🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 26th May 2020 🔮
May 26, 2020
🔮READING RESULTS ARE IN!!! For 26th May 2020 🔮
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there from the Fairies today 🧚🏻♀️🔮🧚♂️
Ready to build your Online Empire?
This is the first time I have ever taught this in a way that you can set yours up as you watch me show you, step by step, every piece of the way.
I was guided to do something crazy just before - you'd want to check it out to see how my intuition guides you and my insanity is your gain! Click here for all the details and to see what just happened! https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Assertiveness. ‘Stand up for your beliefs and only say yes if you really want to.’
“Is that a challenge?” I hear the scene from the Lion King play out in my head as I read this - your creative fire and passion burning to ‘show the world what you’re made of?’ - this is a good thing! LET IT DRIVE YOU! Have you felt like you’ve been challenged lately? Like all your beliefs, values, and self worth has gone right out the window? Are you wondering where.. you has even gone? I am sensing such a deep, DEEP, shift within you - this is deeper than ever before that is going on and clearing right now for you. It feels deeply embedded and I feel that this deep internal shift for you - is massively reality shifting - but the process and transition right now has been SUPER hard and I feel will continue to be hard for another few weeks yet (I don’t think you wanted to hear that, but hey, I keep it real!). This process may be hard and challenging right now - but what I am sensing is shifting for you is such a deep recalibration into who you are. I am wondering if around June-Aug last year, you began questioning things you were doing? I feel that whatever you had been doing up until that date/time - you knew wasn’t sustainable in a way, but you kept going anyway, thinking that is what you ‘had’ to do, because you didn’t/couldn’t see any other way possible right? I am wondering if you have felt like you have made wrong choices this past few weeks, or wonder why any of it has been going on, or that you something you did ‘caused’ it? Or that you sabotaged it? I am getting the message for you - no - no and no! Please be gentle on yourself, because the sense I am getting is more about the fact that June-Aug last year - you became aware that whatever you were doing, wasn’t sustainable (type thing) or that you knew something needed to change, but haven’t been sure what… and what has gone on in the last 2-3 months - has been the start of the recalibration of that - however, it may be like you’re walking in blind faith right now, or seemingly fumbling along because well, you are not clear on the path that comes from what you’ve always known and what you thought you were meant to be doing, in the way you were meant to be doing it? I am sensing that you are meant to be doing what you are doing, but in a different way so to speak. That again, last year you knew something needed to change, but you didn’t quite know how to do it and now you are ‘being forced’ to make those changes and so, the message coming through is even though you think you’re not clear - actually you are. What came about for you in February this year? There are deep threads about this for you - you already have the tools, you already have the knowing of what you need to do - you already know - stop looking outside of yourself, take back your power and get it done! One… step at a time yes? Learning something new, walking through a new experience is overwhelming to our brain, because our brain neural pathways are changing, that is all and when we can be aware of this and support ourselves through it - everything can change with ease. You know, from those key dates, what is going on, so stop beating yourself up, make a plan and start implementing it beautiful one. You’ve got this, for this, is your values, self worth and deep love of self, of rising into the person you’ve always dreamt of becoming - it’s just, reality has been dismantling itself, for you to recreate yourself, that’s all. Love xxx Are you ready to rise into your Online Empire and stop mucking about with it? Time to stop fumbling in the dark and have proper systems set up and functioning with ease, so you can channel those creative ideas instantly, rapidly and get your content out to the world when your Soul calls you to? Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business is ‘watch me work’ ‘over the shoulder trainings’ - so you can step by step, watch me and set up your online business as you go. Over 5 weeks, you can be up and running, allowing your creative Soul to share your message with the world. Let alone the crazy change my intuition just guided me to make to this today! Pre-Work starts this Thursday and our content drops next week, click here for all the details (and to see what crazy change this is!) - if you’re ready to rise with your Online Empire that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #2: Patience Please. ‘What you’re asking for is coming about. Have patience, as there are unseen factors that need to occur first.’
