🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th April 2023
Apr 25, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th April 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today 🤩
You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator.
For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Brigit. Don’t Back Down. “Stand up for what you believe is right.”
Right now? You need to trust yourself in protecting that which is important to you. There is a strong message here about standing up for yourself, standing for what you believe is right and voicing your truth in a way that the world hasn’t heard you before. It feels like you’re right on path and almost like - everything has come in to try and stop you lately? Have you been extra busy? Have you almost crossed the finish line, but all this hmmm, it isn’t sabotage.. I believe that everything is exactly as it needs to be for you, but there is something here that is shifting to a whole new level for you. It feels like there is a deeper aspect wanting to come through… or finish something - but really? It couldn’t have been finished one moment before now - because you needed to walk through what you needed to walk through to learn, to listen and understand what you are dealing with - BUT - this is your sign that you must protect that which is important to you - what does that mean to you? Is it your time? Your energy? Is it standing up for what is right for you? Is it voicing something that you haven’t before? It feels like you have been walked all over for… way too long and now you are about to step through this threshold of living the life you have wanted for a long time and yet… this is the part where ALL the things will come up to ‘test’ you. I don’t like using that word, but it is what happens. “Do you really want this? Are you sure you really want this? Are you really going to step through this threshold to the answer to your dreams?” Yes.. why yes you are. You can feel it. You’ve been reclaiming your power, you’ve been asking for your next step, you’ve been listening, you’ve been following, you’ve been doing ALL the things… and now.. this really crucial point for you - is about protecting that which is so important to you, that you are breaking through right now. Is it setting stronger boundaries or speaking up about something? You will know what you need to do with this protecting that which you hold near and dear, standing up for your heart and soul as you shift through to this really profound next stage of your life. You can do this, feel the fear and do it anyway, feel the guilt and do it anyway, say the thing, protect your time and energy and walk through this like the Phoenix that you are. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Bast. Independent. “Your independence is a foundation for your strength and success.”
You have the strength to get through this. I feel like you’ve been doubting your decisions of late, or doubting that which you thought was real for you or doubting… you’re just not doubting your decisions! Something has happened that you have perhaps said yes to and then doubted what you thought was the right thing and #1 - DOUBT WILL ALWAYS COME UP! It is normal for doubt to come up once you’ve made a decision on something and this is your sign that you have made the right decision. What this also is - is you leaving behind and old life that you simply can’t go back to. That - is the ‘biggest part about the doubt’. The way through it? Heal and grieve the fact that your old life is that - over. You simply cannot return to the way it was at all and that? That is a grieving process. That is a big, big change honey and definitely needs to be acknowledged. You have made the right decision in walking away from that which was no longer in alignment and didn’t feel right anymore. Sometimes we need to completely detach to realise what really is in alignment. Sometimes it is the thing, other times it is not. regardless, time and complete space away allows you to truly see this. You may be stepping into the biggest change in your life in a big big way and that… deserves acknowledgement. It feels like you have recently let go of more than you thought you would? Like you definitely know you had to make this decision and that there is no going back, like you couldn’t have gone forward in THAT anymore, even if you tried. So know this doubt, is normal when you’ve made a decision and are moving forward with that and heck - even after years, you will look back and question your choices, and yet at the same time know you couldn’t have done it even if you tried. The points when you do look back and perhaps question things all over again is that you are releasing, you are healing, you are grieving and you are letting go. It is normal to look back, just make sure you grieve it so you don’t get stuck there as there is a whole new life awaiting you. Sure, that can be scary but you are also slightly excited by this prospect let’s be real. It is just this chapter of sorting out the past and moving forward into possibility you don’t even know what yet… is the only ‘scary’ thing and yet, it really isn’t scary.. it is… exhilarating and you know… that you made the right decision. You’ve let go of old patterns, you’re shifting dynamics of your energy, let alone your life and all of a sudden.. you feel FREE. Because this.. is what you made the decision for in the first place right? Of course it is. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: Ostara. Fertility. “It is the perfect time for you to start new projects, access new ideas and give birth to new conditions.”
