๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 27th December 2022
Dec 27, 2022
๐ฎ Reading Results are IN ๐ฎ for 27th December 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Mermaids and Dolphins ๐ฌ๐ง๐ปโ๏ธ๐ง๐ปโ๏ธ๐ฌ
If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen ๐
Card #1: Divine Magic. “Extra Magical Energy surrounds your situation right now. Expect Miracles!”
Hmmm, it feels like you have been doubting yourself something hard honey! Stop that! What on Earth made you drop to the depths of despair that what you want isn’t waiting for you? What on Earth has made you forget who the fuck you are and that you are a miracle manifestor and have ALWAYS lived your life on faith and created miracles wherever the fuck you go?! Remember?! Nothing is out of your reach - if you can feel it in your heart, if you can see it in your mind - you can create everything you need and you hold the faith UNTIL that manifests into form - yes? I feel like there is a lot of ’space’ in your life and a lot of almost ‘nothing’ - you’re very full - but this last year or so, you have purposefully created space for what you really want to come in right?! And so why would you think that what you want, wouldn’t come in? Because it is taking too long? You wanted it yesterday? I am getting the message to ask you and remind you - what is it, that reminds you of you? Have you lost yourself recently? I feel like you’re so conscious of what takes your power away, what makes you lose yourself and perhaps you are just finding your feet again and coming into a place where you KNOW what makes you feel amazing, feel powerful and feel like a million bucks - right?! And perhaps you ‘can’t’ do that right now and so you’re… losing power? (so to speak). I am hearing, “Everything is falling in your favour - you are being elevated to new heights right now, so keep the faith strong - do whatever you need to do to remind you of you, of who you truly are. Look back over the years and look what you truly have built - you’re fucking amazing and no one could’ve done what you’ve done AND pulled it off and held it together like you’re. You’re truly one of a kind and magic and miracles abound is right around the corner for you. HOLD. THE. FAITH.” This card is one of the most potent cards in this deck - no - THE most potent card in the entire deck. When you choose this card, be super conscious of what follows - as Divine Magic is abound for you. Keep your intuitive eyes open, say yes and watch the magic unfold. If you have chosen a second card today, this is a sign that there is Divine Magic Energy surrounding this situation. I am also getting the message that there is something that you have been hiding that is a HUGE part of who you are - that this - is your MAGIC and it is needing to come out - what has been on your mind? What parts of your Soul that are MAGIC have you been hiding? I feel like there is something that you shut down a long time ago because of who you were, and yet, this IS WHO YOU ARE? Just because they didn’t like that part of you, doesn’t mean you have to shut it down and out and lock it away?! Seriously - this is your Magic and if you have felt like your spark has disappeared, I think it is important to get this part of you back - no matter what who says about anything - this is what makes you YOU - don’t hide this anymore - your MAGIC wants to shine again… so will you let it?! EXPECT MIRACLES - Love xxx If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #2: Synchronicity. “Your prayers and questions are being answered by Synchronistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow.”
I keep hearing ‘hold the line’ - with this one! What boundary are you needing to hold strong of? What line are you needing to hold right now? This - keeps you in ALIGNMENT and ALIGNMENT is where the Synchronicity of your Life Purpose is found. Don’t drop the ball just yet - or at all. You made this commitment to yourself didn’t you? Isn’t 2023 supposed to be ‘the year’ for you?Well then, don’t drop that ball honey! Don’t drop that line! Don’t drop that boundary line - at all. HOLD IT. HOLD the TENSION so it SNAPS into your reality - because this card has come to you as a sign that it WILL and IS, so don’t drop the ball right now. Holding this line - keeps you in the Synchronistic flow and… is there someone you need to reach out to? Is there something you have been putting off for a long time that you really need to kick your ass into gear and do? It feels like you have been searching for something, longing for something even and yet…. the thing that is ‘going to set you free there’ - is doing this thing that will fulfil this longing - more than anything else, because you are following Soul when you complete this thing you’ve been ‘longing’ to do it feels like. It’s like it has been right in front of you the entire time and feels like now more than ever - everything can just wait so you can do this thing already okay? Don’t let sabotage kick you in the guts now - you’ve come too far to drop the ball or create a chaotic hurricane of sabotage right now. Yes, you will do this thing. Yes, you will be successful as fuck. Yes, you will change the God damn world at the same time. You are IN Synchronistic flow - you just have to SEE it. You have to realise you are exactly where you are for a reason and as much as you’re trying to fight it right now - you asked for this and you deep down know that this space and time is for what you are here to do for this next phase, this next project, this next task, this next… YOU. The more you stop fighting against what is and come into a place where you just push everything aside and get this done - you will wake up one day in a place you couldn’t have dreamt up in your wildest imagination because your intuition is guiding you and you are following it… but sometimes you doubt it, but if you would just lean back into TRUST right now, you’ll see how divinely perfect all of this is and realise just how much Synchronistic has everything lined up for you right now. Aren’t you going to trust already again? That is your strong point right? Love xxx If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #3: A New Dawn. “The worst is now behind you, and positive new experiences are on the horizon.”
