🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 25th February 2020 🔮

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 25, 2020

🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 25th February 2020 🔮

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages await you from the Healing With The Angels Oracle for you today. 

If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. 

Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah

Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Answered Prayer.

Ah, I feel like you have shifted through some big things recently right? It hasn’t felt nice, it hasn’t felt like you were going to get through it - but you did. Some big deep, heavy, dark emotions from your past, some deeply confronting realities you’ve had to face recently and are perhaps ‘cleaning up the tail end of them’ still right now - but all of this? You’re starting to see is what you’ve been asking for - in a sense of where this is leading you. You’ve been asking ‘but what is it?’ Or ‘but how?’ Or ‘but can I?’ And these answers have come and the ‘way’ they have come is perhaps not really what you thought in the way they would come. I am also sensing there may be some of you reading this, still not 100% clear on what or why, but little trickles of information is starting to filter through into your reality but even those little trickles are really confronting and may make you seethe under the surface even more, still quite unsettled really when you still are not 100% clear on what it is or where you’re headed, yet at the same time, you also know this is the answer. I am also getting the message that something has ‘let go’, something has ‘dropped out’ from underneath you, something has…. Changed (of course right!?) Yet, it is way bigger than you feel yes? Or, way bigger than you are conscious of just now - yet you are also not in fear at the same time? You know you trust, even though slightly unsettled, there is this undertone that you are deeply on track right? You are were you are meant to be and you can feel this deeply. Upon this ‘not really knowing’ there is also this piece of you that is deeply relieved at the clarity you have right now about the path you’re taking. Whatever has unfolded in this past 3 days, has been an answered prayer - it has given you the ‘yep, not that way - this way’ direction and you feel deeply at peace at this. You are clear about what is not in alignment and even if you aren’t sure what is in alignment you are definitely clear about what you don’t resonate with at this time yes? I also feel that more clarity is coming and by Friday will be another big shift in your reality and that many doors will open for you in directions you only thought were dreams - or that you weren’t even conscious of were a dream, that begin to come even clearer than ever for you. Get ready, your un-awoken dreams are about to become super conscious and shift you beyond measure. Love xxx If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah


Card #2: Support.

Ah - do you feel supported or unsupported? The first things pouring through here is actually how much support in the Spirit world you have around you and I am sensing you already know this! (of course!) However I feel there is one particular guide trying to come through for you strongly. Whether that is in a message for you and project that you are birthing through you - I am sensing that this particular Spirit Guide, whether and Angel, Star Being, Animal Spirit Guide or someone else - I feel that they are trying to get your attention. Have you seen Spirits or signs from the Spirit world, or sensed them, more than usual or in ways that are ‘somewhat new to you’? Have you shifted to a new place/reality/dimension recently - feel like your intuitive senses have increased? Please trust the messages you are receiving intuitively - whether that is to let go of a relationship that no longer serves you and your higher path - your life path, or whether that is birthing the project into the world that you are. This ‘support’ I am sensing that this particular being - I feel is a Being that is ‘fairly new to you’ and is maybe why you are not 100% trusting or taking action on the messages to take the action you are guided to take - yet, this card has come today to say ‘You can trust the messages you are receiving - are you paying attention? Are you listening?’ If you feel stuck with this - ask yourself what you are afraid of, what are you afraid to lose? What are you afraid to let go of? OR more to the point - who are you afraid you will become? The other questions to ask are, ‘If you knew you were supported in all areas - what would you do?’ The answer to that question, lays in your answer to make the changes you are longing to make, but feel stuck that you can’t…. There is ALWAYS a way… you just have to take the first step to dismantle what is not working, so you can find the way. The other message I am getting here is Masculine Healing/Father Healing/Father Wounding - have you been working on the Masculine recently? Have you been… feeling abandoned? Or not loved? Or that you feel unsupported? This deeply stems into the Masculine healing/wounding and when you can work with this space - of feeling abandoned or ‘threatened’ in any way shape or form, this shifts our reality. If you constantly feel attacked by the masculine, or not supported or that ‘the world is against you’ or that ‘no body loves me’ - this deep healing of the Masculine is what I am sensing here will shift you - or that you have already been working on this aspect. Sometimes we ‘hold it all together’ because we feel there is no other way - but this can lead to burn out and crumbling down, because there is only so much holding a front/face up can take when deep inside we feel left out, attacked, needy and that no body loves me. When we can tend to our own needs in this way, this support? Is the answer to your prayers. And it won’t come from the people who are around you that are ‘making you feel this way’ - these are not your support people. So this card, has also come to you as guidance to make changes with the people you turn to for support - ask yourself, has this current way of life been supporting you? If your answer is no, then it is time to get mighty uncomfortable for quite some time whilst you shift your reality and the only space to do that - is with the people who get it and deeply support you as you make these life changes. Love xxx If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah


Card #3: Power.