Right now? Is go time! There is sooo much new energy here for you to take this baby by the reigns and ride it all the way home. Do not let distractions take you away from what is important at this time. Birthing a new project is like birthing a baby - you must protect the time, energy and dedication to it - like a new born baby! I am getting the strong message that your project needs your dedication like a mother tends to her new born right now, this feel so important for you at this time. It takes 18 months to truly birth a new idea with dedicated time, consistent effort and it takes 3 years for a project to have it’s own consciousness, energy, momentum and truly ‘land’ in the world. So do not give up at this time. You didn’t come this far to not keep going and not that you are giving up - but it feels like you want to at times right?! I am also getting the message of coming back into the vibe of it, of your joy, of what you have been living for all along. Start with the small things, like your children or your animals or the garden and flowers. Stop and smell the roses, literally! Bring yourself back to now and howl your eyes out if you need to and allow yourself to be here in this moment, to open your heart back up to now to let it all in - this very moment of now. I am also getting the message that if you are needing to hire help, whether around the house, in your business or a healer like myself, that can help you to shift out what no longer serves you and expand your heart and reality into the place you know you are being called to go but almost feel a bit stuck in figuring out, well HOW exactly??? Then Ostara, is here, letting you know that it is the right time to move forward with your plans on this. You are in a period where the energies are ripe to support you in making positive changes. If you don’t and choose to stay stuck out of fear of the next thing or your HOW (remember - your HOW IS the next step you are being guided to do, even if it makes no logical sense, nor you are not sure how it is all going to work out or continue to support you) - right now, IS the time to move forward with your plans, to take that leap of faith, to jump right into the life you know your SOUL is calling you forth into. Because that is just it… this is your Soul talking to you, through your thoughts, feelings, messages you are hearing, signs you are seeing and you know that your Soul doesn’t stop until you take action on it right? It will become SO loud until you do the thing, take the leap of the thing about the thing right? ANd if not.. it will go dim, very, very dim. You will become angry, bitter, resentful and then you will just get depressed and bogged down and not know whether you’re arthur or martha and then have to dig your way out of a big black hole that takes you years to recover from and you don’t know who you are anymore… yeah NO. NO thank you! So…. about that leap of faith honey? You know your Soul is speaking.. you can feel it in your bones and you know it is right for you… so go and allow the energies of the Universe to support you, no matter what it takes. It is definitely the right time for you to move forward on this, or you simply wouldn’t have pulled Ostara on the Fertility Card! Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Mother Mary. Expect a Miracle. “Have faith that your prayers have been heard and are being answered.”
Magic is in the air! Have faith, keep the faith and extend your faith because the blessings you have asked for are on their way to you right now. In this last week, you may have received signs that it is closer than what you even realise, even though the signs are there, it feels like this has been a long time coming, or you’ve been dealing with the lack of it or past of it for, well, a long time! And now… the Miracle is here. Feel it breathe it and let it in. Walk around in the gratitude of already having the thing of the miracle already occurring - of this right now moment that is so wonderful in all that you have received to date, all that you are, all that you have all that you have become, all that you have created and…. all you have in this moment right now. It feels like something you have been working on for a long time is about to come to fruition, there are circumstances on the horizon where it seems that everyone goes out of their way to help you get this across the line and make this happen. And do you know why this Miracle occurs? Because you’ve been living it for a lot longer than just yesterday! You’ve been holding the line, holding the vision, you’ve been so present where you are, being grateful for what you have, whilst holding the vision of your highest life, of your next goals, of all the things and this right now at the same time, is one of the deepest recalibrations of your entire life and yet… you’ve held the line. Even when it feels like you’re falling apart, even when it feels like the world is against you in moments of time… you’ve been there… living it.. regardless of circumstances and this has been having a very positive effect on your life. I am also getting the message - have you felt like a humming, buzzing, busy energetic feeling amongst ‘normal’ life recently? Sounds strange, feels strange and almost catches you off guard at times, in almost quiet moments and you hear it - but it is like you’re listening into the realms? Into the void between reality and… whatever else that is out there? I am getting the strong message for you that you are shifting realm right now. Whilst there is a collective shift happening of course, for you, if you’re hearing this ‘sound’ at times.. you are definitely shifting vibration and frequency right now and this is causing your entire reality to shift around you. There is big changes on the horizon that you’ve already been getting tangible signs from that means it is already here (and of course, because you’ve been feeling it for a while now!). If you have been seeing a lot of red, blue and green around and it has been standing out to you or even seeing those colours when you meditate through your third eye - these are deeply tangible signs that reality is manifesting faster than you know so - keep the faith! Miracles abound, keep doing what you’re doing and some because it’s working honey! Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Sulis. Bodies of Water. “Spend time near water, such as a lake, river or the ocean, to recharge your batteries.”
