🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th February 2023

free psychic reading tuesday tarot Feb 28, 2023

🔮 Reading Results are IN 🔮 for 28th February 2023

Scroll down to find what number you chose earlier today to see what messages are awaiting you there today from the Angel Therapy Oracle 🤍

You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated

Love, Hannah 
The Life Purpose Queen 👑

Card #1: Workshops & Seminars. “Attending and giving speeches is part of your spiritual path and purpose. Be open to teaching and learning.”

Well, this card is pretty self explanatory! Are you holding workshops and seminars? Do you organise them? Are you needing to? Is this part of your next step? Or expanding to take your workshops and seminars to other locations around the world? Or online in a different format to how you currently hold them? How are you being called to expand your voice in different ways to share your message with the world? I feel like you’ve been getting this nudge and I wonder if this is your ‘yes’ sign? I am also wondering if there is a workshop or seminar that has been on your mind to attend? if so, this is also your yes - not that you needed it, because it was something you wanted to do anyway and that? That is how you unfold the divine timing of your Life Purpose. That is how you’re in the right place at the right time - by following what you WANT to do. Now is not the time to think about things, now is the time to act upon things. Act first, think later. When you KNOW you have to do something, just do it. Thinking - overthinking or planning stuff out is a form of sabotage, especially when you’ve been thinking about it too long! OR you know that you’re just in fear but you KNOW you have to do this. OR if you have been feeling stuck or stagnant and need a ‘push’ - this, act without thinking - there is a time and a place for it. There is a time and a place for thinking about things, planning and doing things. Then, there is a time and a place where acting without thinking is in call - meaning - you ACTUALLY have been aligning and asking for this opportunity for a long LONG time and so when it is presented to you it is almost like you have to think about it to realise - OMG IT IS REAL, it’s finally happened and it is here, right? Yes.. soooo, about that opportunity that has arisen? Follow it. It is how dreams come true. It is how wishes are fulfilled. It is how destiny opens before you. It is what you’ve been asking for. Time to say YES. Life will move very fast from this, but… you LOVE the fire anyway. It is, after all, what you were born from. Love xxx You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #2: Archangel Michael. “You’re working very closely with this powerful Archangel, who’s protecting and guiding you through this situation.”

The very first thing that came to mind when I saw this card for you is, ‘Leave this unhealthy situation.’ - What has become stuck, stagnant and what are you needing to walk away from? Is it your thought patterns? Is it a home/environment situation? Is it a career path? And more importantly, where are you being guided to be? Where are you being guided to - not necessarily away from, but..towards? And, what is it about your voice you are needing to speak your truth? To align your way of living to a higher destiny that has been calling you and been on your mind for a while? And, most importantly, what needs to be done and completed ‘before’ you can? Not like x-y-z then I can, but sometimes… this is true. Because, right now? You’re in the middle of an important project right? And the completion of this project is in sight AND you can feel big changes already coming from this, but maybe you weren’t quite sure what exactly, but now you’re starting to get glimpses and it is exciting or maybe even more motivating to complete your project now and perhaps the ‘leave this unhealthy situation’ is the level of change coming to your life. Not that it has been unhealthy (or maybe it has!) but that also… it is just a change, a shift from your old life to your new and… I am hearing about honouring this transition phase for you right now. Honouring it, cherish this shift, because your new life is beginning and that, has been a long time coming. You are finding peace and happiness in your heart again and that.. is okay! Archangel Michael has worked alongside you for a long time, however, it feels that his presence has been strong lately for you, or that you are conscious of signs that you know he is around. I am also wondering if there is a house move on the horizon, or change of something going on in your residence or travel coming up for you? Trust what you’re guided to do and know that this change is being triggered by the next level, phase and conjoined partnership of your Life Purpose. Whether that is you and Spirit/Your Higher Self or with a divine union partnership. You will know in your heart, because you feel it. So, trust it and where it leads, it has been spurred on by your destiny and it is called divine timing, synchronistic flow and significant shifts in your reality all because - you’re right on path of your divine Life Purpose. But.. you already knew that :) Love xxx You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #3: Indigo. “The person you’re inquiring about is an Indigo, meaning, a highly sensitive natural-born leader.” 

