positive energy that is coming in for you and you’re being asked to ride this. Whatever isn’t working needs to be let go of, whatever has been holding you back, needs to change. I keep hearing change, change, change!! What is that for you? Think of all the things you aren’t happy with right now - change is a calling! It could be your body, your mind, your diet, your environment, your relationships - something needs changing. However, this is not news to you! However, this is about you taking the action for it. I am also hearing about - something that pushes you outside of your comfort zone - is the BIG YES for you right now - meaning, you are needing to follow the thing you’re scared of if you’re wanting to manifest what you’re wanting! It’s a big YESSSSS OMG OMG OMG OMG feeling - that one! Follow that! Not a fuck this is a bad move yes lol! No, you know the one - feel the fear and do it anyway that sign up to the mentor you’ve had on your radar for years or just discovered, the taking the leap of faith to pursuing the career you've always known in your heart is what you wanted to do, but kept everyone else’s judgement stopping you from leading your life the way you truly wanted to be. The FUCK YES OMG OMG OMG OMG - what is that for you? That.. is the positive energy to follow right now - because everything else? Work’s itself out like magic when you follow this. One staircase step of OMG this one! Is all you need. Now, where is that step for you? Love xxx You've walked away from that which no longer serves you. You're in an in between place, awaiting your next steps, but that is the thing, you're not sure what the next steps are. You're in the middle of cleaning up the past and feels like you're wandering aimlessly around not knowing where to go. You know you made the right choice, you know you had to go, but now you're questioning that even though you know it was right it is more of - where to from here? Your intuition is right, it has served you well, you're in a place where you're wandering still. There's nothing to fear although it feels like a thick forest from the trees, but a black pit of something that you're not sure there is even a path to go. You're recalibrating - hard - and you're right where you're meant to be. Because you're hungry for Purpose, you're sure that's the way to go. That inkling of hope in the well of hopelessness, you're in the exact right place, this moment brought you forth to shine light on where you're meant to go - your Purpose Path calls you so. Trust Your Intuition, the place that not just unlocks your Purpose, but heals what you've walked through and allows the light to shine on your big heart once more, click here, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #4: Treasure Chest. ‘An unforeseen windfall of new abundance comes to you now!’

Whatever you think you need - it’s provided for in abundance right now. Whatever you think you can’t do x-y-z because you can’t because of also x-y-z is bullshit. Sorry to bust your bubble, but you have this reminder of this card - that you CAN and you wouldn’t even be thinking about it - if you weren’t meant to do the thing you’re thinking about. Remember, when you are given ideas, it is because it is your Soul speaking, your Ego speaking, your Desires speaking. Yes, I put ego and soul together - because there is no separation. All paths lead to Rome, nothing you’ve ever done was wrong, even though you might be looking back and regretting some things - ultimately your Soul and Ego designed this to arrive at this moment right now. So the message is clear - stop overthinking it, find the most joyful path and choose it. You are provided for as you step forward and if you’re too scared and are in freeze cocoon mode - this is your ‘inner world’ check in - because it is calling you ‘inside to this treasure chest’. Beneath the frozen layers, laying deep in the glistening water, is a crystal - what crystal is it? What just came to mind then? Work with the energy of this crystal - it is supporting you to open you back up the Abundance you think you have lost. You see, nothing is ever lost, you just go unconscious of it. Think back - when did you go unconscious to your Abundance? What did you start pursuing that was a ‘have to’ and not a ‘want to that filled your heart up with so much yumminess you forgot what it is like to be alive with such a feeling?’. That one. Back then. Now, pick yourself back up from that point on the timeline of your past, realise that took you off the path of your Destiny and if you were truly honest about pursuing your Destiny - what is the joyful path? What makes you happy and giddy again? What is it, that you can gift and give yourself that fills your cup? To let it back in, is to let life back in and in that? That.. is where all the treasures lay - in life, right here, because that is what this realm is about. An abundance of life. Yes, things die, and pass on… and it is sad as fuck. And, it is a cycle and we are ultimately connected through the thread of energetic webs that connect us all. Remember, you’re connected, you’re abundance, you always have been - you just went unconscious for a while - so you can come back, more solid, more connected and more conscious than ever before. What a gift. Conscious light of abundance. Soak it in. You’re awake and reconnected. Now FLY. Love xxx You've walked away from that which no longer serves you. You're in an in between place, awaiting your next steps, but that is the thing, you're not sure what the next steps are. You're in the middle of cleaning up the past and feels like you're wandering aimlessly around not knowing where to go. You know you made the right choice, you know you had to go, but now you're questioning that even though you know it was right it is more of - where to from here? Your intuition is right, it has served you well, you're in a place where you're wandering still. There's nothing to fear although it feels like a thick forest from the trees, but a black pit of something that you're not sure there is even a path to go. You're recalibrating - hard - and you're right where you're meant to be. Because you're hungry for Purpose, you're sure that's the way to go. That inkling of hope in the well of hopelessness, you're in the exact right place, this moment brought you forth to shine light on where you're meant to go - your Purpose Path calls you so. Trust Your Intuition, the place that not just unlocks your Purpose, but heals what you've walked through and allows the light to shine on your big heart once more, click here, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #5: Wait. ‘Don’t rush into action right now. Bide your time for better results.’