This card has obvious meanings - where are you giving your power away, where do you need to take your power back, where do you need to activate your power for the higher realms of receiving? Where do you need to empower yourself with new skills, technology or energetic upgrades, where do you need to walk away from situations and people that dis-empower you and move in a direction that empowers you? With this card I am also hearing FOCUS - and I am wondering where you have been spending most of your time focusing your time and energy recently? Is it on feeling stuck, deflated, let down and continuing to give voice to the things you don’t want in your life? It gets to a point, where only talking about it helps to…. No extent. It gets to a point where words are words and action is the POWER and this FOCUS on the action - a bit like when they say ‘Don’t waste your breath’ and I say this with love, but where are you ‘wasting your breath’? There is only so much talking and complaining about a situation that can happen before action is the only way forth for change. Yes, we need to voice and get it out and clear it - but then - we need to take corrective action which is the crux for true change. I am also getting the message here about the empowering or disempowering decisions you are making around food choices and also with other things that occur to your body. I am also getting the message to ask you - ‘What power actions, enable you to support your physical body?’ From the food you eat, to the way you move your body to the physical placements and environment you place yourself in on a daily basis - how can you empower yourself physical actions you take? What choices are disempowering or empowering and that goes for - what crosses your mind as well - are your thoughts supportive or dis-empowering. I am also getting the message something about online or technology or devices - is there a new system you are learning? Is there a program that is on your mind? If you are feeling slightly overwhelmed or ‘not sure how’ but can deeply FEEL how much this is ‘right for you’ then continue to trust it. If it empowers you - even though uncomfortable - it is so important to trust it. Being comfortable leads to stagnation, stuck energy, depression, resentment and all sorts of lower vibrational feelings. Being uncomfortable - eg, out of your comfort zone - is where the growth is… it is also where… your Life Purpose is shown to you, one step at a time, and sometimes big gushes of powerful rushes at a time 🥰 Trust. Love xxx If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah


Card #4: Forgiveness.

Hmmmm, do you feel that lately you’ve been in the wrong - but you haven’t? Do you feel like everything you do is wrong or that you feel you’ve made a wrong choice - or you did, but you also know you didn’t and it seems like you feel wrong - or more so, you are not sure why you made those choices you did, but you are - second guessing yourself and argh - so much frustration in a sense right? Or maybe you just feel nothing and numb… and well, what is the point! Yet - I feel you are shifting through this and also know you haven’t made a wrong choice - you just… are still not 100% clear why you made those choices but you know you were right! Is it the people around you making you feel like you are wrong? Or that you are angry at Spirit/Universe for leading you down this god forsaken path that.. now you are here and just blah about the whole damn thing? It’s that thing right, once we are woken there is no turning back yes? There is no more going back to sleep as much as we want to sometimes! I feel you are at a place where the deep seated resentment and underlying anger that you’ve buried long, long ago - that ‘your needs weren’t important’ and so shut anymore needs down and just ‘became of service’ for someone else/or lots of other people and that is ‘all that’s important to you’ because ‘that’s all that matters’ or ‘my kids need me’. Yes, of course we need to parent. But not the detriment of our own needs! What happens when they grow up and leave home? Then what? What, THEN you’re going to start your life? Or perhaps you are not wanting that to even happen because your children are your life? What tends to happen here is that they grow up and leave home and it is this complete abandonment energetically - because ‘they were your life’. Now, there is nothing wrong with being a devoted parent! It SHOULD be the way you are to them! BUT - not at the detriment to your own life as well. Show them, what it means to live your life with passion, show them what it means to be an empowered parent CREATING happiness and a life worth living, show them what it means to follow their passion too - remember - children don’t do what we say, they do what we DO. Is, the life you are living now, with the relationships, the lifestyle - what you want for your child? If they came home with a boyfriend or girlfriend that reflected the unhappiness in your current relationship - would you want that for them? Remember - children do what we do - not what we say. Are you - living your life for you? Or… for them? Who… are you even living your life for? The other message here is - when you were a child - did you get all the resentment taken out of you? Did you feel like you mattered or were you left to your own devices and ‘abandoned’? I feel this Forgiveness card has come to you today - to show you what threads are releasing from your system now and this unresolved resentment may be surfacing… the fact that you give all and haven’t received anything - ever back from anyone and that is starting to show in your life with who you’re currently pissed off about or who is leaving your life right now. There is also this part of you that is deeply healing this inner child would - where the resentment has long been buried - covering up her/him - which is the seat of your Divine intuition, your Divine wisdom. If you’ve been asking for the direction of your Life Purpose to enter into your life, this here, all the chunks that your inner child has been carrying all this time… are releasing from your system now. It might get even more uncomfortable in the next week or so, but know that these shifts… have been a life time in the making. HUGS!!! Love xxx If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah


Card #5: Balance.