And you’re here to guide them - or, is that you? Needing to step up to the next level of your Leadership position? It feels like you’re being guided to your next level - whether that is supporting someone who is a leader, or that you are a leader. Also, this card comes to remind you just how sensitive you are and that everything you’re sensing? Everything that you’re picking up? Is correct! Trust your intuition at this time, because it is right on point, leading you to exactly where you want to go. I am also getting the message of not telling anyone about it. In essence of, show them instead. This way you keep the energy of it building, which supports manifestation, which supports your energy and so you’re not leaking energy everywhere. If you have this incessant need to tell everyone every little detail, you are in essence leaking energy. If you are planning out how you will get rid of things or give everything away to this person and this cause and… stop! You are leaking energy everywhere! It is so important to catch these moments. There is an underlying piece here, where you are trying to get rid of everything that makes up - well - you! And there is nothing wrong with you, nor is there anything wrong with having a home of your own! Any pushing away of what you really want, is only a sabotage to accepting who you really are and allowing all to be as it is. I am not saying don’t change and don’t declutter when you need to. But watch the line of where it becomes obsession, because underneath you are pushing away parts of who you are, because you think you are not good enough and don’t want a ‘home’ environment because - well, as a kid, you never had one! Not a warm loving, accepting of you home anyway. Also, where are you needing to get away for a time? Day trips? Overnight stays? Longer getaways? You are highly sensitive individual and so are the ones closest to you. Be conscious of the energy in your environment and when you are needing an adventure to shift up and change the energy of where you are for a time. A short or long trip doesn’t matter, it is more about making it happen and doing it. It is about shifting up the energy for you, it is about changing your environment to get a change in perspective because let’s be real you’ve been stuck there for wwwaaayyyy too long and your Soul is craving new energy that will bring you a new lease on life, a new perspective and a new beginning. You’re ready for this. Love xxx You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #4: Singing and Dancing. “Express yourself and awaken your psychic senses through the magical power of music and movement.” 

It is time to move your body yo! Perhaps you already are! Perhaps this is confirmation for the big change in your physical health, wellness and body movement that you have been working quite consistently on or perhaps this is your sign in the physical world (tech world!) that you’ve already been getting the message of to start consistently moving your body. Perhaps you are needing to show the world how you dance! I am getting the message that this is a strong sign for you because you’ve been asking for the next step and that next step - comes through you moving your body - singing, dancing, moving! The answers will come through this. Perhaps you take the next step or two and in one of those sessions you have a life changing idea or opportunity ‘drop in your lap’. It feels like you love moving your body, but perhaps you haven’t been able to for a while but that is, coming back. I also feel that this energy shift is going to help manifest your desires into reality, it is your ‘how’ you’ve been looking for. Hmm, I am also getting the message of - who have you been judging lately? Who have you been judging that you have been ‘looking down upon’? Have you even asked them how they are feeling or you just think they are ‘fine’ or you’re judging them harshly for what they are or are not doing and yet, you haven’t given the time of day to go, ‘hey, are you okay?’ This is your wake up call to stop looking down on others and in essence - look back on yourself and what you are not paying attention to in your own life? It is very easy to judge someone else’s life in a negative way, gossip and bitch about them (even in your own head!) and yet, don’t even ask them if they are okay! How would you know what they are going through? And yet, it is simply a distraction to what you are ignoring in your own life, because that.. would change your entire life and that.. you are not ready for yet right? So, dance, sing, shift and move your body… but also, look to what you are not facing in your own life and perhaps the dancing and singing and body movement is going to shift that stagnant energy to face deep down, what you weren’t ready to face before? Because, it has been bubbling up, this next level right? Move the energy, get support for the big stuff and know.. you’re ready for this. Love xxx You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #5: Shield Yourself. “Protect yourself from harsh or fear-based energies by envisioning a cocoon of healing light surrounding you.” 