You want to make a move - you want to say yes, but give it a moment, over the coming days you’ll be shown more information that is going to help you make this decision and it will support the ultimate outcome if you just wait another 2-3 days. It feels like you already know what to do and I feel that this ‘don’t rush’ is about you literally being comfortable with 'stopping and smelling the roses’ rather than steam rolling through everything. It is teaching you to wait - for nothing more than slowing YOU down in your energy so you don’t miss life rushing by! This is nothing more than you being able to RECEIVE what life has to offer you right now - in front of you - right now in your era hands, in front of your very eyes, the air that you’re currently breathing and the land your feet are currently touching. It feels like something has shifted deep internally for you and this is about you ‘not rushing past’ this shift you've had internally - like you can feel it, you feel different, but now the body muscle memory training is for you to actually receive the shifts you’ve had! You might find that you all of a sudden change environment or people around you do/suddenly leave and ‘all of a sudden’ you’re living a different life. BUT - you created this! You've been doing the work for this and this internal shift - is represented by the external also shifting! So whatever you’ve chosen - yes, it is right for you - but this is a message for you to slow down and acknowledge the choice, let it sit there, people can wait on you - you’re doing it, just - in your own time. Obviously meeting your responsibilities and deadlines, but this is your training to put yourself first and allow yourself to be with presently what is. This is shifting something greater for you, so know this training is great, needed and a huge frequency upgrade, that being conscious of at the same time? Changes the entire game. Amplify that feeling baby. Love xxx You've walked away from that which no longer serves you. You're in an in between place, awaiting your next steps, but that is the thing, you're not sure what the next steps are. You're in the middle of cleaning up the past and feels like you're wandering aimlessly around not knowing where to go. You know you made the right choice, you know you had to go, but now you're questioning that even though you know it was right it is more of - where to from here? Your intuition is right, it has served you well, you're in a place where you're wandering still. There's nothing to fear although it feels like a thick forest from the trees, but a black pit of something that you're not sure there is even a path to go. You're recalibrating - hard - and you're right where you're meant to be. Because you're hungry for Purpose, you're sure that's the way to go. That inkling of hope in the well of hopelessness, you're in the exact right place, this moment brought you forth to shine light on where you're meant to go - your Purpose Path calls you so. Trust Your Intuition, the place that not just unlocks your Purpose, but heals what you've walked through and allows the light to shine on your big heart once more, click here, doors are open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition


Card #6: Tranquility. ‘Make time to relax, be still and enjoy your solitude, indulging in much needed self-care.’

You time. You need you time. Lots of it. If you are only getting snippets here and there, this is your sign to actually plan a decent holiday! This could deplaning a getaway of course, or just planning for the Christmas you never had or choosing to elevate your living standards by treating yourself to a bedroom upgrade - or the long last thing on the list (probably you!) to a spa day or moving it up the list to make it a priority. It has been on your mind anyway and it is going to shift your entire energy by making it a priority. I am also hearing something about the beach, sure - you might be close to the beach - but this is the Mermaid deck also - which can mean that this is your sign to go deeply internal, something is shifting from deep in your subconscious. Something that was buried. Something that you thought you would never receive in life, has come in - or your recognising it COULD come in and something is calling you to clear out something deep internal - or love yourself so deeply internal that the world has no choice to reflect that love back to you that have deeply shown yourself and so this tied in with the holiday or break or - what is it that you’re needing to tend to here to show yourself the love you need, let yourself grieve the fact that you have the love you desire and desire and that your entire life has changed or will change because of it? I am getting the message to - to think back to when you gave up or thought you’d never find such love or such time for yourself to be able to enjoy what you have created and go and ‘collect yourself from that point in time’ to bring yourself to now (can do with just a simple thought) - because you’re in a different space now. I am also getting the message that this card for you can represent that it is deeply time to remove yourself from a relationship that you very well know, is way past it’s used by date and it is time to start the process of deeply healing and separating yourself from the life you have always known. Scary. Get support through this time, but when you knew a while ago, delaying it any longer, well, you just know it is time now. HUGS! Not easy - no break up or separation ever is, but in the long run, even though you have NO idea right now - life will be good again, I promise. But healing doesn’t feel nice and it is a process we go through in life to get to the other side of what you’re truly desiring - love, support and kindness. And that honey - you deserve. Love xxx Right now, until Friday/Saturday, I have my 3 Month Private Mentoring support available for $997 - it is usually $5,555. It is 3 Months of voice and text messages directly with me 24/7 (except when I am sleeping) to be there for you through this time of MASSIVE life transition. Click here, only a few more days for this: https://www.realityawareness.com/psychic-acceleration-healing-mentorship