🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th December 2021
Dec 28, 2021
🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th December 2021
Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Ascended Masters Oracle Deck.
Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness.
Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE.
I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Love, Hannah
The Life Purpose Queen 👑
Card #1: ‘You Can Do It!’ - Archangel Michael
You Can Do It! Is there something that you have been doubting, is that something that you have been worried about? It feels like there is something that you have been questioning, that has been on your mind that has been a little bit rough or hard or are there red flags in this situation that you have been starting to wonder if it is the right course of action for you? I am getting the sense that that Archangel Michael has come to say to you that, ‘You Can Do It!’ What this means, is that you have the power to turn this around, you have the power to make the situation right. That might mean walking away from an unhealthy situation. That might mean looking at what your part in the situation is and rewriting the story. Regardless, I feel like the solution lays within you, you know what to do about the situation whether it is internal work or external action that needs to take place, but you know what to do in this situation. This, You Can Do It! has come to you today, because you’re on the right path and you know the solution, to what you need to take action on. There are two parts to this. You Can Do It! Is the part where you know what part you play in this and what role you play in this and what steps you need to take that is your responsibility in this situation. The second part to this, is that the rest is then up to God/Universe/Spirit. Archangel Michael has come to you today, because the strength that you know is deep down within you, even when you're unsure, even when you feel like walking away, even when the world feels like it is against you, Archangel Michael has come to you today to assure you that You Can Do It! He is assuring you that you are on the right path, to assure you that you can trust your intuition in this situation by taking the corrective steps and owning your part in this situation and then surrendering - the rest is up to God. You are being guided right now, there are some big changes going on in your life right now. Archangel Michael cuts away any negativity, he helps Lightworkers to get on the right path. This is your sign that big changes on your doorstep. There is some life direction changes that are about to land in your lap that are about to change the course of direction of your life or - you’re breaking life long generational patterns right now. It feels almost like a fork in the road decision that you are making right now, and the best way for you to make this, is as mentioned - own your responsibility on your part in it, do the inner work, take the necessary action and the rest is up to God/Universe/Spirit. You Can Do It! because the situation wouldn't have landed in your lap - which I'm sensing, is also something that you have asked for in some way shape or form. You Can Do It! own your part, the rest is up to God and you will know the next steps to take once you've done this, you will be shown the way, as you always have been. Love xxx Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness. Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE. I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #2: ‘Take Charge of this Situation.’ - Moses.
The famous Moses, that parts the huge water body. If there is something that you have been questioning lately, the path is about to become clear. On this card, Moses is looking up to the sky. It seems like there is purple and deep indigo blue in the sky, with stars streaming across. I am sensing that whatever is going on in your life right now, is deeply connected to your Third Eye and Crown Chakra, it feels like you are having an awakening of sorts at this time. It might be very uncomfortable quite physically, and actually - there are two parts to this card. I feel that some of you reading this are actually on a big wave of joy right now and a lot of good things are washing up on your shore. It feels like the worst is now behind you and even though there might be things to sort out, you are taking charge of the situation and you are sorting them out, but it feels like the path is always clear for you. The Third Eye and Crown Chakras relate to spiritual awakenings and relationships and it feels like you are awakening to a whole new level of relationships in your life, whether with yourself or with another person or group of people. Have you just stepped into a partnership or a work colleague relationship? It feels like this has been guided for you and is part of your destiny. It feels like this will be very successful, and open up new doorways for you that have been closed for a long time. As mentioned, the worst is now behind you, the path is almost clear. If you are wondering what the next steps are or if you are questioning what next, I feel that those answers are coming, the clarity is almost here and you will know when it's the right time to take the next step and the next action. You will feel it in your soul you will fill it in your heart it will be that big full-bodied yes. Until then know, that what everything that you are doing is divinely guided, know that you are doing all that you can, know that you are doing everything in your power that you need to be doing (because I know you are), and the best is yet to come. If you are not clear yet, don't fret the answers are coming but again you will know when the full-bodied yes is, it will be so clear. Hang in there, keep the faith, the wave of opportunities is about to wash up on your shore, if it has not already. If it has arrived already know, that it is action time. It is time to take charge of the situation, it is time to not wait around anymore, it is time to not sit around anymore. Not wasting time it feels important right now, to use your time wisely - including taking charge of the situation in taking time for yourself. Have you been taking enough time for yourself lately? Love xxx Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness. Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE. I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #3: ‘Work Your Magic.’ - St. Germain