Ah - the FIRST thing that came to mind - is your relationship! Is your relationship Balanced? Is there a giving and receiving of and in the relationship? Or is it lop sided? Are you the one holding it together? Are you the one who is making everything happen, doing all the work in the relationship? This Balance card is deeply connecting in to The Divine Balance, the Masculine and Feminine Balance within self - however, is that being reflected in your reality? What is your relationship like? I am wondering if you are feeling drained and - not secure in your relationship most of the time? Of course - this is reflecting the insecurities in your own self in this situation. When you were a teenager - what was going on for you? Around 16-17? Did you shift, move house, some big event? What was happening then? I am also picking up 9 and 12 years and well.. and these are underlying factors about what is shifting for you right now - or not so much shifting - but - the thing that is deep in and on your mind. Have you been questioning your current relationship? Have you been wondering if it is right? Did you know that when you start asking that question - it is your intuition niggling at you? BEFORE you make a change - do the inner work around these ages and clear out what is holding you energetically locked into that pattern and then come back to your current relationship and reassess. However - if you have been working on it for AGES and you are still asking that question and only staying in the relationship for ‘sense of security’ reasons… I would be deeply asking you why? Why are you staying somewhere out of fear of being alone and ‘it being hard’? Why are you, staying somewhere that…. Simply doesn’t make you happy? Maybe, it never really did and was more of a security blanket that you ‘fell into’. Was it a conscious choice? (Well, you are probably going to say of course!). And… the conscious choice now? Does it…. Match what your intuition is showing you now? If you… have to ask the question do I stay or do I go, you are already being shown the answer. As I said, do the inner work first… THEN come back and reassess. The other message I am getting here is about work - the work life balance of course is what you already knew I was going to say right? The strong message pouring through here about this is - it feels like it is time to expand in ways that make you super uncomfortable and you ‘don’t know how’ right now - yet I am sensing - actually you do know - it has been on your mind. Whether that is applying for a new job or pathway of study, or if you have your own business and it is time to receive help and support in your business - time is now - this Balance - I feel has already been calling your Soul for quite some time now and has reached critical point of receiving help so you can - shift to your next level. Remember, we need to make the move before Spirit comes into support that. You step first and reality races to meet you there. Where do you need to action to allow this expansion? Love xxx If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah


Card #6: Meditation.

‘Meditation provides answers’ - yet, I am getting strongly here - this is a still mind meditation practise that you are being asked to commit to right now. And not whilst you’re walking around multi-tasking. Whilst some meditations can be done like this - there is a definite discipline to met when it comes to still mind, still body meditation. This is required to take us to the next stage of in the evolution of our consciousness and sometimes we can be busy being busy and not even realise it and the reprieve you re looking for can be found in - you guessed it - still mind meditation. Have you felt lately, like your usual resources, just aren’t doing it for you anymore? That ‘nothing’ feels like it is a fit anymore, that nothing resources you like it used to - well, the things that usually do - just don’t anymore? This comes into GROWTH baby - yet, also, that when you haven’t moved on from what is no longer serving you anymore and you just feel flat and worn out… it is like when - you outgrow your circle of friends, but keep hanging around them - it is time for change beautiful one. ‘Still Mind Meditation’ provides answers. Yet, I am sensing that this isn’t so much about ‘finding the answers’ here… of course, that will come through this space - yet this is more about ‘finding your centre’ ‘staying calm within the storm of change’ ‘returning to the truth of who you are’ ‘remembering who you are’. I am sensing this is more about getting you OUT of your head - rather than figuring it all out. Because… you’ve somewhat driven yourself to somewhat insanity trying to figure it out?! We will never figure it out - especially when we are trying to! (in a way!) And I am sensing that this card has come to you today to stop trying to see the whole path and instead, drop into the path inside of your Heart and allow this to be your guidance system. Allow this to guide you, to lead you, to BE you - and all the answers lay there in the field of nothingness - which is also the gateway all the answers in the Universe. The question is - are you tapped IN to this space within you - or are you STILL seeking answers outside yourself trying to figure it out? Are you still reading this? I think it is time for some still mind meditation beautiful one, off you go now! 😉 Oh, and btw, it isn’t about ‘trying to not think’ - not at all. Still mind meditation is about becoming the observer to those thoughts. In the start, you will be super fidgety and ‘feel like it’s not working’ - yet, nothing is easy in the start. And consistent practise - makes perfect. You will CRAVE still mind meditation when you commit to a dedicated practise AND you will be able to drop into deeper and deeper states of meditation faster and faster when you do this consistently. THEN you become a walking still mind meditation and nothing will phase you - because you are the CALM, no matter what is going on around you. So, time to meditate now? Love xxx If you’re wanting a helping hand up or just needing extra energetic support right now, perhaps you’ve done so much work, but there is something just… sitting below the surface and you can feel it, but are not sure what it is - or perhaps you are super clear this one piece you can’t seem to unlock, through Distance Healings, this is where I am that helping hand, that placing all the pieces where you can’t see them and shifting the deep stuff that has been stuck for eons of time. Click here for all the details for Distance Healings that energetically unbind you from all the locks in time: https://www.realityawareness.com/distance-healing-with-hannah