🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th October 2022

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Oct 25, 2022

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 25th October 2022

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Flower Therapy Oracle Cards for you! ✨💖

It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived.

I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this.

I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call.

Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast

Love Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen  👑

Card #1: Past-Life Healing. Forget Me Not. “This situation has been triggered by one of your Past Lives. Heal the past and  you bring healing into the present.”

Hmmm, has something - massive just happened? What just changed your life - almost overnight? Instantly? I am sensing some big change and I wonder if you’re ‘tired’ of it? It may have been a kick in the guts - but I feel you are feeling free now? If there is still  residue threads surfacing - which is a natural part of the letting go process - you can do the Past Life Integration and Healing Meditation (which you can get by clicking here: https://www.realityawareness.com/Past-Life-Integration-and-Healing-Meditation) that can release any vows you made in that lifetime and let go of any contracts or hurts that lay laden in that thread so you can truly clear the slate and not repeat patterns of your past anymore. It feels like at this time - especially these next few months, you are truly clearing the slate so you can not only walk into 2023 with fresh eyes so to speak, but there are big life changes coming for you in the next 6-12 months. Is that moving to a new house? Buying a house? Getting married? Meeting the love of your life? Advancing your career in ways you didn’t expect? Having a baby? Whichever it is - walking away from whatever you are right now is freeing you in some way shape or form so you can have this space for what is coming. It feels fresh, new and very - YOU. It feels like this is the last clear out before you become who you are really meant to be. I know it sounds silly - in a sense of there is always things to clear out - there is stuff at every level - of course, but this feels like a final pattern and part of your life that you do not have to revisit anymore. It feels like a break away from people, places and things that you thought you needed in order to heal, feel safe or that you were always going to have in  your life. This is a time for you, for releasing the old and allowing space for the new to  come in. You are safe as you let go of people, places and things  that  you thought you needed in order to be whole. That is the past now - you have learnt a lot and can walk away, knowing the lessons are done and dusted. Time to look forward to your future,  not stay stuck remunerating on the past. There is nothing else that can  be done nor that you need to concern yourself with. Let it go. Move on and start your life fresh. You did all you can - you can walk forward, knowing this. Love xxx It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived. I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this. I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call. Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast


Card #2: Open Your Third Eye - Echinacea. “It’s safe for you to open your centre of clairvoyance. By  doing so, you’ll see the truth.”

Are you truly seeing the truth about this situation? What is going on that you are straight out judging someone for what you perceive - well, let’s be real - only your opinion  because you haven’t even spoken to them?! I feel that whatever is going on for you right now -  you haven’t even spoken to them to be making these judgement calls about what you ‘think’ you know about them and yet, you sit there thinking you do! Come on! Yes. Calling it for what it is - straight up. Now - place your right hand over/on your forehead and imagine white light beaming through your hand into your forehead, through your third eye and through your brain - filling your entire head with white light. Stay here a while. Let it dissolve any judgments you have about the person you’re thinking of. Now,  breath in and out 5 times consciously to reset your energy. Okay. Now, start your day again - from now. Open Your Third Eye - Echinacea - has come to you today to help you see the truth of the situation. Third Eye is all about Relationships and Seeing Past, Present and Future all at the same time. It is about Seeing the Truth in a situation. Our ‘Truth’ can be clouded by emotions of hurt and pain of the past and it clogs up what we are ‘seeing’ in our reality - you know, the rose coloured glasses scenario. (Why I got you to put your hand on your forehead and fill your head, Third Eye and brain with white light - repeat frequently if necessary). I am also wondering that with whatever has happened is giving you great insight into what you do really want and perhaps even that is and has shown up faster than you thought possible too. Okay, so I am also getting the strong message for you to ‘hold the vision’ and also - have you been receiving strong information in your dreams? Dreams are so deeply connected to your Clairvoyance and I feel you have been receiving insight, hope and strong messages to keep the faith,  because as so much has been releasing from you - not only because it is Total Solar Eclipse today and the start of our six month eclipse season, but also because all the work you’ve been diligently doing - has shifted something deeply inside of you and… it’s time. It’s time for you to step into the vision - you have so deeply held inside of yourself for so, so long. I feel that - just recently this vision has also become stronger for you and almost like your highest self has been right there, you, in you, and around you  like a best friend almost - just so close to you and present  and here and… this. It’s time to be this, in your waking life, not just in dream state, not just in mind… but physically. This may mean you will sculpt and change your body and diet and become a completely different version of yourself - unrecognisable almost - to those who once knew you… but this… is called - the evolution of who you have always been born to be. It’s time. Oh.. I’ve said that already 😉 Love xxx It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived. I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this. I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call. Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast


Card #3: Uplift Your Thoughts. Orange Lily. “Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you’ll let go of depression, poor self-esteem and excess weight.” 

