🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th August 2024

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Aug 27, 2024

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th August 2024

Scroll down to find the number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from Archangel Michael for you 💎🕊 

💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: A Favourable Outcome. “Thank you for the beautiful outcome to this situation, which is perfect and fair for everyone involved. Thank you, Archangel Michael for helping me trust and have faith.”

Everything is working out for me. Everything I need comes to me. I am being supported by powerful, loving and wise Ascended Masters that are deeply supporting my evolution right now and I am listening to the intuitive guidance I receive and act upon it now. Your mindset is EVERYTHING right now - even though you might be losing a bit of (or a lot of!) faith and hope - don’t. Don’t quit right before the miracle occurs is the message for you with this card today. You’re being asked to stretch your faith about this situation and what you have been envisioning in your mind, heart, body and soul for a LONGGGGG time. A manifestation is about to pay off in a big way - it is about to arrive and I feel you’ve already been getting signs about this too. Be sure to notice the signs and drop into deep gratitude about them for it helps and supports the energy that is being asked of you and is required for and of you for the full manifestation of this to occur. Hence, your faith is so important at this time. Something that you have been working through is being worked out in your favour. It feels like you’ve also been working at this for a long time also. I am also getting the message that the ideas or projects you’ve been working on is correct - like the ideas you’re getting - time to action them and the faster you do, the faster you will able to move forward with what you’re being guided to do. You may have just had an intuitive download reading this now about what you’re meant to do or a memory or idea came back about something you now realise - was intuitive guidance. You are being given the gift of freedom right now. Something has lifted and you’re being shown the way forward on the path of your purpose. You’re coming back to a part of you who has been long forgotten, long in slumber and you’re stepping into this place of purposeful passionate fire. Who are you now you’ve realised and remembered this? Time to action this - now. This will only support all this forward movement for you with rapid pace change. Love xxx 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #2: Decide To Be Happy Now. “Thank you for helping me open my heart to happiness, joy and bliss. I am now willing to see all of the goodness in my life.” 

You’re being asked to shift your mindset and start truly appreciating the abundance around you - even if you don’t feel it - you’re going to start. With your bed you sleep in, with your breath you breathe with, with the clothes you’re wearing, with your eyes to read this, with this device you’re reading this on. Right now, you’re being asked to pull yourself up from the depths from the place that you’re not sure how and start with right where your hands are. Do what you can with what you have is one of the Life Purpose Rules - you can do something with what’s right in front of you. And today, you’re being asked to step into gratitude and start being deeply thankful for what you have right now. The world can seem chaotic, the world is pulling in potent crystalline frequencies right now, and you’re being asked to deeply align and train your mindset because it is steering the ship of your life right now. I know this seems generic messages but it’s a strong one today. The seasons are shifting and you’re being asked to move with it. The strong message here being that when you’ve been living in trauma drama, chaos and entangled messes for a long time - there is a definite healing phase - but then a deep choice - to not think like that anymore, to not connect or engage with people who still drama talk anymore, that leave you feeling more drained than uplifted and motivated when you come away from it all at the end of the day. Today, this card, Archangel Michael has a strong message for you - it’s time to choose the joy, it’s time to catch those thoughts and decide in that same moment, to ‘throw them out the window’ (of your mind) and choose something more positive. It’s time to decide your future because you’ve arrived here now, the healing has been done and it’s time to move forward. Decide to be Happy now - is a choice and you can - any moment of any day or any thought train, Just. Like. That. Love xxx 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #3: Forgive Yourself, You’ve Done, Nothing Wrong. “I ask that you help me let go of self-blame and forgive myself. Please guide me in releasing any toxo anger or fear toward others. Thank you, Archangel Michael, for allowing me to feel centred and at peace.”

Honey, that thing that is holding you up from the past? That you feel guilt about? That you feel you’ve done wrong or just can’t seem to let it go… or let ‘them’ go? You’re being asked to deeply drop into the softness of your own heart right now - that love you have sooo much love to give? It needs to be directed at you. You’ve been hurt recently and it has floored you (again!), or you thought you had dealt with this and now it’s surfaced again. Little side note - it will surface again and again, healing happens in waves and it’s normal for things to surface again. The key is to let yourself feel it all right now as it surfaces, as when it is fresh is the most potent to for it to heal, release and come out. As it does, the next waves won’t be as big - IF - you let the waves come as they go. When you can ride this potent step, this ebb and flow of the tide right now, you will get through this - but when you’re IN IT - it just won’t feel like it - at all. This forgiveness card has come to you today, because it is what is going to set you free, it is what is going to allow you to move into your next chapter with unwavering faith and trust in yourself, your understanding of your own life will come back to you but right now it might just feel like a blur, like a big mess and that… is exactly where you’re meant to be. Forgiveness of self is a powerful ‘releasing the chains of your past’. Honey, you’re not repeating past patterns - you’re breaking them BECAUSE you’ve become conscious of them and are in the depths of feeling them which is healing them and causing a great shift in your life. Hang in there, because this tunnel of darkness will end and you will come out the other side of this, but right now - healing is required. Love xxx 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #4: Sense of Humour. “Thank you for helping me see the Humour in this situation so I can lovingly laugh at human nature. 

This card has a strong message pouring through that may seem completely different to this cards writing - but Eagle is coming through so strongly and to soar above this issue so you can figure out a higher perspective on the course of action your life is taking right now. It seems you’ve been embroiled in a situation that has taken its toll on you but now you are free to do as you please so to speak and it feels like it is wise for you to heed this guidance. I am hearing, ‘you’re being given a second chance - don’t fuck it up!’. What is that for you? You have been given an opportunity and right now the bigger picture focus IS your most highest priority. I want to say, fuck deadlines of end of year or next year or next 5 years (in a way!) what is important is your big picture vision (Eagle) and to get it done now - now - now - now - is all there is and it feels like you’re being asked to dive head first into this - immerse yourself in this so much that you come out of this not realising the time that has passed but you’ve completed what you have put off for YEARSSSS. Eagle is deeply connected to Gold in The Liquid Crystals and has a strong totem meaning of your higher purpose coming into focus. Take this as your sign that the chaos you’ve been enduring the last while has not just been testing your resolve but also your resilience because what is about to unfold for you? You’ll be laughing at the entire situation and wondering how you didn’t see this before and what a brilliant idea (Archangel Uriel) and outcome that has come from all of this - your purpose - your true, unique purpose has grounding now, so allow the force of your passion to take over and laugh all the way home. 😉 Love xxx 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence 


Card #5: Shield Yourself. “Archangel Michael, I ask you to protect me, my loved ones, my vehicle and my home with your powerful shield. Surround us in your purple light, which allows only pure love to penetrate. Please stay with me day and night, and keep my loved ones safe.”

First of all - your idea is divinely guided, put it into action. Reach out to that mentor, take that course, join that local community group, see that counsellor, take that risk (when safe to do so) - this idea? IS your form of protection that you’re being called to right now to protect yourself in this situation, but to also learn about for yourself in honing your skills. Whether this is protection in the psychic realms, whether this is protection for your physical home or car with insurance, or taking preventative measures for your health - you’re being asked to cover all bases here. This is not in a fearful way, this is about talking radical responsibility for your reality because, let’s be honest, there are some things you have let lapse or haven’t tended to and this - is what the protection card is deeply referring to for you today. Time to take overhaul of your reality, time to clean up, shift out and completely transform what has been calling your attention but you’ve ignored - today. If you could just tend to and clean one thing up a week to make it manageable what could you do? This ‘ignorance’ of what this is referring to for you is an energy leak and the best form of protection is following your intuitive guidance and not letting things lapse or be left unattended - for this is how the bugs get in so to speak. One thing a week, comprende? Love xxx 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence


Card #6: This Is Your Life’s Purpose. “Archangel Michael, you know the details of my Divine Life Purpose and I ask you to help me be aligned 

You… have had a big dawning moment, a realisation that has changed the course of everything you’re doing - right when you just changed everything too! It’s okay to trust your intuition to shift, grow, change and evolve to the next step. When you trust and follow each step, you are shown the next step - it is HOW Life Purpose works. It is also why not many follow it - because of this very reason! There is a lot of trust involved and also a lot of space where you will not be able to do anything BUT your Life Purpose. I am also getting the sense that something DEEP has unlocked for you. You might have found yourself reminiscing about the past and today - putting all the pieces together of what has happened. Something has released energetically from you and I want to say ‘divine karmic justice’ is being served right now. You can step out into the light, you will find you’ll feel stronger in your choices, you’ll remember who you are, you will have a sense of power and purpose about you that you thought you had lost forever. Something karmically, psychically and deep in the spiritual realms of your rebirth and initiation on the path of your Purpose has taken you to the next level and you’re being guided into the realms of understanding this new version of you that is calling back ancient parts of your soul that are needed here for not the fruition of your purpose - but the true unique purpose of what it is that you’re birthing and came here for. It is like a recollection of all parts of you to bring this new paradigm to Earth right now. I am getting the message to pay strong attention to signs, omens and your dreams for guidance on what you’re being asked to do right now. One step at a time is how you’re going to channel and implement the ideas that are coming to you about what you need to do for your Purpose. I am also sensing that you’re being stretched to your capacity right now - but do you really what this is? You’re ‘stretched’ - because you’re a person who can not just handle it - but this ‘level’ is how/why you’re ‘in it’ - because this next level/quantum leap requires you to expand here at this capacity - as they say, God doesn’t give you anything you can’t handle and it is here, your capacity to expand - expands. Your thermostat shifts and your next level lands. Now you understand ‘what’ this is - it doesn’t have to be so intense for it to ‘fall apart’ again/anymore for you to expand to the next capacity - you can just - choose joy, grace and ease through this portal and ‘arrive’ there - with joy. It’s much easier to expand in joy. How exciting - a new paradigm lands for you. Love xxx 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 To be brought back to not just life - but activated through the Crystalline Gridlines, the realm of the Ancients and disentangle from the lower vibrations that have held us captive for many, many years 💎 TRANSCENDENCE 💎 starts on Friday, click here for all the details and to join us for this 6 week transformation chamber of pure crystalline magic: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence