🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th June 2024
Jun 25, 2024![](https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/file-uploads/blogs/7863/images/a05815d-1f0-a685-4661-76b77dd72284_SM_TT_Results_24th_June_24.png)
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th June 2024
Scroll down to see what message is awaiting you behind the number you chose earlier today, from the Healing with the Angels Oracle.
Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy!
If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Ideas & Inspiration.
You are being shown a lot right now in your life about what you can do, what is possible and the pathways that are opening up for you. Right now, there are ideas coming to you - almost like a sense of urgency - or finalisation of this part of a project - so you can complete a new one. Something you began in January, needs to be brought to completion. There was a message I shared in my Intuitive Channel Telegram Members the other day - if there was just ONE thing to finish by the end of June - what is that? What did you begin in January - that needs completion by the end of June? And then - extend that - what needs to be complete by the end of the year? When your Life Purpose is being accelerated to the next level, there is a distinct ‘clean up phase’ that occurs around 6 months before the peak of a new beginning, level, chapter and era that is about to begin. So, if there is this sense of urgency to finish outstanding projects, courses or a huge deep clean up that you’re in the middle of or finally feel like you’re ready to tackle or some other huge or tedious task that is now chomping at the bit to get finished and begin until end - this is why. Your Purpose is awakening. Your life is shifting. You’ve completed one chapter and another is beginning. I am also getting another message for you that you are being guided to trust these ‘crazy’ ideas that are coming through for you. They may seem far fetched - but this is how divine inspiration comes in. You know how when someone is changing the world, they are laughed at and mocked and then eventually people want to learn from them? Well, don’t mock and laugh at your own out there crazy ideas! You’re literally being given the gateway to your purpose right now - so pay attention to the ideas that are coming to you and just figure it out. That saying, figure out how to open the parachute on the way down - just say yes, just do it and figure it out on the way. The most successful people you see - do this. Are this and have figured out their parachute on the way down. When something feels right - run with it. The other message here is - you’ve been waiting for this YES feeling… so it’s right for you to trust it at this time. You never know where those crazy ideas may just lead you - probably to your dream life or something… are you willing to leap and find out? Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy! If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #2: Friendship.
There are changes afoot. Friends - well, people who you thought were friends have suddenly dropped away. But - there is something magical shifting for you - something you’ve been wanting for a long time, has finally manifested. It could be new friendship circles or someone who is like a best friend shows up out of no where. I am also sensing that this change is bringing in higher vibrational friends. So if you’ve been in a place where you have felt like you’re on a deserted island - this is all changing now. I am also getting the message that there is energetic clean up required with a friendship circle, person or ex lover/s - who is it that keeps coming to mind? You may need to cut cords and shadow work, or remove them from your entire life with a physical boundary. Perhaps someone has done that to you and you don’t even know what you did wrong. Trust that God has removed people from your life that are not serving you, nor supporting the next evolution of your Life Purpose - because if they were - this wouldn’t have happened. There is also something shifting deep inside of you that has caused this ripple effect. You’re being shifted to a level where a new reality has already arrived and also, very soon, this ripple effect is going to come into a place where you haven’t experienced this before - like a new life awaits on your doorstep - or perhaps you have already experienced this and are now literally in a new reality or land even. Explore different hobbies and follow your intuition about different activities where you can find yourself meeting new people. ‘New’ seems to be the new black for you with this card today. I am also wondering if family has been pulling you down lately?! If there is something that is bothering you about something it is time for this to be addressed too. I wonder if you have just been tolerating it and now the snap has happened, there is a clean up energetically - or big physical shifts that are going on here with this too? You’re being asked to step into your power with friendships and family - the ‘new’ has arrived, so let the old go and focus forward. You deserve to have balanced, caring friendships and family around you and if they are not that, then they must go. Embrace the new, this change has been for the best, as hard and dark at times as it has been.. the light is here now, open your eyes to see it. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy! If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #3: New Love.