I feel you’ve been in quite a negative space lately and it has been pulling you down and you know what I am sensing here? I am surprised this card isn’t actually the ‘environment’ card - where your environment is REALLY affecting your energy right now. Yes, we have control over ‘who we let’ affect us - same with ‘environments’ - but let’s be real,  hanging out in a prison is a pretty heavy energy to hanging out in Santorini with a stunning view right? Yes - a stark comparisons but environment is REAL and it deeply affects you. Sure, this can mean your current living space, but it is also true for who you are  speaking to on a daily basis, what clients you have in your energy field and who are interacting - even just on social media through your device all have a strong impact on your energy field, thought patterns and affect your mood throughout your day. Yes, diet, lifestyle, your own responsibility to your energy 100% are important here. However, I feel that this card has come to you as a strong reminder to you - that your environment is deeply affecting you right now. If you are ‘happy in your home’ then, who is it on your social media, who is it that you are interacting with that is puling you down without even realising it? I am getting the sense that you ‘just deal with it’ - however, this card has come to you to give you permission and a wake up call that at this point in your life - you do not need to be hanging around those that pull you down. You do not have to be left waiting in anxiety or depression because of thinking  you need to be there for them! This is your permission slip to remove those people from your life, this is your permission slip to cancel that client, move that call, take a day of rest for yourself, this is your okay and YES that it is time to make this big move and shift your life to honour the true reflection of your Soul - like today. No more abandoning yourself to keep the peace with people who truly disrespect you, who hold nothing more than a low standard for themselves you and freak out when you change your vibration. If you can’t be your full self and cop a pile of guilt and judgement because you’re doing you - is that truly  vibrational alignment for your Soul? Is that truly Soul aligned? Soul Nourishing? Didn’t think so. For what truly nourishes you on a Soul level? No, you are not here to be their transmuter of negative vibrations! You are here to live your bestest highest, most  aligned and fun life EVER! The question is - do you give yourself permission to live in  this highest light? With the most fun? Around the most fuck yes people? Or are you STILL  compromising on your Soul? Love xxx It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived. I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this. I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call. Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast


Card #4: Laughter. Wattle. “Uplift yourself and those  around you through  loving  laughter.” 

Ah,  how  this perfectly rolls off from Card #3! THIS! Is the basis of your Life Purpose.  If you are not LIVING and HAVING FUN then you’re not living the reason you are born - period! If everything has been stripped away - good! You are being shown who you really are and what you are born for! You don’t need all that crap! You don’t need those things that, that person back in 2014 told you you needed! Nope! The only thing you need to do is follow the joy and that is it! If anything else brings you down at this point  - it has to go. What else can be stripped away? What else brings me joy? These are the questions that need to be answered and you can use them in a journalling session to truly choose YOU in your life and let everything else go. I am also sensing movement - are you travelling? Are you moving house? Or it a lot ‘moving out’ of your life right now? I am also getting the message about you stepping up your game. Where do you need to raise your prices? Where do you need to ask for that raise? Where do you need to start selling higher ticket offers in your business? Where do you need to step into the version of who you say you are going to be - now - and stop putting it off another day until you’re ‘ready’ (whatever that is!). No… today is today Sunny Jim and if you aren’t going to do that today - well, do I need to say more? Yes… this is a kick up the bum if you may -  but let’s face it - do you want that joy and laughter in your in life now? Or are you going to put that off for another 10 years before you’re ‘ready’? What is it you’re dilly dallying around watching TikTok and Netflix when you should be finishing that course or getting your high level program out there? You really want joy? Stop putting off what you want to do and move confidently in the direction of your dreams baby. Dreams are - what reality is made of - but you have to stay in the bubble of it - because that.. is the bubble of your reality and the more you focus on that the more you are IN that - the more it becomes stronger and becomes… your reality. That is where joy is found. Now go - chase your dreams as if your life depended on it  - because it kinda does! 😉 Love xxx It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived. I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this. I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call. Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast


Card #5: World Energy. Agapanthus. “The Earth is going through a transition of energy and your sensitive body is feeling it. You’re not alone, accept the help of others.”

Ah, it is time to reach out for support babe! You are not meant to do this on your own. Book in with a trusted healer, mentor or guide (yes, the work I do with my clients, send me a message for the details to work privately with me) because you’re super sensitive right now - even more than ever before and BIG deep, old, ancient stuff is shifting out of your cellular energy right now. You are being guided to shift, transform and change your life, but the cosmos energies are playing havoc on your system and is giving you like system overload symptoms! Have you been feeling like you’re losing your mind? Have you been literally losing it? Have you been feeling sick to your stomach and wondering if you can keep standing some days?! These are not only the energies right now - no, I am not  blaming the moon and  eclipse -  bare with me here whilst I explain this - but…  I am going to give you the golden nugget  to  ‘why’ you are feeling this and how to shift it INSTANTLY AND - oh, you probably won’t need to book in with me when you actually do this. The World Energies are only amplifying  what you are feeling and you are feeling what you are feeling - because it is out of alignment. If you  want to feel joy and happiness - then it is time to  take action on those things that actually bring you that joy. When you’re out of alignment and still holding on to what isn’t working from your past - yes, you’re going to be laying flat out on your back unable to move tears streaming down your face wondering why you’re being psychically attacked - well, simply, you are focusing and spending way too much time on things, people and places that are not worth your time effort and you simply need to walk away from. As soon as you do and start saying YES to what has actually been calling your soul for quite some time, you’ll feel and INSTANT shift in energy and those hurtful pains and aches in your body mind and soul will dissipate - fast. So… what is not alignment that you are holding onto  simply out of guilt, pain or obligation? You are not obliged to anyone - but your Soul!  And it is time you listen to it. Yes? Love xxx It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived. I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this. I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call. Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast


Card #6: Emotional Healing. Bleeding Heart. “It’s safe for you to let go of old emotional  pain. By doing so, you allow your heart to mend.”

You are healing, deep, old hurts right now and huge cellular healing is going on in the basis of your Soul right now. You’re free to let go and live your life, but in this process - you’re releasing things that have pained your heart for a long, long time and it isn’t an easy process to let go of. I feel like you didn’t even realise that hurt was sitting there (in a way!) And it may have even come as a big shock to you. ’The reason’ this is happening is because what is in your life right now - is the old version of you - this is no longer in alignment and you are letting go of what is 'in your face’. You can try all you like to tell yourself a zillion stories why you should hang onto something but reality is - it is time to let it go. I feel that this is such a deep letting go - but more of an opening - to step into who you really are. I feel you’ve been holding on to things for way too long and are way past their used by date that you actually feel more free than if you have stayed - right? It’s time to step into your HEART and that means doing what you LOVE - not what brings you down or what pains your heart (simply out of alignment!) - you are so way past that now and time to only let in the joy - yes? Yes. What has been on your mind to ‘open up to’? Is it a person? Is it a place? Is it a business idea you need to follow through on? It is time to get that done, because this is your HEART speaking and it should not be delayed any longer yes? I feel if you’ve been struggling lately - that.. those waves are becoming shorter - and the faster you step into JOY in your heart and actually choose this - the faster things are going to rapidly come into your reality that have felt like they’ve been at arms length - forever - no more. Today precious Soul - today. So, what is that? What are you needing to open your heart to? What are you needing to step into more and more and more and say yes to? That. Just do that. You do, trust your heart don’t you? Love xxx It's almost the end of 2022 - and that means the 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast has arrived. I am holding these very differently compared to previous years and I am in love with this. I love connecting with you on video call and channeling your 2023 - together, live on video call, activating dormant parts of you, creating a visual timeline chart to refer back to over 2023 and of course, the recording of the audio and video call. Click here for all the details for your 2023 Personal Psychic Forecast: https://www.realityawareness.com/2023-personal-psychic-forecast