Hmmm, I am wondering if you feel you have been blocked recently? That you feel like you are being blocked left, right and centre, but then you know you are meant to do something, but almost feel ‘knocked’ every time you do something and then question everything again? I am getting such a strong message with this card for you that this is just a process of absolute divine timing beautiful one! Do not despair - this is such a, hmmm, not just a recalibration phase, but this is a big process for you right now - your next level you is ‘busting’ to come in - but the alignment piece for you to accept it in - is also a divine timing aspect. So, yes we can be ready, but there is also a clearing element that is aligning and is what you are going through right now too. This divine timing aspect - it feels like so much is recalibrating in the Universe for so many (like, der of course right?!) - and yet - what was begun for you back in 2016 and 2018 - is having significant shifts in your life right now, almost like - the external MUST shift now, because you’ve been ‘in’ for so long about what you’ve been working on and now the external is shifting for you and yet, there is so many articulate pieces that create this divine, magnificence and that your life demands of you - and it is these that are ‘still falling’ ‘still flickering from the etheric form, into the physical and it is here - that you walk in this faith that you know these ‘blocks’ - are not that, they are just divine timing elements. So, in the mean time, what else needs to be done? What else do you need to get done? If you are being ‘blocked’ in that moment - what else needs tending to and then come back to this thing? I am also feeling like there is a big opportunity on your doorstep too - and it would be wise to take this - especially if you are fearing it! 😉 Growth ain’t come from your comfort zone 😉 Especially if the ‘old’ is no longer working for you and the opportunity on your doorstep is offering a ‘whole new world’ - are you going to allow yourself that level of freedom? Or stay, behind in the times? Perhaps you have already said yes and taken this opportunity… know that… it was always the right one your Soul called you to take in the first place. Or you wouldn’t be here reading this. Your Soul is talking - listen, trust and continue on, you are meant to be doing, what you are doing, let the articulate and immaculate divine timing, continue to guide you, every, single step of the way. Love xxx Are you ready to rise into your Online Empire and stop mucking about with it? Time to stop fumbling in the dark and have proper systems set up and functioning with ease, so you can channel those creative ideas instantly, rapidly and get your content out to the world when your Soul calls you to? Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business is ‘watch me work’ ‘over the shoulder trainings’ - so you can step by step, watch me and set up your online business as you go. Over 5 weeks, you can be up and running, allowing your creative Soul to share your message with the world. Let alone the crazy change my intuition just guided me to make to this today! Pre-Work starts this Thursday and our content drops next week, click here for all the details (and to see what crazy change this is!) - if you’re ready to rise with your Online Empire that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #3: Practice, Practice, Practise. “With daily practice, you can polish your skills and talent and increase your confidence.”
Hmm, this card comes with a reminder of your past. Not to bring and drag the old in - but this is about reclaiming your gifts from your Past Lives - and not just before this lifetime! I am wondering if you have forgotten a piece of who you are? I feel like there is something that, a skill that you have ‘put down’ for a time recently and is calling you to pick it back up again? What are you extremely good at and have a lot of knowledge that you used to do a few years ago, but then things ‘stopped’ you - or you thought you weren’t supposed to do them anymore? And yet - this skill… is your gift beautiful one, it is a huge piece of your Life Purpose and I am getting the message you shouldn’t disregard this or discredit it, but this is a time for redefining and fine tuning it. And yet - this message has already been coming to you lately right? So I am not telling you anything new right? You’ve been getting the messages and this - is going to take you to a whole new level. It isn’t old, it isn’t something you aren’t meant to do as #1 - it wouldn’t be on your mind and #2 - this, stepping into you doing your gift again - is the doorway to the next thing that is awaiting to birth through you. This leads you to your next space, to your next influx of huge up levelling and growth and this a big message for you right now to take heed. So yes, Practise, Practice, Practise can be practising and learning a new skill of course - however, I feel this message is you using the skills you have and taking yourself to an entire new level with them - why, because this is who you are, this is your gift, this is your passion and within that… is your purpose. Don’t judge yourself for where it is taking you - your Soul always knew this would lead you back Home - and take you to the next level at the same time. Trust picking up, reclaiming and fine tuning your already potent gifts - it wouldn’t be your gift for no reason beautiful one. Trust in it. It wouldn’t have got you this far otherwise. Love xxx Are you ready to rise into your Online Empire and stop mucking about with it? Time to stop fumbling in the dark and have proper systems set up and functioning with ease, so you can channel those creative ideas instantly, rapidly and get your content out to the world when your Soul calls you to? Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business is ‘watch me work’ ‘over the shoulder trainings’ - so you can step by step, watch me and set up your online business as you go. Over 5 weeks, you can be up and running, allowing your creative Soul to share your message with the world. Let alone the crazy change my intuition just guided me to make to this today! Pre-Work starts this Thursday and our content drops next week, click here for all the details (and to see what crazy change this is!) - if you’re ready to rise with your Online Empire that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #4: Pregnancy. ‘The Birth of a child brings great blessings to you and the world.’
Pregnancy - can mean, definitely, the birth of a child, the pregnancy of a new child - it can also mean - the birth and gestation period of a transformation of you becoming and coming into a whole new world and level of yourself. Not many people, do the deep inner work to transform and this 9-10 month birthing cycle, is a very real tangible timeline when we look at the physical changes we undergo when we make changes in our lives. If we have decided on something, it can take up to 9 months before we make the physical changes required to make it happen. Then, it can also be another 9 months of the transition of becoming the change you have decided on. Then we birth an entire new reality and identity of ourselves. Now - timelines can collapse and we can manifest change faster and make things happen faster yes. However, I feel this card has come to you today to go easy on yourself - especially if you are changing a lifetimes worth of issues, belief systems and tangible realities. Right now you are transforming on a deep, deep level and birthing an entirely new you. A pregnant mother goes through break downs and break throughs as She releases her identity of before Motherhood and that she will never be that again (like a first time Father too!). It is important to honour this change and process right now - even if it is a physical pregnancy that is happening right now for you. I am also sensing for you to honour this change, growth and transformation and also hearing to ‘make a plan’. Get clear on where you are heading, where you want to be and what you are doing. You may feel you are already clear, but if a big change has ‘hit your reality’ recently - (and yes all the world stuff der, but - this is about your life) - that, this clarity and step by step plan is going to give you a reason to get up in the morning, for I am feeling and sensing this change has somewhat thrown you and now it is like there is no purpose or feeling directionless? This can also happen because we have ‘met’ certain goals and then we ‘lose our purpose’ because we have made certain goals happen - now what? This is where you get to ground down into deep, deep clarity of your next level version of you then… does what? Serves who? How? And… a solid sense of self emerges from a new brith in the world - either of a baby, or of a new foundation of who you are. Allow it to guide you, and get clear on your new direction - it will fuel and and this clarity will support all the manifestations you are wondering and trying to create. Remember, the Universe loves clarity. Tune into your Soul - it already has the answers, or you wouldn’t be rebirthing in this deep, grounded sense of who you’ve always been. Love xxx Are you ready to rise into your Online Empire and stop mucking about with it? Time to stop fumbling in the dark and have proper systems set up and functioning with ease, so you can channel those creative ideas instantly, rapidly and get your content out to the world when your Soul calls you to? Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business is ‘watch me work’ ‘over the shoulder trainings’ - so you can step by step, watch me and set up your online business as you go. Over 5 weeks, you can be up and running, allowing your creative Soul to share your message with the world. Let alone the crazy change my intuition just guided me to make to this today! Pre-Work starts this Thursday and our content drops next week, click here for all the details (and to see what crazy change this is!) - if you’re ready to rise with your Online Empire that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #5: Son. ‘Your Son is watched over and protected as he explores his world.’