Your life is about to change in 2023 in a big, big way. But it feels like as much as you’ve been excited about this - there is also fear there? It is normal to experience a level of fear as you step in the direction you really want to go - that is usually the path lest walked by most. I am hearing the message, “This path is clear for you now, don’t let fear stop you, but use it to propel you.” The card from the Work Your Light Oracle is coming to mind - “If you were not afraid, what would you do?” I am also sensing that you are stuck in old body muscle memory right now and that may feel like you are feeling like you are ‘frozen in time’ in a way? I am also wondering if your body has been fighting something or pushing something (a virus?!) out of your body?! Have you had strange bumps, rashes or itches on your hands or feet or torso?? It feels like you have truly ‘come into your own’ (have you just walked away from relationships or situations that no longer align to your truth recently?!) and because you have - there is a big clear out going on in your body now. It might seem like your health or state of being ‘has got worse’ - but this is the clearing out of the lower vibrations (viruses/bugs/diseases) from your body as your Higher Self/Soul has anchored into another layer of your Being and you are coming into a place of power in your Life Purpose, stepping up and speaking your truth in ways you have never done before and it is coming from a place of deep lived Wisdom. Not victim, not doubt, not anything but your highest truth. I am hearing about “Let the naysayers be the naysayers - they are not YOU.” There is a big emphasis on YOU here and I wonder if 2023 is a year for you to truly own who you are without shame, care, blame, worry or fretting over anything OTHER than your Life Purpose calling? “And positive, new experiences are on the horizon.” I feel there are big changes coming for you in 2023, but this is because you are creating them - you are shifting to a higher dimension WITHIN your body and life and that will mean that yes, those relationships you once aligned with, will fall away and not feel in resonance anymore. It is normal to feel alone, mis-understood and like no one on this planet gets you. However, when these feelings are strong, it is because you are shifting - in the midst of a transition. So don’t let those negative thoughts take you down - A New Dawn is upon you honey. The darkest, is always, just before the Dawn, remember this. Love xxx If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #4: Mother Healing. “As your feelings towards your Mother heal, your desires manifest more rapidly and accurately.”
This includes - you trusting your intuition. It feels like you have ‘flopped’ and then come back up and then ‘flopped’ again - strange words to describe it, but what this feels like is you elevating to higher and more grounded, solid and stable forms of trusting your intuition. You are not wrong, you haven’t done anything wrong - and perhaps if you are feeling this, you need to clear your energy at this time, as when someone is ‘projecting wrongness’ at you - you will feel it like a tonne of bricks, because you are a highly sensitive being, or you wouldn’t be here reading this. It IS why you are highly intuitive and it feels like your intuition has been rising to new heights recently. Have you had confirmation from ‘strange places’ that your intuition is very on point that is helping you trust more and more and more at this time? Do not doubt this - because - also, has Archangel Michael been making his presence known to you recently too? It feels like there is an opportunity coming up very soon for you that would be wise to say YES to this, even if you are ‘scared’ - because this is the Mother Healing in action for you it feels like. You have worked hard to get where you are today, been through hell and back and lived to tell the tale and now… you are telling a different tale - one steeped deep in Wisdom. What is it, that you are going to ‘come out to the world and shock them with your tale in 2023?’ The Mermaids are strong for you on this card - are you needing spend more time at the Ocean? Listening to Ocean wave music? The Mermaids are deep in the subconscious and it feels like you are pulling up deep Wisdom, from LIFETIMES of subconscious diving and it is sooo important to trust your intuition at this time. I am wondering what truth you need to speak about this ‘Mother Healing’? Where are you shunning your Light in fear of disapproval from a female figure in your life? Someone you look up to maybe? Or have a subconscious rapport with? What have been your realisations around the feminine/mother figure for you recently? Or this last 12 months? I am sensing that you are needing to share this somehow - share your wisdom around it - what comes to mind for you with this? Love xxx If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #5: Positive Energy. “Surround yourself with positive people and situations and avoid negativity.”
It’s okay to walk away from what no longer serves you. It is okay to distance yourself from people and situations were you haven’t been getting a straight clear YES vibe from. If you feel that someone has been talking about you behind your back, then you need to trust this - trust your intuition over anything else, especially what they tell you and trust your intuition enough and be okay with the ‘space’ you find yourself in, as you shift to new heights, with new people that are genuinely positive, genuinely have your back and definitely lift you up, rather than pull you down. I am wondering if you have realised just recently ‘another group of people’ or a ‘friend’ isn’t who you thought they were, or, it has become increasingly clear that they are just not in alignment anymore? Gah. Hard pill to swallow right?! It’s always tough walking away, distancing yourself or realising that you’ve outgrown a certain situation, relationship, environment and that you need to leave it, walk away and take your energy and power back about this situation. And yet, your POWER lays here. Your HAPPINESS lays here - in you choosing to only surround yourself with positive people, things you LOVE doing and situations and environments that lift your Soul UP instead of down. I feel that this is so important for your Soul right now to do this and realise that this is just so important for you. I almost feel like a pact with yourself needs to be made for 2023 or something to this affect, that you only surround yourself with these. I also keep hearing “Do what you love” And I guess this comes back to the Positive Energy - because when we do what we love, then it IS positive energy and that changes everything. What is one thing coming to your mind right now as you read this that your Soul is just like ‘Oh can you just already!’ I feel you’ve been putting it off, waiting until you ‘can’ or whatnot, however, the important message at this time is that you need to do it sooner rather than later and make it a priority. Your Soul will thank you for it, you’ll have more energy and you just never know who you are going to bump into. I am also feeling that recently the ‘knock back’ and realisation around the truth of situation where someone just wasn’t who you thought they were or the plans you had with them - backfired something fierce, as harsh and hurtful as it was/is, it is leading you to where you are truly meant to be where - happiness awaits and positive energy is bound to be found. Transitioning to this can be hard, but know that the Dolphins have your back and are only leading you to where it is truly safe to open your Heart again. The only reason you are ‘here’ is because you WANT to feel that happiness again… so trust this space as hard as it may ‘look’ right now… positive experiences are coming for you - open your heart and follow it. Let the Positive Vibes lead you there. Love xxx If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society
Card #6: Set Your Sights Higher. “Increase your standards and expect more for yourself. Don’t settle!”
This card speaks for itself. Need I say more? And yet - i feel this is for you in a self love, self appreciation of your body, mind and soul way. Where are you needing to increase the standards for your life? Whilst this is about you, of course it affects your entire life - who you hang around, who you speak to, who you are opening up to, where you are spending your time and energy, what life you are choosing to live. This card feels similar to Card #1 about holding the line - in whichever or ALL areas of your life until you bring this new reality into your physical reality right now. The other messages about this card for you today is about your feelings, emotions and what you are perceiving about this situation right now. Again, feels similar to Card #1 in seeing how far you’ve come, but this also feels like - don’t let your emotions get in the way. Remember - emotions are old buried traumas of your past surfacing. Don’t let them spin you down the rabbit hole - instead, stay true to your HIGHEST vision - which is the Purpose of this card for you today. HOLD YOUR VISION and don’t let your old emotions take over what you know in your HEART to be true. The old emotions will take over your brain and make you say, do and change what you know you were meant to do in the first place, so don’t let it hold you back. I am also sensing that the way THROUGH this and to anchor in and hold your sights on the HIGHEST vision for yourself right now - is through creative fire action. How can you kick yourself into gear and become ON FIRE with your creative pursuits? It feels like something is eating you up inside - but you can channel this energy INTO your creative passions, because that is going to not only nourish you and bring you back to life - but it will bring forth all of your desires that you’ve been deep down feeling for a long time that you KNOW is meant for you and how it is supposed to happen - because… your Soul knows and now, it is up to you to Set Your Sights Higher, don’t let your old emotions pull you down. Hold your ground, hold the line and let your Creative Passions, be the spark that feeds your Soul, lights up the night sky and brings daylight to Earth. You were born for this - remember? Love xxx If you’re ready to birth 2023 with heightened psychic awareness, clarity in your intuition, depth to your Soul, confidence to speak your truth, softening and opening of your Heart, to let in love, abundance and bring that light back to your life - or for the very first time, so you see clearly your Life Purpose and the reason you are born - the Inner Circle is the place to be, click here for Transcendence Reality Society, Boxing Day Sale, closes soon: https://www.realityawareness.com/transcendence-reality-society