We are made up of 70%-90% water. Water holds memory and water can be programmed, just like crystals, to hold certain frequencies of water. This is a strong message to bless the water coming into your home with a simple prayer, something as simple as, “I bless this water with love and I thank you for being here, nourishing me.” In Australia for some ridiculous reason why (don’t get me started on why!) they have placed many, MANY of the 5G towers up on top of water towers all over the place. When I first saw this I cringed so much - the frequency so close like on the tank for goodness sake, going into the water! YIKES!!! Every time I drive past one, I place a cocoon of white light around the tank protecting it from the rays of the 5G and bless the water and it is like I beam white light into the water to purify it, along with waves of gratitude and love to shift the frequency of the water that flows into people’s homes. Now whether you have a 5G tower on your water towers in your local area or not is irrelevant to the fact that this card has come as a strong message to you, to be more mindful of the water in your home, in your food, in your kettle, in your kitchen, in your drinking water. Do you need to shift the frequency of the water around you? I have filtered water dispenser in my kitchen and I have written on the outside continuer with thick black pen/marker - I love you, thank you, gratitude, blessed, forgiveness, abundance, peace, love. This card, definitely can mean about spending time near bodies of water - you will be more rejuvenated than you realise by just sitting near a large body of water for a period of time. Your energy shifts, you feel different, you feel better and you can receive deep healing from being near large bodies of water at this time. Of course, salt soaks, ocean swimming, sensory deprivation tanks may be calling you as well at this time - trust what water message calls to you from this card, however the blessing your water is definitely a big strong message - as is….. the way you speak to yourself. Go easy on yourself! Stop being so hard on yourself and realise and catch the way you are speaking to yourself! We just spoke about the frequency of water and your words and you honey are made up of 70-90% water! It is so important at this time to speak kindly to yourself, tell yourself you love you, you forgive you, you are here for you and whatever else kind words want to flow out from your voice. Do you even do this? Do you truly look at yourself in the mirror and say I LOVE YOU? If not.. this is your beacon, your sign your message, that the ‘missing piece’, the ‘answer to the question you’ve been seeking answers to everywhere’ - is right in front of you - in the mirror… it is you. It is time to love on you, it is time to put you first, it is time to be kind to yourself, it is time to… stop looking outside of yourself and remember who you are, heal, make yourself a priority and turn this situation around by loving YOU. Do you? Love, you? Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: Dana. High-Priestess. “You have Divine knowledge that can help others through your spiritual teaching.”
What have you been holding back? What have you been saying behind closed doors that you need to come out to the world and say? Where have you been hiding yourself because of fear of rejection or that you are too deep for people or that people won’t understand? Honey.. your soulmate tribe are looking for DEEP! They get you and this it the only thing you need concern yourself with. The truth is, is that not everyone will understand and they are… simply not your people… yet. And how can they ever be, if you don’t come out being who you truly are? You’re sitting there hiding away - well they are going to hide too! They definitely won’t be able to find you, they definitely won’t come out and change their life without you (okay, everyone will, but you get the point of what I am saying here!)! It is time to come out of the spiritual closet! You have a gift that is worthy of sharing, you are far more advanced and grounded in your spirituality than you let on to people and there are others in the spiritual community judging you - because they do not know you! So fuck em! ;) The only reason you’re concerning yourself with them is because you’re off track anyway and are focused on them! Doh! Whoops! Back on track honey! Back on PURPOSE honey! No more waiting precious time wondering if you’re going to get it right or that you’ll say or do the wrong thing! No! YOU WERE BORN AS YOU BECAUSE THE WORLD NEEDS YOU!! Not a carbon copy of what you’ve learnt or who you think you need to be to be accepted by the world! The world will accept you when you accept yourself and the ones who don’t accept you, that judge you and want to tear you down… well, they are focusing on you and that is what you just stepped out of right? So no need to worry, they are just not on purpose… yet… and the way you show them? Is by you being you, doing you and stepping out into the world as you - you were born to be YOU not someone else! This card also shows up because there is something inside of you that you have not birthed into the world yet, you have not shown us yet, you have not had the courage to go FUCK IT! And bring down those walls and show the world who you really are. Well, it’s TIME! This card also shows up, when it is time to fine tune your skills as a healer - to heal from your past and allow yourself to shine brightly as the healer you are. Enough feeling everyone’s energy and being drained 24/7 so much that you have lock yourself away from the world - no. It is just time to heal, so you can step into your purpose as a Healer, Teacher and Leader that you are. It’s just time for ALL of it for you. Today. Now. And forever more. Love xxx You’ve been born for a reason and most people don’t know what that reason is. And yet, there are some that have this deep innate knowing inside of them. They know they are different. They live a very different life to majority of society, even though this is normal to them - this.. is you. You have always known you are here to do big things, to change the world, to impact humanity and leave a legacy. To plant seeds and grow oak trees for generations to come. The fastest way to impact humanity, to attract all the resources you need is to invest in spaces where others are living this life - the one of their true inherent Life Purpose, not a made up Purpose, but the true undertone reality of Purpose that is not yet on the planet, for those that are ahead of their time. It is here, that I invite you to Life Purpose Accelerator. For those that are called, for those who actually listen and implement, for those, who know there is no other way than to follow what it is that calls them and to be the Leader that calls for Humanity to open to a place of receiving a greater space in time reality that calls them all Home. This, is what you were born for. This… is your invitation to Life Purpose Accelerator, you feel it in your bones, in the cells of your being.. in your Heart. Click here for all the details as Life Purpose Accelerator is open now: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator