๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 26th December 2023
Dec 26, 2023
๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 26th December 2023
Scroll down to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the White Light Oracle ๐ฎ
There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light.
It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024.
Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
Card #1: Seraph f 963Hz
Are you ready to say goodbye to 2023? You’ve come into a lot of peace with who you are, where you are and are possibly still grieving a huge part of your life of ‘that you ended up here’ - because of… one (big) mistake… but was it really a mistake or was it the life path that helped to set the course of humanity ‘straight’ - to release abuse, torture, trauma and pain from the world. I don’t think honey, you realise the depth of why you chose what you chose and sure, you might be and have endured a lot of loneliness, pain and suffering and you’re…. healing from this now and you’re also… about to reap the rewards from this healing you’re doing and walking through right now. Healing is not easy, it is why most people bury it or stay unconscious to it. I feel this is about acknowledging the depth of your path right now - it might seem like you’re not doing much or enough, but reality is that…. you are. Know this is a strong message right now to stop being so hard on yourself and look at what you’ve gone through to only recognise where you are now going and I feel this is the biggest part of the message for you today - please, please take time to get clear on what you want. You are STILL idling because you are not clear on where you are going/what your next steps are. Sure, your successes are strong, you’re clear and focused in some areas but your spiritual side is ready for an upgrade, your physical body is ready for renewal and you’ve been feeling this for a while now - it is time. “Pay attention to what brings you exquisite delight.” - the card literally says this and sums it up perfectly. Where you are going now is opulent, where your soul is calling you is exquisite and it is not these - don’t follow it. Find where these pieces light you up, call to your big YES… and do it, especially when it doesn’t make logical sense. You have been given a heart and soul vision for a reason and it wouldn’t be yours if it wasn’t meant to be brought to fruition and it is here.. that this is the vision calling you. The only idleness is because you think it can’t come or happen now and yet.. that is ridiculous - you’ve worked for years… it’s frigging time honey! “Pay attention to what brings you exquisite delight.” and watch your life feel like a wonderland fairytale because you CHOSE TO BELIEVE. Love xxx There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light. It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024. Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: Garuda Suparna.
There are positive outcomes to this solution but it is important for you to ‘fly high above the negativity right now’ and not let others pull you down to their level. Let them gossip about you - no one doing better than you will talk negatively about you. Those that have sooo much invested in you in a negative way - honey - give them more fuel! GO SHOW THEM WHAT YOU’RE MADE OF! It feels like now is a time to be the Eagle, the Garuda and not be a sheep.. stop dimming your light and just do what you were born to do. It is important to stand in your truth, no matter if you’re shaking in your boots making these huge life changes or not and to stick to your resolve, hold your line and be super strict on your boundaries and disciplinary routines that create the life you truly want. There is a Mastery in not being rigid in your routines - but being in complete flow with your routines that you know are moving your life forward AND not letting people distract you with their dramas either! This is where the strong boundaries come in place - honey - who do you want around you in 2024? Isn’t it time to make the changes you know deep down in your heart you want to make? You can’t live your life on purpose in full flow Life Purpose of what you were born to do when you are dragging toxic relationships, habits, addictions and events (past trauma) alongside you! More likely - those pull YOU down and this card has come to remind you of this. You won’t be able to move forward and step into your true power, to take flight in your full fledged Life Purpose when you are in that. You know what to do - so it is time to do it and until you do, your focus shouldn’t be on anything else because as soon as you start taking dedicated potent action in this direction and make it happen, everything moves with you, because all of a sudden you’re stepping out of the current of negativity and a vortex opens up in the current to take you to higher ground in higher vibrations, surrounded by higher vibrational events, circumstances and people and the vortex carries you, let alone brings all the resources you need to support you without you even realising you needed certain things, let alone would they not come in UNTIL you step out of your current situation…. but only YOU can do this part. So jump. Love xxx There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light. It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024. Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: The Sun of 417Hz
Time to reclaim your power! And.. spend time in the sun! If you can’t spend time in the sun right now, get in the infra red sauna! The sunlight rays feel really important for you - of course there are obvious mental and physical health benefits from sunlight, but I also feel like your inspiration and connection to your Soul comes from spending time with the sun - yes? It is powerful ally for you and I feel this really needs to be acknowledge and taken seriously. If you’re depressed - you need sunlight and lots of it. If you’re uninspired get in nature and specifically the sun. This card comes as deep confirmation and direct communication from your Higher Self - the answer is YES. Follow your heart, listen to what lights up your Soul, what brings you alive, what doors you’re being guided to open to step into an entirely new reality at this time, because the answer is YES. It is time for you to step into the next level of your leadership and take deep heed in your intuitive wisdom because now, more than ever your vessel is clear, you’re accurately hearing your intuitive guidance and your wisdom needs to be shared - speak your truth - the world needs to hear your wisdom! “Your authentic life path is directed by your Higher Self. As it is unique, there is no use comparing your path to anyone else’s path.” - and I feel this is such a strong part of this message for you - you are you. You have been through what you have been through. You have chosen what you have chosen. And you get to live your future path now, you get to bring your vision to life, you get to create the life you dream of, you have your vision for a reason. YES. The answer is YES. And I am also getting the message of - and now! No need to wait, bring it forth into reality now. You’ve been through enough - now is time for the sunlight, for the light of your life, the summer of your life, to glisten through. So stop comparing yourself and realise how amazing you are - remember your divine truth and start living it. Love xxx There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light. It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024. Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: Queen of the Nagas.
I though the image on this card was two Dragons - but it is not - but I ‘saw’ them - have Dragons been strong for you lately? We are stepping into the year of the Dragon as well. Dragons are divine messengers and symbols of new beginnings, of abundance, wealth, success and new spiritual beginnings, spiritual awakenings and higher frequency information coming through. They are directly related to the Crown Chakra in opening portals to other realms and grounding your spiritual authority on this Earth. It would be super wise for you at this time to do a strict detox and cleanse your physical vessel and stick to it. Move your body daily and do not put this off any longer. As you start to become cleaner, fitter, healthier doors will open for you. There is a destiny awakening in you, it has been dormant for so long - and now the Dragons are helping you awaken to this. I feel that ‘you’ve been sleeping’ something has now awoken and you can’t go back to sleep on this one! You have been supported by these Beings and other beings that you recognise for quite some time now and this last bit of time for you, although has felt like a dredge through the mud, was a divine intervention and a much greater ‘disaster was averted’ for you. It may have felt like you’ve been a standstill for quite some time and yet - this was the aversion happening for you by your trusty spirit guides. About 9 years ago, you chose something and it has set you on this path. The piece that you chose back then - is about to come to fruition. All will move forward again now (you’ve already felt this deep forward movement, this last few days) and… what you set into motion back then… will bound to land - the Dragon has awoken - your Destiny is inevitable and you’ve been waiting your whole life for this light. Embrace is. Also - now this is happening, what do you need to finish? Complete? Organise? Get ready, cause change is on your doorstep! Love xxx There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light. It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024. Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: Pearl Of Sharro.
It is time to heal. You have been putting this off. There is no more time to waste or dilly dally around! Whatever you have been through, it is time to stop dragging around with you and get serious about healing this. You have been getting signs, nudges and intuition about ‘how’ and/or ‘who to work with’ to heal this - and…. this card not only comes as confirmation, but a strong nudge to not put this off anymore. Have you been physically shaking lately? Like your body/hands? Have you felt not 100% even though you’re pushing through because that is what you do? What you have been through has been refining you, but there is something you deeply need to pay attention to at this time and your body is speaking it’s deep wisdom to you - pay attention to it! I am alos getting the message and this might sound contradictory but - just leave the thing for now and come back to it. Very contradictory I know, bare with me whilst I get this message through. There is something that you’re not ‘stopping’ but to just leave for a moment because you’re needing new skills, a new mentor or something that has been on your mind to go and do this as it brings fresh energy in, plus the healing required - that you will then be able to continue your thing/come back to your thing that you were doing and you will be able to do it with more gusto, energy, acquisition and finesse than if you had forced through when you ‘just weren’t feeling it’ -there is a difference between laziness and discernment of where you’re being called to finish to the high standard you do here and you will know this difference - I don’t feel you’re being lazy, but I do feel you’re being called to a healing place/modality/mentor that is going to enable to you to complete this next phase. So don’t force what you’re not feeling and step deeply into trust that you are being called to these skills that are going to take it all to the next level. You’re not stopping, you’re expanding and you’re still on mission - know this greatly… but deep down - I know you do! Love xxx There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light. It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024. Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: 528Hz Mandala of the Heart.
A wise mentor one said to me, ‘not broken hearted, broken open’ - and whilst at the time I logical understood it, I didn’t know the depth of what had ‘just cracked me open’ at that time, but it set me on a path that led me to more consciousness and that, I am forever grateful. I feel that at this time, most of your life won’t make sense. Things that you thought were staying forever have… walked away, changed, upgraded and… there are things in your life that are ‘showing up even more stable than ever’ for you too - focus… here - on these things. It feels like a whole new path is calling you and has been set into motion and whilst it can be scary to make these changes, you know your soul just cannot bare to stay in what you are anymore. Sometimes we have to hit so rock bottom to make changes, otherwise we stay in our comfort zone, because, well, things are comfy! We won’t attract more if we don’t know what we will do with it, or feel that there is nothing that can be added to our life - we might want more - but having more - of anything, means stepping outside of what we are comfortable in and that means living on the edge. Where have you shut yourself in a box unconsciously because you became comfortable with what you have? There is nothing wrong with completely being in gratitude for what you have - you should be grateful for it - genuinely grateful! But if you are wanting more and wondering why it hasn’t arrived - take a look around - am I grateful for what I have or am I hating on what I have? And, where have I become comfy or complacent - in what areas and how? ‘Consciousness, show me where I have become complacent so I can expand into where and what I am asking for?’. Another good question to ask yourself is - what is the next level of expansion I am being called into right now? If you are not ‘broken hearted’ this moment, this change on your doorstep that you’re contemplating was set into motion - ‘when that big heart break happened’ if that makes sense? ‘The crack is where the light gets in’ and it feels like it has been obliterated open that many times… that you’re in the light now… so now you’re ‘in the light’ - what do you choose to do with it? This… is the path of your Purpose. Love xxx There is a light, a frequency that has dropped through the ethers, that has pierced the veils and is taking you to a new destination. Your path has changed recently and… it feels good - even though you ‘didn’t see this coming’ it makes total sense and you’re more than happy to stay in this frequency of light. It is here, the realm has shifted for you and this… frequency of Life Purpose Accelerator meets you there. If you know you are meant for more, can feel the depth of the ethers of more and ready for more, I am the mentor for you in 2024. Applications for 2023 are open now, investment is increasing 31st December, click here to apply: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator