🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th July 2022
Jul 26, 2022🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th July 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Archangel Power Tarot Cards for you.😇✨
There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me.
Joyful and Activating - Captivating.
If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message.
Doors close tomorrow.
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Eight of Gabriel. ‘A great deal of activity. Sudden and immediate results. Important communication.’
I feel huge change has ushered into your life recently - Gabriel the Archangel of Communication, the Arts and communicating your ‘Art’ to the world - communicating your Life Purpose to the world. I am sensing a big change that has come in ‘all of a sudden’ even though it feels like you’ve been waiting for this for a long time, all of a sudden the changes are now here and now you are in this phase of your life that - you can never go back to how it was. I feel that this ‘Important Communication’ also has a big piece in you listening to and honouring your intuition in a new way. In a sense that your intuition is communicating to you at this time in a way that you haven’t experienced before. Sure, it might be more louder, more stronger or you may be more fluent in understanding your intuition in a bigger, more impactful way - the connection is stronger, or you understand it more intricately now - or something like this, but also with this it is about what and how’s of what your intuition is guiding you through communicating to you. Meaning, it is telling you things, to do things in a very different way than what you have before and I am sensing that this change, is more ‘alive’ more ‘free’ it is not structured or ‘rigid’ anymore or something. And ‘free’ is the word strongly here - it is allowing you to be more fluid in your life, more freedom in the flow of your day - you are not in routine in anymore, almost, what I am hearing is ‘You’re not in Kansas anymore’ - and I feel that you will never go back by ‘clicking your heels’ - because ultimately? This is your life now. You’re free as a bird. Your initiation is done. And you can come into a greater part of who you are - your life can thrive now - because you’ve let yourself out of your own damn cage. You’ve released lifetimes of hurt, pain and trauma in a short space of time and you are coming into your own. Trust your intuition at this time. Trust in the ‘way’ it is guiding you, trust in the ‘things’ it is guiding you. You are going to be operating your life from a very different stand point from here on in and it is important you trust this ‘sudden and immediate results’. Of course you do - but this is confirmation for you to continue to trust in these far fetched ideas. You are connected back to your Soul and to infinite intelligence in such a deep way ‘no one can touch you here’ and here.. you’ll stay. Flying high, of course. Love xxx There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me. Empowered. Grounded. Centred. Authentic. Alive. Soulful. Joyful and Activating - Captivating. If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message. Doors close tomorrow.
Card #2: Epiphany. Archangel Raziel. ‘Joy through spiritual growth. Be a light to others. Answers that come through meditation.’
The answer to your question, lays in your mediation practise. It lays in your Connection to Source which is deeply strengthened by meditation. What brings your heart alive? Is there a particular piece of music that makes you feel deeply connected? You have had a huge realisation recently that has ‘altered the course of your life’ - well it feels this big - IF - you follow through and bring this to fruition. I am getting the sense that you may brush it off and therefore it will be passed to someone else - don’t let it! It is yours and yours to create in this world, so don’t brush it off. I am sensing that you will brush it off because it may seem so huge you don’t know how that is even possible right? And yet, it is something that you have thought and seen in your vision of your Purpose for quite some time. I am sensing that you will be supported through this (like of course, because our Purpose is always supported, we just need to go first). It is more about - feeling the fear and do it anyway. You know all these things. But the ‘Epiphany’ - is perhaps realising that what you can do now, is a real and tangible thing, like actually working on it nowadays, rather than just an idea or something you are going to do someday. I am sensing to - to realise, that you are now at the next phase of everything. Sometimes we can be going along so much that we forget how far we’ve come because we are just creating and making things happen then we realise where we are and can recalibrate to this next phase, this next level and this is where I see you at. I am wondering what the stars have to do for you? The galaxies in the back ground on this card, the night sky - are very strong. Do you need to spend time under the Stars? Connect with your Star Being? The Stars have been strong this last 2 week through Tuesday Tarot. I am wondering what connection to the Stars brings your Epiphany. Also - mountains, outdoors, adventuring - all come to mind too. And also - what about July 2020? Were you in lock down? What ‘Epiphanies’ were you having then? Is this related somehow now? Is it time to implement what you ‘realised’ back then? Or - is there some ‘release’ to what was happening then, to what is happening now and what you are now stepping into - more alignment of your Purpose and who you truly are? It feels like a time of Joy for you now and perhaps that.. is the release from 2020, what has now birthed and you are realising - your physical reality is now coming into tangible form. Let your creations manifest. Make them happen. You go first. It was always meant for you - it’s your vision - bring it to life baby! Love xxx There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me. Empowered. Grounded. Centred. Authentic. Alive. Soulful. Joyful and Activating - Captivating. If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message. Doors close tomorrow.
Card #3: Knight of Gabriel. Confident, Enthusiastic, Courageous, Charismatic. ‘Time to take action! Great passion for a cause. Instinctively knowing just what to do.’
You have birthed this now - now get to it! I feel this is also a message to continue to 'hold yourself tall’ - hold yourself strong. Show up like you already know what you’re doing and just do the thing. There is something that will come into your life and realise you are definitely in the right place and thank goodness you took this leap! Because now you are receiving the direct help that you have asked for - thank you God! I feel you’ve been looking for someone or something for quite some time and the line up that needed to happen for this to occur is - something only God could orchestrate right? So perhaps this is a new lover coming in, or a new mentor, or someone with wisdom to help you on your path at this time. I am also getting the message for you with this ‘passion’ returning is that you are sensing a heightened intuition at this time. That you are in a place where your connection has amplified and (thank goodness for that!) You are coming into a greater place of your intuition than ever before. I feel someone or something has activated this for you and this card feels such confirmation for you that you have made the right choice recently, even if you doubted it for a moment - you know that this has been right for you 100%. Not that you needed the confirmation but this card has come so maybe you did ha! I am also getting the message about your intuition - again - that there is important information coming through from your Spirit Guides, or a guide in a particular - have you connected with a new Spirit Guide recently or someone helping you to connect to your intuition more deeply? Your intuition has increased, your connection is clear. A huge burden has been lifted from your back and it has allowed your vibration to rise - you are free now. So you can trust your intuition at this time. It feels that there is a message here about what you are being guided to do at this time and to - TAKE ACTION on that. Make a plan. Now is the time to be discipline, focused and committed. Motivation is good - but it is the commitment and discipline that makes dreams happen and at this time with Gabriel - ‘Time to take action!’ - this is the time to be very disciplined, strict and committed. Now is not the time to let anything stand in your way. Love xxx There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me. Empowered. Grounded. Centred. Authentic. Alive. Soulful. Joyful and Activating - Captivating. If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message. Doors close tomorrow.
Card #4: Page of Raphael. Gentle, Loving, Dreamy, Openhearted. ‘A new emotional situation! Messages regarding relationships or social invitations. Great intuitive insights.’
There is new light on the horizon. Quite literally. There is a glow coming upon your life, that will never be the same again. Meaning, your life is about to change for the better, in a very big and beautiful way. I am also hearing ‘all at once’ - everything is going to happen at once. ‘All of a sudden’ your life will be different - for the better and nothing will be the same again. For example, you get approval on your house, you move in and all of a sudden - life is different. Or some major life change happens or there is a ‘let go’ and everything shifts all at once. This could be relational to a new relationship that comes in - or something that makes your heart sing. Archangel Raphael is associated with Healing and this card is green - like the Heart Chakra, so, ‘A new emotional situation!’ Is very much this Heart opening, or shifting and changing. Something is deeply changing in your Heart Chakra reality - in the way you look at love, feel love, treat yourself with love, the relationships about love, healing past hurts in love - have you been working on your Heart Chakra and/or been feeling the collective Heart opening through the magnetic field this last 10-14 days? It has been a big cracking open - and almost like the frozen ligaments that have shielded you from holding you back have shifted. If it hasn’t entirely yet - it is about to. Lions Gate Portal on the 8-8 and it feel significant in this big life change for you. Not necessarily on that date specifically, just, leading up to it, the energies are…..BIG. I also want to say ‘hold onto your hats!’ And I just feel this is so much of the rollercoaster, changing, shifting, tidal seas and oceans happening for you at this time. It is all good - but huge energetic shifts and… you can thank your Heart for that ;) This card is also a strong message to continue to deeply trust your intuition at this time. If you need to set boundaries, hold the line or deeply come into a place of a new frequency, a new energy and are stabilising new codes - hold it. You’ve got this and continue to trust… because this - is the only way forward, this ‘new way’ this, ‘A new emotional situation!’ - is an entirely new Heart Activation and Heart Love Feeling way of being…. It is like.. what you’ve been waiting for, this entire time. Love xxx There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me. Empowered. Grounded. Centred. Authentic. Alive. Soulful. Joyful and Activating - Captivating. If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message. Doors close tomorrow.
Card #5: Four of Gabriel. ‘Time for a Celebration! Abundant rewards for hard work. Release yourself from burdensome situations.’
Ah - time to Celebrate! More Joy please! More fun please! More Soul Expression please! Very Sacral Chakra Card this week - on Sacral Week! The Orange. The Soul. The Expression. The Fun. Are you having enough of it? Or are you on the cusp of the fun coming back like you used to experience? Regardless it feels like the answer to your ‘hard work’ is about your FUN within it. Take a break - get off the treadmill card comes to mind too. I don’t feel you are celebrating enough? Or perhaps you are? I am wondering which this card means for you, but I am wondering if you re experiencing both right now too? The high, and the low? Remember - this is how we translate and transform reality - transforming darkness to light, moving from low to high… and finding middle ground in your middle ground and enabling a deeper aspect of your life to come to pass. It feels like there has been a lot of, hmmm, I was going to say change, but I am sensing stagnation of some sort and then - have you just made a big change recently? But - did you celebrate it? This card is coming to you as a reminder that more celebrations, more adventures, more - fun - whatever that looks like for you in your life is essential in making more successes come your way. This get off the treadmill message too, I feel is about allowing yourself more breaks than you would usually take and if things still off or just… low, then get to different locations and experience different environments. It doesn’t have to cost much of anything - it could simply going to a different part of town you rarely go to or have lived there for 20 years and haven’t been to yet but have driven past it 50 million times! Change it up is the message here. Make changes, move energy, shift and dance and celebrate and create more joy. Re-find your joy. Make it priority. Hmmm, and is there a relationship that you have been thinking about leaving? This is your sign… or confirmation of what you have just walked away from, so please trust this. Love xxx There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me. Empowered. Grounded. Centred. Authentic. Alive. Soulful. Joyful and Activating - Captivating. If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message. Doors close tomorrow.
Card #6: The Sun. Archangel Uriel. “Life is wonderful! Thrive through the power of positive thinking. An inspiring success!”
If you have been feeling stuck lately - things are on the inflow and upward spiral again. You have been through a very rough patch but things are improving greatly. As they say, “The worst is now behind you.”. You have taken your power back in a great way. You have worked through some old ancient deeply karmic stuff that was still sitting in your field and now you’ve disintegrated it through your inner work (potent you!) And I feel this is sooo recent - like the last few days even. You may have been feeling unsettled through it, even waking in the night and you haven’t done that for a long time right? I also feel this is the final ‘let go’ to claim your life back, rise into the Goddess and God you are and integrate this new self in a way that you’ve not done before now. There are a lot of Sunflowers on this card - do they mean anything to you? I feel there is a deep connection to an Ancient History that you are, hmmm, not walking away from - but more like receiving the integrating codes and ideas that are coming through and are solidifying it in a more stronger way for you.. hard to describe. It is like you are being given snippets of this past Ancient History you’ve lived and now you’re being shown how to do it, but in a more expansive, sustainable and grounded way. Archangel Uriel is the Archangel of ‘out of the blue ideas’ and your Claircognisence thinking - where you receive your intuition via your thoughts. Hence, the ideas of expansion and sustainable ways of evolving and solidifying your vision and Life Purpose. The Sunflowers are also about Leadership and I feel this is your sign, if you have not already, to step into your Leadership role. If you are just stepping up - step up and into it now. Get out there, put yourself out there, write that book or whatever it is you are doing. If you are a ‘seasoned’ Leader, this is your sign of either confirmation of your thoughts of expansion or you’ve already just done this - but evolving into the next version of your vision. It feels like the old part is done - more that that foundations are done. It is important to step beyond this current role - and beyond the next level role - as this is where the true acceleration of your business and life happens. If you do not have a business, this could relate to a relationship with self or another or an aspect of your life, like your home or health for example. What is the next thing you are being called to step ‘beyond’ Leadership abc’s into? Stand tall, stand proud and stand in deep true authenticity of who you are - The Sun and Archangel Uriel are calling you into deep Service to Self and to Others at this time. Heed this call, this intuitive nudging that you’ve already felt (quite strongly!) And watch… how Life becomes even more WONDERFUL! Love xxx There is just 24 hours left for Soul Alignment Portal Activation 1:1 with me. Empowered. Grounded. Centred. Authentic. Alive. Soulful. Joyful and Activating - Captivating. If you’re ready to step beyond your Leadership role and into a deep developmental and pivotal portal in uniquely and intricately understanding your intuition, then send me a message. Doors close tomorrow.