This is an interesting card - directly after the pregnancy card! However, you may not have a Son - yet - is there one on the way? Perhaps you do have a Son already and have been worried about him recently for some reason? I am getting the message that he is surrounded by Angels AND he has chosen you as a very conscious parent guiding him in this world. The hardest thing we can do as a parent is allow our child to go through a process and just be there for them without fixing it. Of course we need to make sure they are not hurting, are safe and provide their needs of care - however, there is a time when they also just need our presence and to walk through some very uncomfortable feelings and I feel that this is a strong message coming through for you about right now for them - to just be there, without fixing it. Show warmth, care, love, yes, but also know they have chosen this path for their Soul’s learning with you, as a very conscious parent right by their side. The other piece about this card is, well two things - if you don’t have a Son, but there is someone like a Son for you in your life, this message applies to this space as well - whether you are their blood parent or not - you are a very conscious being of energy in their life and they draw upon you for strength more than you realise, so, know that your Soul’s have also contracted this between you both for these Soul lessons you are both currently going through. The other message is about Inner Child work. If you don’t have a Son, or anyone like a Son in your life, then this and may also be a message (even if you do have a Son!) For you to do Inner Child work - or maybe you have just begun this Inner Journey work and this is a message to keep going with it! If you are stuck or feeling gah what is going on - first go within, then come back to the space ‘out there’ as it would’ve transformed before your very eyes and if not, you can approach the situation without your own triggers and wounding in the space, which always shifts the situation with gentleness, ease and… peace. I am also sensing that if there is a child in your life, whether boy or girl - the age this child is now, is also reflecting a time where your Inner Child is needing healing. For example, if the physical child in your life that has come to mind as I said that is 7 - then your Inner Child you, when you were 7, what was going on then? This is core wounding healing GOLD - that can shift your entire ‘issue’ and allow you to continue to rise into the greatness you are, from boy to man, from girl to woman… allow yourself the gift of healing, the Crystal Children, your Inner Child self that is the one deeply connected to your Life Purpose and Wisdom - is awaiting your return. Love xxx Are you ready to rise into your Online Empire and stop mucking about with it? Time to stop fumbling in the dark and have proper systems set up and functioning with ease, so you can channel those creative ideas instantly, rapidly and get your content out to the world when your Soul calls you to? Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business is ‘watch me work’ ‘over the shoulder trainings’ - so you can step by step, watch me and set up your online business as you go. Over 5 weeks, you can be up and running, allowing your creative Soul to share your message with the world. Let alone the crazy change my intuition just guided me to make to this today! Pre-Work starts this Thursday and our content drops next week, click here for all the details (and to see what crazy change this is!) - if you’re ready to rise with your Online Empire that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business
Card #6: Let Go. ‘As you surrender your need to control, your relaxed energy rapidly attracts your desires.’
I am sensing you’ve just had a big break through or if you haven’t - hang in there, it is just about to ‘drop’ beautiful Soul! I feel there is something that you may be doubting and wondering if you are making the right choices and yet, what I am sensing with you is that this - is about you ‘holding your ground’ - not in a controlling way as it says on the card, but this is about your self worth, boundaries and up levelling beyond what you have done before. I feel like whatever you have let go of - has and is old, very old and this is a big recalibration into who you are really, deep in your Soul. I feel like there is still more unravelling to go over the coming weeks, but what I also feel and I am hearing the message ‘trust’ - are you trusting this situation enough? Can you, trust this situation like you did at the start? Can you trust your intuition has your back and always has done? Can you - drop into the level of trust that you know you feel so darn connected to your Soul, your happiness and your life and everyone feels that? Can you trust at the level that you know you are as a person and allow this to infiltrate into all your relationships like you know yourself to be? What if, I just trusted? Is an awesome question you can use like a mantra to enable yourself the freedom to manifest your desires with rapid ease? What idea, just came into your mind as you were reading this? Does it, make any logical sense whatsoever? Nope! Didn’t think so - but you need to trust this wholeheartedly for this ‘crazy’ idea - is leading you to your next steps that you’ve been wondering about - so, can you trust it, but… act on it? What else can you do, to get your trust back? Love xxx Are you ready to rise into your Online Empire and stop mucking about with it? Time to stop fumbling in the dark and have proper systems set up and functioning with ease, so you can channel those creative ideas instantly, rapidly and get your content out to the world when your Soul calls you to? Manifesting Magic - How To Build Your Online Business is ‘watch me work’ ‘over the shoulder trainings’ - so you can step by step, watch me and set up your online business as you go. Over 5 weeks, you can be up and running, allowing your creative Soul to share your message with the world. Let alone the crazy change my intuition just guided me to make to this today! Pre-Work starts this Thursday and our content drops next week, click here for all the details (and to see what crazy change this is!) - if you’re ready to rise with your Online Empire that is: https://www.realityawareness.com/manifesting-magic-how-to-build-your-online-business