Well, this card is obvious and there are several messages streaming through here for this. First of all - this person that has entered your life - I don’t need to tell you! They are very obviously the one. Do you trust your intuition? Do you trust that you’ve been through enough to learn enough that you are ready to actually trust your heart this time around? But hey, no words needed for this feeling right?! And it is that feeling.. that is all that matters. And when I am saying - well I don’t need to tell you! Because you already know! What I mean that is, if you’re someone who is confused, not sure if they love you, not sure how to be with them or can’t be - honey - let them the fuck go! If you’re not together now, you’re not meant to be period. AND - you’re blocking the REAL love that is awaiting for you if you would only create the space for them to enter! When you know, you know. When it is clear, it is clear. If one person is going MIA then honey, LISTEN and pay attention. If they left you and walked out on you - you just dodged a bullet. Because I promise you - God has a plan for you - if you’d only TRUST for a moment more and let God show you the way. Because when that person shows up who is meant to be in your life - there is nothing but absolute certainty from both sides, no guessing, no wondering, no confusion. So if you aren’t experiencing this - then feel the deep gaping hole, drop deeper into a love for self, find happiness in your life, create life you love and you will find a love that loves you same. The other message is - you are needing to come into a deeper level of self-love. Enough with the superficial surface stuff that you are ‘needing’ to make yourself feel better. There is a stage in your life you are going through right now - where you need to remove the mask and learn to love this stage of your life, but WHO YOU ARE at this stage of your life. There is an outer shell that is trying to crack and you keep covering yourself up with things that are… a bandaid. Sure they might make you feel good for a moment and yeah, look good and present well - of course! BUT… ARE YOU HAPPY??? Like deep internally soul happy?? it is here… that needs the work… the external ain’t going to fix the internal honey. That grief ain’t going to walk away on it’s own. Face it… stop avoiding it. The love you are looking for is on the other side of that. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy! If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #4: Spiritual Growth.
You are in the midst of a hurricane, tornado, vortex and storm all on it’s own accord. And you’re in the middle of a huge spiritual awakening right now. Something has changed gears for you, some life change has ‘knocked you for six’ or the energies have been next level insane and you’ve been wondering wtf is going on with the cosmos cause geez Louise! But then, you’ve also made some next level huge moves in your life and business and like der, of course! BUT at the same time - you’re literally at a pivotal point where your Soul has contracted you to be right now and you’re setting new foundations for this next stage of your evolution. You might be grieving the loss of a reality that seemed to come up and happen so quickly - but remember, you asked for this change and it felt so right leading up to it, so now it is here or perhaps it happened out of your control - know there is a bigger purpose at play unfolding FOR you to bring you into full alignment with the fruition of your dreams. You have shifted gears, but something is holding you back - what is that? What is the anchor that feels like dread every time you think about it? That is what requires tending to, so you can elevate without this anchor. I am getting the message that you’re safe to completely let this go, you have tried, tested and tried again… surrender now - because this change is for the better - for ALL involved, not just you. This system is restructuring and you’re in the midst of it.. but this is mainly for you… no empire lasts forever, but you can impact what you do by how you move through and handle this current situation. Know that you have the strength to get through this, even though you’re ‘giving up’ at the same time… it’s exactly the process of letting go. Some call this the dark night of the Soul. And this deep dark internal game that is ‘spiralling’ out of control right now - GOOD - because you have been needing to let go of control so the patterns release and your Soul can be free, to choose - without that old anchor getting in the way. Your Soul is releasing from this system and you’re changing, growing and evolving. Your Soul…. is getting ready to live the purpose you were born for. That.. is why all this is happening. Take extra care of yourself through this cycle - it’s all in motion for a reason. God has your back. Let go. xxx Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy! If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #5: Forgiveness.
I usually say fuck forgiveness! And it is true - because we need to actually feel the hurt and pain about what the fuck just happened and some! The main messages screaming through this card is that you need to scream! Stop burying your hurt and pain in dating apps, in partying and drugs, stop covering up your pain with the CBD’s that are glossed over as the okay thing. No. You don’t need shit. You need you and your heart - your heart fucking misses you! You have disconnected from your heart and it is causing you such grief you don’t even know what your heart feels anymore. You wake up and go straight to the cover up and you’re not even tuning into who you are anymore! Then comes night time and you’re still running away from yourself. Now, whilst this is a normal process when you’re processing big hurt and pain from a life change you didn’t expect to happen - or perhaps it was expected - running into your addictions is only leading you further away from the thing you left the thing for in the first place - YOUR HEART. Your heart fucking misses you. You are a born mofo leader and the world needs you - the WORLD NEEDS YOUR HEART - stop covering up your grief, stop being busy for busy’s sake whilst you’re healing.. because you need to heal. You need to stop. You need to be with yourself, your whole, raw, vulnerable self, you need to face who you truly are, you need to breathe life into this chapter with a clean healed heart, not one that you’re running away from - you already ran away from shit love - don’t repeat this for yourself now! Your heart is needing you to heal, to feel, to be with who you are, through all the pain, all the hurt… and then, only then, will forgiveness be a by-product once this pain has released. Spiritual by-passing happens when you are trying to forgive but are seething underneath from what happened, or can’t stop talking about what happened - because you’re too scared to face the true deepest dark hole feelings of what actually happened. It’s time to heal. It’s time to heal. It’s time to heal. Now.. this card, if that message doesn’t resonate with you - you might have just walked through this… and now, is the time to get clear on what your heart truly wants, from this healed space - because I guarantee you - it will be different to what you thought you wanted when you are wounded. So be okay adrift for a time when you don’t know what you want after you’ve healed… it will come.. boy will it come and it will be the breath of fresh air you didn’t know you needed but is so right and of course, this is what you wanted all along, but from the unhealed wounded place, you couldn’t see it, but now you can and what heaven awaits you. Bliss. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy! If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy
Card #6: Self-Acceptance.
Did you read card #3? There was a strong self-love message in there. However, this card #6, I feel is more a place where you’re learning to love yourself. You’ve walked away from unhealthy situations, places, people and things and you’re in a space now where you’ve also healed. Sure, we are always a work in progress, but now compared to 3 years ago - honey - you’re a completely different person. You have definitely healed and now this self-love is coming strong forth right and centre and it is here where you’re starting to shine a new light on your world. Have you felt like cleaning up? Finishing things? Alongside this self-love message is this place where now you’re in this new space so to speak, you’re also seeing what needs to be done. Self-love is more than just bubbles baths and getting your hair done, it is taking the aligned action that is right for you, saying FUCK NO to things that drain your soul and putting boundaries in place to protect your (not peace) but vibrational alignment. This place you’ve reached here is delicious. And you know what else has/is coming from this place of self acceptance? Because of this level you have reached and yes it is a level, yes, you have passed the test, yes, you have passed the initiation and are now on the other side - is that your intuition - is now in training. Because you have gone through what you have with your healing - your intuition has sky rocketed - BECAUSE you have healed. It is like the Universe will test you through this healing and then ‘when/if’ you pass, meaning - heal to the depths that your Priestess/Wizard Soul is requiring of you for your Life Purpose pathway that has recalibrated and opened at this level to you - BECAUSE you have passed the test if you may. Not everyone reaches this level, the depth of healing to then be given the gift of utmost clarity of intuition, the pieces and depth and wisdom of it all. After the 3 year healing bubble and passing the test, you now enter your priestess/wizardry initiation and are now in the phase of deepening your healing and psychic gifts. The clarity you’ll start experiencing will blow your mind, synchronistic events line up and everything falls into place because of it. You have now entered your Priestess/Wizardry Training. Celebrate this time, this is a BIG DEAL - not many commit until the end of their healing journey to reach this level. You will know you have by relationships falling away without you even doing anything and that comes as a shock, but you KNOW it is because you have shifted vibrational alignment - you are just not in sync with that vibration anymore (yay!! #truehealing), the Universe moving mountains for synchronistic events to line up and happen for you - without you even doing anything - everything is ‘out of your hands now’ - but it is like a magical fairyland where things are happening to you in a good way that you’re truly noticing because this isn’t the way things usually play out - but you know why? Because you’ve healed. You’ve walked the trenches and now you’re magnetically attracting everything you desire - simply because you chose to commit until the very end… your Life Purpose is Life - this is what you committed to and never gave up, even though you did and now you’re reaping the most wonderful harvests of abundance because of it and you know truly why? What this is a representation of? Love. Self Love. Self Acceptance. You love yourself enough that you committed the whole way, you love yourself enough that you stuck it out until the end, you love yourself enough that this glimmer of Purpose - is what held you here - through it - that led you here and now… you’ve passed phase one of your purpose - HEALING. HEALED. Now your true Priestess Training begins… how friggin exciting and FUN!!! ENJOY this, I am celebrating you sooo much with this - this is a BIG DEAL. Love xxx Eeek! I am so excited to now be offering Selenite Membership Level for Life Purpose Legacy! If you want access to the high level mentoring and trainings, plus weekly coaching where you can get your questions answered by me to shift your money reality, create your best life ever and leave your legacy in the process, let alone access to the Inner Circle - gain immediate access to any course or meditation I release (no more fomo!) then this is for you, investment increasing at the end of the month, but if you lock in this membership price, the price increase, won’t affect you, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-legacy