I am wondering if you have been doubting your power lately? I am wondering if you have been doubting your abilities lately? I am wondering if you've been doubting your intuition lately? I am wondering if you feel like you made a choice and now you are wondering if you made the right choice? I am here to let you know that St. Germain has come to you today to let you know that you have made the right choice. ‘Work Your Magic’ is no time to doubt your magic - now it is time to work it. I am getting the message strongly for you there is something about a shop, I know it sounds like a strange message - a shop, a building, or some kind of structure that houses your gifts talents, skills and abilities. Have you been thinking about a a space perhaps it is a living space where you can work from home, or perhaps it is a building where you can hold retreats or sell your products or - is it something like this? What is it that has been dropping into your mind, into your awareness of late? I feel like you have been getting a lot of ideas around the next steps in your Life Purpose, Business, Career, the next step in the evolution of your Life Purpose. Perhaps it is an online building rather than a physical building? However there is something about a container whether it's a physical building or an online building a space where you can ‘Work Your Magic’, as you can do what you are born to do. Perhaps that's even setting up an office space a dedicated office space that you can practice your gifts, skills, talents and abilities and take it to the next level/step. There is a lot of purple and magenta pink on this card. I feel like the ideas that you have been getting are coming straight from Source in regards to the physical or online building, it feels like there is expansion in some way shape or form. Also has this been on your mind for some time? I am also getting the message for you, that it is time. Yes, it is correct - ‘Work Your Magic’ - do not doubt it at this time. The pink on this card relates to your Ear Chakras, the Ear Chakras are about coming into balance. In your life, in your physical body, they are about grounding. The Heart Chakra and the Base Chakra are very interconnected and this is about grounding your magic, grounding your ideas into reality. So, where is that online or physical building or space in your house you can practice? What is the dedicated space, that is calling you to work your magic today? Love xxx Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness. Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE. I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #4: ‘Choose Peace.’ - Paramahansa Yogananda
Choose Peace. I also started laughing when I saw this card. Are you needing more fun enjoyment and laughter in your life or is that how you been feeling lately? With a lot of joy, a lot of Peace, things unfolding as you expected, as you planned, going better than expected? I feel like there is a solid path that has opened up to you, that has become clear, that fuels a lot of peace. I am also getting the message about a decision - and your answer lays in which feels more peaceful? I am also getting the message in this card about boundaries where are you needing to set more boundaries, that enable you to feel more Peace in your life? Is it for a more dedicated self-care routine, has that dropped off? Is it about ceasing communication with someone who continues to bring you down? Is it boundaries around certain ways of thinking and needing to train your brain in certain ways that keep you positive? I am also getting the message about a mirror, I know it sounds strange however, is it that you need to do mirror work and indulge yourself in loving self-care to learn to love your body and your reflection? Do you even stop to look in the mirror or are you in a rush most of the time? Or is the mirror the reflection of who is triggering you right now, that needs to be integrated and is calling your attention? Either way this is going to bring you more Peace. Have you been wondering about what your next steps are? The answer lays in which road leads me to more Peace? Which boundaries do you need to put in place that lead you to more Peace? I feel that also with this card is a sense of discipline. I feel for you at this time a dedicated, committed boundary that creates more Peace is important to implement on a daily, weekly, monthly basis - on a consistent basis. The discipline and commitment at this time is going to support you to feel more Peace. However it is the discipline of the practice that is required of you at this time. It might be hard for you to commit to this, however, this is the answer to what you have been questioning recently. What committed routines can you commit to? That will enable you to feel more Peace over a longer period of time? Where do you need to say no, so that you can say yes? You know what this is for you, it's not time to put this off anymore. I feel like you've already started it slightly, and this is your card to continue on this path. With strong boundaries, with a disciplined practice, knowing what is right for you and choosing you, equates to choosing Peace. But you know this right? When you stay committed to your boundaries and your discipline practices, they bring you Peace, yes? Love xxx Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness. Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE. I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #5: ‘Open Your Heart to Love.’ - Jesus
The answer lays in your heart. It feels like you have been going back and forth back and forth back and forth, in your mind over and over and over and over again, about all the different scenarios that could've played out, that why did you do this, 'I should've done that,’ - you’ve gone back again back again….Exhausting! The reason that you’re finding it so hard right now is because you are in your mind. The onset lays in your heart. Before you are able to think about it, what was the answer? You already knew, maybe it was a big yes! It was this, it is yes! However, then your mind stepped in, and now you have been doubting and questioning and tiring yourself out in your mind back and forth - just stop! The answer lays in your heart, ‘Open Your Heart to Love.’. There is a Lion on this card, and I feel this is about you having the courage, to follow your heart without questioning how, why, or all the other things that your mind is trying to talk your heart out of, the truth is that it already knows. Did you turn your back on somebody or did somebody turn their back on you? The answer lays in your heart. The Lion is asking you to have courage to trust your heart even when you can't see the outcome right now. Whether it is making a decision about your relationship, career, or house move, you know in your heart that the answer, is the Lion is asking you to have the courage to trust it, to trust your heart on this one. Jesus has showed up for you to have the faith to open your heart and fully live there, for every other time you haven't stayed in your heart. Ouch. Little bit of a sting there? Because there is truth in it right? It's just what happens, you jump back into your mind and all the what if's buts maybe's how’s getting the way that made you close your heart again right? It's important at this time to continue to trust your heart - it feels like you are being guided by many Ascended Masters, Animal Spirit Guides, you have been feeling Spirit quite closely lately right? Trust where you are being called to go now more than ever. If there is a situation at hand that you are unsure of the answer lays in your heart. Listen to your heart at this time not your mind. Leave the what if's the hows, the buts, the maybes - leave them up to Jesus, leave them up to God. Now is the time to stay in your heart. What can you do to bring yourself back to your heart right now, perhaps it's having a cry, perhaps it's remembering how it was before, perhaps it's doing something you love, perhaps - what is that for you? Stay in your heart the answer lays here. Love xxx Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness. Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE. I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator
Card #6: ‘Peace Offering.’ - White Buffalo Calf Woman
There are two Peace cards in Tuesday Tarot today. The White Buffalo Calf Woman has come with a ‘Peace Offering.’ today. Where are you needing to forgive? Where are you needing to let go of thinking that a situation needed to be different than what it was? Can you just let it go? Was it even any of your business? Also have you seen any White Animals recently? Or what do White Animals or a particular what animal mean to you? Regardless the message is clear bring Peace to the situation. Whatever is irritating, whatever is unsettling you, it is up to you now to find Peace within the situation again. White Animals are a symbol of Peace and New Beginnings. They are very auspicious bringing and heralding a new era. What is the new era for you? Is there something or someone that you are needing to move on from? Or have you just done that? There is a strong message about letting go of something with this card. I feel that there has been grey stormy clouds around you recently, perhaps even quite literally, that could be cleansing your path, seeding the New Earth or it may have been a rough time for you lately. Regardless White Buffalo Calf Woman has come to you today to remind you to let go of the hurt, let go of the suffering, let go of the pain, let go of whatever it is that you needing to let go of and return to Peace. Sometimes that requires us to feel the full range of emotions and motions. I feel that there are big changes coming for you. I feel that you might have already sensed this for yourself. The stormy clouds will soon disburse and the Sun will shine again. In the meantime, it is important to support yourself with people who understand you, people who get you, and people who are willing to support you through this time especially. I am also getting the sense about boundaries which is similar to the other Peace card as well in this reading today. Is there boundaries that you need to set? Something about a boundary line, did somebody cross a boundary with you? What is it about the ‘boundary’? There is a new horizon about to dawn for you heralding new big changes. 2022 will be bumpy, but rest assured the grey sky and stormy clouds will soon clear. Know that these changes that you are currently going through and are about to experience have a ‘Peace Offering’ undertone message for you. Know that everything is working out for your highest good, even if those stormy skies stay a bit longer. You will get through this, White Buffalo Calf Woman has come to remind you that these changes are bringing forth the pathway that you've been asking for to lead you to your ultimate heartfelt desires. Love xxx Okay, something shifted, thank goodness. I guess that is the power of keeping it real. Sure, there will always be more waves to ride, but that was a deep one. Part of my expansive growth that was already in motion before everything happened, was bringing more team members on board for Reality Awareness. Some of you might have 'met' Michael already, however, the part that brings sooo much contentment, fulfilment to my heart and Soul, is that to exponentially support you in accelerating your Life Purpose in 2022, there is now an element to Life Purpose Accelerator that was never there before - Branding and PR, that sets you up for LIFE. I am passionate about teaching you how to heal yourself and others so that you are not relying on Healers to heal you and support continual growth. The Branding and PR component that has been added to Life Purpose Accelerator, is the same - sets you up for LIFE. If you know this is what you've been waiting for, click here to book a call with Michael, for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/life-purpose-accelerator