🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th September 2022
Sep 27, 2022
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 27th September 2022
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Archangel Oracle Cards for you! 👼🌟
You’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there.
You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas.
If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Love Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: Detach From Drama, Pallas Athena.
Athena - Warrior Princess of Light - is here with a strong message - there is drama and then there is drama and then there is a pile of emotions that are surfacing from the past to look at, feel, have conscious communication about and then clear and heal. Those who perceive things to be ‘drama’ are throwing their hands up and walking away from a ‘too hard’ situation. There is a line between being compassionate and caring enough to listen and understand and knowing where you need to draw your boundary lines and walk away. However, I feel that Athena has come to you today to ask you to look deeper. What is making you so upset about this situation? Where are you throwing your hands up in the too hard basket and walking away? Have you been physically ill lately? This is suppressed emotions - where and what have you been in with in your body will give you a clear example of ‘what’ exactly you are suppressing - but - it cannot be suppressed anymore, because that is why all this ‘drama’ is happening around you and in you (physical illness) because it is screaming out to not be buried anymore. Have you been wishing for big change in your life? Have you reached a point where enough is enough and have been asking for something to help you? To come in and change your situation? Well - here it is! Wallah! Drama baby! Is a fucking PERCEPTION. I hate the word drama - because that is an unconscious persons COP OUT for not dealing with emotions and it drives me insane! Emotions are suppressed instances of trauma, pain, heartbreak, heartache and anything that has hurt you in the past and it is here, that it is time to let the ‘drama’ out - aka deal with the suppressed pain you have been burying and get that out of your system. Your body, mind, Soul will only allow that to be suppressed for a certain amount of time then it will come out in ‘drama’ - meaning physical illness or anxiety, panic attacks or emotional states. Whilst abuse is not okay, that is different to someone speaking about something that hurt them in the past in a conscious conversation and discussing issues to resolve them. Unspoken issues of the past that are swept under the carpet or turned a blind eye to will only result in physical illness later on down the track. So, I guess you can always be physically sick and create drama around you by everyone needing to take care of you, or you can deal with the pain in your heart and be free to move on with your life. Either or, Athena has come to you to help you understand that ‘drama’ is that something is coming up for healing, so you can move on in the direction your heart truly wants to go in. Feel it to heal it, communicate it and find freedom in your voice of speaking your truth and allowing yourself to not carry that heavy burden of what is simply not yours anymore. Love xxx You’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there. You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas. If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #2: Focus Upon Your Strengths. Apollo.
You may have been knocked down 50 times… and you’ve got back up 100 more. Because you are strong. But you’re tired of being strong and that… is a cause for - surrender. Surrender to the flow. Surrender to life. You do not have to hold it up and hold it together for everyone anymore. You can let it all go now. You can feel it lifting from your energetic field, you can feel it shifting, you feel… lighter, even though you’re still processing what just happened because… yeah. Huge. You can feel your power coming back and you didn’t realise how much you had not just been carrying, but….. how much you had given your power away and now - you’re slowly regaining strength. You are shifting, because you have chosen to rise for the 100th million time and some and you are shaking all that shit off, slowly, but surely, you can feel this time, it is a different rising from the ashes. This time, you are not running away out of conscious choice. You are not staying out of guilt. You are staying, going, doing as you damn well please and this time? It FEELS different. And that is because this time, it is from a different internal place - something inside of you - deep - inside of you has healed (or is healing) right now and you can feel it. I am getting the message for you to allow time for reality to catch up. In about six weeks from now, you will start to see the results of this internal shift and from then, reality will move extremely fast in the direction you’re choosing - so be sure to be ‘Focusing Upon Your Strengths’. Apollo has come to you today, to remind you that the worst is now behind you and you don’t even need to be focusing on it anymore, you don’t even need to look back, or bring it up - it is done. Your new chapter is here (or about o begin) so focus on the person you are stepping into - that you have BECOME because you are and you are here. Call upon your strengths, focus on the good parts of you, improve other places you’re not happy in and those things from your past? Draw on only the good times now, because you’re free of that pain and your strength is coming back. Be gentle, know that you’re healing and healed and deeply good enough now - because you ARE. Love xxxYou’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there. You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas. If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #3: Work Your Magic. Saint-Germain.
Now is the time to only focus on that which you desire - but more than that, this is a time to - you guessed it - ‘Work Your Magic’. You have deep knowledge from Ancient times AND you also have a bucket load of tools to manifest your desired reality into form, sooooo why aren’t you using them? Or is it that you are and wondering, “Well, when?” I am also getting the strong message for you too - that yes, you can manifest your reality - but are you taking consistent action on that which you truly desire? Are you dedicating time to it, are you pouring all your energy into the thing which brings your Heart alive? Into the space that allows you to feel most at Peace? That path that brings you to Heaven and back and realise that Heaven - is here? It feels like there is a project (or 3!) That you need to give all your undivided attention on right now and also - to reassess your 5-10 year goal plan. Reality has shifted compared to several years ago and so to, has the stage you’re at in your life and business and so if you haven’t reassessed your goals for a while, short-term and long term, now is a good time to do that. We are in New Moon energy and it is a new Season, the perfect time to sow new seeds. I am also getting the message - what do you REALLY want? Now is not the time to settle for anything less than you truly desire at your highest reality possible to your imagination right now, because you are in a very auspicious time of your life AND the energies are ripe for supporting this. I am also getting the message for you to remember your Heart. Is that by breathing deeper? You awaken old energy and shift it out of your body by breathing deeper, shifting old stuck stagnant patterns in your life. Is helping your heart by taking a break from the meats, the dairy and other high fat and cholesterol foods for a time? Does your heart need healing on a physical level from certain foods alongside emotional healing? Remember, the fastest way to heal your heart and bring MAGIC back into your life - or amplify the magic, is by having FUN. So, what is fun to you? And, can you make a commitment to do more of that? THIS, is working your Magic precious one. Love xxx You’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there. You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas. If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #4: Yes. Ganesh.
Hmmm, have you just had a shift? Like, then all of a sudden all of these other shifts have occurred quite ‘out of the blue’ and rapidly? As much as this instantly feels lighter and freer I am getting the sense to remind you it’s okay to take a moment (or a day or a week or more!) To process this - change. Because although that is all it is, it is not what you saw coming and the trajectory of what you thought was going to be has - been wiped off the map all of a sudden. This is a good time to reassess and review goals as this sudden life change has been brought on by your Higher Self and also, alongside the collective timeline shifts - that energy, that although that solution would’ve been helpful, I am picking up, would’ve also had bad energy tainted through it, or guilt ridden or such. And yet, now, although this sudden life change has changed everything and nothing all at the same time. ‘Yes’ from Ganesh for you today is to trust your intuition now more than ever before. It feels like you are clear now, cleansed now and can move forward in the direction you truly wanted to go - before, well, all THAT happened. Remember that space? There is so much deliciousness and abundance in this YES space. When you are trying to figure something out or if you feel stuck, ask, ‘What is my YES right now?’ - sometimes you might need to ask, ‘What is my NO right now?’ That can give rise and space for your YES clarity to come through. I am sensing things are at a standstill for you right now, but make no mistake, there are powerful and big Sources of Spiritual Help behind the scenes right now, aligning all the divine synchronistic events and divine timing to line up. Hold the faith and continue… in your YES. Love xxx You’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there. You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas. If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #5: Persistence. Lugh.
You are more than enough to OWN THIS THING and it is about damn time you did! This card is all about you taking back your power and sorting out that which is most important to you right now. No more dilly dallying around, this is about your ultimate power to create anything you want in your life - so stop hiding behind a cloak of shame that is hiding and dimming your light like no tomorrow. If there is something that fuels your Soul and you’re not doing enough of it, do more of it - der! Of course! I feel you’ve been in a holding pattern however, that is shifting now and it is time to come out of the box, out into the sunlight and feel that warmth on your skin once more. You are not going to repeat patterns, you are shifting to a higher frequency of what you’ve been working towards your entire life - you are the sunshine and you are worth every single bit that you deep down know you are, regardless of external circumstances now, or in the past that have made you believe otherwise. This is your time to reclaim your power and come back in a big, BIG way and you KNOW you can do this, you KNOW you can run the damn thing AND some. You have tied up, cut off and shifted those energy leaks that have been draining your Light and now your power is coming back to you. Have you feel clogged up in the nose or throat recently? I know doesn’t make sense, but this is all your power coming back to you, shifting out the crud of the cells where your power once lay and now has returned to and your energy looks brighter, you are happier and you can take control of your life and burn it like you made it baby because you CAN. You’ve got this, stay focused, because everything is working out in the most wonderful way. Love xxx You’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there. You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas. If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition
Card #6: Priorites. King Solomon
These cards for Tuesday Tarot this week have a similar thread - stay focused, get back on track - focus on your Priorities. I feel this card for you is to make a plan and don’t let anything get in your way. Now is not the time to make big changes IF they are going to affect your working capacity to do what you need to do and get what you need to get done - DONE. It feels super important to honour your sacred space right now. It feels like there is big positive change coming in for you soon and that it is important to - what needs tidying up? What needs finishing? What loose ends do you have laying around that are getting in the way of your priorities in a big way? This. Get this stuff DONE. In 5 years time, do you wish you had wasted this precious time right now? No, didn’t think so. So, get to it and make a plan. I am also getting something about the Merkabah - as King Solomon has this above his head in this card. What does the Merkabah mean to you? It is a symbol and a sign of balance - this can mean the masculine and feminine sides of you have healed and are coming and have come into deep balance. You may be feeling like you’re finally getting your energy back after several years of feeling like the life has been sucked out of you. I am also getting the message that honey, you do not need anything to fix you. You are here to shine a light on the Consciousness of Humanity and you do not need to do things to fix you, heal you or whatever it is that you think you are waiting around for that next best magic shiny pill that is going to solve everything - no. Just no. You KNOW what will heal you and this is all you need to focus your energy on. This is your PRIORITY to only take advice from you at this time. There is a time and a place for mentors and then there is a time and a place for ONLY following your Heart. If you need to cancel things, say no and just cocoon so you can PRIORITISE you - then do this. Now. Your Soul’s Life Purpose is counting on you - and you’re counting on it. It’s always been within you and now.. you can trust this deep within feeling, more than ever before. Love xxx You’re safe as you look within deep into your Heart and give yourself permission to be all that you see and feel in there. You are worthy of your dreams coming true, and this is your permission slip to only go after that which you want, with full freedom in all areas. If you’re ready to step into a place of setting yourself from from the binds of your past, healing your heart and creating a life you truly love and adore, Trust Your Intuition Early Bird Enrolments close in less than 48 hours, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/trust-your-intuition