🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th November 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Nov 26, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th November 2024

Scroll down to find which number you chose earlier today to see what message is awaiting you there from the Angel Therapy Oracle for you. 

Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose.

The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Vacuum Away Fear. "Call Upon Archangel Michael and Raphael to lift fear-based energy from you, your surroundings, this situation and everyone involved."

As soon as the fear is released and cleared from your field, you’ll be able to hear your guidance clearly. You are being given opportunities left, right and centre. And yet, you’re letting fear get in the way of your decisions right now. At this time it is important to deeply let your heart grieve, clear out your energy field and re-align with your goals and visions. Something has been feeling off lately and fear (and guilt!) has stopped you from making important decisions that align with your Soul. And yet, you know what you need to do - or you may have already done it and the most important thing is to remember - there are two types of fears - one that keeps you safe from death eg being safe when travelling, or one that is the ‘feel the fear and do it anyway fear’ and the latter? Is complete liberation of your human self and entrapment of slavery and Industrial Revolution… to complete and utter fulfilment of your Destiny - the entire reason you’re alive in the first place. Archangel Michael is by your side because your Life Purpose is calling you to step up to the next level. You already know what you need to do. You’ve been thinking about it for way too long and you are also super aware that fear is the only thing that’s been holding you back in this moment! You can ask, “Archangel Michael of 100% Light, please vacuum away anything that is blocking my clarity, energy and chakras so I can hear the next steps of my guidance clearly to make decisions from a clear grounded place with deep solidarity in myself, my choices and back myself the entire way. I am open to your guidance to support my mission, but deeply trust what I’m being guided to do as I move forward with deep trust and  confidence in each decision that I make moving forward from this moment now. I choose myself, my life and my purpose. Thank you for helping me every step of the way as I grow in clarity, confidence and trust within self.”. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #2: Archangel Raphael. "The Healing Angel is with you, supporting your healing work."

This Archangel is the Healer. There are two messages here - perhaps for two different types of people or you might be going through exactly both of this right now for you. You are healing from a broken heart even though you’ve been feeling better than you thought you would your heart is still wrenched with pain (anxiety & panic attacks anyone?!). You are also (or) experiencing a sudden and significant shift with your work. You’ve just had to change things or have changed things, have expanded or are deeply coming into a place where you’re needing to reassess things - on a grander scale to fulfil your destiny and actually bring this vision to full manifestation. You’re in a place where you’re being guided to step up and through this expansion - cracking and breaking through a lot of barriers and with that - much is falling away. Let it. As you’re renovating an old house - much is ripped out and discarded whilst inside is cleaned and then restored. You’ve decided to do it, to make your life the best yet, you’ve decided to do it your way and with what feels right in your heart - to fight for your vision of you may and with that, big changes have occurred - rapidly. I am getting the message to not be afraid to let yourself be supported at this time as you’re shifting through this transition and ‘arriving’ at your next destination (level/stage/phase) of your purpose. Archangel Raphael is the Archangel of Travel, so you may also be travelling over the coming weeks and you can ask Archangel Raphael to make all your travel arrangements go smoothly. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #3: Crystals. "The energy of crystals supports you and helps with your present situation."

I heard so strongly with this card for you - ASK. Ask for help, ask for support, ask to open your heart, ask for the sale, ask for alignment, ask for guidance, ask, ask, ask! I feel like something happened recently that made you second guess - EVERYTHING. And yet, you are so deeply in tune with your intuition that you know it’s right. When we hit these ‘wall points’ the question isn’t, is this right for me? The question is, if I was someone who choose it ALL - what would the answer be from my Higher Self? I guarantee you 99.999999% of the time - the answer is 150 million % yes. When we are being stretched, we are being tested not just in our faith, but in the deepest trust and alignment of our Souls vision. I feel you’re so clear and the answer to your question is a 100% yes this is right for you. When you ‘chase your dreams’ (that have crystalline origins, for the crystalline dimensions are what we first ‘travel through’ to arrive at the density of matter here in our 3D reality realm - they make up our ‘bodies’), it will be like you’re squeezed through a portal and everyone and everything will test you. You’ll come up against blocks and barriers that you think you cannot overcome and want to give up (and metaphorically you do 1000 x 10 over). And yet, did you know that the founder of UBER got hit with blocks against the taxi companies and ‘couldn’t do it’ - they took him to court and he decided that by the time he would be in court he would’ve raised enough money to win and he did, and well, UBER is now a household name. If you think you can’t, you can’t… but… you can and in the name of your Purpose - you must. This card is calling you to acquire a team that is going to support your vision, your purpose and the right team - is the deal breaker, the game changer and the foundations that are going to support your vision to come to life. It’s time. The crystalline structure of reality is shifting you and you’re feeling it - align with it, stretch, grow and move because… it’s fucking time. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #4: Shield Yourself. "Protect yourself from harsh or fear-based energies by envisioning a coccon of healing light surrounding you."

You’re being asked to be mindful who is in your energy field at this time. It feels like such a strong collective message this week to reassess who is around you, in your energy and in your life. If you want to change the world or just live a better life, these are crucial factors to moving into a higher state of living, working and experiencing life for yourself. Standards, standards, standards. You’ve been feeling a change in your living situation and circumstances (or it has just changed) and through this transition I am getting the message for you to be mindful of who and what is also around you. Does it uplift you? Make you happy? What does make you happy even? Are you happy? Internally you are needing to find this space - nothing outside of you can make you happy, this is an internal job and after life has knocked us down and we’ve grown older - the things that once made us happy don’t anymore. Not to worry - it’s called evolution. You’re just re-finding your feet, recalibrating on a new level and being asked to move forward in a direction that will bring much light, love and happiness into your life. I am getting the message for you - a lot of the time in healing, we are diving into the past and rewriting the old… however, today, you’re being asked is - what is it that you can add to your life that will fill your cup and make your joyful, fulfilled and satisfied? Sure, cleaning out may be required, but today - this card - this message - what is it that will add joy and fulfilment to your life? As this? Is the best form of protection you can have. When your cup is full, you are fulfilled and on purpose - you are protected - because your Soul is in your body, you are grounded, whole and complete. Shielding yourself - fill up your cup, say no, so you can say yes to you. This, will help you not only protect your energy - but stay clear of - so you know what supports you, what hinders you and the clarity you need for both. Time to fill your happiness cup and make this your new standard way of life. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #5: If You Get Nervous, Focus On Service. "If you get Nervous, Focus on Service."

You’ve been wanting to put a new offer out in your business and the answer is - why are you even looking for an answer when your Soul is guiding you to do something? The only reason it ‘won’t manifest’ is because you are not backing yourself the entire way with it. You have doubt, insecurities OR it is simply not aligned. Make sure that what you’re offering and doing is in full alignment with your Soul - not just because you saw someone else’s success and are trying to copy their formula. Sure we definitely try things to find our path and we always learn what is ours along the way - but there is always a guaranteed formula and that is: authenticity + grounded alignment + souls truth + consistency + closing out the sales formula/launch correctly = success. Meaning you can’t show up and post once and expect success if you’re just starting or have been hiding away for ages and you can’t expect you starting your business from day one to get a stream of clients if you’ve been out of the game for a long time or even ever been in it. You have to believe in what you’re sharing, selling and offering and not just that, you have to be living a grounded truth and example of that. And you can’t be selling for the sake of making money. Making money is important - you don’t have a business without sales and money, BUT if you’re feeling frustrated rather than in flow - you’re doing it for the money, not from a place of service. From a place of true alignment with your souls mission, purpose and ‘why’ you’re being called to this in the first place - what is that for you? And that answer? Is what you need to share and talk about and make sure what you’re ’selling’ - is from that place. Service. Helping others with your skills, what you’ve learnt and experienced and can help others with. Service. Service mode #on. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum


Card #6: Past Life Issue. "This situation has a basis in one of your previous lifetimes. Ask your angels to help you remember, release, learn and heal from your past experiences."

This card has obvious meaning in the fact that whatever you’re experiencing right now - is rooted deep in past life karma - however, the main message I am getting for you about this is - that the ‘bad’ stuff is done and here with and you have unlocked ‘good karma’ - meaning, the reason ‘bad’ stuff happened in the past was that you were ‘still stuck in the past’ and now you’ve done the healing to unlock and heal that, you’re now reaping the rewards of your good karma - gah, tricky to articulate this. In your past life, you were killed for the work you do today and you have been ‘stuck’ at a level because you have let this past life trauma of being killed there hold you back in paralytic fear and now that has shifted, the opportunities coming in are because of this positive shift into the good stuff so to speak - your past life trauma isn’t holding you back and to the level you got stuck at back there - you’ve now broken through that and have come out the other side. You may still be finding the new ground, but you’re clear of the path you’re walking and almost like a huge anchor has lifted, a cloak of darkness gone and now you have this clarity, you are rapidly expanding with your plans. I am getting the message to that you’re about to undergo a huge transformation in your life - whether you’re body and health or a house move, this is part of the expansion and your past lives - do not control you anymore. You’re at the helm, choose your path and know you deserve every single moment of jt. Love xxx Success Frequencies. Light Codes. Goddess Initiations. Purpose Wealth Expansion & Activations. PLATINUM is open. For the Entrepreneurial Goddess Who Wants It All. You deserve to get paid well for what you do. You deserve to have it all. The Wealth. The Success. The Love. The Purpose. The Fulfilment of your Heart’s greatest desires. Doing what you love, creating your own schedule and living the life of your dreams. Your initiation into Deeper Service has called you here. Click here for all the details, PLATINUM doors are now open: https://www.realityawareness.com/platinum