🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th September 2023
Sep 26, 2023
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 26th September 2023
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Daily Guidance From Your Angels Oracle today 🔮🕊
For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL
It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Giving & Receiving. “The entire Universe operates in cycles similar to your inhalations and exhalations. When you only exhale (give) or only inhale (receive) you become out of rhythm with the universe. For optional health, energy and replenishment, balance each inflation in your life with an exhalation.”
Healing. Is the first thing that comes to mind when I see this card for you. Healing from the old style of relationship dynamics. You have been undergoing a huge transformation and lately - old relationships have been tapping back in and you’ve been…. assessing them. You’re very aware compared to how you used to be and you now understand and realise the depth of what has actually gone on in said relationships. You’re also more aware, conscious and understanding of the dynamics (you’ve learnt a lot! And one could say have matured and grown!) from what you used to be in the relationship and ‘what you bring to the table’ - meaning your part in the relationship dynamic and you’re now understanding how you’ve grown through it and are not ‘participating’ in the old style of how the dynamic used to play out between you. I am also getting the message you don’t necessarily need to make a decision just this moment, as it will work itself out. Meaning, the space you are in now ‘it is already decided’ - you have already decided and now there is just an unfolding and divine timing of all the things coming together. You know it is happening, will happen and everything will fall into place as you take divinely guided action when and where you’re called to. It feels like you’ve stopped pushing and forcing and are releasing back into surrender and trust - the place where you receive. You have done a lot of work to get where you are, keep going, because it has definitely been the right path, right choices and the magic of your life is just beginning due to the deep healing you’ve done and choices you’ve made to focus on your Divine Life Purpose at this time. Also, this is your sign to take more time out for yourself. Get new hobbies or reconnect back to hobbies you once loved as this is needed at this time to fill your heart in ways only reconnection back to self can fulfil. This will open up new doorways of opportunity that would not occur had you not started to do this because it shifts your vibration and is the next opening for the next avenue of your Purpose to be sustained. But… you’ve already been getting this intuition about this right? So.. book that class/hobby/course today. Love xxx For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go! You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
Card #2: Perfect Timing. “Now is the perfect moment for you to act on your inspirations. The doors are open, whilst you through them with us by your side. Don’t delay or procrastinate, as all of the ingredients are ripe for your success. Everything and everyone is on your side, supporting your positive outcome.”
‘Take risk and put your true heart’s desires into action’ - Aine from the Goddess Guidance Oracle is streaming through here as I already begin typing this card for you! Need I say anymore about this card? What other signs do you need to trust your heart on this one? It feels like with the ‘don’t delay or procrastinate’ - it feels like such a bigger divine plan going on here for you - like bigger picture pieces that are urging you to get to work on these divine inspirations now ‘before they are gone’ or ‘passed to someone else’. Meaning - yes, of course, what is meant for you is meant for you - but not everyone acts on their divine inspiration for their Life Purpose and those that don’t or procrastinate - then see someone else in the world doing it and that is because you sat on it too long and the Universe has a divine plan for humanity and those that act fast on their divine inspiration will be the ones helping orchestrate it because Universal Wisdom is shared and those that have the courage to act on their true hearts inspiration are the ones that rise to the top with what they are being guided to do. This… is your sign to not delay what you are being called to do, what is on your mind and just…. start. We only get good by DOING the thing, not by continual training and learning - it is time to take that leap of faith and travel here, do the thing, take the risk, invest in yourself, move to the place - like whatever is on your mind, don’t delay it anymore. It literally says, “As all of the ingredients are ripe for your success.” Like how much more confirmation do you need? If you’ve been waiting for divine timing - well, it has landed in your lap! (or on your device!). If you’ve been asking for a sign and asking for your dreams to come true, and then it happens, don’t delay this opportunity. Life Purpose Rules: Do what you can with what you have. You can ALWAYS make something happen when you REALLY want it to AND when you MOVE FIRST - the Universe swoops into support you ten fold. ESPECIALLY when you have correct mindset on board - The Universe Is Mental and you can literally create anything you want to… but are you - ‘Take risk and put your true heart’s desires into action’ - you’ve already been getting signs, don’t let this sign be the one that passes you by that you see someone else living what you thought of and wish you’d taken action. Take action now. Love xxx For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go! You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
Card #3: Relationship. “Your primary relationship is with yourself and God and every other relationship follows from there. To attract, heal or balance a relationship, then snuggle more closely with your Creator. As you feel safe and loved within, so shall your other relationships bloom and prosper.”
What is your relationship with yourself like? You only need to take a look at the relationships you have in your life and they will show you! Mirror, mirror on the wall! Is real baby! Recently I shared a reel about ‘The True Integration of a Shadow.’. When you’ve had a big ‘gap’ in between being around people, or it’s been a ‘quiet phase of healing’, you’ll find that ‘all of a sudden’ someone will show up and you’ll instantly recognise them - then you’ll also see they are like an old version of yourself whom which you’ve just grown through/out of. This is what I call ‘The True Integration of a Shadow’ and is a deep sign of your personal development growth and spiritual evolution and needs to be honoured, recognised and celebrated for the rapid growth you’ve shifted out of. This card also comes to you as confirmation that it is correct to pull your energy back to yourself and focus on you for a time - whether you’re in relationship or not - this is going to benefit all around you by you coming back to what you know is right for you in regards, to self care, health and well being, physical environment, financial and every other area. Come back to you - what is right for you? You choosing what is right for you is always going to be right for everyone else and yet, the other message here is - what do you WANT to do? Sometimes we don’t even know what we want or if we are in a conundrum with making a decision - most of the confusion comes from not knowing clearly what you want! I would take time to pull your energy back into yourself, get clear on what is important to you, literally write a list, surrender it to the Universe, tune back into your heart and ask yourself what you want again. You can write the question on the top of a piece of paper, ask yourself the question, write what comes to mind, ask it again, write again and continue this process. It might seem like nothing really comes out at the start (or lots or surface stuff does!) and then as you continue to ask it over and over, writing down each time, it goes deeper into your Higher Self and deep truth comes to light. Then ask, how and if you are giving this to yourself - for this is how we feel fulfilled in relationship. Relationships are not there to fulfil us - nothing can do that but ourselves and God. When you are lacking in any area of your life - it won’t come from outside of yourself - only you taking divinely guided action can fulfil that desire that is longing and calling from your heart and when you’re divinely full from this place? That fulfilment and heart longing is filled by you, changes your vibration and your entire reality shifts. But… only you can do it. So… what is it, that you truly want? Are you truly allowing yourself the action steps to bring that to fruition? Love xxx For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go! You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
Card # 4: Trustworthy Guidance. “You’ve received a wonderful idea as an answer to your prayers. This idea is real and trustworthy. You can safely move forward with it, knowing that we are with you every step of the way. Ask for an be open to receiving our support for anything that you need related to this idea.”
Card # 2 - was also about trusting your inner guidance and taking that leap of faith to put your true heart’s desire into action - now. This card? Very similar. What is it you’re holding back for on your intuitive guidance? There is no need to doubt yourself anymore - you’re in a very different position to what you’ve ever been in and can trust the deep intuition that you’ve receiving at this time about making positive changes in your life. This card can also come to you to take a course, mentor support or start a dedicated spiritual practise (or all 3!) to deeply enhance your intuition, heal trauma that has been making your intuition cloudy and uncertain so that you can be super clear in your intuition for perhaps the first time ever. I am also getting something about a mountain or hills - is there something that has been on your mind about the mountains/hills or have you just visited there or need to? What do mountains and hills mean to you? I am also getting the message - if something feels like a mountain for you - you also don’t need to climb it. You can just go around it - there is no need for hard work anymore - you can receive greatly and not have to push your way through at this time. You CAN take the easy road and still achieve massive wealth and greatness and this time, truly allowing your intuition to guide you through this portal that seems like there is an opportunity that has caught your attention so much so you’ve even had dreams about it! This ain’t no dream though - this is your intuition guiding you and giving you clear signs that this it the right path for you to take. If we are not paying attention during our daytime and/or creating space to receive spiritual insight during the day (meditation routine for example) then you will be woken at night thinking about it or you will have dreams that wake you up - to make sure you’re hearing your guidance correctly or at all. Making time for contemplation and meditation during the day, will help you sleep better at night, not just for intuitive information wise but of course meditation helps with so many other health and well being factors that of course you will sleep better. Same time, every day and still mind meditation is the best and if you think you can’t do it, well it’s a bit like someone saying to me, ‘Oh I can do those yoga stretches!’ and I am like, no one can do yoga when they first start - that is why they START and they CONTINUE and they LEARN and they GET GOOD because they continue to practise! Perhaps this is your sign to increase your meditation practise or start - or yoga! And make it a disciplined routine - remember, no one is good at the start, they only get good because they have done it for ages. That means, once upon at time, they too, began somewhere but they stuck with it and that is the only difference between you and them. Where are you needing to pick back up what you put down once upon a time, what day dreams do you need to tap back into and know it wasn’t a dream, but a reality your intuition has been guiding you to - that you’ve actually been asking for like your whole damn life actually - and trust your intuition on this one? Remember, you’re not who you used to be, you’ve done a lot of work to get where you are on all levels and now, more than ever, is time to trust your intuition the entire way on this one. Love xxx For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go! You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
Card #5: Blessing in Disguise. “What appears to be a problem, is actually part of your answered prayer. You’ll understand the reasons behind your present situation as everything resolves. Trust in heavens protection and infinite wisdom to answer you prayer in the best way.”
Hmmm, have you been feeling stuck or blocked lately? Or you tried to make something happen and it is just not flowing? You keep getting met with a no or just no response - or perhaps you have chosen no - or something just feels like it isn’t right? Trust yourself on this one - or maybe it does feel right but not this one or the timing or something is just… it ins’t a great YES right now and that.. you must trust. I am getting such a strong sense of divine timing for you right now - like universal diving timing. You’ll get your YES THIS ONE RIGHT NOW MOVE ON IT feeling and right now, that isn’t there but very soon it will be and you will KNOW. You KNOW what that feeling feels like and it is important to trust this divine timing right now. More information will be revealed to you in the next two weeks that will confirm your decision deep down and you will understand why it couldn’t have happened any sooner than now (when time comes). This is a deep message for you to trust yourself and know that it isn’t that it isn’t right - it is just that the timing has 100% fallen into place yet, but that is coming. Everything you’ve been thinking, want, desire and are wishing for is 100% correct for you. It is just timing. Think about it - when you were ‘trying to manifest your car’- there were weeks, if not months of thinking about it, figuring out finances, contracts, test driving, researching - before you ‘finally got your car’ and it was an overnight thing that ‘now you have a car and yesterday you didn’t’ - but leading up to it, there was lots of organising of many different things for it, so it is same now for you yes? So trust this. It is not a problem issue, but a timing issue. The other piece here is - when you have the thing, when it comes and it is done - what do you wish you had done now ‘whilst you have space’? Another way is - when you get busy - what do you wish you had done when you now have time? Best way to prepare for anything is to think like this - so what comes to mind when you read this? So, time to get organised and get it done! If you don’t want to do it - well, just like going to work, you don’t really want to go to work (unless you love what you do! And even some days, you don’t want to!) so make it like a ‘job’ that you ‘have’ to do… because you kinda DO and for your Purpose Work?? You MUST treat it like a job.. .it’s called discipline and creating your life… ain’t no one can do it for you… only you can do that. But.. you know this. So, hop to it. Rabbit - is a strong sign for you here and rainbows - the Alchemist - Archangel Raziel is by your side through this (some people say he is Merlin or vice versa) Rabbits are all about healing the Divine Feminine within you and moving quietly - you can make your dreams happen, but you have to move on this, trust the timing, keep quiet about it (just go to do it) and let them SEE who you really are, what you’ve achieved, created and.. lived a magical life - because you can. Love xxx For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go! You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!
Card #6: Have Confidence. “Moving forward does not necessarily require you to have confidence in yourself. Confidence in God is enough, along with knowing that God works through you and with you in all ways. Lean upon us if your confidence wavers and we will buoy your courage and faith.”
Take a break - but don’t give up. You are definitely on the right path - just because it seems like it is not working - it actually is. When you are creating something new in your life or venturing into a new relationship of any kind, or learning a new skill it is hard, challenging and then… get’s easier and easier - because you’re learning it. You’re learning the new skill, you’re learning the ropes, you’re learning each other and it is tricky when you’re learning it all, changing your body shape and understanding this new skill or venture you’re venturing into. This card has come to you as a sign of breaks are good - they are integration of the new energies that have come together, that you’re experiencing and are understanding in your life. As the card says, you don’t necessarily need to have confidence in yourself - but to have confidence in God - and I like to add and say that the deep soul knowing that you KNOW something is meant for you, your life, your life path is enough to not just get you through - but to not give up entirely - but have breaks, knowing that you’ve chosen your LIFE Purpose, that means it is for life. When we are beginning something we want it all yesterday at the same time of integration of all the new energies and people say they burn out and the situation isn’t right but actually what is happening is INTEGRATION and the MERGING of the energies to create…. a new reality! Because, when you’re learning something new, are venturing into a new relationship or creating a new life path for yourself - that is exactly what you are doing - creating a new reality - and if you’re here at Reality Awareness, your Life Purpose involves something that is not yet on the planet and to bring that to Earth requires a bucket load of trust, a tonne of faith and a dedication and commitment to your path - no matter how many shiny objects of your life come along and pull you off path. Or try to, because you get better at not allowing that to happen as you get stronger in your body, mind, soul and life path for you. Confidence, is a muscle, just like psychic skills - just like ANYTHING. The way to build your confidence in ANYTHING is to DO IT. It is a bit like driving a car - you can read all the books about driving a car, but getting in the vehicle and driving it is a whole other story right?! That. Sooooo… you are integrating AND - what do you just need to rip the bandaid OFF and start doing - consistently and not stop? Love xxx For the dedicated rebels who are here to break all the rules..For the Healers and Starseeds who are transcending their Healer Labels and dedicating to their GODDESS EMPIRE who has been reborn a thousand times and yet.. NOW - GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED These, are the absolute final days for GODDESS CODES - UNLEASHED 💎 Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go! You've been restless, you've been RELEASED You've been freed and you won't settle for less - you've been set on FIRE with the burning of your Heart and your desire for MORE. You have felt it in your Soul and it is calling from the bottom of your heart with this volcano erupting from the depths of your SOUL It CALLS you... frees you and you are CERTAIN that you have SHIFTED...Comment GODDESS below and I'll send you the details, only 4 more days to go!