Honey, 99% of what you’re feeling is not yours! Shake it off! Clear your energy! Get out on the house. Stop what you’re doing and go and take a breather for yourself. It might initially feel more frustrating to have to stop or getting interrupted in the creative entrepreneurs flow - but - once you’re outta there, once you’re in a different environment, you will see that it is way better ‘out here’ and you’ll be glad you did it. Even though ‘you’re behind on your project’ at the end of the day, you’re the only one with your own schedule so, let it go. Your sanity right now is way more important and in the long run going to give you more energy and creative flow to get it done in effortless time. I am also wondering if you’re needing to channel your energy in a different way? Are you getting frustrated by something or that people are taking out of context of what you are trying to share/explain/teach or the like and are needing a different avenue to channel your message? I think you’ve already been getting this nudge and… the first part of changing your ‘channel’ is the hardest, but once you get going, you will get it done and that is important and I think you will shift a lot of energy once you do this, with this new direction momentum. The other message with this card is that people have been gossiping/talking about you and what you are picking up is correct - OR - it could just be that you’re sensing a lot of energy right now and it is sooo important to keep your energy and home clear and cleansed. For a time, increase your cleansing routines, for a time, sage more than you would, get better rest and bathe in a salt water bath or ocean if you can, as this is going to increase the strength of your aura which can ‘bounce’ energies off from you, rather than absorb them. It isn’t that they are gossiping about you on purpose - honey, they are sensing a change in you - because you’re… well, about to shift to your next level, about to have a break through right? That is when the most distractions come into to try and stop you - so don’t let them. Know that your focus is key right now, keep up your energy practises x 10, move your body and complete this baby because you’re sooo close and that, is when the biggest darkness and fears will try and tear you down… but you’re not going to let them are you? No, didn’t think so. Also, you may be challenged in your beliefs at this time, especially if you have reached a new level of your reality - don’t bite - just rise. Love xxx You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details: https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated


Card #6: Visualise Success. “See yourself doing well in this situation and have faith in a positive outcome.” 

Your manifesting skills right now? Not to be underestimated! And I mean, diligently using them - disciplined turning up right now - for example - your meditating/visualising practise - if you haven’t already committed to a routine of this - it’s been on your mind and this is your nudge or push off the edge - commit to this - from today! No matter how busy you are, no matter how tired you are, this feels sooo important for you at this time, because things? your reality? What you’re thinking about? The energies surrounding you and your life? ARE ACCENTUATED and are falling in your favour. It is like all the ‘bad karma’ and stuff you’ve been through these last few years? Things are turning around. It is your turn to receive and the energies are favouring this - but your dedicated visualising/meditating routine - is what is calling you forth right now - this is going to propel you to what it is you’re meant to experience at this time. I can’t get this strong message across enough for you - the energies are ripe to support you - but you have to be working them baby! There is a difference between forcing and pushing something, to accentuating what is already there and available for you to tap into and the latter is what is calling you forth at this time. Whatever you are wanting to achieve, attract, experience, take divinely guided action where called to of course, however, visualise it. I am not just talking about when you’re sitting on your mat meditating visualising and aligning to this reality. I am talking about the day to day moments, the every inhale and every exhale that you’re taking. I am talking about the way that you hold yourself in your day to day reality, the way you are constantly thinking about life in general - would that future version of you be thinking that way? Talking that way? Feeling that way? How would you be living, thinking, breathing, eating - being - in daily life? So, hold that version of you now. Not just on your meditation mat, not just when you create time for it - but all the time. Sure, a disciplined practise gives you the fuel and training to ‘hold it’ during the day, it also trains you of ‘how to be’ during your day 100%! So, this card could be coming to you, to get you into a disciplined routine of your meditation/visualising practise and/or increasing that for your day to day moments and/or this is confirmation of what you are already doing. Regardless, the energy is ripe for you right now - so use it - create with it, because it’s your time - to literally pull into your reality - whatever you want right now. And remember, what you want, is THE alignment of your Purpose. It leads you there. It is it. Let your imagination take the reigns, because anything is possible for you right now. Love xxx You are different. You do whatever it takes. You are skilled. You are talented. You are... not like the others. You have felt on your own most of your life, but you know that you are here... to do not normal things, so OF COURSE you are different..... and you're just starting to accept that. To come into the POWER of that. To own who the fuck you are and some and you're also? Ready to break through that glass ceiling and step into the vortex you KNOW is your next level. DEDICATED is on Her final days, click here for all the details:  https://www.realityawareness.com/dedicated